estport Whatnbts‘ O O 9 Bob Trayn or General Insurance Westport, Ont. QUALIFIED RI:th ES'T‘Nl‘lTI S.:’\I..-T’.ET~P1‘.Z\N PHONE 373~2172 YOUR INDT‘TT‘IINDFN'T INQUPAHCF AGENT The annual taster Sunrise Service held at Spy Rock on Foley Mountain was very will attended and was an inspirational start for Laster Sunday. At 6:30 in the morning a large crowd wended their way to this beautiful spot over- looking the village and the Ridâ€" eau Lake to join in singing the glorious Laster hymns and bowing together in reverent prayer. The garden scene of that first Easter seemed very real as every- one worshiped in the natural surâ€" roundings, created by God's hand. Rev. H. Boston was the speaker. Following the service every- one enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast at knox Church Hall, provided by the women of St. Paul's Anglican Church. kNOX LADILS CUlLU A most enjoyable April meet- ’7 ing of the Knox Ladies Guild was held at the home of Mrs. Bill McCulloch and the president welcomed members of the Westport Drama Group as special guests. Mrs. June Greisamer and her drama students presented a number of humorous vignettes entitled, “A Slice Of Life". These were extremely well presented and as each episode was portrayed, the members of the audience were reminded of some instance of sim- ilar content which they had experienc- ed at some time in their life. Mrs. Jim Wing thanked Mrs. Greisamer and those participating for their good program. Taking part with their teacher were, Ross Patterson, Tom Scovil, Ted Landon, Ruth Pedherney, Lorraine Colford, Jean Johnston, Mar- lene Thake and June Boston. hvery- one enjoyed a delicious buffet meal and the Guild then carried on with their regular meeting. Mrs. Lorraine Colford and Mrs. Donna Richardson conducted an in- spirational devotional period and each one was presented with a cross with a verse asking each one to visit a shut-in during the month and spread God's love to others. The scripture lesson was from Matthew's Gospel and the theme was the four crosses- The Cross of Atonement, the Cross of Dis- belief, the Cross of Penitenc and Our Cross. This portion closed with pray- er. The Guild will assist the Bible Society wlen they hold their Pot Luck Supper in the Church Hall on the even- ing of April 26th. And several ladies offered to help. Also, plans were made for the Church service on May 8th, when the Henrys will be away on va- cation. Guild members will be taking over the service on that Sunday. It was also decided to host the Fall con- vention of the Presbyterian Young People of the Synod during the Thanks- giving weekend.