page 2 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN Ah! Spring is on its way, and those of us (apparently the majority) will be pleased to see the last of the winter of '85â€"'86. The relief in sight is always more obvious with the influx of catalogues; seed, department store, and in my business, spring book lists. Each one of us picks the catalogue of our choice and, during those final blasts of winter, peruse to our hearts content, completely ignoring those more mundane spring! In the past few months I have pondered the tenacity of eastern Ontario rural dwellers, if not the total Ontario population when one considers that, just a short plane hop away, there is the sun, warm breezes and 39 snow or ice! Now, as the dust bunnies peer from under the beds, cobwebs drift gracefully in the corners of each room and the family express a strong desire to once again enjoy the view from grimeâ€"streaked windows...l get the urge, no doubt now ingrained from the "disposable society" to discard this house and move to a new, spotless, un-lived in establishment! Just think, no mislaid socks skulking in the dim depths of the laundry room; no surprise Christmas ornament hooks, snuggled in the rug, waiting to claw that slipperless foot! No more trying to sort out the winter "keepers" from the "discard - one missing" pile. And then of course, the inevitable task of locating where one stashed last year's spring and summer clothes. Some years, like secreted Christmas gifts, our summer regalia shows up in time to be put away again late fall. Many shopping trips have been initiated to {Purchase new "neccesities" only to find, once entry is gained into the cottage...that the missing items have provided an ample winter habitat for our resident mice. While we all long for the green grass to appear, there are related problems to the disappearance of the white stuff! It really can cover a multitude of "sins". Suddenly, plastic lids, truants from the garbage bag, blossom forth. The odd lost glove or overshoe suddenly sprout out of driveway and lawn and that once neatly "hidden" dump of ashes, once blanketed by snow, reappears as the messiest mound of mush, just one short step from the back door! Gone is the greatest excuse for not going somewhere you didn‘t want to go anyway... the weather forecast ! A hint of sleet or ice gave credence to "we just can't make it - the weather you know!" Likewise, when the house is a real disaster area, having spent hours curled up in front of a fire with a good book, it is a joy to have your expected company call and excuse themselves as the weather is "getting worse". Yes, I think my idea of moving...completely, is the answer....but, wait a minute. I have already suffered this year, taken my punishment like a trouper. Now I deserve the reward...a quiet, peaceful and relaxing sun-filled summer on the Rideau! See you next year (most likely!) PL - DITORIAL PAGE- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The 100th Anniversary Reunion of St. Edward's School and Convent in Westport, Ontario, is planned for July 11, 12 and 13. 1986. All former students and staff members are invited to attend and may receive further information about this event by contacting The Centenary Committee, Box 369, Westport, Ontario. KOG 1X0 Since we believe that there could be former staff and students living in your area, we would appreciate your including this in your Letters to the Editor column. Thank you for your assistance to us and your continued service to the people of your community. Sister Marilyn Patterson LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The decision to move the local Red Cross office to Brockville is a grave mistake and is controvening the reasons for its inception. The homemakers was started in North Leeds by a Canada Works Grant and was kept financed by the townships in this area until such time as the Red Cross was convinced that it was a viable service. It took many meetings and much local convincing that it was viable and a much needed service in our North Leeds area. At the inception of the Red Cross office we were told that the Red Cross organization would not advance any money for setting up and that we would have to approach the Township Councils for seed money in the amount of ++thousands of dollars, and this was granted. I do believe that the municipal townships should still have a voice in the decision and still be serviced locally. The townships involved were Rear of Leeds 8: Lansdowne, Bastard 8: S. Burgess, South Crosby, North Crosby, Newboro and Westport. , Much of the equipment for the loan cupboard was donated by local organizations and residents, again involving local participation. I am writing this with stated facts as I was one of the people involved in planning this much needed service. If the Red Cross should need any more names of the people involved, please contact me and I will oblige. Mrs. Shirley Green, Reg. N.N.P. NORTH LEEDS LANTERN DEADâ€"LINES 1986 To ensure y0ur material is included in the Lante please refer to the dates below. Material arriving AFTER the deadline stated cannot be guaranteed inclusion. The Lantern reserves the right to edit material submitted for publication. Month Deadline Layout Issued May Apr. 23 Apr. 29 June 2 June May 21 May 27 May 30 July 8: August Jun. 18 Jun. 24 Jun. 27* September Aug. 20 Aug. 26 Aug. 29 October Sept 24 Sept 30 Oct. 3 November Oct. 22. Oct. 28 Oct. 31 December Nov. 19 Nov. 25 Nov. 29 January Dec. 24 Dec. 30 Jan. 2* *June 27th Issue is for JULY/AUGUST issue thus ALL material for inclusion (summer events) MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE JUNE 34th. *January 2 issue may be changed depending on publisher's schedule for Christmas printing. INTANT MRS Red Cross Hoelakers 359â€"5382 Y.O.l. Office 212-2343 Mulance 1-800â€"267-0991 Cancer Society - Service to Patients Joyce larriner 272-2237 The North Leeds Lantern is a monthly community newspaper, distributed free-of-charge to all households in the Townships of Bastard and South Burgess, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne, South Crosby and the Village of Newboro. Individual subscriptions are available to those residing outside of these areas at a cost of: $7.50 - Canadian residents: $10.00 -U.S.mailings. Funding for the publication is provided through commercial advertising with the aforementioned townships contributing to the bulk mailing costs. Circulation averages 2,800 per month. The aim of the Lantern is to provide a monthly newspaper of interest to local residents. News from Councils, local organizations and the public will be published as space allows and under the guidelines set down by the Board of Directors. The Lantern also hopes to provide a forum for local concerns and invites letters or articles from the general public. Letters &/or articles MUST be signed on submission. ALL STAFF ARE VOLUNTEERS Lay-out Regulars: Pat Little, Jansje Keates. Jeff Baker, Doug Roantree. Betty Blackman Staff: Billing - Jansje Keates Treasurer - Marjorie Jackson‘ Mailings - Margaret Keith Delivery - Eldon Albert Typist â€" Susan Duncan Photograplfl - Earl Mattice Directors for 1986â€"87: Pat Little (Editor) Doug Roantree (AssistanT Editor) Marjorie Jackson (Treasurer) Susan Duncan (Secretary) Jeff Baker, Betty Blackman, Earl Mattice, Kathryn Scott, Jane Monaghan, Brys Scovil. Jansje Keates. Deadline: The Lantern goes to press the LAST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. The deadline for ALL advertising copy, articles, announcements etc. is the WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE LAST TUESDAY. Material arriving after that date cannot be guaranteeed inclusion in the next issue. Phone Calls: Ne would appreciate contribuors/readers using the mail box for any and all communications where possible. Mail ALL COMMUNICATIONS T0: Box 136, Elgin. Ont. KOG 1EO__, Advertising: Ad Content :Poiicy’ - “hile‘;the Lantern staff prepare ads' for print, 'tvhe’co'r’itent of the ad is the» responsibility of the advertiser. False or misleading advertising should be drawn to the attention of the advertiser. NO ADS, or other information will be' taken by phone (excluding the booking of ad space). The Lantern DOES NOT ACCEPT: Birth, Hedding, Graduation or Death notices feeling that these items fall into the jurisdiction of weekly or daily newspapers. - classifieds: MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY MINIWM $2.00 charge. Additional charges will be billed. If not accompanied by minimum payment. a 50¢ surcharge will be imposed. Calendar/Coming Events: Items submitted before the deadline for these areas are included FREE however MAY NOT INCLUDE costs, ticket sellers or be unduly long. Organizations having regular NEEKLY meetings may have such meetings listed under the day of the week. Bi-weekly or monthly meeting dates MUST BE SUBMITTED MONTHLY and will be included under the specific date indicated. (These should be listed separately from any copy) It is the duty of the Organization to inform the Lantern of any changes or discontinuation of weekly meetings. N.B. Commercial enterprises MAY NOT use the Calendar/Coming Events columns to announce sales etc. Ad Rates: SAMPLE 3x3 = $7.00 7x5 = $20.00 a page (10x8) = $35.00 3x2 Business Card = $5.00 Full page (10x16 = $50. Other sizes quoted on request. Classifieds - 2-4 lines $2.00 5-8 lines $4.00 Thank You Notes minimum $4.00 Pay-eat of Accounts: All accounts payable should be directed to: NORTH LEEDS LANTERN Box 136, Elgin KOG 1E0 GREMLINS: These little “fellows†are responsible for our “bloopersâ€, "typos" and other "sins". He apologize in advance for any of these little "mischief makers" who escape the eagle eyes of our proof readers. YNR LANTERN C(IlTAINS A CALENDAR OF FWTNâ€"CMING EVENTS - IT'S NORTH KEEle - Fm TIE mm \__â€"___ i, Maw- n~â€".~ ‘-