Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Apr 1912, p. 3

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luie neicent,. tloughý.ihrdusgh no 'aUhmarneS, 1-a. -Ult-c! its own' Tfra;was hsck iii' 1t'aly ha. been fortu'n" S190.5, ana lu was tise irst grave acci-, submarin.s,' a tIerÈ Ls ýdent on aceounti of aneiplosion o! onse dieasr,.'and tbat'I gasoline fumes., It was Cun ýA5 ]DethVie i9Ã"9.ý which coost eighrb i r-British ?Xavy. The littIe. boutmhàd accident wes attributed tc 'bben taking gaslineboard,ý. stow- 'n'os al9sse, - At that time ing it lu thse tanks, frem the -Haz Wall badly damaged by au ard,- preliminary to a 'epecial rui? !-If cîn fumes. 'The. NearWy two heurs atter tise work of Sel wai% lyýii n -tise Boy "elling'-.the» tanks, ssae done, sud, and ber crew' was engage ' *Iile. thse crew wuas. caring- the pieting t replenishmeni Suanhnnennun fra . ris, fnl erUnüV .Pat,'l -funs A VIOLENT EXPLOSION '#oh plce, withinthe bout. Th'e explosion led toc>the death ofet six' nsa~. Bcause t tstrong smeli' -et etrol stili luntli boat, soe >v hm'en tlio 'ght Ï4caliest way te 'elear ber out was te atari tise-en-i glixes andi ihus ' creute a stryng drêughst. To' stuit'tise engiues tise' electric, motor was' set ilu moýtionR, and tiese parkiug b rushses o! thse lut-', ter gnietitise Idun osmixture cfý air anti gasolilue fms t tii é"the submarine isad about den ta s of!gesoline in 4bei' fuel tanks, 'aý tise vessel was, pradically on firé ifiside. Yet to'mess efthtiseRHz-, rdscrèw ' -prompti>svelunteereti for. 'rescue service, ins imminent peril et deatis, anti,,by tiseir iseric'prompt- 'ne9a broughbt eut o! Uicsubmariue,.- 'tise' on s'stilIlu b'fer- ad ntiuâbie i help tisquiselve. -Britisis submarines belonglng te the'A clas*3.hà,ve bee'n siugulurly un--~ fortunate Tise firat accident te a > wikCastile.-sank suisarne i off 'eleven 2-men were lest su tiua coéôIl.- ' --sien. - Th-èn came tise A5 disaster iu- Queenst-iwn Harbor, lu"Fcbruary, '1905, lu' wbiei six m'en were kilieti -and twelve-injtired;- four- mon'ths late. flteen lilvs were lest luntise Englisiïs ubmas'ine -A8., off' Ply' 'mouth, a"ter a -gasline explo'sion. The vessel was situis off Vthe break- water f t thoLt place. Ail tise men 'were- suppose t tehave. been ai once tirewnei,- but subsequeutly succeed- -cd lu signailissg' tisat tWfey were alive.. Tise uf ernoon et tishe acci-1 'denta iscavy explosion occurreti ^vrtise -position. wbere tise bout 'eank. Tise disuster ha'ppenetiwiie' -tise'ý A8 iwns proceeding t<>- sesa 'for/ pracil;ce, accom"papied by' another suismaine, anti a terpedo.bout. Iu Neovember, 1905, TRHB"I'HIRD ACCIDENT Steo a suismurine et tisat country took place,., wlien tise A4 sank'.tdiusing a ' manoeuvres ut Portsmoutis. Tise crew wam rescuei. lu Juneý 1907,1 - dlieutenant andti tir-ee men were - killet, by an eyplosîon et gasoline on tise suimarine C8. Twe yeara labter 'tise Cil wus munis by tise steamship Edtiystosse off Hlasbr- ongis Lightsisip, near Cromfer, Eug- baud. Thirteen member o! tise vea- - se's vrew went toe s 0eiouwt ber. A flotillu ofebt gs submarines. 'was proceetiig in a u~ubrydirc- l~a tion wlben tise Etidystone ran lu among tise vesseis anti collitied with Cil. The submariuewent tiewn im- metiiutely. Tise second accitieft te *tise AI occurretioff' Plyrnouthin l - Anguai, 1911, wisen -two officers aud -' five m?,. w.ere tiangèrouasly injumet - by an -explosion ot petrol. - ' Sisort'y aften tise first Britishs ~b- marine ýaccrident,' tise sufflan na.vy .waisa-vlsiteti by a dilsaster wien-tise idivýe-hast Delilu sanis ai ber mqor-' '~ ,insiiatise Neya, near Saint Petërs- bnrg. Tis accideue cost tise Rus- mains 24 lia-eu, Another accident ta, a- snbparine ai tisat country teok piaeaVas 39i, 1909, when ixe Karn- haawasunk in tise Bek, Sez dur- ing. manoeuvres. Thse submarine flotiii wias-eonducting. ; seriez et nigisi att*ks .ageînsti -abattlesiip squatrnu lunlng tise operations - tise Kamibaba unaccosuf7ahiy'ieftt ber coue,'anti swuug aëroýg ,tb ýe boira o!, battlesip. Tise. two cellideti, azti these maller bout sank immedi- - etely. Tise cificers anti eigisteen ruenoethtie -creW perisiset. Tise firht accident to a Frenchs bulbiisarine 'eccurre in lu ny,'195, w.hen tisedie-butFarftet -was' munk off Biz erta, 'Tunis. -anti fous'-ý tèéen', were sacrilfl"ced. A' ittie-moreý titan a year laVer the, Frenéh ]iiti.n gene clown, 'aud aixteen mess were - a be in, May, 1910, tise English 1 Frencis' aîsébmuî'ine Plu'vlose tire a miles off tise Freud i pat. TWENTY-SEVEN LIVES' - iere retit liis accident. Twê, ~J~ weekslaier Vthe l>oatirastoundi andi towed "aishoro. .The body 'côf t'isef - emsman iras, found ut- bs oai I ~ t~ê-sLeering teirer.Tbtrpdô f-r dllar'eo tse maket al e f Ie ex psin mn boe- e h-clbn àdery a enpaa nts ah'bo~ lite es thibterculmosi. p i cs àl (14 alo ueis assoue mlsI ýf cue, a lu yer et Np ~*mente ao) D Tuflerslice8 -forl a olr achl thetsmarket' *I vle .ofr.be ed l cer- ~atte-carilae pieseredsor ock- or-ti;, eulug cf tlare qisadiane et erday fom n peatin n te egbrauke s ý%dh-ofa leady Inerefti u nes hung etan wohe ersow ha- - f eà ras benauctai ontheaibana -takepace ýlitieves ed bytubreloie.ýu his çaq:(4 a alintag aneomig ureaiaal frnm altef1 mYatrciai. bt umaerýalu tstdlv -ed n co gratedýcÎýÏilàgè peseredf casves ore. te oany sarnithe but di it, o berdaysf-to an oeratcia Ù i-é:l enda -Iase, b*aveéidlssreasesdur Ithe falle lu anmanneu o e sponthe mes h o anothr persn. luneases n -' f a u trong lu couciud Pltat many ank socks re hepate»er- Loknd a, t ie mattileregfromanivet maet pint cf javie, ii fnieta uestion lu eer. in ts ueriIrti ohmites ointeùd eut tisat sfares lu it nw bai are no suiaybe-nvestocs ent for those epen Lou tis in eomete from anir lnvestt or oters - who cand aford to spe ow- late.hNewsbire d s i-nw havae seat somnetimes, old- cnes, too.c, ore to grief., and aven 'cf. tlseydo lot 'tbe are not wise lu -paying dividende nil they have * kslt up a reserve-and tuis la fot a mat-- * ter cf eue or'two reara. attiser. Se. the off erluga cf s3lxsreg in ne* oa ns ay veriy wlseIy'be 'ieft to the, rich man who, ean iaford flot osly to talc k itue but wait, for bis profit. 1,-a- < Tii. varlous- invesiment poinÏts ýo! bais -stocka will bé jaken' up Isýext week.) SOO1!ý, V EUTS :TtIE :CIsrehII'eMo -S upporte Dé- Manas oý lien.o. ais vie. Tise -.orkmen hâid only been ou îe scene a few- days wlsen a dis- LOND014 S8UFFRACOETTES ON TUE RÀ.KPAGE The *indow-asmashing Suffragette dernonstration on Oxfotd streeti' London, iàs accu by a representiqtive of the Illustrated London News,, about the boat and found their way intu the. supersi-ucture througb the'open' manholes on the deck. The 'gas gathe.red in the superstruc- ture space, and à, sp&xk from a' ci- garette oe f rom! the stackof a pass- ing ves3el- was ail that was needed 3V0 CAU SE THE EXPLOSION, japan, as well aS England, Ger- ma.ny and 'Frapce. bas ai rernark- able tale to telr of heroism sbowu by saii'ors in submarine accidents. On April 15" lilD, Lieutenant Tsu- toma Sakuma and fourteen sa,,iors smothered when iubmarine «No. 60 sank during manoeuvres in Riro- shirna"Bay, The ieutenant left aR record of the two hours and 40 minuîes alter hiis boat was. sunk, written while he was dying. It is urged that submarine navi- gation i9' atili in it3 infancy, ,amo4t unttied afLpd that W ith patience andi corne safer.,'if net_'more.<joy.abie, than aurfaee navigation-. Submat- ines are vastly miore*dangerouoi tý f rienids tha a «fe«s -aecording 'te the' records. .'kÈhey are*atili in' the class et sceientitific* toys with the records -'et 187 killèd-, besides many injured. Two 'îea ' g the British adir-i, aity a.dopted a diving dre7-s for Crews o!submarines to prevent bs of lite such- as toek place -on the A3.',_It inÉisted that .every. member of. the .C-re-w shoulti' be trained ,as a diver, andi shoulti have readily ac- cee&-ib!e with!ýn the isubm#arine a eïm- ~ple and'ea.iily donned dîiving dres. Ths ccusi ts of a life-saving helmet, and in th e eent of au accident, ,whe.re it is .d:ficéult teO bring the vea- sel tc- afford e&ch member -of th e a I11it reseert.1 âinli Br.;tis subuiartnatIe div-' Ang dreu lis. s toýWd ,a1way dacn to the ýtaitî t 'which cach; mhember eto the.Crew ià eCeupied, .,when the *csel lasubmergz-d. TUZE £CRIEF APPARATU$, which weU*ÉIs aixteen pounts, Coli- Bsets'i aà air-t--ght heimnet, çwhich 'exteýs teè" the wearer"s ghÃ"Ûuldeis an4 ,,which~ls entinuéd 'int,,ý asht jicket oftîstrong waterp'roof mate - î;l1. Witfh» the .elmpê la .i s netsàl "&LARKS" *1-XyTHE ABBEY. Au Incident o! tise Coroîîationu o! Ring George:-' ' The upbningiisg of tis-eroyal fazs-1 lly- et Engiauti bas bee.u <o wh4le-1 seme and unaffèctuti that the yeu's princes anti theirs' sster are tiser- oughly normal youngsters. Theiri beisavior during tise brilliaut and' pc-npous ces'emony et the corona'- tien gave tise nec-ded toucis et. h- nier anti naturalueEe Vo tise> cca- s'on. In Scribrier's Magazine Mrs. Mary-King Wadidington writes tisai tise younger broffhers, abserbet inl watcising tise Prlace ot Wales, in his unacculstonsed fluery, maki'ng obeisance Iotehie, King, lea aeti sefas' ont over tise etigé o! the royal boýx tisat tisey 'would have -failen te thse floor o!fVise abbey if tiseir aulits hâdt neQt .flrmly 'grasped tisem by thej.r ~When tise PrIncess Mary andti he Vhree boys pass.e t ieir oltier bý tiser on leaving Vise abbey, tise pri*n- cene tiroppet hlm a pretty litteo cous'tesy, ant i s twe next brotiseri, Alberti anti Henry, matie very. pro- pes' boWS. This mt onèé, insteati e! b.owiue, gave hlm a kick on tise shins. Ap", pareutry this was réseuteti as soean -sa théy leftitise Abbey, tor tome ý .pur tnients, wiso we're standing o' the 'pavement wiseu 'tise'- chidre , wiiis ne Vuior or geverneas, pus"elI iu tiseir carrnage, 'mid Visai ibes as afree figist going ou, Witýe kilcks anti cuffa, iliat tise Prines Mfary w-itis eue banud strying t Feparate tisee cmbatants anti witb lise ther soi nn'brronan tisat -thé te1iihted crowàa 'wasta1~ ïng out-, '!Goi, y'oung 'un! Go i I Givý it him!" Overi70OoO00ôpeuds t tesar expoôrtetantsually tram TIdia t4 tise United. Kingtiom. j '-Soe," sai het 'indulgent -father,6 "Young Mn., -Nervey wauts te' takç- yeni aWav from nie I "O? yesa, rep)liedt tiç 'ear -girl; "buth sayà lira. Cornisafis Ws. - pute arose as te tise empîcymeut ,of union anti non-union labor. Veryý seen ail t-be elemeuts of a strike were 'manifesi. Mrs. West titi net irait for tise couiructers to atijuzi the dispute. She eâme dem te tise grounds anti beaord tise workmen's -siery from tiseir own spokesen, witb tise resuit Visat sie insisted up- olq tise tull tratie unioý rate ot wages being pey to every mass cii- ployeti, irletiser laborer- or me-i cisanie. Tise conVnactes's peinteti oui te, ber tisai sucis a stipulat.ion iras net, embotiet inl, tise1 agreement anti tisut if they 'were force t ta y tise isigiser scule etfiruges iii would seri- oualy intertere wuts tieir fluancial eaiculations. She -replieti sie iras- net isterestet inl their caicuiatioua3 but if tisey did net cure aýbout tise job they coulti cleacr oui anti do as they pleuzed. 'II arn prepariug these grountis for my exhibiffon anti I do't want thesu te be a battieflelti for labos' disputes," iras, ber partîssg siset, as ase picketi up ber akinis anti hur- ried te ber aioùtobile.- Tbè con- tractera capitulateti on Vthe spot;. ACCORDING TO'HIS FOLLY. Joues came clown-.town tise _ober monning . uts a somemisai brvise4 anti siollen t'oreiseati.,,Hià -fr 'iandý 'Big-viewd e , s. qttîsiôe iwitis iutéreui, -and aske' - "dHo*w titi itliappen,' old nîi' ",CoIlidtwi itis tise at- rack Ilnnz nigisi." saitd Joues,-,sontly. "Aocdenaii 1"asketi Brigga. - "No, Briggsl" - eplieti Jouas; 11-èl . Ihave every reaaon.teo su spet tisatith attacked me pur- tuejCiothes don't naise Vise Peppery, , "butl many -of' yeu ,slf- maie, men looks-as if yen utaiselz miade the eleùthe1S." - Acee "rdiug te the scriptuies - In barmeny with' tii Oid -Téstament prephecies.. Tiseapestie undoubt- edly had in umimd ucispafisages' as Isaiah '53 and Psalm- 16. 10 , w'bih wyere interprete;d -bîý ' al et the apsties as ýreferring te -christ. [6' Hfe appearedi-Altogether ten diferènt post-resurrýection' &nSar- ances ef J'esus' are inentioned in'thie New Testament, net incluùding his appearance te Saul on tberoradi te Darnasous, andi these zmay, 'perliaps, lie regarded as selecteti instances O0fc a, stili larger number. -To Cephias-That is, Peter. This was tise third reeerded appearance,, tise ap pearance te Mary of Ma-- dais, andte other"'women wise had gene early-- to the -sepuicher 1preced-ý iug -the 'appearance *te Peter.- "7ýTo thé 'tweive-neally te6,tis cempany _of ten apesties, T.homas being absenit. Ajain wemueût ui-, s$rt -tise "ppeârance, -tofJeà.us' -te Cleepas aà-dàan o ther'disc iple o b roýadti teEmmaùs, whlch immiediate- ly. precedeti this first- appearance t 67. To aboyeéiv-hunidried-On a cûntain 'inu Galile,* We cannot ýw#tis ertsiinty determine the order liun whikh ail of the reêerded appear- lances'- took place. Clearly-"te ýapEMeetleis net; attémptisig eiither to give a complete. hat, or tise exact erder. If we eneavor td de "both wý -mue i nsert atter. tise firat ap- ~pearane te' ail'tise apostiez mon- tioiiedin--s verse 7; andti atr'itus tise appearauce' te James. Alisethe appearance te aemal' group et dis- ýciÏilea, inciuding Peter, on 'tse shbere ef, thse Sea ,of Galilere. -on wihoccasion ise requireti et Peter a, threefoîd assurance et loyalty and ove. Tise last appearance oft Jesus recorded lu tise Gospels la bis ap- peararce et Jesus recorded in tise .Gospels iu bis appearance te tise dijecffles at Jerusulem, from wlience se~ accompanie th iem te tise Mount: it Olives andth iere depart-ed trom- th.m, ascending into giery. Tc Tome also-The.apostle rjefera te 'his' experience on tise road te aucsaitishe time. et bis con- výesion., The list of pot-agcensloq revelationpetofChrist incluties two etîsrs, tisose, namely, to Stepisen atfthe tune et bis martyrdom, anti te Johin on tb'e lie oPatmos. e . Tise least o!-tise aposties-Tse mq st unwortliy and net meet te be culleti aucis. -Tise churcis et God-From a,per- secuteti company of trouble makers tise followers et Jesus isad risen in thse _etimatioss et this mass-until lhe recognizet inlutbem a compauy et true believers andtihie instrument in Goti's band for tise establisisment o! bis kingdom upon eurtis. iQ. I am wisat I am-i-Tisut is in, the. capacity of, an apo$atie. Paul attributes 'ha conversoù anti bis opportuniît' et service alike te tise grace of Geti. TUIRTI' CASES OF LIEPROSY. Reoam Freely lu thse Streets of Lon- don, England. Lepers are 'roaming tise sreets et Lo<ntioT and tise autisarities bave aakned to tise tact with' a, con- -Tise ,Medical Office.r. et thse Lon-; 'don couuty Coutncil kuows et about', thirty61ettiem, andi saye as leprcesy la not ipeludeti among tise compul- sery netifiable diseases 'tie patiènts eau move about 'as tisey please. Maisy imédicalrmen tieclare tisera. aire fa r more cases thasu this" r 1port sp aksefriits idrsae bro--spiral meieungîis aanda- ente i poleyi'ts, bave apparently coe te stay in'Er gland, aisd conEequent- fly must be retaiued on tise. notiflýfabieI 0!Prcbex.day-beauties Toron iy d lsdpoppontuulty te .lud idn,"' :boi ivinpr.incese Pi lulne4bra reminent arti tho ten lmeut.beaut1i' o -rlqtl dietsor ( er~4ly wýthI bar ihlyaalbri' b~d yalev' a e sa otqid ceuseo, mciç 100oOu m et, voir)# pnd i resuwau' <m As "qpt Vq[ in ab ou oveei« esý 'who a. iued K i Ktt 'erdo- n~t tard. aàril ts jaresfas'd, in R#oAb 'C o ldme STRISun i 1 IV-W, erssun - lAtrng lu tea tpi;ue we Ad ayl'u yrfzgpdth < sv hle, lq *eht. 1'T ciusrlli al-e' n'wsre i »apelsi Jsjianeq tpiattach) werld w lireanMay of lý lieo e e 010'1,ted t si aide q le, ie d'mite 'a go ylatlon aptish ri' is lu'n 'atraordiuay erospanit Peut de' e sud -tisera& Jeten, aises 1- 'ed eoded. pear growiun ublie cet.Istin ofi for eas, ë;. Iu a'taraunsd 810lobi ise pohIl t îof etisat t ise nlcbveu u'b emde n ne Prof, M ver eays ha himself heari i pfront cf 95Il, «amfa, J violent,'1 neage -,direeta t could h -à bad ne direct para ceuutry,j ai nd,'min à byvh lu lfi SQ7mSlNG UP COAL PRI Tisa ce 1i strika lu the. Uni*t mines t4'reatened for April fiud factonlas 1witb ecarcély,-an i haud, Aid a ahut-dowu of longi wilI meap tisaeloslug cf mauye mautu a, din cihsrdsbin lu cous Thera lli.afadi ta mucb of i talk 1u dvaiced by ceal owner aises' aide whi iwtb large stocke( see a c ance, of saliing tbair su -reatly ýadvesýced prices. Durluz .strike new crop of milliona inade imý uffalo suddseh ei entî moins, : utisai ncoaslen, bowive Tarculo dealors bad better au 1 baud th ,.tiser hava now, ~JORS ABOUT TITLEI Tisera lara alereadv. luIterestin, respecti tisa recipienia of bon'. fuue strîbutions cf titias. Ta promin ýptly mentfoued for k . are tbcs of lien. Wallaca ea forsuar 1 md. of the. Rupram Ms'. J. . Willisou. editar cfti New. add Canadian correspda London. Tiîmes. Botii ara diat1 speake'pý both baverandared tisa Dominion Gonvemnment, important ea. andf boul' are workiug bard centraltostlen of tise foverunn the Er4plre. Tiseir elevatien. i populur 'witha ieirlofi B.ýD COINS IN BÉIT, Hfa% frowns il, CireuIatiôy "QnlIy Experts Can DeOt Wh4îineXi yen corné te -iook t Vo yeîshait crowns. last. yar or-twa tise florin'o Iiug- flece bas been, tise:m< .p ect-et coin-uthe Bitisis ci Noiw ii la tise.-counterfeit bal 'ièh is la causimiw 'auxiety.- Loundôn letter.- How mauy b ,iuto iirculutîin ne ec Tisey must lýave beu'circubaî a augi urne,,Ior sss'ch clever are they cithVie genuine artit feu biî' experts can tellths Atlrt Vias tisought thii eus b'Irf cremu nwaa conflueti date. 11878, but thi& iz offciai trati4iet. 'An officiai ai tb atiràlttèti -ou' bieing 'presse tises're mauy hait fmirowne ii 'lution? j .inoûw bearing thý anti MitVictoiaon bead-. iarly éu 'jineot,'he.saiti CauEe ey hire, 'tise' appeïni havin- b'en in!circulation 'timse,. ICount erfeiten r bo 'se- m ueS lé but ex ert au 4et-ec' buùi*ios'k. - Yen canuet 1 caref4ül in examiulng youn torc 1 pessesson et a feus coin le. tise'leser 'te tie.'âmi rmn. A WHITE- MANSBNT -ro c Sanie 'time ugo a, womali 't aimoug taome witls a -ipitiful' to&ry.' 4,ï.s)eood said ibeisati become-telise yJ ler, nier, 'me' nkuown enemy- aud 'VI 9 ",M Obeheusdoctor isaàiset the il ras).ý 3ut upen her. 'Everywhere she edsed uba meoymis!fo'ktuue accompaniedi 'ler. a' baautys witih lhom she, came in c( r lOtion ,sisunneti ber, se tiat ase oul lu boes' tain no work o n tise lalanti an Leudén in, .danger .et *StaîMvng. A phew ol againast my ewnr judgmeast I ' ler, thinking ,-that penhapà iuanstise large'number' of quashesE îuaîlyý I ~emçpoyed, iu my filds aise a' wveekf% net be noticeti.- ltsraî Tisis moýrning I tifescovere pbeseriror, for'I wus waited upc>x dte l'a jdelegation' of my laborexs, wi -me stranrge stericeso! wisat 'w seeses ete >lses the the. eUni- ,rltlas os Bre là ne te causes, a preser t se rai eau, ha should o f the a., bv tisa ibe nlch, pmnhaps, loiurs- of iwopàpes,'- recently Jathedral egueust 'ers.,,js 1i lnl~ auce. CES. d Sitates Tiiront<, ck ou dssration seqssence ha stnike on tise ou aud.4 pnly et tisa lest 1res wao by thlà at ai a Igbthood9 'ut. xK.C., urt.-aud Toronto )t of tisa noguisbed p' rem'ent t .ervie- 1 Mr th. o.uld b. i'eus 1 Whieh uglanti or tise si sus- rrecy. te cro wn ave gai n tel. iug for copies le tisai 1to 'tise c' m int 1,thsat icircu- esrly ..barclîug -them.ý _"'The Stoiry eeefised preposàteràuà, but tise unnoyan-ce h'ad asèsuméd" :alarmin'g propoirtians, an'd tisey ho- lleved it ta be wisolly due ta 'thé isôodoaed'w'cmau wis'm- tbey hati discaveredti t be workiug beside "ý'Wi1tisa ýdesiîre te see for myseif' wlat condition my hauds were iu I mounteti my horse. uud rode'auroun4 tise flelis tryingte OALM THE BLiACKS,' wiso' isatistoppeti work anti were loiteringlu groupa on tise edge" of tisean ouetàlking over 'thsesituation. ýTh-s--éîrr!fur -'im1mhrýse sbied 'as a suaire sprang eut o! 'tise ýbrakes, anti twice ise prickë~d up bis eara -as a créature entirel~ unknown te me, but resembiing, an iguana, rau acroasMISbisptis. "Tisen, ýto my surprise, I 'wusbit on thse back by a aitone tisat rose directly troni amoug tise cane, - anti as it fgji te thegrounti I spra&ng off my -ihorse antiý pieketi it up.i It was a round rock, net indigenous tétiss cottry, ai as I raiset ilt seNerai, drops &-'sater exudi'1 f rom IV and, trickieti dewn my,,f:rpn'ra. 1 turneti it oves', sud or i',isicie wag a rudeý cross:-niado jya3psue. tcisalh&k ap- pareutly-btsrl -., co.4 dnùt- be çf taceti, eveiîs-eeP:eicu+.~ng" "Wisut <!AJyen doafter htvey prauit5cal -demoustrationil" askéd tise rlanteir'à teurist trieuti. '",'scsarged tise,* wonsan 1 ThereJ was ne iseip for i. I bati 'te getrny quasisees back 'into tise fieldi 'nd My cane cut. New ail1 la peace. The suakes anti insects have disuppeas'- çd.- My.,ban-da heapethVie mystia atones. u a pile uat.ene corner ef tise fili. tram -wse nce tiey have net jumeti I urnti nyattention te flnding tse Obeais doctor, wbo wae tie-ubileahititen scmewbere -in- tise brakes,- but tbat'wýasaa-ard thing -teo do '-isu sa growth- et-feollaga, and'I hid tl neh good luck.-' 1if only wekuewl If only for one~- day, wg ceultiha laf t ai borne. misa-i' atraan45mation there' "otild vbb! Statistics as Vo migi are nbt .camfhpuleti; buit, withoù't a toubt, tise wearrng o! tises. appendsgestta per7 sonsal- beauty le on this nerease. And as wigs.,become more' -and morel mernthe -pnice. (t>bstssan'- hAir meùue ztadi p urds' Natur'. ja -y -k t "-I

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