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IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE: mom's DAY -' TRY THE NORTH LEEDS LANTERN by Jack Generon Dear Readers: Rates As newly nominated Editor of the 3x3" $ 7.00 t North Leeds Lantern, I appeal to you 3X5" 12.00 t to assist us in our efforts to continue 7x5" 20.00 Down through the years we have set to produce a paper of interest to people 7Xa" 25.00 aside a special day for a special in the area, as well as our many subâ€" % page 35_OO person, and we call it Mother's Day. scribers outside of the area. full page 60 00 Some very fortunate people will wear I'm sure the readers and Lantern ' a red carnation, while some of us volunteers will join with me in thankâ€" Your ad will reach 2,300 homes with wonderful memories to hold dear, ing Doug Roantree for his time and ef- in the North Leeds area. will proudly pin on a pure white one. fort as Editor for the past 3 years. we will quote you on_ regular For Mother deserves this special Doug has assured us he will continue to ' day, she has earned it from a life monthly ads,bimonthly ads or . . given to love and devotion unattained your occa510na1 advert151ng by any other person. She is without volunteer his services, for which we are grateful. Guest editorials are most welcome, needs' doubt the heart of the home, and the and I would personally appreciate re- we will help you design and guiding light of every member. ceiving topical articles of interest. layout your ad at minimal extr. ChildhOOd Without 8 mother is tragic Please feel free to submit praise or cost. indeed. For she was the one to bind constructive criticism. Local or up our wounds, soothe the bumps and historical news is always most wel- bruises, and wipe away the tears. Give us a call. come. Could we hear from the schools? For additional information or When we were down With cnildiSh 1113’ l Childrenâ€"students generally are most to place an ad’?all your local it “33 comforting to know that She "as V productive, interesting and creative. Correspondent llsted 0“ Page 2- always there close to us either by Special thanks to the businesses THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURs: day Or by night. who advertise, and to the financial ‘ Never should we forget her love support of the Townships. and understanding that guided us to More volunteers for layâ€"out night our adulthood. No sacrifice was are needed! The volunteers we have are ever too great for her to make; her a small number of dedicated people who - happiness came in the fulfillment do their best with limited resources All material and advertisements should of the dream she had for us. Mother- and supplies. be submitted by the Friday preceding the hood is love far too deep for us to fourth Tuesday of the month. fathom, or understand. While Mother Marlene Gratton is with us, we tend to take her too much for granted, and although she holds a special place in our lives, we never fully appreciate her value until she is called away. . We so often misunderstand our VOLUNTEERS . ‘,3,, mothers, judge them unfairly at times, A DYING BREED? '~‘_ ' {ï¬f'g and yet deep down within us we know by P. Little 1; 7.. ‘ It;;;' that they are nearly always right. , ~ ,Liï¬v“ What special ingredients were chosen . to combine so much devotion, in giving GENERAL unannurflkisalcs to the world this tremendOus gift? Volunteers come in all shapes and sizes, with various skin and hair colouring. I think when God created the world, There are both male and female volunteers - absolutely necessary to produce beautiful as it was, He sensed that . junior volunteers to continue their work. They are frequently the busiest Something Still was missing. 30 He r creatures in their communities. Could this be preventing them from breeding? bent down. Chose a Special Piece Of HABITAT clay, breathed it full of love, 1 Volunteers can be found in almost all areas - usually where budgets are small “onlded it tenderly in His hands: and L and the amount of work large. They may be assisting in areas where they have created “OtherhOOdo so On her sDacia-1 ; expertise or just simply 'helping out'. No matter where you look, volunteers day We bring her Sifts or flowers. a i can be found 'doing their thing'. tender but small expression of the love 2 BENEFITS OF HAVING VOLUNTEERS and honour she so rightly deserves. ‘ l. Volunteers don't cost money. 2. Egey are dedicated and devoted to the cause (whatever they become involved 3. They take pleasure and joy from their work. 4. They often attract more volunteers. HOW TO LOSE VOLUNTEERS l. Cruelty - don't explain what you wish them to do. 2. Constantly mention how great a previous volunteer did the same job. 3. Don't let them grow in the organization. 4. Put them in a position of authority before they know what they are getting WW . ~qumm. “mm 4. Mp . 5. in to. l 5. Give them a job, and another, and another, and -â€"- until they burn out. HOW TO GET A VOLUNTEER / This is an area in which we need your help. We know thay are out there â€"-- we { just have to find them â€" so - we ask you to look around, and if you see some able-bodied VOLUNTEERS waiting around, looking for some interesting cause, PLEASE direct them to: North Leeds Lantern Layout Night Rideau District High School Library Last Tuesday of each month â€" 7 p.m. As our part in the fight against extinction of this noble and dedicated breed â€"-- we promise to: Welcome them warmly. £9EIE4LEE2§_EéE£§E!JgBEEEL£gEEIE§_ . Give them a quick tour and explanation of the job. . Feed them every 2 hours with coffee and donuts. . Assist them in enjoying an exciting evening of work and social contact putting our paper together. 5. Thank them for their contribution of time and effort and invite them to return next month. ‘ So -- to all those VOLUNTEERS out there - we love you - We need you. Don't disappear. Come on out, wherever you are, whatever you do, we can use your At the annual meeting the following officers were elected: Editor: Marlene Gratton Ass. Editor: Susan Duncan Treasurer: Shirley Weaver Secretary: Pat Little meH talents. AND remember â€" we too are all VOLUNTEERS. Direcmrs‘ Maria“ 011ԠLloyd Stone North Leeds Lantern Volunteer Staff . D°ug RMtree Helen Sweet Earl Mattice Joan Hutchison