NORTH LEEDS LANTERN lst LYNDHURST BOY SCOUTS & WOLF CUBS Another year of activities is about to begin and we are anticipating another highly successful one. 1983-84 in Review: In October '83. Z cubs were invested into the Boy Scouts and 4 new cubs were initiated making a total of 14 Cubs and 7 Scouts. Past Group Committee members were: Bob Saucierâ€"Cub & Scout Leader, Sheila Tye-treasurer 8.: assistant Cub Leader, Phyllis Lamont- Secretary 81 Art Shaw-Chairman. In addition there were three Scoutersâ€"inâ€"training: Ester Saucier, Tammy Matice 8: Geraldine Gray. We also benefited from our full time Resource person-Lois Lafrance. Activities: Oct 21 being a school P.A. day allowed us to plan and participate in a hike. Leaving Morton Community Hall at 9 a.m. we hiked to the summit of Rock Dunder returning tired & happy at 4 p.m. Nov. 19 our hurriedly prepared entry into the Lyndhurst Santa Claus parade won 2nd prize in the Junior division for which we received a $25.00 cash prize. Jan 28 a toboggan party at the home of Grant 8: Jaon Tye saw the Athens Cubs and Scouts join in the fun. with hot dogs 8: hot chocolate shared around a bonfire. Feb 11 the Athens group invited us to join them on a bus trip to "Winterlude" in Ottawa. Unfortunately freezing rain caused the bus to turn back at Smiths Falls. Better luck next time Athens. March 2 we celebrated the Annual Father 8: Son Banquet put on by our sponsors, the Lyndhurst Conservation Club. Honoured guests were officials from the Kingston District, including District Commissioner Guy Manderville as well as Reeve Roy Greenhorn. Rev. Hessler gave the blessing. March 16 we took a bus trip to Ottawa and visited the Boy Scouts of Canada Museum as well as the Museum of Science 8! Technology. Several of the boys mothers joined the leaders on this trip. May 10 was a regular meeting night but was also our "Hobby" night. The Brownies and Girl Guides joined us and the various hobbies were judged by: Bill Nolan, Ted Zuber 8: Mary Lovelace. Ribbons & points were awarded and the total points competition was won handily by the Cubs with 94. Guides had 65 & Brownies 54 points. June 10 the Cubs & Scouts hiked from Larose Bay Road to Red Horse Rock. A wide selection of wild flowers were observed along the way, including: Lady's Slipper, Fringed Milkwort & Wild Bleeding Heart. July 23 - 28 was the last event of the year with our summer camp conducted as usual at Singleton .._Lake Campground. For the use of their .K..-p:operty,;_ and g, facilities, we _ _ , would like to extend our thanks to Joan 8: Rick Sands. LYNDHURST U.C.W. The Sept. meeting was held at the home of Ruth Galway. President Betty Moorhead welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a prayer. Helen Moorhead opened the Devotional by reading "A Thought for the Day" followed by the scripture Luke 11, 1â€"13. The hymn "THe Lord’s My Sheperd was sung. A skit "Give us this day our daily bread" was enacted by Helen Moorhead, Iva Sweet, Mary Townsend, Ruby Sweet 8: Ruth Thanks to everyone who took the time to help our Cubs 8: Scouts in any way during the past year. We need volunteers and resource people all the time, and, like most organizations we need funds. This year, please support our boys when they are planting trees, selling calenders or apples, and, if you have any scouting experience or outdoor skills you would like to share, remember the boys would . . - Galwa . The re eatin in unison han th w1th ou. Y P g 811303, 5 ng em Y of the Lord's Prayer closed the Devotional. The offering was taken and dedicated followed by the reading and approval of the minutes. Roll call was answered by 18 members with 2 guests also in attendance. Velma Kelsey presented the treasurer's report. It was moved and passed that the subscription to the magazine "The Mandate" be renewed. Flora Slack read a letter from the Christian Children's fund which explained that our support would now be given to a different child as Carla Edwards was no longer eligible. A picture of this little boy from Barbados, Damien Blenman, was passed around the membership. Mary Townsend's reading on stewardship told of what the United Church is doing to help releive the \W/ suffering of the starving in Africa. - .1 The business part of the meeting { 5;» closed with the Benediction. A contest conducted by Helen Sid/am] juncra/flome Ji’miln/ Moorhead was part of our social time and all enjoyed a delicious †A Dusted Name in Funeral Service" WALTER W. SCOTLAND DAVID W. SCOTLAND lunch served by Hazel Gilfillen 8: Elgin, Ontario KOG 1E0 JVflsé’g 1 Win-tali- Ruth Patrick. (613) 359-5555 ONVMIO ‘UN! HAL Bob Sander & the lst Lyndhurst Cub Pack on top of Rock Dunder, looking down on Whitefish Lake. Ruby Sweet thanked Ruth for opening her home and also thanked all who had helped make this an enjoyable meeting. " YOU CAN BE A NATURALIST - by Ellen bonuill DRMKNIFE for rough shaving OLD TOOLS, designed for working with natural materials. Check the ones you have seen. LATHIm HATCHEI‘: Flat outer contour, so nails could be struck near ceiling without hitting it. USNATH: For cutting hay or tall grass. FLAIL: To beat seed out of grin heads. D identify logs .