HISTORIC PLAQUE TO BE ERECTED ______________________________. n . ' On Saturday, May 21, 1977 a provincial historical plaaue commemoratinq “The NEWBORO COUNCIL NOTES Roval Sappers and Miners" will be unâ€" . I veiled at a special ceremony near New- The T99U1ar meetlnq 0f the Vlllaqe OF boro. The 7th and 15th Comoanies of Newboro Council was held HondaV: April the Royal Sapoers and Miners were 4 at 8:00 p.m. All members of the raised soecificallv to serVe in the council and the reevo wore nresent- buildinq of the Rideau Canal. The Sapners and Miners Were the subject Mr. & Mrs. Roberts of Westflï¬rt attpnd‘ 0F an article which aopeared recently ed the Meetinï¬ Wit†reflflrqs t0 the in the "North Leeds Lantern.†bladue dedication to the Miners and Sabners who built the canal. The Coâ€"sn0nsored by the Villaae of Newâ€" dedication will he held “RY 71 at boro and the Rideau District Histori- 2:30 p.n. near St. “PFV" "0â€â€œt“rv cal Society, the ceremony will take with refreshments at tho hall actor place at 2:30 p.m_ near St. Mary's the ccrcnony. Cemetery, just west of Newboro on Highway 42. In the event of rain the Mr" Bennett & HF“ “Gore fro†the n“‘_ ceremonv will take nlace in the old partment of Indian and Worthern Affairs court house, Newboro. attended the moetina to answer any RIDEAU FRIEN , , . DSI! P questions about the Dark and canal. ‘-â€"â€"â€"‘â€"_**-â€"â€"â€"â€"*l-£EEEE£L On Tuesday eveninq, Anril 19th, Mr. Permission was given to the Recreation Fred Pleminq showed slides of his trip to California and Hawaii. On April and Community Centre board to cut the 26, a group travelled to Brockville dead and innq trees OUt 0f the park- to visit friends at St. Lawrence Lodqe. RIDEAU “"3 THE RIDEAU CRAFTS SPRING FESTIVAL * ARTS AND CRAFTS SALE Date:Saturday,May 28,'77 10am-4pm Place:Forfar,Ont. WhatzAntiques and craft demonstrations. Pottery,china painting,oils, macrame,woodcraft,candles,quilting, weaving,jewelry,batik,home baking, and much more! EVERYONE WELCOME.NO ADMISSION FEE. . Lunch will be available in the community hall. *One hour mini-classes will be offered during the day.