- >_"-ud-~- ST. COLUMBANUS C.W.L. A goodly crowd attended the January meeting in O'Neill Hall. Meeting opened with a special prayer for the ill-fated astronauts. There will be a one day retreat on March 8th conducted by Fr. Les J. Byrne and Sister Gallagher. Members will be invited from WEstport, Toledo and Brewers Mills. We are going to sponsor a family in India. Also adonation was sent to Madonna House. We were saddened to hear the sad news of the passing of Catherine Doherty, the foundress of Madonna House. A project for donations of food for the needy of the county is in progress. Gail Simmons gave a most interesting travelogue using' slides to supplement, of her trip to the High Arctic. She gave a most picturesque account of an insight into the lives of the Inuits. They went on a hunting trip with the Inuits. This was enjoyable for them and Gail made us realize what the everyday on the Arctic is like. She brought back many souvenirs and a lovely display of articles acquired in the Arctic. The February meeting was held following Holy Mass in the church celebrated by Father T. Shea. The meeting opened with prayer followed by Roll Call and minutes of the last meeting. Treasurer's report showed a good balance. March 7th World Day of Prayer is being held in Elgin United Church. A report was given of our adopted family in India. They showed much gratitude. A petition is being drafted in the hopes of maintaining the efficient service of our Red Cross in Elgin. We are beginning a project for a "pennyâ€"a-Day" for the Holy Childhood Association. Shirley Bryden enlightened us on the need for donations for the needy of the county. She cited some very interesting cases, with no names mentioned, wherein the various food stuffs will‘ be delivered to some of the needy families. Pres. Donovan assured her of our support. Meeting was adjourned. HEART and STROKE CAMPAIGN 1986 The Campaign is well underway for the Township of South Crosby and several canvassers have already returned their contributions. Following are area: Kathy Halladay June Gamble Doug Maclntyre Ellen Berryere Anna Smith the canvassers for this Millie Simpson Jimd Scott Lois Jones Kay Merriman Mary Townsend Doris Eyre Sherri Weeks Marjorie Keates Jansje Keates Evelyn Ramdankie Freda Carbino Phyllis McGhie May Dennison Laura Bender Violet Shook Leo Kenny Sue Cooper Valerie Parish Thea Dodge Marion Knapp Verona Franklin Charles Hamilton Edna Morris Lioness Club Clifford Smith We remember with appreciation two faithful canvassers; Mr. Herbert Burtch and Mr. H.J. Swain, who passed away during the past year. Loree Smith - Campaign Captain ._._..--~.‘.-~.. ._..a.c....--. a: E NORTH LEEDS LANTERN NURSERY SCHOOL PLANS DANCE The Elgin and District Cooperative Nursery School has been a hive of activity with lots of things going on and lots of visitors. The ambulance crew paid a call in December, showing the children the ambulance and explaining its role. Julie Cassell also made a call to discuss good eating habits, brushing teeth properly and gave each child their own toothbrush to take home. Animal visitors included 'Boots', Jeffrey's dog and Mathew's cat. Marian McLeod made a special visit to involve children in some Christmas cookie baking and George McConkey provided some very special music. But of course, our most special visitor was Santa, at our Party Dec. 20th. Thanks are extended to all these people. We also had some time for learning, focusing on name and colour recognition. The children began playing a car race game using dice. Spacial awareness and balancing were other skills which were highlighted. And of course, December led its way to many Christmas crafts. January has begun the new year with emphasis on shapes, names, dice games and using puppets for counting, sounds and colours. More visits have added interest to the regular program. Diane Dingman showed a film relating to good nutrition and explained the four food groups. Connie Prosser came and demonstrated the use of a hearing aid and gave each child a chance to use one, so they would better understand it. She also-taught the children how to sign some of the basic colours. More interesting crafts and science studies involving snow and practice in catching, throwing and kicking balls rounded out the program. Our Regular meeting scheduled for Jan. 27th was postponed until the 29th because of weather. At the meeting finances were reviewed showing our funds are very low at the moment but if our two fundraising projects - the raffle and the dance â€" are successful, we should be solvent. Further plans were made for the dance, Mar. lst at South Crosby School, using 'Cruising into Spring‘ as the theme, especially as the winning raffle ticket will be drawn at that time. A few other business details were dealt with and the meeting adjourned. SPORTS and *Ja-r r. -.. .-.-.--..-.-»-.'_._-v _..- ..-_..~..._ PASSPORT and FOOD BANK 00 ï¬g wANT TO HELP? The ELGIN MINISTERIAL 41A beginning to ohgam’ze an ONâ€"GOING, COMMUNITY FOOD BANK. Non-pmhabte item will be collected. Man/Sponted to a cent/Lattzed depot, and dam/(bated to the t/LuZy needy UL OWL comum'tt'u. Receptacle/s W be phovtded tn the taco! ehu/Lchu. Ptea/se, tahe you/L conâ€" t/u'button/S thme. 16 you want to hetp tn othm way/S O/I. Itequ fluxtthu tnéo/Lmatton, you may mu: 359-5338 272â€"2664 283-6728 928-2363 "He degendxs the eau/Se 06 the ï¬athe/DZMA and the widow, and loves the Men, gtvthg him 600d and clothing.†-Deut. 70:18 BUILDERS REG'D. Complete Building Service 25 Years Experience 272-2461 H. E (ENNIS) JAMES Portland. OnI KOG 1v0 Box 11 NEW HOMES RENOVATIONS . . ADDITIONS cDJJASES. ’ iRuSSESâ€, 7' READY HUNG DDDRS GENERAL REPAIRS lICENSED SEPTIC INSIALLAIIDNS GROUND WORK, ETC. FREE ESTIMATES MILLER'S PHOTOGRAPHY & FRAMING STUDIO PHDIDDRAPHV O STUDIO PORTRAITS INDIVIDUALS iInd GROL’PS WEDDINGS ENTERTAINMENT INSTANT IDENTIFICATION PHOTO'S FRAMESEFRAMIIIII CUSTOM DO-IT-YOtJRSELF READY-M A DE FRAMES MAIN ST. ELGIN ONTARIO P.0.BOX 87-KOG'1EO-(613l359-5323