Colleen Carroll 86.0% Daughter of Mr. and Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. plans . psychology and child the .early ChlldhOOC: studies at the University educatlon course a of Guelph. flea Maureen Norwoodâ€"83.0% Steve Carroll, Mrs. Edward Norwood, R.R.#2., Elgin. Colleen Grady Road, Westport. on taking Maureen Will be in St. Lawrence College in the fall. Mary Lou Shanks 83.5% Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Shanks, Elgin. Mary Lou will study Soviet and East European Studies at Carleton University. ELGIN SUM- FUN The first annual Elgin Sum-Fun was held on July 28th & 29th at South Crosby Township Park. The weekend was planned by some of the members of the Elgin Community Centre Committee and some dedicated volunteers. The events of Sum-Fun, which included children's games, canoe races, chicken barbeque and horseshoes, were well attended. At one time there were over 200 people in the park. The following people won prizes on the Lucky Button draws: Jack Green, Mac Standen, Jason St. Pierre, Cora Backer, Nicholle Hands, Shari Veley, Bernie Carroll, Earl Poweil, Tanya Shaw, Marie Carroll, Mike Carty, Jonathan Jougla, Pam Tinkess, Terry Thompson, Ginny Carty, Barb Purdy, Karen Earl, Jamie Shaw, Tara Thompson, Sonya Bolton, Dennis Thompson, Tammy Summers, Gillian Purdy, Romeo Raymond, Susan Veley, Lorne Kane, Scott Robinson, Justin Courneya, Jo Shaw, Brenda Earl, Jansje Keates, Pat Carroll, Cathy Keates, Steven Reid, Sharon Stedman, Marion Seeley, Darlene Paisley, Sharon Green, Crystal Taylor, Margaret Gard, Garry Allen, Bob Taylor, Tom Keates, Emerson Franklin, Mr. Shaw, Herm Smith, Nancy Ubdegrove, Kevin Christy. Winners of the Sumâ€"Fun Care Bears were Susan Duncan, Dave Shaw, Bruce Summers and Jeremy Carty. The committee would like to thank all the organizations and businesses for their support in making Sum-Fun 84 a huge success. Barry Murphy 87.5% Son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Murphy, Main Street, Westport. Barry will study Engineering at Queen's University. .“ r. Charalle Rice 83.596 Daughter of Mrs. Shirley Rice, Westport. Char will attend the University of Western Ontario in the communicative disorders - audiology course. Robert Keates 85.6% SOn of Mr. and Mrs. Art Keates, R.R.#1, Elgin. Rob will attend Queen'sUniversity in the program. Uh Engineering Joyce Carroll 83.8% Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Carroll, R.R.#2, Elgin. Joyce is planning on studying radiology at Kingston General Hospital. '\. i i K). John Duncan of Duncan‘s T.V., Elgin presents Shiela Reid of Burtch Island with an AM/FM Cassette radio which she won on the Lucky Button draw at Elgin Sum-Fun.