page 10 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN PORTLAND NEWS Once again the Annual Chicken Barbeque, sponsored by the POrtland Community Hall Board, was an unqualified success with the selling of 711 chicken dinners. Of course, none of this would be possible without the help of many people. The Hall Board would like to express their appreciation to one and all for their help and participation. A special thankyou to our yearly convenor, Mrs. Clara Hull and her wonderful crew of helpers. Thanks also to the Volunteer Firemen for their help at the Barbeque Pit and to the community at large for their donations of money, pies and help. Our financial statement of the Barbeque will be presented at our regular monthly meeting on Wed. Sept. 12 and will appear in the Lantern. L. McConville Chairman ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Rideau Lakes Branch #231 A general meeting was held Sept. 6/84 to begin a new year of activities. A calendar of events for the period Sept/84 to June/85 had been prepared and distributed to all members. A motion was passed to donate $100.00 to the North Leeds Lantern in appreciation of their co-operation and support over the years. In coâ€"operation with the South Crosby Council, plans were finalised to provide a plaque for the Elgin Cenotaph in honour of the World War II and Korean Volunteers. A committee has been working with the South Crosby Council. Plans are being finalised for the Harvest Dinner Dance to be held in Portland Community Hall on Sat. October 20/84. There will be a social hour from 6-7p.m., dinner at 7p.m. and dancing from 9p.m. to l a.m. to the music of the "Country Five". Legion Week is being celebrated in Ontario from Sept. 16-22. It provides a means of expressing our appreciation to our fellow citizens who work to shape a better tomorrow. The week began with our Annual Church Service at the Elgin United Church on Sun. Sept. 22. Rev. Harry Seeley, our branch Chaplain delivered a most appropriate and inspiring message on "What the Wellâ€"Dressed Christian Should Wear". Our thanks and appreciation are extended to Rev. Seeley and his congregation for a warm welcome and reception. Two of our comrades, Lint McConville 8: Pat McManus, attended an Air Force Reunion in Winnipeg last week. The next general meeting will be held on Oct. 4/84 at which time we hope to have a new member for initiation. J. Raison PORTLAND COMMUNITY HALL BOARD The regular meeting of the Board was held Sept.12/84 Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Swimming Program-a 12' pole was purchased to fulfil safety requirements attached to this program. R. Long is to enquire as to the whereabouts of the swimming area floats. J. Polk suggested that a ladder be installed on the raft. N. Young stated that the raft is in need of repairs. C. Hull asked about possible erosion of the beach due to the street culvert. L. McConville is to enquire re routing of storm sewers. 30th Anniversary of Fire Dept. The horseshoe pits will remain on the Hall grounds until further notice. It was also moved and passed that the Hall Board & the Fire Dept. split the $200.00 costs for permanently wiring the outside lights at the back of the lot. Chicken Barbeque- Containers for the Chicken Barbeque Take-out are $40.00 per 200. The Board will try and obtain them wholesale for the future. Tne barbeque showed a profit of $1,747.37. Acceptance of the treasurer's report which showed $111.44 in the general account 8: $1,230.37 in the savings account, was moved and passed. Correspondenceâ€"A letter was received re the rental schedule of the Hall for Bridge on Tuesday nights next summer. It was moved and passed that the rental for the Tuesday night was approved. A cheque for $72.75 was received from M. Sarrazin (50% of the summer's profits) The Highway Engineering Dept will be asked for service signs for both ends of the village. S. Haskins will be allowed to use the Hall for Cubs 8: Scouts on Monday nights. No soccer will be allowed, activities will be limited and damages incurred will be payable. New Year's Eve Dance-it was moved and passed that the dance will be held on Monday, Dec. 31/84. K. Coleman is to be contacted about the music. The meeting adjourned and will reconvene Oct. 10/84 (Wed.) L. McConville HARLEMâ€"CHANTRY U.C.W. The group met at the home of Mrs. Pat Cassidv on Tues., Sept. 11/84 Mrs. Nancv vaes, president for the month, opened the neeting with the "Call to Worship" and welcomed the members and thanked the hostess. Mrs. Lena Gallagher conducted the Worship service on the theme "Thoughts for the Day". She was assisted by Mrs. Edna Gile with scripture readings.. The Devotion was closed with prayer. Roll call was answered by 14 members. Mrs. Marjorie Emmons gave the first 2 chapters of the study book, "Jesus means Life". The offering was received and dedicated followed by the reading 81 approval of the minutes. 40 home and 50 hospital visits were made and 49 books read. Talent money was handed in to the treasurer. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Refreshments and a social hour were enjoyed by all. The next meeting woill be in the Harlem Church, Oct.2/84 at 2 p.m. EMMANUEL A.C.W. PORTLAND The group met on Thurs. Sept. 13/84 at the home of Claire Myers. After opening prayers, devotions, reports and general business, the group turned to discussion of the events of the summer holiday months. The successful July bake sale held on Ruth Hull's lawn brought villagers and cottage residents together for chatting and shopping. Two children spent happy days at Camp Hyanto, sent there through the efforts of the ACW. The group's foster child in Columbia wrote to say that she enjoys the letters sent to her. Emmanuel Church, Portland looks very beautiful, all newly pointed, and the ACW has done its share in helping to pay for the costly and needed renovation. The branch now looks forward to a busy fall 8: winter season. . XEI BETA IOTA CHAPTER BETA SIGMA PHI The first meeting for the 1984-85 year of the Chapter was held at the home of President Sylvia Herlehy. Pres. Sylvia was in the chair and welcomed everyone 8: expressed her hopes and wishes for a good year. Correspondence from International office was read and discussed, as well as local correspondence. Ways 8: Means chairperson Judy Pattinson reported on 2 projects to be held by the chapter; a garage sale in September and the Christmas Market with Eta Tau Chapter in November. Marion McLeod is the Social chairperson and will be incharge, with her committee, of social events throughout the year. Once every 2 months, a Pot Luck Dinner meeting will be held, Commencing Jl/z hour earlier than regular meetings. A list of programmes, homes for meetings and hostesses & co-hostesses were named. Marcia Nightingale suggested that we have one Birthday party in Feb. to celebrate all the members' birthdays throughout the year. Chapter Chatter followed with lunch being served by Sylvia. Judy Timpany won the draw. S. Stewart PORTLAND CMIITY HALL I RECREATIGI CENTRE MAL CHICK“ BARBEQJEâ€"Aug.†1984 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Revenue Dinner sales-675 adults @ $3,712.50 68 childs @ 187.00 Total 743 $3,899.50 DONATIONS 235.00 US Premium, Sale of pies etc. 3.08 Total $4,137.58 w Chicken-725 @ 3.00 $2,175.00 Food Supplies/Good's, Sled's 76.18 Takeout Containers 68.18 Juice, drink mix, sundrie 44.85 Advertising 26.00 Total $2,368.21 PROFIT 41,747.37 49“â€