DELTA-LODGE 1.20.0.F. DELTA LEGION On Oct. 29, Bro. Hugh Manahan, Dist. Deputy Grand Master of St. Lawrence Dist. #50 installed the Officers of Delta Lodge #265. The large number in ‘attendance saw the following installed into their respective offices: Jr. Past Grand- Bro. Carl White, Noble PIOVEd- Grand _ Bro. peter Brechbill, Vice Reports were given by the Treasurer, Grand _ Bro. Hiram Legsma, Rec, sec. _ Chairman of the Poppy Committee, Build- Bro. Gary Raison, Fin. Secretary _ Bro_ ing and Membership Committee. Comrade Lloyed Sawyer, Treas. - Bro. Charles Ron White was aPPOinted Community French, Warden - Bro. Ed Tye, Conductor SerViee Officerx Bro. Lewis Burtch, Rt. supporter of Final plans were made for the supper Noble Grand - Bro. Sam Douds, Lt. 0“ NOV- 21- The meal W111 C°n515t °f Supporter of Noble Grand - Bro. Ron ham, Heansa maShed P°tat°es’ Saladsd Morris, Chaplain - Bro. Bruce Teeple, and Ple- The Price Will be $2-50 an Rt. Scene Su orter â€" Bro. Neil Janâ€" $5-00' sen Lt sceï¬g Supporter _ Bro Bill The Ways and Means Committee reported 9 ' - French, Lt. Supporter of V. Grand - that a band had been hired for New Bro. Gordon Baker, Rt. supporter of Year's Eve. The deadline for tickets v. Grand _ Bro. George Burt, Inside is Dec. 15th - m tickets available Guard â€" Bro. Harold Aimer, Outside @- Guard - Bro, Frank Chish01m_ Comrade Roy College was the winner of the Oct. 50-50 draw. Tickets on The regular meeting of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #207, Delta, was held on Nov. 9th, with President, Comrade Harry Vollick acting as Chair- man. The minutes were read and ap- The Beverley Senior Citizens and Among those present was Bro. Gerald guests from Elgin met in the Delta Munro, Regional Director of Area 16 the % 0f beef afe SelligglilOWEYg Legion Hall. Thirtyâ€"six members and and Grand Conductor of the Grand The eeeting adJourned 0 owe Y 18 guests signed the book. Lodge of Ontario. a SOClal hour- Mrs. Talbot opened the meeting. The After the work 0f the evening, everY‘ minutes and financial report were read. one enjoyed a delicious ham supper Memeers 0f the Delta Royal ianeiian A minutes silence was observed for supplied by the Members of the Order. Leglen #207 and the Ladies EX1 at? Howard Latimer. 0n Thurs., Nov. 12, Lodge #265 was gbsergedTiemembreï¬e: antï¬n bggiaY’ ' host to Williamsbur Lod e #349 0V- - eY mere 8 0 6 It was decided to raise the donation g g , of the drum and were lead by the calour Second Degree Team. Under the direction in memory of deceased members. We are of Bro. Graham Hess, P.G. Williamsburg to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph Party to the United Church. Lessons were read and music was provided by a The annual Christmas dinner is to be Lodge conferred a Second Degree on a ' held on Dec. 18 at the Legion Hall. Class Of Candidates. Quartet frog Elgin‘ Rev. REChardson 5 There is to be a bus trip to King- When Lodge was closed, the Noble sermon was In Remembrance - Grand, Bro. Peter Brechbill invited In the afternoon, they maIChed from Ston early in December. the Legion Hall to the Cenotaph, beâ€" .W v , A . A m- A .me Fahâ€" _ the 50 Brothers to en'o a delicious tZEEazï¬géizgbglgizgiioï¬izzzgeiz :2 meal in the dining hail? hind the Brockville Highland Band, the c diam ‘ ' "‘ and under the direction of Comrade ac or . D . Jack Curry. Padre Grant Richardson , s The cushion was won by Mrs. M. Bryan, . .- e r the home_made waste basket by Mrs. read the Scripture. Prayers were of: I. ‘g Gifford and bingo winners were Eliza Delta W'I' met on get' 14' feted by Rev' RieSberry of st' PaUI s ' G M Helen Garrett Hilda Grant Following the devotional, Mrs. Laura Anglican Church. The Piper's Lament Praia brS'M Br and M;S Shook Russell t01d a Story Of a rieh mer' was played by Ken Laroque. 27 wreaths . winne: 3% tie DZ::; Legion'Auxilié Chant Who Changed from a SelfiSh man were laid to remember those who had “ ‘ ry to a man giVing SerViee to Others- fallen in both World Wars. The re- t raffle was Miriam Bryan- The offering and roll call followed. quiem was said by comrade Harry Vol- Sixeeen members and 1 gueSt were Pre' lick. After the service a social hour sent- was held at the Legion Hall with 250 The minutes and finaneial report in attendance. Hamburgers, baked were given-fellowed by a Programme on beans and coffee were served. autumn. Just as the preparation for The Officers and members of the N a bountiful harvest must be planned. Delta Legion, Branch #207 and the g 30 Shoeld we P13n our Own lives. Ladies Auxiliary would like to thank ~‘f/"- our dODatiOH 0f Bibles has gone all those who helped or took part in to Bangladesh. . any Way to make the day a success. The meeting closed with Benediction. On October 28 a most successful Harvest Supper took place at Delta United Church. I l i l . LADIES AUXILIARY, ROYAL CANANDIAN LEGION BRANCH # 207 The Auxiliary held their November meeting in the Legion Hall, and was opened by President Evelina Volbick. The minutes were read. There is open house every Wednesday evening for anyone interested in cards, darts, shuffleboard or dancing. Roll call ’ was answered by 10 members. The 1 treasurer's report showed success in the recent projects. The winner of theepainted tablecloth raffle held at the rummage sale was Comrade M. Bryan. . The Remembrance Day Sunday Church % Service held at Delta United Church ‘ was attended by members of the Legion and Legion Ladies Auxiliary. In the _ afternoon the Ladies Auxiliary wreath : was placed on the Cenotaph. Members were asked to decorate the Hall for Christmas on Dec. 13 at 2 p.m. After the reading of a comic poem by Comrade Gravelle, the meeting closed.