Page 4. = TERRACE BAY NEWS oe November 23, 1961 -- = A new fragrance by ; Rexall - for that a added touch of intrigue! GIFT SETS + $6. - $6.45 & $7.50 a #COLOGNE - $2,50 to' $4.25 *PERFUMR - $2.00 to $3.25 DUSTING POWER = $2,50 all beautifully packaged for gifts | HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER Mr.& Mrs, J.B,Fournier will hold an open reception in the Town Hall basement on Satur- day, November 25th from 3 to 5 P.M, in honour | of their daughter Margaret whose marriage to . M.G.Scaba takes place that day. Mr.& Mrs, Earl Carieron of Elliott Lake are the guests of her parents, Mr.& Mrs. W.J, Rattray this week, Mr.& Mrs, Art.LeBlanc left Friday night to spend a few days in Winnipeg, the guest of oN a ree " , Re Zi oy fgeer " g pro ata mamta te ny eaponorenrcoen iia aa Mra LEON AGTOM C WAGHCRN'S PRARMACY Miss Beulah Grover recently returned from : of MAIS ORDERS a vacation spent with her family, Mr.& Mrs. 5 Ree sie. Seeiaasal os P PAL FAS-36h5 + TERRACE DAY, OFT, LP A REE, oe RSA AME ARH PCR AIRE. eg AERA IE iF.Grover, Prince Rupert, 3.0, penamnrnenentmenn ay! + a the Reverend R,J.S.Inshaw presented her with an [jouc 1r Ring for outstanding service in the 1G,A, and in the work of the Church, This is . a high honour and only given after recogni- tion by the Dominion Council of Women's Aux-_ diliaries. Dorothy is the second girl to re- ceive this distinction in the group. Ora Mae Harness was the recipient of an Honour Ring two years ago. : Following the presentation, prayer books, presented to the Church by the Girls* Auxil iary, were dedicated, ; To be assured of getting a "News every 'week have your name put on our subscription j list -.only $2.50 per year mailed, : ! | MRS. J,AUSTIN HONOURED Mrs, Jean Austin was surprised in her home on Friday evening when.a group of friends and {neighbors called to bid her farewell. She leaves shortly with her daughters Nancy and 'Cathie to join her husband who was recently transferred to Smith Falls, Guests present were Mesdames J.D.Brysony « |R.Campbell, G,Walsh, J,B.Ridsdale, D.Parchem, | B.Stefurak, R,Turner, L.Tremblay, E.Swanson, W.Collinson, R,Gander, J.Branchaud, Mrs.Sawyer W.Olson, H,Bourguignon and Miss Elsie Sawyer. | Mrs, Bryson presented the guest of honour supplied the setting for the Annual Bazaar and with three pieces of Cornflower Crystal on tea of St,Andrew's United Church Evening. Group behalf of those present with their best wishes}in the Town Hall basement on Saturday, Novem- Serving a' dainty lunch were hostesses Mesd.|ber 18th, Mrs. J,Morris welcomed the many |V.E,Everitt, W.T.Sneehan, J,H.Morrish, C, patrons and Convenors for the occasion were | LePage and R, Burroughs. _|Mrs. A.Gordon and Mrs. N.Ross. Attending the table of aprons, assorted articles, knitted goods & novelties, were Mesdames J,G.Scott,and P,Petrushack, Mrs, H, McCanna and: Mrs. Herb:Gellert sold home baking and preserves, Mrs, Ken Williamson was_| a busy person at the Fish Pond for the kiddies and serving salad plates with chicken patties, and cakes and tea at the individual tables' were Mesdames J.R,Smith, F.Crawley, W.Moon, J,Hepburn, W.Cringle, R.MacCuaig, J.Richardson! W. Weaver, Attending kitchen duties were Mesd. | N.Ross, A.Gordon, G.Drake, R.Miller, W,Fadden | and Earl Holmes, Mrs, D,Slater was Cashier. . | ei 7 ST ANDREW?S LADIES HOLD CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Spruce bows and a lighted Christmas Tree een see Nar ee eo | WeI. HOLDS MILLINERY COURSE Mrs, D.Hutchison of the Extension Brazch . | of the Home Ec, Service of the Department of | Agriculture held Millinery Classes on Nov. (14, 15 and 16th in the basement of the Tow |Hall, This was sponsored by the Schreibsr = Institute. Institute members and interested ladies | outside the group who attended and who showed | creative talent in the finished chapeaux were | Memdquen T,Whitton, F.Macadam, A,Slater, F. ; Harness, N.S,Smith, W.Miller, J.0.Bryson, | GRiteng R.Turner, P.isaacs, D,Stewart, J. ; Corbett, A.Moorey, A.Gordon, 'D,McLellan and Mrs,A,E.Hartman | of Terrace Day. . | Following classes on Thurs~ | day afternoon the ladies cis- | played. their beautiful hats 'and tea was served by Insti- , tute members; Mrs.A,Slater and Mra, F. | Macadar who were in charge of |; arrangements, presented Mrs. , Hutchison with a gift on be~ t\half of the "pupils." t | MISS D,SLATER GIVEN HONOR RING | Miss Dorothy Slater, a mem= 1 ber of St,Johnts Anglican Church Girls? Auxiliary since ; its formation, until September! . when she left to enter McKel- COMMUNTTY 14V. SERVERS lar Hospital School of Nursing Terrace Bay, Ontario {was honored at the morning . Phone TA 5~-3305 _ Service on November 12th. when ' Se lee eel cane MOTHERS ATTEND MISSION BAND 'The Mission Band of St. An- drew's United Church held their | _fregular meeting last Thursday | afternoon in the Church Hall, | There were 29 children and 14 mothers present. The mothers © were especially invited to see | how the meetings were conducted} and' to view the children at their handicraft work which, at this time, were woven place mats. ; Their project this year is the sale of "grace" mugs. Following the meeting tea was served to the mothers and pop to the children by the Léa-| ders, Mrs. G,Gordon, Mrs. H. j McCanna and Mrs, F,Crawley. BUY & USE CHRISTMAS SEALS | a re