Wednesday, November 15, 1989 TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS No heavy duty campaign for Drug Awareness Week says counsellor So you use drugs. Is that good? Or is it bad? I don't know. For someone whio is not inter- ested in personal growth and emotional devclopment, and whose perception of life appears to bea steady progression from cradle to grave, il becomes a question of practicality. If drugs are scrcwing up your life and you can't quit, they are bad. If they are not screwing up your life and you can quit, they may be OK. The greatest danger from drugs is self-deception. You find yourself drawn into a world where you progressivcly rational- ize and justify your using behaviour and, without knowing it, lose your power of choice. Blowing thousands of dollars on exotic drugs that provide momentary euphoria seems a nat- ural thing to do. "Fronting" drugs from payday to payday becomes a normal way of life. Risking onc's freedom by dealing to support the habit becomes acceptable. Sticking a ' hypodermic into onc's arm becomes a symbol of status. The person who is hooked on drugs has lost his powcr to hon- estly assess the situation - he firmly believes he is in control. Are you hooked? I don't know. Only you can answer that. The following questions may help you decide. a. Is there a "Corvette up my nose?" How much moncy have I spent on drugs in recent months? b. Am I putting my whole life at risk by dealing to support my habit? c. Do I place my job at risk by taking drugs into the workplace? iene d. Have I done anything con- trary to my values to finance my drug habit? e. Do I spend a great deal of lime planning my next high? f. Do I hurt when I'm not using? g. Who, besides me, is being hurt by my using? h. Have I switched to alcohol to slow down on drugs (or vice versa)? If the above questions have made you wonder if you really are in conol, perhaps you would like to test yourself. Simply make up your mind to abstain from drugs and alcohol for a period of six months. If for any reason during that period you find yourself drinking or using, the chances are that drugs are controlling you. A group of young men and women, realizing that their drug use was out of control, sick and tired of being sick and tired, have banded together to support cach other in « drug-free lifestyle. No, !hey won't drag you in off the sircet, they won't preach, and you won't see full page ads in the Newspapers, They are not radical activists, nor do they judge anyone's behaviour. Quietly, slowly, they have begun to socialize and form a peer group. It has not been easy. It's been a tough struggle and a long time coming. Their philosophy is expressed in one of their slogans. "If: you-want. to use drugs - that's your business - If you want to stop that's our business." Narcotics Anonymous - People with the courage to change and the heart to help. YOUR FOREST... 222 YOUR RESPONSIBILITY 1.B.M. Bldg., 200 S. Syndicate Ave. Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 1C9 Bus. 1-623-1521 Res. 1-344-6403 Licensed with Mutual Life of Canada/ Mutual Investco Inc.", two of the Mutual Group. STEVE DAFOE Chartered Financial Planner Financial Pianning, GICs, Estate & Retirement Planning Personal & Business Life Insurance, Disability Income Protection RRSPs. Annuities, RRIFs, Employee Benefits, Investment Funds" R: | The Mutual Group i Facing Tomorrow Together > The Terrace Bay Royal Canadian Legion Branch 223 donated $3,000 towards the cost of the Aguasabon Golf Clubs new club house. Presenting and accepting the cheque, from left to right are Richard Flanagan, Legion treasurer, Paul Malashewski, golf club president, and Paul Wenzel, legion secretary. Photo by Dave Chmara The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay will hold a Public Meeting on Monday, December 11, 1989, at 6:30 p.m. at the Terrace Bay Municipal Office, 12 Simcoe Plaza, to consider a proposed zoning By-Law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The proposed zoning By-Law Amendment would change the zoning category of approxi- "mately 5.55 hectares of land from "MX" (Extractive Industrial) to "MD" (Disposal Industrial) to permit the construction of drying beds for treated sewage sludge. ANY PERSON may attend the Public Meeting and/or make written or verbal representa- tion either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning By-Law Amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning By-Law Amendment is available for inspection at my office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY THIS 9TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. DAVID C. FULTON a CLERK-TREASURER- TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY 12 SIMCOE PLAZA P.O. BOX 40 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO POT 2W0 ONTARIO HYORO R/ Ww "4 LANDY WA} é Sit ©: AREK VO BE REZONED MURRAY & COURTIS TERRACE BAY, OFFICE 7 Simcoe Plaza (Lower Level) Terrace Bay, Ont. POT 2WO Telephone.(807) 825-9379 (807) 825-9395 Facsimile (807) 825-9506 .o 2s SRP ME. pee Tee Barristers and Solicitors Ross W. Murray, B.Comm., M.B.A., LL.B. Richard W. Courtis, B.A., M.A., LL.B. Randall V. Johns, H.B. Comm., LL.B., C.A. Marlene Wilson, B.A., LL.B. THUNDER BAY OFFICE Suite 410 The Chapple Building 101 N. Syndicate Ave. Thunder Bay, Ont. P7C 3V4 Telephone (807) 623-7961 Facsimile (807) 623-4417 TERRACE BAY OFFICE HOURS: MC ar + otter Ame oe SE es 1 One 1988 LTL 9000 222/wb 425 Cat, RTO 14613, 16,000 FRT, 46,000 Rears, RT440, Suspension, Jake Brakes, Spc. Paint, High Level Interior, air, ride cab, and rear axle, cab shield, 70 Ton WHL air lift Kit, 29,000 km., loaded , One CF 7000 Cargo 189 w/b F170 Diesel, 5 speed trans, 2 spd axle, 12000 FRT Axle 21,000 Rears, 23,000 Springs, split brakes, 11RX22-5 Tires Ready to work New Unit J Le. i One 1988 F700 207 wib 429 Gas, 5 : One 1984 F700 207 w/b 370 speed trans, single spd..rear 7000 Gasx 5 spd., 2 spd Axle FRTs, 21,000 rear, 900X20 Tires, 122.000 kim, c/w 18 ft. box split brakes, c/w 18 ft Van body, a oS : * ' Nose Cone, Hdy Tailgate, New Unit with Hyd tailgate, = , Ready to work j excellent condition ) Call Steve Green 622-6362 (Res.) Rick Flatt 707 Memorial Avenue. Telephone: (807)344-7235