Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Apr 1912, p. 5

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Don'1P egle me agreat aa: W&can show you to take the proper are of your ,eyes, 4id, can ft iyou. with Uý6LAb' Et Ito-ut your part icular. requiremeruts. The cid - -Z olks are sure to need C lasse ~ and if y'ou are- wîse you will take pain.s f6 tfind out whether or flot the children's eyes *needattention.- eeatoes , Mlr. Oeorge'ýwshl ulg tvo,.îacred ioloeaIt the-lirât recital, on, Mondai ez.Alilwelco4ie., 811i- jver colection. 4t t -inl reportedti Iat Ma4ar Sharpe, ýàà-aibxltist eVo-recoue ive e,_ppoiût,- ment O a! deo ieCouniy of 0a- litte Waria, inVthe Placè* o!Vihelate Ju4pg MoCrimmôn. Tille vii necoiimltte taken his resîgnatioln as -member o! Parlia- M ay mieM, and a bye-eiection in Nort>h on-. j I -I i I -I -lon vere the"minunelùsIinverte w anribrg~d BraUVMd. 'Tlie ,G.'P. tom on Silo 2t4i disitrict t;ack nim in- diana. Inideatally, t his là taie fMt important exampie ef automaVlcbloçk, sigaullins te be înatalled by a Cnad- or tram ahi points i n ad.GooI} >- JWîCIhEhs g.50g, April 4, 6 , 7-'and. 8J>i, 4Qoad Vo rofi.thi nt !April lOtil at THE TAB3ERMAêLE.-ý ulablirt.., Secure , tuasandtilah o 'gSunday, Apxil. lVh.- sou. <opposite Standard BaÏl), 1t hit- Eveing service,, 7loirck b>'. Aiso Cileap -hà-si>tickets SaiatlSclol pm a&U North-West; points.;'Thraukh Vouf neh. actricesaii tougil ýon SUD"Iy t5 sicepers- via .Chicago ta Etximnon- ïwilibc especilfly sulteti ta, the Esater ton, Alta., 1 and lîtermedlate p oints,. tjme,-anti tue cliurch viii b. bdigit- 'Tvng(oronto 10.30, -Tueada>' netl!, 1eui-Odwlth Ioes April-Ind. Stephenson ikts Mornlng stubject-'1Result a! Scel- eq tiltaugh fram Witb-r vilkail routes lg" aanyviere, everywilcre. Sec or writè!e eigsubîect-",The -Great Cani- hlm before travoeling. -Bu>' your To- meer"y routa,' Riverdale anti all local tickets Coc atrmsc1e at 1 hs -offce. . Sie is-otiler adv-V . I ioceEse mscwil bae leB- bïy tue choir. InVile rmornhgaslo -Vilapapr.itou viii be given b>' Mri.,A-W. Jackl- 0 son ;-andlanVthe evenlng tfierevii lie4 SALE REGIS'PER.1j a solo by Whithy's boy singer, Mater, rueSd.ay tnd Wednesday, April lotil George Brauton. Lt everyoe.e came t aid l7til.4Etensivc sale lo! fans aîta praise ami worsilip 'our Risen fatin stock, farm Producei implements Lord. *nd ilousehold furnnturo, the propeit Yeu ilave -a standing invitation Vo beionging te tile - estate - a! TwOçÃ"10 the prayer meetingon Thursday cvi- Bras., . sutil hallf o iota 29 ta 3 in ing. Evetryene welcome Vo Vile LeagU Vil 3ti onessono! il 'Pvnhipa!on Monday. evening, Apnil 8- We de- Whiltby. Sale 4te commience aàt lerutre ta patronize eu t têw band caS-V n'~n,.c mmÂ' imhn ,,.qrn.1r. crt un Tuesday èveng.' The ballot1 -~ ~""' ~ ' or ChurcliJUnionBcloes on Sundy.ewat.ire -mrtn-Sertour.t 100 per cent. pure BAPTIST CHURCUi. Speint covers- 400 to 450 square - £eet .lh ofm . a surface- per galolon coati. Priii- Sp. a ater ioes7t. $ M N i ao ê i gle's Hardware store.- Monig service, Il 0,'cloclc. Sut>- EÂS IEiIiUOtt. I- ~ject-" One Lesson on the Resurrec- Plrof. John Duxbury,, the great re- tica Mor." EBaste citer, of Manchester, En gland,. sailed Evening Service, 7 O'Clack. Esate eUt of jewier- Optician i lrom Liverpool, on Marcil 301h for Choral- Service. dar- , w ÂmerliHe wilfl iake au extended 1 Anthern-"Cilrist is Rise." Sit Z wa*. toutr0on tufs continent, and as ile is 2. Anthiem-lîO Dawa SoFait." Se Wh* ty - iirtaio bokTed to appar Toronto, it is 3. Anthem-*Just as » Â.'\ ad vi lioped that lei ay a inbe prevailedJ 4. Cornet; 4l'~CalY 'j"Es .vi * W upon to corne to Whitby. Evýans. ry ...4... I5. So1o-"Tile Havny an, s ia Maid wanted. Apply te Mrs.Det-- Dr. bber n~wm1 W . C. T. Ue McGilivray. Pole-etP sk-E" au . Gào A .7.1 SoIo-TlNazerene,*" MieL. Interpi A WÉAK CHESTED R~OY. Evans. Thi ~4bW94MY boy Frank coemel.wak-chest- Tilese, together witz congregatioeial lo ase f ed id ooka vry evee cîdsunglng, and a short addtes on "Rea- Matil wtitee MA~. D, Stevens, Nijnga, lMen. .urrectin"by Vthe pastar, viii Mau eAnté, j Local ippenia r fgi ' "Tii many miedicines- u.ed dld notup a beautilul and Mos appropriate Te D i 1 seem. ta henefit hlm, luntil we 1' ted Easter service. .. Jubi] Dr. Chàse!s. 'f0 Laee u Corne with us and give tilsnkful -Anti Turpentine and founid It to bc exactîy worewhip to the Rssurrected Christ. . mong NewEtterTis a W G.Water'Wviat was wanted to =ureI}m I No - - 1ý1w oitr ie etW.G.Wa1erlýtrafinent is so thorough aite*eOctlve JVillinerv Openings.,, Ege do ie u tri ~Ce.as a cure for croupand Ironttlhtis MISE SOT d mnjug quickly adeconom- op loe.Frmi y(i.M i BAND CONCERT. The Misses -Scott held a very suc- Redeer 'Piler concert fo be given- next Tues- cessful oelinglast Thursday, and the Holy 4*s tii.' Gaverliment bua purcldgdy evening by the 34th Regimental ladies wilo look advantage ofthtae oc- tered tilS farm of C. D. Cameron, every- Band will be a gaod one. lài addition calio visited tlieir store lvîth mucil moral thlg mut 1"ho moitibiis sale lou the Vo Vle rnusic Ã"f Sthe Bandi there will t>e appreciation of the new styles. Tiley Thie 1lUth.t April. c ellections from Ca11eriey's Orchestra were prepared for a good business, preaci and tram Mt. Eddie, Piggott, thle en- and realized it in the large number of seilvla tertainer, who is a whoie concert in58sales The shapes are botil large Mud ý1&ve yau ried tbe Durby shSo, the hîmeelf. ýThe hall shou1d be crowded smal; the large hat witi flat trlm- molt perfect andi up-to>-date Éoniti- ta encourage tile Band. c rntusnl ii ats mW§ iaes on Vii. marilet. Poo l lo1- poile bonnet are among Vthe desy ami Leggiing Co. FOR SA LE. silapes. The Saler, Derby andi bats Tharughbed Wite egho naiof ramie braid were for general util- Ibo1 Nov stocki Ladis' Mal'sand White Wyandott eggs for sètting. A iy h oosaeSmvltbilt Ciludten's Pen-Angle Houe ut W. G. setting o! 15. $1. E. L.SE MI ,ertsssG-urlprno, >uk Watea' .Wh(Vb3T, Ont. cerise, poppy roti and altan sud cap- Sign jper tinte are amoug thie neweat miades. Flowers are, favoreti as trimningu Ttie regulat meeting of W.C.T.U.wifl New stock Watsn' Underwear atSaears tutaatesav.gf b- ileld at Vil.home of! MiessHarper, W. G. Walters'. Sil a e ou wou aotuelspe ai t- Wednsday aftrnoo1 Apil ltil~new O>f ume to rise, ýwhile athers are af Most. 'Pl aS 3 a'ciock A speciai iiEater pro- NEAT REPAIRING-Tlfe nwRn gram wvil be giron. Thie ladies of tile ey machine works likesa cilarni. Old impossible siladings. Clitngestie 1Vsl -by, C tüwn-ar làly ivitd tbe res cho mae lke ew t MW_ ollns'feta and lace are, greatiy useti. One .Wednl et. ca&orliyinle a opo-sh se . advik ew iMW <>rIs>y hantisome liat was a large bîk Cay, cash stre.chip rolilig off Vile face, wiiil a cerise GraY straw band elgn it, and black and biladq 1 New Ta-pestry,-aid Plusil Rugs dir- TOWN SOLICGITOR DFNLES. ýcdrîue ospreys standing néar Vilefront Cl aet lrom thé ekiers in 'Glasigow, Tawn Sôlicitoiar tewl, whee.in- 1'finlsiedwitli black velvet.and - Jet rl1 ~calsz4. ria. -90 -ta 830 M W. tervewd as Vo tile corréc"~es or Otil- buckle. ~ôhrwsapiebme Wal6K~'. rwisef te statemeùt matie lu Couii- 1shape, roiling higi aI Vile baci faoed actila ......... cil. by iMr-L.F. Richardson tilat Vhle- wltil blackl relvet, and tile entire top noates i' husoan McMilian,-.f1Béaveérton, is Solicitor had tli him tilat thie Li- covered with pn fre-me-nots, 1and sente candidate for th Vile '-î>'exdaoY cf brary Board could noV coiiect a cenlt a il&hi standing- baw near the back 'l a P½l < e anadianu Lacrosso Associl.n from the Councit - gave, the statie pink andi biack- shot slk ribbon. Also - I. '-'ment an eémpilatic contradiction. Col. many ilandsume ilats witil willow Neetdeslhu la £ASTER Farewýeil saii that he had not"sid plumes were shown. $H0ES, Everyt4iing tie .-evest and anytlng Uxt could by any twist1 ASI Va ,tothe, minute la dmpeu. 10 per of the --imaginatien be construed , Int MISSES POWELL. gm.discount at W Coulina' cash tuUO1 a mcaning. On tile contrary lie atne iad toid Sil- Aldermnan thtteCun-1 The lrenme*flde h -- .cil iladn'.t, a leg ta stand on. teiided Vhe opening o! th ai.Meso>w- ThPie eewetlu Lad imssessud .4-, ell's millilnery parlote, le Uic best evi- And ,.ii4xnuBâot;- Siloessud Pump* ECZEMA A15 !M£ ~EVES. dence of te r scc b V ?e1. a Siloe Ce. "yd l kf mosroý ni t becomlng and stylisil e!nbthé "Mydauhte s~fe± frni nfli-titscouty, as forecasted for spring gX UOW]fg-to -tsi outiirecX or scaflet c yld i ce~o irh a n ad earI'y summer by !oreniast. Eut- ne eflr~ûa Buk's iloScioolwrites Mr. H. W. Lear, Pott Pianford hpus" is, ftL'Plechd t l bd . oen m Aeicndesigners. Aà-àà - Bosxd lias prohbiited Vie use o!f aid*efee gety h otrlu range of popular priced ilats . anlude là commos n-drlnklng cup in tile seop's.ee '-ntebilelp ber antiblackl andi white, wvile there isa-. ige A ed+.t recomme angec>! siladed strlwsand fatuy rib tr JÂP-A-LAC..Vaa!arin I sdr. ile bous. The art.istic coinýgining a1 taie mekes ~ ~ hX>k î~e ~ OinVlent- ,whici_ýl.mdea tcofileenwsaespaue oiechrugkt Easy ta appiy .. 9rosale e. g dit. Wiil. a.-<4ru1l4eat J yau thi î~t.er" J-- - rite ëff -cts; Vile tendencyr ln l4ilore bats I * lUes. - - is VÃ"wtrd simpler styles. - Moôdeatlon twS ____________ -. lethe kpy-note. In. Vile, sire of the 4OR. ____________________ at ilee Inadistfincti 1e.baVure for01 - gmaaera1y speaking haVe are 'large =4d hall. îFlowerir viiilie jani poratô YX ou E st r H -f b n featureo!fVthe mllhery tis, oeaoe.. nu» Roses , hargtanti smal, .ôIa.crovis, Li" - -' . - - -à _ 1 . 1 _ l 0 tor ýtbe pûtlyr or Il atiniLb oopdf!eiîaw -tteàded *0s t Le' celèraIJin o -ai «s ford pure wool USaDaty Yotu &-théou to ourPrend i andikali, Theýr dilwant il urable rc t - ooirk 'nais, PIIeNES? 4 Ail Ord.ra Iu~iv. ?bomv A~aîis - -I - me0. -k ali cted- res-- rect the ods o Mr. . MA4 JLge. ~ U110 . i î' T 'JIOM) W 'wLrMuas--part- au ue L- o'- Z W. ~ *m &was ver style, g; Dd t uýe haine, a!, Mr. W.- J. Wiitby and' butteà id a uüed&s lf UYfLr I oliovwa: ýont esutil by thie &W, WW suebrroniron, a1sit1o1ce-lB .an-tford. Priigle$a Vacuum carpet dlem-ao;l VEatWtisWtm Why not attend t hofin , pa ýay. Delvered ai:ca- ut. afCGcare Steet ç an tVi.Nor*a n.ehv by thieoutilenu lttpi 'tae rigit ofat oq wýhilè- euxs havetyu r o va>' a! Vle Grand iank Rai*ey a!mlmarendce Cwanaaof ile Wemt by k RM*a o an. our heaithl !S, ba periox qua4t. e LOCt OTIO. Imit of Henry' StrÈet ; the sait lani £#I od, Rnbber ii wltbam« ,-bit meeting viii be ibid l il e .bdDg required by:-1Vthe (.OvOrme8t'0 oftt he W r» J Chamber an Mo'nda>' eveaing Vthe Province o! Ontario as' a portion **CO h etrbo eat 8 'o'clock, fer,,tie purpose a-oVil, site for a -iprosed,fi sial W av enie , roafi g ce the . .aik - cussing Vilhe ad .visability or otir for Vhe Insan anti- a plan auid- de- And; Brantford C tg of bjii>ging. an a local option scriptiaio! of euhci th! Viend parcls Balrgain in a Scwing ar noaitolmg- ig lu ilitby tlis year. Al lu- ai laid have been depoattodnti he .- 'M"achine t ctcJy t-a 1it mt. Id are lnylted. Reglstry Officee!or Vile Cnt>'o! On- Vtaria an tile-19Vh day a! February, ncw, uséd- but- very ford Mohiawk le . TENDERS WANTED. 192 usun oVlepoiioso itle for àý few months. - roig a.Cl rmt ers vin ho reMed ai t taie f~~~Wak or tmples, priccandM-i a Clerk's office, Witby, Up Vo AtTK OIE ia-ee> er ting fet rd y-~ Aril til, or SREETperso an ing aiy ciaim- o! compensa- p@v RINGforVil sauon i 111 ian by reason o! sucli expropriation-bo ho upp>' ate !o ars tt>.mutt f'itheileame iu taie office of the unillged vithihn six -moitis a!fil d. Appi' ta Tom dem._. l yb ebea>' <j) JIJ-j 'eK .JAM ES M.Wý COLLINS-, 'Pofrua rM 2tldya ~t~-, -~3IIgAo ChhlnnaIV. 7 L DstM A t-eilto tbs l2t da of3Whitg el- J0we. »1. AU, 3TER SUNDAY AT' ALLý Minister o! Publie Works._____ er smudy--tIieQueen or eshi- -R ALS TE Festivea' lu Vie Cilur3h Caln _________ vI oduly abserred InliAiU 'euclon Sunay nezt. [I le "ug b>' tue Vested Chair, r11 b~ sssttib>'Mo. . : d 0 Caîbarne &Green Sis Ta~uê.Ut.~> ~'uj rck boume on.atonte toua--a ho ~~ rab Neat -el uw àtoedagacaurQom, th'-acsei- O rS rn tc o o pe 1 oe r hecrateto c$&,goniaîeti on rg ee ryntaA"eu, We have a fùIlfine. of M en'sW . Ir e e r ý 0 r s a r e , u n e .b o s ff s n d g r i l iu m , b e P " 'a t c a r - . , , jn, .i d - e ' ' s fi e , i n . h ' i o o e musical portion of the seviceS nage hanse, large corner lot, beantiful m nsa i î fe-ncneaygoa roiaws: lawn, silade trees, sme fruit, termi. o h ey aetdsg n ut il a-.. Dundas St., double brickoftevr a s'dsîn. eiflChtlst Our 'Passaver." 'ir0j iluse on stane fouadation. iem-Arsraig.twelve rooms %bath and closet, cell*t; A cail1, sohicited. late- full mime, hoat air ileatiag, large verandih hemn-"-Wily Sesil Ye the Lîviog beautiful p.eunds, lot three acres, îr- A pl!easure to show goodi., 9 Vue,,deat."l Soprano sala b>' ciard, garden, outilouaca, silade treci, W. T.1 Gra:y-(s.c. Cook). fine home, termu, gooti buy. -o n-sang, 7 p.hz..nByonand Mary &te., mold mlflcaV-(Beeilor$40)0 -"'- rick detacheti, on corner I>mDmltts-(Barnaby). lot, 8 roomu, b-il and claset, open M I ýrà1o abho-«"i Know That MT plumbiag, ihot water ileating, uardwod &I y Communion viii ho admiW shingle roof, -cellur full aise, divided. s a-t tic 8 u.m., -aid atter taie Owner going west. Termes. tet hty la ~In 'evc.0 ~ Byron and Caîbarne Sta., _________________________ nectar, Rer. R. W. Allai, viii 1'-40 -said brick, tietached, se, i 'aS botil mornlng and erenug rooms, bath and closet, open-plumbing, hot air heating, large cellar, beautifu1'l8 9 - grounds, hall acre lot, fruit. Cheapu ia - à1 oate Il A£llo l p Byron St., brick bouse, 1A &2500 stone foundation, eigili - JUST RECEIVED 0A TO1 aoma, large- cellar, furnace, electric Par lafaits sd Clien. ighted, double lot, good gardes, apple1 cariosti xxx Graulatoti Sugar. ~~~ind ~ ~ B Yk aaMwpDigt cherry, and pear ýtree@, owner - learing icro ido at ietadprs i aewrdcpudc a e ars~80 threen8o -~ St., detached,' large and. table use, erdiaary foi general use, and- No. i ceame clama lt fera@* a* tatre f uebat mdforpakiu pak.stables, ernum, nicely decoateti, y car choice wIite petas.... muitable for meed and for table use. DIVSIO CORT.30o ther prepertiem ta, choose frein. A suppiy of local growa eloer and Tiuaetiy smed.Ths*S" o are frai fil cas -'o! Gray' rs. T'Pofu e Wi-h g 'IfU mnau ?foied calied lu Vile Division Court 00nD. W ATSON EGAFI 0W. pay iligleai price in cash for choice youag, fat cattie, lamils aid Voal miv.. esta>' vpa d ei1o r arRom , înonBuldng We Bell the choicqus higil grade Manitoba patent tours, -s*ch as 5aoum md who pperedfor ra>, sisITORONTO Quàker. Our pasÃŽt.> brandi are particular>' cheice fer pieu and ocios. r Tte t at Mr. RpblnGtte Aeud 5 edvised hlm to drap Vthe case. Phones Adelade625 viij vs. Hal.tV, atijouneti ai-Not564lc tlMes,ýw va amadroppeti. Eves'ythi la I.Real Estato. Od!ilow vs. C.A. Butas,.vus"sun M ta secover on -tva przoMOTW B yO N L - JugetWt 9çfor the,- Spray, Yollr Troces W TB ONTARIO,- 'Po ensure a souni eropei9 trat il la neceusat>' uow te spray tile Itou - VflhlD~CI~ n Vhe emrly aporna. iREX SRY t' r -i'

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