NORTH LEEDS LANTERN page 13 WAYNE PHILLIPS Ttoot Coming (2977 Sales S Installations ATTENTION OPPRESSEO TAXPAYERS (me you. diAAaLéAï¬L'ed thh you/L pausemt Accounting, Bookkeeping Repairs 8 Binding on Taxauon Se/wiceb? Steam Cleaning 3M PROTECTOR CARPETS 8: CUSHION FLflORING DELTA RR 1 16 Ac, I can 955m you '8 yea/w as mmwce a1: a awonabte cobt. TOM SOOVIL PORTLAND OFFICE SERVICES LTD. Box 70. Portland Ontario KOG IVO 272â€"2759 "We Take Pride in our Work†ANYONE Can sell home heating oil BUT NOT EVER YONE CAN GIVE 0 UR SER VICE HE KILLED THE BOTTLE... WHEN YOU SEE THIS VAN. . . YOU KNOW YOU ARE GETTING THE BEST Selling heating oil at very competitive rates and supplying fast radio dispatched delivery with 24 hour emergency service is just a part of our business. Upgrading our customers' heating units and supplying the latest in energy- saving burners and equipment is another part. Our customers get a written Efï¬ciency Test from our experts and advice on how to upgrade their system if it’ s necessary. Our Technicians are fully-trained by the Federal Government and by the Home Emery Group and use our SPECIAL TECHNIQUES to squeeme every BTU possible from your heating dollar. WE ARE RECOGNIZED AS THE BEST TEAM 0F SPECIALISTS IN EASTERN ONTARIO ANDTHENEWENGLANDSTATES I I I Call us collect and let our team of experts go to work for you. YOU’LL NEVER REGRET IT! I! W FUELS HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING ELGIN, ONTARIO KOG 1E0 Ministry of the Attorney Generai 359'5080 1'800'267'8' 87 (9Q IFYOUDRINK ' .Ontano rraI, IHon laziï¬am . )d'lId Pelt (<91; the Home Energy Group deécaled to tune energy camsevvatkn