Access/ones /_./ 5 . I" coma/0...; stgte vaI/beaccefffed an 110,914‘ 8k of Hart 0P£ IN 5 M310; t gnaw/1);; mum FARM ~NEWS 11111‘:sz a. FRONTENAC NATIONAL FARMER'S UNION (Local 3180 316) On March 2,3,“ Joyce Hutchings was in Ottawa on Parliament Hill, representing the counties of Leeds & Frontenac (Lo- cal 3180 316) in the National Farmer's Union Lobby for retaining the Crow Rate. The Crow Rate refers to a fixed max- imum freight rate which the railway, by Federal law, is allowed to charge grain farmers for shipping both export and domestic grain throughout Canada. C.P. rail is pressuring the government to eliminate the Crow Rate. They claim they cannot provide services to the farmer at such low rates. They are abandoning much of the rail ne work which has traditionally supported the Western grain industry and are not sup- plying the necessary grain cars to meet grain movement requirements. Farmers all across Canada are well aware, as a result of Union research. that C.P.‘s case is not valid. The Canadian Government has long re- alized the need for a functional and available transportation'system of grain movement within Canada to sup- port Canadian farmers and consumers. Consequently, both historically and currently, the government has provided massive subsidies to C.P. in the form of land, cash and rolling stock. C.P. has, and is being subsidized to meet their costs of shipping grain and yet they continue to complain about low rates, and provide increasingly inadequate service. The consequence of this poor freight service and any increased freight rate would be a dramatic shift of regions of livestock production from Eastern Canadalwhere the consumer markets are, to the grain producing regions. The N.F.U. has realized the danger of eliminating the Crow Rate, and therefore is participating in a lobby action to ensure all M.P.'s understand the sit~ uation. no! (,1sthion/ é/ ï¬t ' ‘I ‘\ ' é] ‘ ransgnmenï¬' 855 Prim.‘ Sï¬se-C. I'o 0â€â€an “Smutnueek m 19nd Ladie§ {op qMCW‘ C(ofï¬i Je we’ S mso exquisite A W 715m, oases 81 ommmauis“ a’ Summer dothmg cowsgnmewï¬ at ï¬ve Stores 1519$! COMMUNITY E N'IERTAI NIVENT ' APRIL 8TH 7:30 P.M. REFREsHNENTs CONE ONE â€" CONE ALL mfashm GRASS FIRES â€" TOWNSHIP OF BASTARD & SOUTH BURGESS Please notify your local Fire Chief, before starting a Grass Fire between April 15th and December 15th, 1981, in the Township of Bastard and South Burgess, or you can be held liable for charges if it becomes necessary for you to require the use of the Fire Department. 5500 q"131?“ Shirley Bryden AMCT. Clerk Treasurer Township of Bastard & South Burgess ********************************** LAKELAND PLAYERS PRESENT OUR TOWN BY THORNTON WILDER APRIL 7.8 & 9 * 3k * * * 1: * * * i‘ Over 200 representatives from across i Canada met in Ottawa on March 2 to plan 1 a strategy, and on the 3rd and hth, i they went out in teams of a to meet i every M.P to make sure he or she underâ€" i i * * * i‘. ** i**************************** stood the issue. 8 P.M. Joyce, Ellard Powers and 2 members from the West formed one such team re- RIDEAU VISTA SCHOOL sponsible for meeting the following ***********Â¥EÂ¥il§§g;**********ï¬ M. P.'s : Maurice Harquail M. P. from New Brunswick and Marcel Dionne, M. P. from Quebec. Contacts were made with the offices of Ed Broadbent, Margaret Mitchell and Sinclair Stevens. Tom Cossitt was not available although he is corresponding with us. As well, meetings with the whole cab-- inet, the Tory and N.D.P. caucus and Prime Minister Trudeau took place. All lobby teams succeeded in con- tacting about 50% of all members. Organizers feel the lobby was a great success in that a large number of M.P.'s are now aware of what the "Crow Rate" means. Submitted by: Jim Earl, president LO- cal 318 N.F.U. and Joyce Hutchings Women's Div. N.F.U. H OEKSTRA’S swmos s. THINGS 928-2494 Main St. Lyndhurst * Lawn Furniture *Custom Woodworking * Novelties & Gifts *Beot the Tax on your Furniture