NORTH LEEDS LANTERN page 7 RIDEAU â€" DAWSON CREEK ‘This Federally-funded exchange took place between the dates of May 20th. and June 6th. The 80 students who participated in the exchange thoroughly enjoyed them- selves, courtesy of their hosts' hospitality. The days spent in Dawson Creek were filled with educational trips to neighbouring farms, his- torical sites and the famous Bennett Dam. Other enjoyable hours were spent on boatrides on the mighty Peace River, camping in the scenic mountains and being entertained by our billets and host families. Our hosts contri- buted to our amusement by plann- ing dances, a pot luck supper and a banquet. Q Numerous hours were spent RIDEAU STUDENTS AT DAWSON CREEK, Joanne Maynard. Theresa touring Gastown, ChinatOWn and Stanley Park in Vancouver after leaving Dawson Creek. A relax- Mallen, and Mary McParland riding a Peace River Boat. ing evening was spent in Vanccu- NORTH LEEDS EUE§ JULY 11 Iï¬yï¬s. JULy_gQ Ver 0“ one of the sandy beaches FASTBALL SCHEDULE WESTPORT vs ELGIN WESTPORT vs SELECTs 0f the Paelflc Ocean- Come nléht' 1928 SELECTS vs NEWBORO STARS vs NEWBORO fall we trudged relucttantly __________________._ . back to the yauthOhostel- Tues.Ju1y_g_ THURS. JULY 1} TUES. JUL1_35 In Ontar10,_lt was back to STARS vs SELECTS EEGIN vs NEWBORO ELGIN vs STARS 503021 f??l§h§ gldeanstudentS NEWBORO vs WESTPORT SELECTS vs STARS SELECPS vs WESTRORT 2% £512 siudintsa¥§03 333$†reassure TE§§_-__J_U_Llf_l§ Tim's- JULY 22 Creek. Some Of these trips in_ WESTPORT vs STARS ELGIN vs WESTPORT STARS vs WESTPORT ~ - SELECTS vs ELGIN NEWBORO vs STARS NEWBORO vs ELCIN cluded a visit to Upper Canada Village, Iroquois Tock, Hill Island, touring and sailing in Kingston, sightseeing and watchâ€" ing a baseball game in Tontreal Extra tire was spent shopping, roller skating and dancin: at Thirteen Acres, having fun at the beach in Kestport and spending tire with host families. Fuch to our hearts' distress ? we said our good-byes to our WHITNEYS GENERAL STORE MORTON . HIï¬HWAY l5 friends from across‘the country after a day of sight-seeing at our nation's capital. Cur heart- ; felt thanks are sent to all those persons who wade this trip poss- ible. ï¬e hope other students in future years will have the chance to participate in other exchanges such as the one we went on. Donna Davies Tammy Johnston Nancy Tainse. Fall Program 4-H Homemaking Club This fall exciting things are happening ; in the 4-H Homemaking Club program. They include a brand new project... w r ’ Needlepoint; new project manuals which ' are fillâ€"inâ€"the-blank type of books; ' 7 and shorter Achievement Days, either _ evening or half day programs. 4-H enrollment across Ontario is de- creasing. If you are interested in starting a new club, all you need is one or two leaders willing to attend our two day workshop and four members willing to take the project. We teach you all the information you need to know as well as some help in teaching aids. Be sure to call Carol Kellam at 342-2124 if you have, any questions. ‘ The leaders' workshop in Leeds is Monâ€"Sat. 7am. to Course Meals scheduled for Thursday & Friday, Sept- ember 7 & 8, 1978, at the Athens United 7:30 am. to 7:30 pm. Church, Athens. There will be a leaders' Sun. 9am. to luncheon provided by the Ministry of Sandwiches Agriculture and Food on the first day 7:30am to of the workshop. NEW MANAGEMENT Sharon & Greg Abrams