PAGE NINETdEN ____Test Your.__Nu_tr_it.iCm_K_n2Wâ€"'Iifl CHANGES IN U.I.C., December 4, 1977 The following quiz will help you examine __--gg§¥EEQXM§gI_lg§ygéggg_3§§gééllgg§ your nutrition knowledge- December 4th marked the introduction 1. Is it just as easy for women to get Of a few Changes in unemployment Insu" s . all the nutrients they need as it is rance reguj‘atlons‘ The fOIlowmg 1“. s. S. for men? formation is being distributed from Un- 2. The average Canadian diet is more employment Insurance Commission Offices. likely to be deficient in some nutri- Depending on the employment situation Chartered Accountant ents than in others.Which 2 nutrients in our area, to qualify for benefits in the following list are more likely the réquired number of weeks of in- to be leeklng?_ . _ surable employment will be increased Box 2 â€" protein, n1ac1r}, Iodine, iron, from 8 to between 10 to 14. v1tam1n A, calc1um The basic two week waiting is still P0rtland,0ntari0 3. One of the greatest dietary problems in effect, tOday is the e0ntr01 0f blood eho‘ The benefit rate is still two thirds lesterol. Whlch 0f the f0110W%n8 of the average weekly insurable earn- people would be prudent to begin ings to a maximum of $147.00 per Phone eating cholesterol-lowering foods? week, less tax. - a woman of 40, a man Of 55a Sickness benefits are now payable at . a boy 0f 8- ‘ any time during the entire benefit 4. Which has more calories - 1 table- period as opposed to formerly when spoon of butter or 1 tablespoon of they were payable only during the margarine? first 39 weeks of the claim. Maternity benefits of 15 weeks and . - t t f er saturated ANSWERS the special one-time benefit (equal faCt that 1 con aims ew fats. (Look for a high ratio of poly- unsaturated fats to saturated fats on the label). to 3 weeks benefits) at age 65 remain 1. No - women are faced with 2 extra nu- tritional demands on their bodies that men don't have; menstruation and pregnancy. As well, women generally eat less food than men. The result is that women suffer more from malnu- trition, especially iron-deficiency anemia. They should try even harder 3. All 3! Good habits begin in child- hood. There is a higher incidence of NUTRITION WEEK WILL BE HELD THROUGHOUT cardioâ€"vascular problems in males, ONTARIO, JANUARY 23 - 28, 1978. but women too, are susceptible to high blood cholesterol levels. A man of 55 may well have cholesterol proâ€" than men to eat nutritious foods 5 e- . . cifically those high in iron; 31315 p blems already, but Sh0U1d In any $01.“. 7704’ nach’ liver’ and other meat’ eggs’ event, adopt good nutritional prac- WhOIE grain or enriched breads and tices, including the use of choleste- Cereals)‘ rol lowering foods. 2. The Nutrition Canada results show 4. Both are the same _ about 100 cal_ that iron and calcium are very Often ories per tablespoon. Margarine has wEgg$ lacking' Protein may be lacking in Vitamin A added to make it nutritionâ€" pregnant women. (Good calcium sources â€" dairy foods, sardines, salmon, green vegetables). ally equal to butter. The advantage of margarine over butter lies in the CHAPMANS / / SNOWMOBILES // 1 (Between Seeley’s Bay & Elgin) -// 387-3601 HWY 15 - / TRACTORS, SNOW THROWERS and a COMPLETE LINE of LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR SUMMER NEEDS When you want dependability \ V “ \ \‘ .‘ . ti!) ‘V ‘ l ‘ 1 look for...