Your Opinion oa Fred Harness I am concerned for people in communities like Nipigon and Marathon where there are no restrictions and trains travel right through without stopping. Cabooses provide better control of the train. Emergency brakes can be: applied from the rear or the conductor can radio the engineer to give warning. Who is going to watch now? The only thing that they're saving is the upkeep of one car. Irene Borutski I think it's ridiculous - it's unsafe. It's putting men out-of work. This isa CP town. What if the switch fails to go off? What then? There are no guarantees. How many lives is it going to cost? Question: What do you think of cabooseless trains passing through Schreiber? Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 26, 1984, page 5 Bits and Bites Jeff Reid I'm an ex-resident of Schreiber now working for CP in Winnipeg. Small towns in Manitoba have the same concerns as Northern Ontario. Without cabooses, problems won't be fixed when they happen. It is downright dangerous. There are going to be accidents! Buckle up the Wee Ones by HELENE BALLARD Time for this "Little Old Lady" to put words to paper and see what I come up with. Maybe I'll surprise myself, but don't: worry, Ill not write anything that could not be read at a 'Ladies Sewing Cir- cle." Once again we wel- come a new resident at Birchwood. She is a lovely lady, Inez Mc- Cuaig from Schreiber who I understand was at one time a piano teach- er. Maybe we can get to- gether sometime and play duets. Several visitors were in town last weekend who were here for the - Bajkiewicz-Duquette wedding and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Duquette. They were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Valiquette, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caccamo of Thunder Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mitchell of Marathon. I know I speak for many Senior Citizens when I thank the mer- chants who are oblig- ing us by letting us use the downstairs back exits from their stores, your co-operation and help will be remember- ed believe me. My "Bite" this week is a bit different from my last ones, but believe me it comes from my heart. I hope it will be taken that way, so here goes. From the window of my room I can stand and watch the cars come to the Dry Cleaner's en- trance and so often I have seen mothers drive up with a small child who is standing up on the front seat next to the driver. Now, if for some reason a quick stop had to be made that poor little child would re- ceive terrible injuries, because of being pro- jected against the wind- shield or dashboard could cause painful in- juries. So please, use proper restraints and save those sweet wee ones a lot of pain and suffering. Thank you. And now --- rememb- er 'Today is the tomor- row you worried about yesterday because, to- morrow never comes."' Jack Handel For the safety of the people in small and remote towns, cabooses should be left on. Without the van (caboose), the conductor will not be able to detect shifting loads or leaking tank cars. One accident prevented would pay for the maintenance of a van fora long time. Guess Who is Older eek?? by a year and Brownies of the 1st Terrace Bay Pack will begin for the year on Sept. 27th 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Church Basement. If you have not done so and are interested in registering your daughter. Please call Brenda Harper 825-3384 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHERS!!!! will hold their - SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING Thurs. Sept. 27, 1984 8:00 p.m. in the Curling Club Lounge Rossport Inn licensed dining and accommodations serving breakfast lunch & dinner 824-3213 The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay Notice -- Parking Regulations Effective at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, October 1, 1984, new parking regulations for parts of Kenogami Road will come into force, the areas on both sides of the street shown with heavy shading on the map below will be No Parking zones. Residents are requested to take note of the change, and govern themselves accordingly. This change is authorized by passage of By-law 13-84. For further information contact the Municipal Offfice at 825-3315. les)