NORTHVESTERN BRANCH OF THE ONT:.RIO PULP ND P/PER MAKERS' SAFETY SSOCL.TION S.#ETY CON- TZST STANDINGS - JULY 1 to OCTOBER 1, 1950 (Based on Limited Severity) REPOR' #5 feei- Limited Man Name Hours. dents: Severity ibitibi - Ft. tm. 166,422 0 0 Great Lakes-Ft. tim. 622,816 1 OL Longbac - T, B, 374,621 2 005 wbitibi ~ Thunder 211,989 4 sO Bay O&M ~ Kenora 360,186 2 208 Brompton-Red Rock 290,378 3 ead Provincial-P.irthur 349,434 4 Le O&M -Ft.Frances 373,805 5 -203 Marathon Mills - Marathon ALO, yd 8 +206 Dryden Paper-Dryden__ 293,461 9 02h TOTALS 3,484,056 36 Wee o=-0-0 KIDDIES* HALLOWE'EN PARTY Ed Cavanaugh, Chairman of tho Kiwanis Halloweten Party, reports that all is in readiness to show the kids a real time on Tuesday night. 4s was stated last week, the meeting plece for all children expecting to take part in the fun is in front of the shopping centre and the starting time has been set for 6 p.m. SHARP, Don't forget, kids, you must be in costume of some kind, o-0-0 NATIONAL SAPETY CONGRESS Fred Soughton and slex Chisholm have just returned from the 38th. National Safety Congress, sponsored by the National Safety Council. it this year's Congress, Cola G Parker, President of Kimberly-Clark Corporntion, wes the principal speaker in the Pulp and Paper Section, in which 402 separate pulp or paper units are represented involving some 200,000 persons. Fred and ilex both agree that Mr. Parker's address was without « doubt one of the highlights of the entire congress, Fred Soughton had 2 real honour besto- wed upon him when he was clected to the Executive of the Pulp and Paper Section as a member of the Visuel Aid Committee, Fred has also been invited to be one of the principal speakers at one of the sessions of this Section, at next year's Congress, Bditor's Note: Page 5 8 the ronder may note belowt+ Things are still going on in our mail department. To keep you posted, we "print tho latest lottor - with no comment, ~ we have run out of comment, ic Aro running out of patience, Rural Route #1 Dear Hiram; - You aintt answered my last letter yet but to-day I got to thinkin' while I wes repairing tho horse's harnoss, I was thinkin! thet ifin thet feller up t' the south eamp con't wnt cows in his bowlin' alleys, mybo he wouldn't mind ifin I put them in thet there Tavern, Your cousin Z2cke says thet it wuld be right good place, but a feller down here says thet its always full of odd lookint ducks, I don't know nothin' about that, but I suppose you do, and, Hiram, you go tell thet Doctor at the Hospital thot he don't have to move out right away as long 7s he don't make too much noise comint and goin* nights. i:nd the same goes far thet feller at the Post Office as long as hoe don't make much rustles sortin' all his mail anc parcels, ind Hirem, I*m aimin' on puttin' a fence acrost the road thet the bus goes on and I don't want no one to leave the gate open. Thom office fellers will hev to git up carlier in the mornin' cause I won't want them scairing the chickens, But, Hiram, this is all a little before hand 'cause you ain't told me yet if you got the deod to thet there plot of land, So, please hurry and answer my last letter. Yours truly, Glcm . 0-0-0 FOR SLLE 1948 Mercury 5-passengcr coupe. Spot- lights, back-up light, heater, recently overhaulod. $1275.00. <pply to Dorm. 107, Room #9. OnO~d Terrace Bay Nows, published weekly at Terrace Bay, Onteric, is devoted to the interests of everyone connected with the LongLaic Pulp and Paper Compeny Limited project of Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Kindly submit all articles and address all communications to:- O. it. Dalzell