Page 8 ‘ ’ Inspired by visiting groups such as 1st LYNDHURST CUBS ____‘ these described, some of the The Cubs recently enjoy-ed a success- ‘ ' 'I ~' *' students have VOluntarily developed ful tree planting and raised money for ’5 original short plays and Dre-“Amted the"! their group. The following week they v for the younger students. went on a nature hike and enjoyed a v barbecue. This week they are going to A two-act skit, "The Price of Eggs“ Fort Henry and the following week they was presented by Gary Bracken, Kevin are preparing for their camp on July cairnso Karen S°h°itr°VSkV’ Krista 6, 7 and 8. The boys will be selling Fhinmaand Jung-Omann An original puppet show, with Cub calendars towards fall. puppets made by Vivian Serson was presented by Pennie Babcock, Renee Veley, Vivian Philipsville Serson & Laurel Takerer. The staff and _ . 1 students express their appreciation to A mlleStone_“} th‘? hIStOFY Of all the groups for adding their talents the former Philipsv111e United to the experiences of their students. ChUI‘Ch was TeaChed 0“ May 25th- The vacant church was recently purchased, renovated and became a Masonic Temple. Harmony Lodge has been meeting in Delta for the past century. . . Sweet’s comers SChOOI . On May 25th, the Lodge celebrated Recently the students at SCES were its 100th entitieverzarl'zr‘zz gpggang 1 s new emp . involved in the planting of 1350 seedling trees in and around the school property in an attempt to develop windbreaks for Chartered Accountant the play yard and to beautify the grounds. students from all classes were responsible I,() [,0 2 for designated areas to be planted. ' ' x White spruce, Carolina poplar, white cedar, red pine and Norway spruce were from the surrounding Masonic dist- ricts, and a bus load of 35 Masons from Woodbury, New Jersey were present for this meeting. 225 Masons assembled in the RDHS in Elgin to meet the Grand Pbrfland,()ntarï¬) Master, Robert Davies on his of- used to outline the playground while ficial visit to the St. Lawrence District and to Harmony Lodge on other varieties were added to the land- its centennial. 21 Grand Lodge scaping at the front of the school. ' ’ . Older students eagerly assisted the Phone 272‘2871 Offlcefc‘s ing‘board mgmbersrzere presen . inner an prog m younger ones by digging the holes and , . . helping with the layout and measuring. including a challenging speech Because of their involvement in this from the Grand Master made the day a memorable one for Harmony project, our students are keeping a close watch in the hope that many of the tiny LOdge- trees V111 grow to maturity. On June 27th at 3 p.m. the ofâ€" ficial dedication of the Temple Ming the pagt weeks the Kw and will take place. The Grand Masâ€" Primary students have enjoyed perâ€" _ formsnces by-three different theatre arts 2:21:23 3:};irpgg:2§eing:h:fcere- gaggiizhgegvetzisizgjcge8323131. monies. This will be a momentous ’ the history of Harmony McArthur College. Kingston. alone with Lodge. a group of student teachers, presented ‘ "The Mystery Box", a play about a mon- $3. a; 1 key mask which had magical fproperties. Much to their delight, the youngsters watching the play were encouraged to participate at appropriate times and to interact with the performers during the presentation. The second play, "The Clown who Lost his Laugh", presented by a group of Leeds & Grenville teachers, under the direction of Mrs. Betty Alexander of New Dublin Elem. School. With the help or the ""3810 POtiOD" and the Pupils fm‘ â€â€˜ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ThesttCanadkmwBank in the audience, Clown was restored to m Ban of Montr I 3:8 3::31?a1 J?Via1 SEIf in Spite Of Ronald Mainse, Lee Anne Serson, Tammy “so (3&3 . p s ev11 plans. Teachers taking part included Luffman’ Jason Thompson Claudia Fournier, Vanier Public School; Wendy Mayhew, Westminster Public School; Ellen Goodman, Commonwealth Public School; and Ben Sugarman, Westminster Public School. "The Little Blue Hedgehog", an excellent puppet play by Johan and Allison Vandergun was sponsored by the Rideau Lakes Library and presented to the K-3 classes at SCES. The story dealt with a friendless blue hedgehog who, with the help of the puppeteers and the children watching, eventually became acquainted with a little red hedgehog and the story ended on a happy note. Johan a Allison spent some time explaining and demonstrating various methods of making simple puppets from such items as ordinary gloves, sponge shapes, rubber balls, umbrellas, dust mops, string mops, potato mashers and wooden spoons. A question period following the play demonstrated the close attention which the children had given the performers as they had become deeply inVOIVed in the little blue hedgehog's predicament. The enthusiasm of the puppeteers for their craft inspired many of those in audience to try their hand at puppet making in the days following. Vacationing ? Start your vacation at the Bank of Montreal with American Express Travellers' Cheques. Elgin 359-5396