SUMMER RESORT LOTS AVAILABLE by A.F.Parket - Dept.of Lands and Forests The number of inquiries received during the past two weeks indicate an increased interest in Summer Resort Locations. There are eighteen Summer Resort Subdivisions in this District where lots are available. Some of the lakes on which the lots are located are as follows: Selim, Foxxe, Rolland, Wildgoose, Kenogamisis, Pagwachuan, Margo, Klotz, North Twin and O'Sullivan. : As these lots are spread from the North Shore of Lake Superior to the area north of Nakina, the prospective purchaser has a wide choice of locations from which to select a cottage site. Interested persons are invited to visit or write to our District Office at Geraldton for particulars regarding the location of sites, conditions of sale, prices, maps, or other information which they may require. Information may also be obtained at our Division Offices which are located at Geraldton, Pays Plat, Longlac, MacDiarmid and Nakina. Syncopated ballcatching as demonstrated by some of Cowboy Buckner's fastball players last Friday night. FASTBALL GAME BIG HIT For a while last Friday it looked as if the scheduled fastball game between the Harlem Kings and Terrace Bay Allstars would have to be called off. However, in spite of the dampness and fog the game proceeded and those who attended were treated to some good (and fancy) ball playing. Always crowd pleasers the Kings demonstrated their various abilities and the Allstars showed their metal by keeping the pros down to a two-run lead. UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP Qualified students who are bona-fide residents of Terrace Bay or who are dependents of Kimberly-Clark employees living outside of Terrace Bay are reminded that they may apply for the $2000 Scholarship awarded annually by the Company. To be considered a candidate for the scholarship a student must have obtained an average of at least 73% in the Grade I3 examinations conducted by the Department of Education of Ontario. Applications in writing must be made to the Mill Manager within one week of the publication of the results of these examinations. For full details contact the Industrial Relations Department at the Mill. ECLIPSE CAN DAMAGE EYESIGHT The Total Eclipse of the Sun is due July 20th and the Canadian Department of Health and the American Medical Association are warning everyone "DON'T LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE ECLIPSE, IT CAN DAMAGE YOUR EYESIGHT." AU What Happens? ~ as the twilight deepens, the viewer can look at the sun without squinting, the pupils of the eyes open wide, the infra-red rays pass through the dilated pupils and focus on the centre of the retina which burns a hole in this sensitive, irre- placeable screen. Result - Slight damage causes incurable blurring of vision. Damage of medium severity destroys all but peripheral vision. More burning of the retina means blindness. Children's eyes are especially sensitive to damage. Sun glasses, smoked glass and even welders' goggles are not dense enough for safe direct observation of the Eclipse. TO PROTECT YOUR EYES - DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE ECLIPSE - BEST OF ALL, STAY INDOORS AND WATCH IT ON T.YV. Past performances are important but it's today's and Tomorrow's that really count. Take time to stop and think, but don't for get_to start again.