Newborn News COUNCIL HEARS PLANS OF PARKS CANADA A special meeting of the village coun- cil of Newboro was held August 3, 1977 at 8 pm. Present were R. A. Taylor, E. Breâ€" see, T. Iandon, D. Delaney with K. Pas» mussen in chair. The purpose of the mee- ting was to hear the plans that Parks Canada has for the land that is leased by the Village of Newboro. Parks Can- ada plans to make the area into a day "camping only area. This means that all buildings and boat houses will have to be removed. The block house will be turned into an information centre. A test of the area will be made to see if a swimming beach is feasable. Proper parking facilities will be provided. A proper boat launching ramp will be installed. In the not too distant fut- ure walking trails will be made to go from one end of the Canal to the oppos- ite end. The village lease on this land ex- pires at the end of October 1977 and will not be renewed. Parks Canada will /then take responsibility of the land. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm. The regular meeting of the village of Newborn Council was held on August 8, 1977, in the village hall. On a motion by D. Delaney and R. A. Thylor that the village of Newboro waive the allotment from Winterio for the Library Building addition in Elgin. Carried. On a motion by T. Landon and D. Delaney that the village have Bruce Moore to shoot skunks in the village at $2 a head. 3 INSURANCE FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW Question - Is my trailer insured under my our policy? Answer - In so far as public liability is concerned. yes. your untility. farm, snowmobile. or boat trailer is insured if pulled by a private passenger vehicle; However. cabin or house trailers are normally not covered unless specifically endorsed on your polieyg Any damage to any trailer itself. is not automatically insured even though the car pulling it may carry collision or comprehensive. If you wish this type of coverage, it must be specifically shown on your policy. Where a trailer is pulled by a truck, despite many attempts to clarify the policy wording. there still is some question whether the trailer is insured for even public liability coverages. Since it is better to be safe than sorry your best bet is to have your trailer endorsed on your truck policya Check with your agent if you havilagy questions about your insurance We like to e of service. and wi adly review any coverages on any type of policy, whether business. home, farm, car or whatever. If it is insurance, we sell it. Give us a call the next time your policy comes due. or stop in at our office. VOGELZANG AND HORNER INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED Seeley's Bay, Ontario 387-3303 PETER l. WGHZMG 31.22115 «Euuntp gntiques 311D @rafts the fisher Main St. Newboro NOW ON DISPLAY FISHER AND VALLEY COMFORT WOOD BURNING STOVES INFORMATION ON HUNTER WOOD AND OIL BURNING FURNACES AVAILABLE ORDER NOW AND AVOID ANY DELAY IN SHIPMENT We have a complete line of antique and old furniture, Stripped and in rough Phone 272 -2350