.~'v'_r. fl as vwivvvci. page 2 NORTH IEEDS LANTENI - EDITORIAL PAGE- EDITORIAL What a month...The election brought some strange results...and some even stranger negotiations... The results perhaps were most shocking to the Conservative Party. They seemd to be totally unaware of the disatisfaction of the voting public. While many reasons have been aired for the demise of the government, it is perhaps more realistic to realize that many issues brought about a change in the electorate's behavior...a combination of all those mentioned by the various pundits. Locally, Bob Runciman rode the storm well, even though his previous majority was eroded somewhat. While Leeds remains a Conservative seat, it has probably more to do with the man than with party colours. The strange negotiations have left me with a somewhat more disillusioned view of the political game. Strange that the last party on the poll, with the least number of seats and popular vote, should be able to wield such power. Having talked to some staunch NDP supporters over the past few weeks, most are stunned that their leader would "deal"...I thought our Ontario system was such that the party with the most number of seats governed...should either opposition party choose to support or defeat them on any issue,...then down goes the government. The present dealing leaves a lot to be desired and, while not a supporter of any party, makes me wonder what Party people will do to gain power! Whoever rules Ontario, they had better remember that the electorate is much more vocal and perhaps more involved than in the past. If they take into consideration that there was general questioning regarding the eroding of the education system, thus making the funding of the separate school system not only regressive but a burden, they would not rush to carry out exâ€"Premier Davis' decree. The positive note in this mishmash of occurences is that at last, Ontario politics has become interesting...even to the point the general public have a better understanding than many of the media. We also have just "had“ the first Conservative budget from our Federal government and the middle class workers get it in the ear again! This may sound like common sense, but does no-one realize that the middle class, usually employed by others, have worked hard to make a good salary, and tend to spend a good deal of their income. Being taxed more means less free money thus the possibility of a reduction in demand for services and goods. The incentive to work to get ahead, financially at least, is being rapidly eroded by all levels of government. Not being knowledgeable on deficits and the like, I do, however, understand that the more people unemployed, the more money needed for the various support systems. We really go from the ridiculous to the sublime when we have the Prime Minister dishing out folios of photos, to the tune of $12,000.00 for printing, and then have rural residents offered jobs some 35 miles away at $4.00 per hour...and gas gomg up again! I feel sorry for the small business man...The Canadian government has laid it all on your shoulders to bring about a turn around in the employment picture! That‘s a tall order...because according to my reading of the budget...Mr. Wilson didn't really give you any breaks, he just didn't hit you up for more money. Better get working though...because if the economy doesn't turn around...he'll be after your hide come Februaryllll Hilarious isn't it, when we see what the additional tax will do to tourism and the cost of living. My only satisfaction is I can give up drinking and candy...and maybe even try to stop smoking again....I certainly wont be able to travel too far in my own country, or eat out too often...the only thing left is 5... Oops, better not say it...they'll probably find a way to tax even that next time! PL LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor: Th5 Kingston Chapter of the Kidney Foundation and CFMK (K96) are hosting a RADIOTHON on Sat. June 15, 1985. The purpose of this Radiothon is to generate interest in the Kidney Foundation and raise money to pay for a HPLC Machine which has been purchased by the Kingston Chapter of the Foundation. By purchasing this machine, doctors at Kingston General Hospital will be able to carry out transplantations of organs using the new "wonder drug" CYCLOSPORIM. By using this drug, we feel that many more successful transplants of all organs will be carried out at KGH. This Radiothon is being conducted on a "callâ€"in" basis. Persons can make their pledge and even challenge someone to make a pledge. All funds will go towards the purchase of the above noted machine. If some listeners do not wish to call in, they may forwrad their money to: The Kidney Foundation, c/o Kingston General Hospital. Yours truly Don Gavey, President .- 7A\\\\'3 k: Credit {art month's Nunaeny school PLCIuflQA ahouzd have been to Peggy Sheet. - FILOVLC COVUL Chew - Amt Shaw IMPORTANT NUMBERS Red Cross HomeMakers 359â€"5382 V.O.N. Office 272â€"2343 Cancer Society - Service to Patients Joyce Warriner 27 2â€"2237 ******s* The North Leeds Lantern is distributed free of charge to all households in the Townships of Bastard & S. Burgess. Rear of Leeds & Lansdowne, South Crosby and the Village of Newboro. _ _ Individual subscriptions are available to those residin outside of these areas at a cost of $7.590 (Canadian residents) & $9.00 (United States) For new or renewal subscriptions, contact: Mrs. Margaret Kaith Seeley's Bay. Ont. 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