In 1806 John Rowswell wes married to Sarah xd in Somersett, England. In 1821 they sail- ed for Canede.teking 3 months to cross the Atlantic Ocean coming to Brockville. He followed a blezed trail to find a home for himself and family, One and a helf miles due south of whet is now known as Crosby he took up e homestesd buying it from the Crown and there settled to cleer the land for till- ing. His reeson for settling there was due to the fact of his great love for huntii He wes a fine merkemen winning many prizes for some. Game be- coming scarce there he craved for more sport and fonnd for himeelf e Hunters’ Peredise in the dense forest and lekee neer by where he could enjoy his favorite pactime as well as tilling the soil. In 1848 there wes a log school house built on hie farm with just a weeks of school each yeer. ater. The fer