page 8 Lvndhurst lST LYNDHURST SCOUTS AND CUBS We had a good turnout this last fall with a total of 37 boys (29 Cubs and 8 Scouts). We hold our Scout meetings at the Lyndhurst Conservation Club eVery Wednesday at 7 - 8.30. The Cub meetings are on Thursdays at the same time but held in Sweet's Corners Gym. The boys range in age from 7 to 15, and come from Delta, Lynd- hurst, Seeley's Bay and surround- ing areas. Our Scout and Cub leader is Bob Saucier. At present he is assisted by Mr. Bob Bennett. We have a group committee which helps the leaders plan their outings, etc. Our Chairman is Mr.Doug. Mainse, Sec. Mrs. Gail Wilkinson, and Treas. Mrs. Martha Bennett. Mrs. Sheila Tye keeps our records. In November we had a bake sale, which proved successful, and in Dec. had a 50-50 draw. Mrs. Kay Stafford of Seeley's Bay was the lucky winner. A bottle drive was cancelled due to the cold weather. Feb. 15-22 is Scout/Guide Week. We have planned a Father-Son Ban- quet for Fri.Feb.2O and the boys will attend a Church Service on Sun. Feb. 22. At this time we gen- erally invite the District Comm- issioner for Scouting, and other District leaders. Mr. Saucier has a heavy workload, and finds difficulty trying to teach so many boys - he would very much like someone (male or female) to train as a lender. The work is very rewarding, and the boys learn so Quickly when divided into smaller groups for discussion. How about it? Can anyone help’? Let's not see our Scouting Move- ment fall apart! LYNDHURST U.C.W. The Y camber neetinr "a: ‘VIE it home 0' Trs. "Tics “lick. “r2. fi:-. Tiltillnr was actinf ""exii ct “i? “fie Helen "oorhoad, who has o~en a t‘ ~ in the hospital. ‘lam-l \v'“_-1:OT-"" ‘thigh-r- and read a poen. 'rsc “ary “o-*"" .. the Jevotional with the thefr: "‘R"‘.t",ï¬ ,s". Yary opened with a ream "'5 Priceless Gift of Christmc‘". “use followed several dibl‘ r idi:"c ui tL~ lighting: of Girdle: by Tlo's-‘r ‘71:21’. Ruth Galbray, liar-ion arrer an} AIRi‘?’_?_“ 'vfc-lch promising“ u: joy, hone n: yawn." The hymns - "'iilent Tiirht" in!‘ "7' Little Town of Tiethlehem" were ;'*?Y:;" and the offerinr dedicetwi, Following the devctionel the minute: were read and approvo-i. and the 46",, 1311?"??"F. report riven. Roll call was 1P7V““Pl by 14. A poem on stewardship was read by Mary Townsend. Following the adjournment of the meeting, three new offices were filled for the new your - President: Yrs. Hazel Gilfillen, Vice-president: Yrs, Betty Moorhead, and Secretary: Mrs. Audrey Raison. The Januarv meeting will be held at the home of Hrs. Iva Sweet. A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Lillian Carey and Mrs. Vienna Kelsey. Mrs. Marion Warren acted as Santa, exchanging gifts. Mrs. Velma Kelsey thanked Flora for opening her home and Mary Townsend for the devotional, and also everyone who helped . LYNDH'URST u .c.w. The Jonuory meeting wos held or the home of Mrs. lvo Sweet with l3 members in attendance. Our new president, Hozel Gilfillen welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with o poem. Mory Townsend was in charge oi the devotional offer which she gove c reading about new beginnings which wos very appropriate For this time oi the yeor . Mory Townsend gove o reading on Steward- ship. The minutes oi the losr meeting were reod by Betty Moorheod and approved. Velmo Kelsey reod the treasurer‘ s report. Thank you notes were reod From Alexis London, Elvo and Mrs. Donby, Reniord Wing 0nd the Oliver Sunday School. Hazel also extended thanks on behalf of Mrs . Banks. The congregational meeting is to be held Jon. 2lsr, or the home of Flora Slack. A report wos given on the year's vmk by the treasurer. A lovely lunch wos served by Audrey Welch and Ruth Golwoy, following which Flora Slack thanked all Ihose who hod token purl in the meeting . fxps'zl' CHIMNEY SWEEPING msrecnou a. REPAIR SPLIT 8i DRY HARDWOOD FOR SALE KEN hMUMflEEN R.R. 1 ELGIN. ONT. PHONE 359-5937 Our Accumulation Annuity offers competitive rates for convenient periods A floating interest rate or a guaranteed interest rate for one year, three years, 0r five years - its your option with our Accumulation Annuity. And because there is no front-end load or policy fee, all your money goes to work for you immediately. Call for the current rates of interest on our Accumulation Annuity. Nothing else grows quite like it. RUSSELL O. JOYNT Agent Mutual Life of Canada R.R. #1, Lombardy, Ont. KOG 1L0 (613) 283-5295 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! TRY THE NORTH LEEDS LANTERN Rates 3x3" $ 7.00 3x5" 12.00 7X5" 20.00 7x8" 25.00 l5 page 35.00 full page 60.00 Your ad will reach 2,300 homes in the North Leeds area. 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