page 2 WNLEEDSLAKI'EH ° EDITORIAL PAGE- WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT? The people elected in November, 1985 will control the welfare of their respective municipalities for the next three years. The voter has a responsibility to make sure the people they elect will attend to the needs and desires of all residents of the community. And just what are those needs? Most residents feel that the quality of life in the rural area needs some improvement. Services are restricted, often by financial restraint as well as the difficulty of supplying a wide variety of services to small populations. In all the municipalities served by the Lantern, it would seem that we have good to excellent fire protection, library service, community hall facilities and average to good roads. Garbage collection, operated through private individuals, seems to be adequate although perhaps this service would be better if it was contracted by councils for 311 residents and a charge levied on the tax bill. What other services or priorities should we be looking to councils for? As a tourist area, perhaps a closer look at what attracts tourists should be undertaken. Beautification (and in some cases, cleanâ€"up) of villages and surrounding areas would make the area more appealing. lnstilling a pride among residents in the maintenance of their property and their townships could bring about some changes. Possibly bylaws relating to the general maintenance of property, e.g. no dumping, no storing of abandoned vehicles, etc. could speed up this aspect. Tourism creates employment, but this is usually seasonal. What areas could be developed to pick up employment on the "off-season"? As our population ages, councils will be faced with increased demands for services to the elderly. Better sidewalks could help many of our older citizens to negotiate through the winter months. Snow removal from walk-ways, either enforced by bylaw to owners in the business section of villages or performed by councils in their regular snow removal program would solve this problem. What about parks? Not the summer, swimming, picnic areas, but easily reach- able rest areas where seniors or those of us who wish to walk to somewhere and back, could pause and rest on suitably provided benches. For entrepeneurs, the need for home delivery of goods, (groceries and the like) and the availability of transportation, (taxi or hired driver) offers possible service for the general population. Garbage is an on-going problem in rural and city areas. Gone are the days of signs by the Dept. of Highways, indicating a $50.00 littering fine, although the U.S. has instigated that type of campaign and had remarkable results. On the highways, we can do nothing as drivers and passengers alike unload their- garbage while "passing through" our areas. In our villages, the supply of garbage receptacles is greatly lacking thus the walker has either to carry his/her garbage or....drop it on the street. Thus a supply of garbage containers could alleviate the constant deposit of refuse on the streets of our communities. 15 this an area for council action...or should service clubs take action? Keeping the tax bill down is often quoted as the main goal of candidates for election, either in municipal, provincial or federal LETTER TOTHEEDITOR Hi, I am submitting the enclosed letter for your consideration to be published in the North Leeds Lantern. It mostly concerns an error (I believe), but also expresses my thoughts and feelings regarding your photo feature in the October issue of the Lantern. Many years have passed since the photo was taken and it feels nice to remember all the kids I grew to know so well during our stay in Elgin. This is particularly so since it was (to me at least) so long ago. I did not contact Gene regarding the possibility of a mistake in the name, but it‘s not really that important because I'm certain I'm in the picture if not in reality then at least in my heart and memories. Yours truly, J. Harold Burt I Remember..... Late this summer, my wife Sandra and I and two of 011! children, Lori and Stephen had the pleasure of moving into the "old Cuddy place" at R.R.#2 Lyndhurst. After spending most of the past thirtyâ€"three years living in the city (Kingston), it is a most welcome change for me and my family. I am not "new" to this area, however, as my family did reside in the village of Elgin for a number of years in the late 40’s and early 50's. It was there that my scholastic career started over 36 years ago. Imagine the shock, while reading our first issue of the "Lantern" and what should appear but a picture of my first school teacher and classmates. Talk about nostalgic. Memories flooded my mind as I drifted back to those thirty odd years ago....Annie, my first teacher - we all loved her; bus trips courtesy of Patterson’s to Sand Lake in the summer; cokes for 5¢ at Guthries Pharmacy; haircuts for 25¢ at Herbert Morris' barbershop; a trip to Kingston to see "Princess" Elizabeth; Sopers Sales and Service (I think Mary-Lou had something to do with this one); the principal Miss? or Mrs? Jackson; my fight with Gord Mustard _a_nd George Jackson (something to do with a full basket of blackberries I think); the memories went on and on, and continue each time I look at the picture. Unfortunately, (I hope I‘m not wrong!) I believe a mistake was made in the list of names shown on the reverse page and guess who? Well, I am certain that the smiling little fellow second from the right in the front row is none other than yours truly, Harold Burt, son of the late Joe and Elaine Burt, brother of the late John Burt and also brother of Lorne Burt of Kingston. I do not recall any Kenney Burt in our class, although there are certainly other Burts resident in the area who might refute my claim. I did attend the "old" public school that year and after comparing old family photos, I'm certain it was me. In any event, thank you Gene and North Leeds Lantern for showing this picture. Perhaps I may be able to contribute in the future. Yours truly, J. Harold Burt P.S. It feels great to be back in the "old neighbourhood". Hello to all my "new" neighbours and "old" friends. IMPORTANT NUMBERS The North Leeds Lantern is distributed free of charge to all households in the Townships of Bastard & S. Burgess, Rear of Leeds a Lansdowne. South Crosby and the Village of Newboro. Individual subscriptions are available to those residing outside of these areas at a cost of $7.50 (Canadian residents) 8 $9.00 (United States) For new or renewal subscriptions, contact: Mrs. Margaret Keith Seeley's Bay,(ht. KO" 2!) Funding for publication is provided through comercial advertising with the aforementioned townships contributing towards the cost of bulk mailing. The aim of the Lantern is to provide a monthly newspaper. of interest to local residents. News from Councils, local organizations and the public will be published as space allows and under the guidelines set down by the board of Directors. The Lantern also hopes to provide a forum for local concerns and invites letters or articles from the general public. *Letters &/or articles must be signed. Lay-out Regulars: Pat Little, Jansje Keates. Jeff Baker, Betty Blackman, Doug Roantree. Marj Jack50n, Diane Brown. Deadline: ALL advertising copy, articles, announcementâ€"s: etc. MUST e received BEFORE the deadline printed in the previous month's issue. Material arriving after that date cannot be guaranteed inclusion in the next issue. Au. STAFF ARE VOLUNTEERS! For your information the deadlines for Lantern issues for the remainder of 1985 are listed below. Please cut and save for reference. Issue Deadl ine Rel eased Nay April 24 May 2 June thy 22 Nay 3O July/Aug June 19* June 27 Sept. Aug 21 Aug 29 Oct Sept. 18 Sept 26 Nov. Oct 23 Oct 31 Dec. Nov 20 Nov 28 Jan/86 Dec 20* Dec 27* (Dec. dates to be confirmed) To all Advertisersâ€"please note that camera-ready copy will be accepted on the Monday before lay-out BUT space IIJST be booked before deadline. Salple Ad Rates: 3 x 3 $7.00 7 x 5 $20.00 35 pge (10 x 8) 35.00 Full pge (10x16)$60.00 Preprinted Business Card $5.00 Classifieds: 2 to 4 lines $2.00 5 - 8 lines $4.00 8 lines & up Costing based on inch rate. N.B. ALL classifieds must be accom anied 5 mmimum of $2.00. If Billin ls necessary, a surc arge o m e a e . Notices: Thank you notes, Open House,"‘etc.â€" Depending on length-minimum charge $4.00 Ad Content Policy: While the Lantern volunteer staff prepare ad copy for print, the content is the responsibility of the advertiser. False or misleading information should be drawn to the attention 0d the advertiser. N.B. No ads. or other infatuation will be taken by phone. Ihterial sublitted should include none and nailing address of person to be contacted/billed. The Lantern DOES NOT ACCEPT Birth, wedding, Engagement or Graduation announcements. The Directors believe these items fall into the jurisdiction of weekly/daily newspapers. Calendar/Cains Events: Organizations holding regular events may submit items to be included in the Calendar &/or Cumin ' Even'ts column IN WRITING. The Lantern MUST be informed date of commencement and also termination of event. e.g. euchres. Bingo's etc.) All items in these two areas are 32133:“ ï¬qee BUT may not include cost. se ers, or b aogtent. e unduly long in . . Conmercial enterprises MAY NOT use calendar or Coming Events to announce sales. Pay-ant of Accounts: Accounts a be directed to: pay ble should North Leeds Lantern Box 136. Elgin. KOG 1E0 Attention Mrs. N. Jackson If copy or instructions are included. please send to same address; attention P. Little. GREIlINS: These little "fellows" are responsible for our bleepersl He apologize in advance for any typos. emulsions, misprints etc. Please remember. the Lantern is operated strictly by volunteers, many with other comitments. He do try our best! but our Gremlins sometimes win! FOR MR INFOMTIII *classifieds IIIST be accmanied by a I-lni-n $2.00 parent. A su will be oh to cover billil‘iharge 0f 50‘ :Clï¬sifieds ads/infatuation y one. Material should be mailed to address listed, or may be dropped into 3:: South Crosby Library Book dmp. marked North Leeds Lantern) Calls: While we do list the numbers of our volunteer staff, we 323?: appreciate readers/contributors using them With discrimination. Most information is listed in the Lantern re deadline, next issue, & approximate charges. IT PAYS TO KEEP YOUR LANTERN! Red Cross HomeMakers 359-5382 V.O.N. Office 272-2343 politics. While this is an excellent idea, it should be carefully weighed in the light Cancer Society â€" Service to Patients Joyce Warriner tttttttt . 272-2237 continued on page 7 2