-_ __.________ L'yqdhurst Â¥ I "C" ‘ I The Royal Canadian Legion LYNDHURST (ONT. No. 504) BRANCH LYNDH URST. ONTARIO KOE INC ,The officers are: President â€" Ed Brown Past President - Joe Ward lst Vice â€" Peter Olivo 2nd Vice - Sam Scourfield 3rd Vice - Lawrence Wills Executive Comm. e Russell Cederburg, Fred Stevens, Glen Kenny, James Saunders, Dave Whittles, Joe Chapman. Secretary â€" Margaret Moule Treasurer - Claire Ward Sgt. at Arms - Russell Cederburg Service Officer * Fred Stevens Membership Officer â€" Lawrence Wills Liason Officer to Ladies Auxiliary - Dave Whittles Poppy Chairman & Public Speaking â€" Arthur Hughes Building Manager â€" Matt Brady Sports Officers â€" Bill Geeza and Robert Bennett Entertainment Chairman - Joe Chapman Bingo Chairman - Russ. Cederburg Bingo is held every Tuesday Night. Matt Brady is now the new Care- taker and all hall rentals must [be given thrOugh him. His tele- phone number is 387â€"3612. Brownies Last year was a busy year for the Lyndhurst Pack. We had a float in the Christmas Parade, joined the cubs for a Christmas party and an Easter party, went on a winter hike and cooked our lunch, and had our end of year banquet and baseball game with our mothers. This summer we had a short,Day Camp in Soperton which was a lot of fun. Five girls flew up to Guides this year: Kim Tryon, Michelle Angenent, Julie Evans, Tammy Mattice and Esther Saucier. Cindy Jones, Cindy Gray, Cheryl Angenent and Diana Angenent als also went on to Guides. ' ' Now it's time to start another ex- citing year.~ Brownies is for girls age 6,7, and 8. We meet at Sweet's Corners School Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. At our meetings we play games, sing songs, make things, learn about new things and sometimes we earn badges to sew on our uniforms. Any new girls interested in joining Brownies this year are invited to our registration from 7-8:00 p.m. Tuesday September 16 at Sweet's Corners School. Hope‘to see you there! a DAM EADs seem Bj Lg. 251bth Queers. deacon} Presets Ba 77-2, LB. 1/2, Resume area,†MILFOILED? AQUATIC WEED HARVESTING OFFERS YOU AN ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE METHOD OF WATER WEED CONTROL Our method of is chemical and herbicide free. We cut and harvest the weeds, removing nutrients rather thanleaan them on the bottom, allowing same day swimming and bathing Conï¬deï¬ng Herbicides? I mon that tne lollowrng Metro POIle on Athttr ’lsv nt Herhtodes he «tonted murmr Use 01 h- m tot-s tn Calendar Year 1980 control mas been determined that tm- us+> oi the herbtmdes dtchlohvml, dtquat (regional and 2 AD (aqua-kleen) lor mIIIOII < ontrc! Jery likely DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU’RE CHOKED OUT. BOOK NOW presents a sermus health hazard to persons entoytnq Klllq County lakes and streams (Government regulatory agencues) REASONABLE RATES and GROUP CUTTING DISCOUNTS are requested to take Immediate regulatory and enforcement actions to halt the application or these herbtcrdes to Krng County Water Passed by Metro Council 4I3I80 Seattle Wash. 345-3188 any lime AQUATIC Weed Harvesting ?? A liance Problems ?? -)(- *- Repairs available to all makes and models Refrigerators, Stoves, Freezers, Washers, Dryers. and Air Conditioners Fast Efficient Service 1 Seward Refrigeration 272 - 2767