LYNDHURST U.C.W. The July meeting was held at the home of Audrey Welch. President Betty Moorhead welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a prayer. Ruth Patrick was in charge of the devotional and her theme was freedom. The hymn "Land of Our Birth" was sung. Ruth then read an excellent article entitled "Let Freedom Ring". The devotional closed with a prayer. The offering was taken and dedicated. Minutes were read and approved and roll call answered by 17 members. Following the treasurer's report, Mary Townsend thanked everyone for their kindness during her recent illness. Betty thanked the members for their help in cleaning the Manse and read a thankyou note from Lloyd Kenny and family. Plans were made for the chicken barbeque on July 14 at the Township Hall. The meeting then adjourned and closed with the Benediction. Adelicious lunch was then served by Helen Moorhead 8: Iva Sweet. Ruth Galway thanked Audrey for opening her home as well as all those who had helped with this meeting. Rev BURLE CROSS will be p eaEIJIg wt BETHEL TABERNACLE Ln Lyndiuuwt, Thaniugiw'ng Sunday manning. TIGER 1000 [Apple II + 148K] IGDK DISC DRIVE IGK MEMORY CARD IZBK MEMORY CARD DISC DRIVE MEMORY CONTROLLER SPEECH CARD [says anything] DETACHED KEYBOARD 280 [CPM] CARD PRINTER CARD PX-BU DOT MATRIX PRINTER HOGI05 DAISY WHEEL PRINTER GREEN SWIVEL MONITOR I'I' COLOUR MONITOR . A??? ‘ mplï¬g ’ ' h :T.â€"* . . - rem-EL“; -- F ' ' V 1.; fl “gï¬ï¬PwunMï¬ï¬x SA EASTEES NJSE Restaurant Open Daily 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 m Thankégiving [Glued Wednudayb] Rue/waqu Recommended 272-3132 * OFF-SEASON HOURS AFTER THANKSGIVING...... FRIDAYS: 12 noon - 9:00 p.111. SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 8:00 3.11:. - 9:00 pan. ....throughout the Fall & Winter Enjoy a "FALL GETMMY" with an ave/might Atay at The "GALLAGHER HOUSE" Relax in one as can tastefully (annulled guut and enjoy the Maple prwwA 05 a 5m weekend with UA! FOR AN ENJOYABLE STAV AT PORTLANDâ€"ONâ€"THEâ€"RIDEAU 5% GAL AGHER HOUSE Restaurant West Water Slrcol Portland-()n-lhc-Ridcnu ()ntnri(),(1zmn(ln KOG lV() COMPUTERS ELGIN HOMEVIDEO SEPTEMBER SALE COMPUTERS AND PERIPHERALS $399.00 $295.00 $75.00 $275.00 $55.00 $69.00 $195.00 $80.00 $95.00 $360.00 55 I 0.00 $155.00 $390.00 PERSONAL B BUSINEE COMPUTERS APPLE AND CP/M COMPATIBLE 64K. 2 Microprocessors 2 160K Disc Drives Detached Keyboard with 10 programable fmction keys. complete with Manual. OVER 50000 PROGRAMS from EXCITING GAMES TO SOPHISTICATED BUSINESS SOFTWARE Available to run on this computer. .‘OO. 7 ULTRA LOW PRICE $1395.00 [Save OVER $200.00] COCOS HURRY....HHILE STOCK LASTS....NEw STOCK HILL REVERT T0 REGULAR LOW PRICES!