As of September 30, 1984, the Leeds and Grenville Land Division Committee will be imposing the following conditions on all future consents to Notice to Property Owners In the Township of Bastard and South Burgess severence lands within our Township. 1) Applicant is to dedicate and convey up to 33 feet from centre line of Township road allowance or Township road for purpose 2) of future road widening. Payment to the Township of cash to the value of 5% of any total consideration of $100.00 or more as shown on the Affidavit of Residence and of value of consideration being part of the Deed conveying land. WORK WANTED Repairs to Ceiling and Walls, Renovations, Stone- work. Pointed, Cement. Brickwork and Chimneys Roof Repair Shingling Chimney Sweeping Barn Painting FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED K on Rasmussen & Son 359-5 950 or 928-2630 ()p.m. to 8 a.m. Township of Bastard and South Burgess **********-)(-*********************************** ****** & - ' SEND OFF THIS COUPON N OW To: PROPANE SAFETY, V M7A 2H6. Q Please send me your ï¬'ee ‘ 20-page handbook, NAME: 555 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario LIVING SAFELY WITH PROPANE. ADDRESS: DON’T LET ,YOUR WEEKENDS ~ GO UP Propane is a wonder- fully convenient fuel for cottagers, r cam ers and backyard barbecuers. It’s clean, quic and efï¬cient for cooking, refrigeration and lighting But, like all flammable materials, propane must be used with care. Did you know, for instance, that: D Propane barbecues should never be used in an enclosed area. D Propane cylinders must be stored outdoors and checked for safety every 10 years. 0 A propane cylinder should always be moved or stored in an upright position. ‘ 0 Propane cylinders must be located outside recreational vehicles or in a compartment that is gasâ€"tight to the vehicle interior and ventilated directly to the outdoors. D It is strongly recommended that propane- ' fuelled refrigerators . be cleaned and adjusted every year. You’ll ï¬nd these safety facts and more in our free booklet. Mail the coupon today and get your co y. It’s a great reference ide, and it will ensure t at propane is always a elpmate rather than a hazard to you and your family. The Ontario Govemmenrâ€"Working to Help People. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Ontario Robert Elgie M.D., Minister William Davis, Premier NORTH LEEDS LNHERI page 23 HYDRO HEARINGS Hearings into the Ontario Hydro proposal to build a giant double transmission line through our community are now approaching their climax. On NovemberZO/84, preliminary hearings will be held in Ottawa and then in January of 1985, the final hearings will begin - and our final chance to stop the line will have come. The hearings process has been arduous and drawn out over 2 years. While this is perhaps intended to assure that no stone is left unturned, it may also be more simply to wear down the opponents of the line. Ontario Hydro would dearly love to see us meekly accept the inevitable: in a couple of years our land will be expropriated,‘ a few homes will be reduced to rubble, Our woodlots will fall before the Chainsaws and herbicides and the construction crews, heavy equipment and helicopters will move in to erect the double row of shiny new 14 storey-high steel towers that will dominate our landscape for the rest of our lives. South Crosbytownship residents have demonstrated at Hydro participation centres that they are resolutely opposed to this plan and the Ontario Hydro representatives have received a verbal scorching from us. Unfortunately, at these sessions we have been supping with the devil. The intention has been all along that we will be the ones who really get burned. Our one hope of stopping Hydro is to convince the body appointed to arbitrate between Hydro and the public - The Joint Hearings Board - that the line should not be built. The Board consists of a panel of three people: Mr. D.S. Colbourne, chairman, Mr. B.E. Smith & Ms. D.H. McRobb. It is to them that we should new address- our objections, our concerns and our anger. If they don't hear from us, as a community and as individuals, then they will assume that we have no objections to the line. The Board is expressly directed to listen to anyone who wishes to address it and to this end will travel to various locations along the proposed route to hear testimony from the public. A large number of demands to speak will oblige them to come to Elgin. Then, in our own words, one by one, we can let them know clearly what the human cost of building this line would be. If everyone who signed the petition against the line spoke, the Board would be here listening for 25 days. In order to address the Board, you simply have to write the hearings registrar, stating your intention to Speak. You must do this prior to November 10, 1984. But don't wait until then! will be a long time before a more important issue confronts us. Stand up and speak for South Crosby. Wbite to the Board today....the address is: Yvonne Femandes (Hearing#CH-8lâ€"01 Deputy Hearings Registrar Office of Consolidated Hearings 1 St.Clair Ave. W. (5th Floor) Toronto, M4V 1K7 tel-(416)965-2531 Rev. 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