POETRX (CQN'T) There was an old lady from Soain Who did exactly the same She didn‘t have a nose She had only a hose That poor old lady from Snain Brenda Perrin Grade 6 There was an old lady from Insee She used to be a bit tipsy When she went to bed She stood on her head That dumb old lady from Ipsee. Kim Vincent Grade 5 ** *>§< A father was dcscrihjny to his friend the efforts made hy his son to teach his mother how to driva. When she cou]:1n't manaf'v the gears after the first 15 minutes,“ We confidcd, “the hoy hecame quite annoycd.“ [\nc? tixcrlr r3rijr. 210 athlo<?. 'TTC wasn't half as patient tcnchinr hvr to drivc as she was ttnchinr hit to “all.' 0 ’ o a Lotus Pizzeria PORTLAND, Ont. Colborne St. (cor. Campbell st.) TELEPHONE 272-2877 or 272-2878. OUR SPECIAETIES HOME MADE PIZZA ....... SPAGETTI ....... LASAGNA VEAL PARMIGIANA ....... SUBMARINE SANDWICHES. (Located next door is SOUVENIR SHOP , SOFT ICE CREAM PARLOUR)