North Leeds Lantern page 17 South Crosby S.S. # 16 Ripley School Year-1952-53 Front Row (left to right) Clinton Halladay, Philip J odoin, Brenda Burtch, Catherine Donovan, June Burtch, Jean Landon(Denniscn),,Chris Skoryna Back Row (left to right) Teacher Mrs. Georgie (Burt) Shanks, Arnold Summers, Eldon Burtch, Charles Martel], Rita Burtch, Teresa Donovan, Georgie Halladay. (Submitted by G. Shanks) REMEMBER NAMES BUT NOT FACES?...OR VICE VERSA? In the next several issues. the Lantern will be featuring old class photos. If you have any which would prove interesting. at least 25 years old and have the names of all pictured. please send to Box l36. Elgin. KOG IEO [Photos will be returned on request.) A POINSETTIAS Hundreds lo choose from: 7 days a wash. 4'