THE ELGIN LIONS CLUB Officers and Directors 1949 manatee ee CETTE CPE Te 9 ERE SEM on T. J. Casey ar Wick Pee ike es Pec we M. A. Campbell wel VEE EO 0, A ss Sean i K. E. Dennis ioe hte date waaay c ad CETTE eet eee Ste ery Mee na | Dr. J. A. Murphy amperage SOO OE OTE OE CORIO EMER Mian ee D. J. Booth Laon. Teter. to. 2. e. Lge sl eee eau e ie S. Fischman east. «og ee ee Oe mere ear ere oe A. R. Patterson a a a OR ea ie eS. Creer Tore D. R. Halladay + titans cance Cua EL Te re Re gn ee cea J. J. O’Meara aioe tt ETT LC OCET OPERET Aer Cr ore ce L. H. Seaman POWIT «en tinh sii is aidan: assis cdeld sccliec.. cu. C. H. Freeman D. J. Booth x A. L. Campbell B. A. Campbell M. A. Campbell T. J. Casey x K. E. Dennis L. R. Derbyshire S. Fischman x C. H. Freeman D. Gard CHARTER MEMBERS R. G. Guthrie W. G. Guthrie x E. W. Halderson D. R. Halladay x H. S. Hibbard E. J. Kenney G. A. Kenney T. J. Kenney W. J. Myers A. J. Murphy x Deceased x G. H. Mustard O. G. Mustard J. J. O’Meara A. R. Patterson L. H. Seaman C. J. Smith L. H. Soper F. M. Stanton H. G. Stanton x F. A. Witham Charter Members in Elgin Lions Club — June 8, 1974 B. A. Campbell M. A. Campbell S. Fischman R. G. Guthrie W. G. Guthrie E. J. Kenney The First Twenty-five Years The Elgin Lions Club was chartered on March 31, 1949 with Westport Lions Club as its sponsor. Thirty members composed the original roll, only six of whom are still with the club. Seven of the original Lions have passed on to their reward. During the twenty-five years of the club’s existence, it has had its ups and downs. But over that quarter century it has tried to remain true to its ideals. The extension of aid to community residents for the supply of eye glasses, Christmas baskets, senior citizens parties, children’s Hallowe’en parties etc. have been ob- vious. A great deal of money has been donated to hockey and soft- ball teams. The operation of the local rink is largely supported by the Lions Club. Donations of money and manpower have regularly been given to the Elgin bathing beach. Support for other sports, for bus safety patrol, for charitable organizations, for public speak- ing contests, and the general good of the community has represent- ed some of its contributions. Until February of 1959 the club held its meetings in the Elgin Hotel. Since that time we have been meeting in the United Church Hall. Twice monthly, good fellowship and good work are enjoyed in this place. A debt of gratitude is due to past and present mem- bers, to the general public who supported our projects, and to all who have shown an interest in making the community a better place in which to live. May the Elgin Lions Club image of future years be even brighter than that of the past.