NORTH LEEDS INTER-CHURCH FELLOWSHIP GROUP This group meets in the United Church, Elgin, the second Monday of each month, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Its purpose is to promote fellowship and study and to work together to promote things that need to be done in the area. It is attended by both clergy and lay people and has been meeting since last Fall, with average attendance of about twenty. The February meeting dealt with the problem of those who had insufficient food and clothing. Representatives were present from the councils of South Crosby and Bastard and South Burgess. Also present to give their expertise were Salvation Army officers from Gananoque and Kingston. It became apparent that there is an immediate need for food by some families. The various churches in the area are asked to invite their congregations to bring food items on Sundays. These will be taken to the welfare officers of the councils for distribution. At the next‘ meeting of the Inter-Church Fellowship Group, the welfare officers of the surrounding townships are invited to be present and further plans will be formulated to help meet the needs of our area. Everyone is welcome. The next meeting will be at the United Church, Elgin, Monday, March 10, 1986 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ()3 the coopeétors .lim Stodmon Sula Representative lnsu'anCe Services . . . -_ , .R.R.No..l . ' H, 'E'.‘ ‘$06160. Essen. mm»... . We’re in - i to putï¬iiu g inthe_ picture. Your New Driver’s Licence. A lot of people can measure up to your height and weight, but no 0ne’s got a face quite like yours. So starting February 3, we're going to give your driver’s licence a little more protection if it's lost or stolen. We’re going to make it picture perfect. That’s right, your new two-part licence will include your photograph Look for complete details when your next licence renewal notice arrives in the mail. Minist of Transportation and ommunicatlons ‘Ontario Minister, Hon. Ed Fulton Premier. Hon. David Peterson XI ZETA IOTA CHAPTER BETA SIGMA PHI The members of Xi Zeta Iota are enjoying more events of a social and cultural nature after a busy autumn of fund-raising activities. We extend a belated thanks to all who supported our November Nostalgia dance and the lunch room at Rideau Crafts‘ Christmas Market. As a result of our financial success we were able to donate to Interval House (Brockville), the North Leeds Ambulancce Service and the local branch of the Red Cross. In addition we covered the cost of required medication for a local child. 1986 saw our membership increase significantly. We are happy to welcome the following: Liz Vanderschuit of Portland; Marion Chester, a new resident of Chaffey's Lock area; Ruth Pedherney, a former member who has spent the past two years in the Woodbridge area; Kathy Arnold, Nancy Sheffield, Lynda Gibson and Brenda Smith, all of the Portland area and former members of the Eta Tau chapter. The first meeting of January took the form of a pot luck dinner followed by ritual ceremonies for our new members. Ruth Pedherney gave an interesting program at the second meeting. As an art dealer in the Toronto area, Ruth became knowledgeable in the art of Canada's West Coast Indians. She showed several pieces explaining their significance and reasons for the value of certain works being more or less than others. P.O. Box 119 Barry St. Pierre Chartered Accountant (613) 359-5740 NORTH LEEDS LMIERI N99 7 ELGIN U.C.W. Loree Smith opened the February meeting with selected verses, the theme of which was love. It was pointed out that during February canvassers would be collecting money for the Heart Fund and Loree encouraged all to be generous in their support of this worthy cause. Marjorie's group presented a moving worship service. Again focussing on the theme of love. During 1986 the U.C.W. study is directed towards a better understanding of our native peoples. In order to help us with this, Veita Willow's group presented two film strips, 'Unlearning Indian Stereotypes‘ and 'As We See It’. The first emphasized how our literature etc. presents a stereotype of the Indian, seldom if ever depicting him in an accurate way. The second zeroed in on the native's perception of history and the need for strong Indian leadership within the native church. It underlined the moves that have been made to bring this about â€" including the ordination of Christina Baker in 1983, the first ordained native woman in the United Church. A business meeting was held during which it was announced that the World Day of Prayer would be held in Elgin United Church on March 7th and that one of our members, Katherine Sides, would be the speaker. It was also announced that the Bay of Quinte U.C.W. Conference would be held in Grace United Church, Gananoque on April 2nd and 3rd. After the meeting refreshments were served, affording the ladies an opportunity to visit with one another. S a II IIIIIIPP CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CARPENTRY RENOVATIONS, REPAIRS, ADDITIONS Tel. 928 - 2725 RR. 2, Lyndhursi, Ont. KOE INO I l