0 LAND STUDY COMMITTEE HEARING The National Farmers' Union recently held a hearing at the Gordoniers' Collonade Room at Joyce- ville. At this hearing, which was only one of several being held all across Canada, farmers and others were invited to present their views on what a National Land Policy should provide. When all of the hearings are complete, the Farmers' Union will then compile a final report. Their views will be made known to relevant government departments, through briefs and presentations in the hopes that land use policies developed in Canada will reflect the recommendations of the NFU. At the Joyceville hearing se- veral briefs were presented by local farmers, realtors and others. One of the issues raised con- cerned the need for a new land class- ification system. It was argued that the present system was very inaccurate with som “9f the best farm land being zoned as agricultural land. Some su- ggested that land zoning should be the responsibility of local government, while others argued it should be a federal-provincial responsibility. Most briefs stressed the need for more local input into land use plann- ing. Already urban growth and indus- trial development have gobbled up much of the best agricultural land in Canada. It is clear that there is an urgent need for the federal govern- ment, together with the provinces, to develop sound land use policies which will better serve the interests of our country as a whole. iomen's Lnstigute/ Delta Branch Held their meeting "arch 17, l†the home of Mrs. Sid Inlbot. The motto for the nectfnf was, "Happy Homes 00 Not Happenâ€" They xre a Tesult of Family Effort.†There ram much livelv discussion unur(ryir, LL15 motto. The [U(SC spen’nr “in ï¬rs. Dalor.s “inf. Chairman of “he Lnnj‘ 9 “"~ C0. Board of ElugnLirn. qu. Tun; , 'irst woman to huld thn ,rgitivn 2.} her many friends in Dull} u:( of Per. 77 at rf‘YO . \ [1‘8 very ptlwd LEEDS g GRENVILLE GOAT ASSOCIATION The newly formed Goat Association held their second meeting on February 20th. Approximately 50 members attended and enjoyed a talk on health of Goats, given by Dr. Mackenzie of the Health of Animals office, Brockville. Talks on other aSpects of Goat keeping such as Cheese and Butter making, Points on Showing of goats, Artificial Insem- ination, Goat nutrition, etc. will be given by other Guest Speakers at future dates. Plans also are being made for a Club members Field Day in early June, and a Course on Goat Hus- bandry for later in the year. Meetings will be held on the third Sunday of each month at St. Lawrence College, Brockville at 2 o'clock P.M New members will be very welcome. 2 A Goat Census and Directory has been made and copies are available from the Associations Secretary. Other informh ative leaflets and booklets are also available. For further information, and direct- ions, Contact the Secretary: Irene Green 542-6421, or Chairman: Laurie Wight 923-51#5. ****** UCW-HARLEM-CHANTRY The Harlem-Chantry UCW observed the World's Day of Prayer in their church on Friday March hth, 1977 at 2 pm. The service "Love in Action" was con- ducted by Mrs. B. Sheffield, Mrs. A. Gile, Mrs. L. Gallagher and Mrs. E. Jaquith. Several hymns were sung with Mrs. W.S. Chant at the organ. Members united in silent prayers for those less fortunate at home and abroad Following the service a brief business meeting was held by the president, Mrs. Clara Townsend. 36 homeCalls and 7 Hospital calls were made to the sick and shut-in people. The Easter Meeting will also be held at the HARLEM church on Tuesday, April 5th, 1977, at 2 pm. EVERYONE WELCOME!