RDHS Activities Mon, FebI Z 12:50-12:45pm Assembly - discussion of King & Queen contest -winter carnival buttons Tue§L_Eeh‘_§ 11:50-1:25 Volleyball games under the leadership of Tina Donovan 3:30â€"5:50 Bowling - John Green 3:30-5:30 Broomball - Frank Brandon Wed. Feb. 2 11:50â€"1:25 Basketball, featuring the teachers - Jeff Rice 7:30â€"9pm Sleighride - Marie Earle (open to the public) coffee house 9-10pm Folk Singer Gerry Montell - Rob Pedherney Thurs. Feb. 10 6:30pm Basketball Game Sr. & Jr. Knights) (public in- vited) 9pm Record Hop ngday Feb. 11 7am Pancake Breakfast prepared by the teachers (open to the public) - 9:30am 12:30~3:30pm Broomball Final Cross country ski race Skating races Bicycle race Snowshoe race Coronation of King and Queen General Skating Sat. Feb. h; 2pm Boys Basketball games â€"A-- an we" against Highland Secondary School of Dundas, Ontario. 8pm Winter Carnival & V lentine Dance, .arnival King & presided over by Winter Queen. .._Ba.sk_e t_b__a1_._._____.l "A" Lear {eagerness Junior Won Lost Points 6 1 12 Athens 4 8 North Gren. h 8 Rideau O 0 Senior Rideau Grenville Chris North Grenville Athens ’mostly boys, but some Yamaha Suzuki S‘outï¬fcrosby HOUSE LEAGUE ‘3. ‘HOCKEY games are glayed every Saturday morning 12, and Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7-9. There are 92 team members, girls, between the ages of 6 and 16. There are still some openings on the teams, and if you wish to join, call ROSS HAWKINS at 359-5833. All games are played at the Elgin ~outdoor rink. SOUTH CROSBY PUBLIC SCPDOL WINNERS in the 'Qoyal Cznadian Legion Femcmbrance ray contest were announced recently, and are as follows: COLLFTN WHITE Category 2 Essay 3rd. SFIELEY DFNNIEON " " " 2 nd. KEVIN FTFIM2N " 3 " 3rd. FFfTHEE STANTON " " 2nd. BOBBIE KEmE " mm STANTON 2 may, SMITH " CONGRATULATIONS. LINTFH thLTELAND One day it was so beautiful that I went for a walk. On my walk I saw beautiful things, like animals running around and the birds flying from tree to tree. The ground was like clouds. The snow was so white. The trees wore marshmallow caps. The roads were like ice cream. When I walked through the Show it was crunching. The snow was like Santa Claus beard. I had to go home nov but I will come back soon. AMANDA PYNE Grade A South Cro;ty fublic School. Seeflesfs Bag; Service @emtm Snowmobiles Motorcycles Call John or A] 3 87-3303