Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Northern Leeds Lantern (1977), 1 Oct 1986, p. 2

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2 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN Why is it, in the fall, the time we should take to drink in the beautiful colours of nature, take long walks in the crisp morning air and generally attempt to "charge-up" our life's batteries before the long and sometimes unpleasant days of winter, do we all have to get "so busy?" Organizations are now in full swing, with meetings and planned activities. A multitude of events fill our calendars, to the point that it is sometimes easier to stay home than decide which one to attend! We all have heavy demands on our time and energy. We all have our "pet" projects which we support...but we should remember that, while the things that are important to us, may be only of secondary importance to others. One of the things I have found most helpful in planning my "priorities" is my day book. Each meeting and event is entered and, if someone throws a wrench in the works by announcing a meeting after one day is full...then my response can be very genuine... "Sorry, I have a previous commitment". So many will, on already agreeing to attend a meeting or function, suddenly be "persuaded" to change their plans at a later date, leaving the planners of the original commitment short of participants. Participating in a recent Promotions and Public Relations workshop, the common error most had made when reporting "poor turn-out" or "lack of response and support" was....1ack of planning! We all have busy lives...and one or two days notice is just hot enough anymore to guarantee a "good attendance", no matter what the event... Most of us need at least 2 weeks advance notice, sometimes more. The Lantern, for the North Leeds area, is an excellent way of "checking" on forthcoming events and "booking" them in your personal day book. The response to the "Advance Booking Column" has been excellent from those organizations who use it...not only to plan their own events, but also to make note of the events of others. As a senior member of our community stated, after being "out" 3 nights in a row, "A body can only go to so many things and still say 'I enjoyed myself'”. Remember, plan...and plan ahead...and then let us know....well in advance! PL The North Leeds Lantern is ivery. E. Mattice‘-Photography. ' EDITORIALJAEE ' NORTH LEEDS LANTERN SIM!" 0F AUDIT 1985-86 Income Advertising Revenue 12,313.00 Municipal Grants for mailing costs 2,288.00 Subs Sales Donations 721.00 Interest 431.00 15,753.00 Expenses Audit 200.00 Printing 9,760.00 Postage 4,337.00 Supplies & Misc 1,030.00 Staff Dinner 100.00 Equipment purchased 2,616.00 Scholarship Award (one time only) 1,025.00 19,068.00 Net Income (Loss) (3,315.00) This was the financial picture as of March 31/86 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN DEADâ€"LINES 1986 To ensure your material is included in the Lante please refer to the dates below. Material arriving AFTER the deadline stated cannot be guaranteed inclusion. The Lantern reserves the right to edit material submitted for publication. Month Deadline Layout Issued September Aug. 2') Aug. 26 Aug. 29 October Sept 24 Sept 30 Oct. 3 November Oct. 22 Oct. 28 Oct. 31 December Nov. 19 Nov. 25 Nov. 29 January Dec. 24 Dec. 30 Jan. 2‘[ 'January 2 issue may be changed depending on publisher's schedule for Christmas printing. III’ORTANT IIIIBERS Red Cross HoneNakers 359â€"5382 V.0.N. Office 272-2343 Mulance 00-267-0991 Cancer Society Joyce larriner 212-2237 - Service to Patients We changed. the Cover... As the photo by Earl Mattice seemed too good to "reduce" we changed the cover format for this month to accomodate this beautiful View of Fall in our area. date. place 8 time may be OOPS, WE'RE IN THE 'RED'.. Don't worry....We can still carry on! BUT.... Having absorbed 3 mail increases along With 4 increases in paper and printing costs over the past 5 years AND having not increased advertising rates for more than 7 yearsuu The Lantern audit is showing us that "the time has come...." While advertising revenue was up 4.5% in 1985-86, our production costs were up approx. 2.2% As a non-profit corporation, our aim is not to make money, with all labour involved with the "putting together of the paper" being done exclusively by volunteers. Mailing costs are generally home by the participating councils leaving only the printing and supplies to be paid for from advertising revenue. The present situation, while not black...(or should that be red?) leaves us no alternate other than to raise our advertising charges. We have checked with similar "community newspapers" (nonâ€"profit) and find we are somewhat low (approx 150%) in our charges. (No, we are not going to "double" our rates.) The Executive of the Directors will meet in the next few weeks and discuss changes in the fee schedule and all regular advertisers , will be informed in advance of any changes, as well as the date when these changes 'will be instituted. (Probably Jan. 1/87) A suggested rate of $1.00 per square inch has been suggested which would make it very easy for advertisers to assess in advance the cost of their ad. (e.g. 3x3 = $7.00 in present rate structure...this would be $9.00 in the suggested schedule.) It is also possible that an Out-of Area" advertiser would be subjected to a surcharge as the Lantern's mandate is primarily to serve those businesses and organizations within the four contributing municipalities, (whose municipal tax dollar assists with the mailing costs). The Lantern is still your best Ad buy! While the Lantern offers a limited number of spaces for weekly events on the calendar, we would .also list, in a separate column, organizational meetings which take place on a regular 2 weekly or monthly basis. e.g. Library Board meets every 4th Thursday, etc. If your organization wishes to be listed in this column, please send information to Box 136, Elgin KOG 1E0 It is the obligation of the organization to inform the Lantern, in writing of any changes in their scheduled events. a“ :.:.m:‘v‘.)€~ !\ A _ ‘flmfis‘flwm . .-<\; a monthly community newspaper. distributed free-ofâ€"charge to all households in the Townships of Bastard I} S. Burgess. Rear of Leeds C» Lansdowne. South Crosby and the Village of Newboro. Subscriptions are available to those residing outside of these areas: $7.50 Canadian residents: $10.00 US. mailings. Funding is provided through commercial advertising with the aforementioned townships contributing towards the bulk mailing costs. Circulation averages 2.800/mth. The aim of the Lantern is to provide a monthly newspaper of interest to local residents. News from Councils. local organizations and the public is published as space permits and under the guidelines established by the Board of Directors. The Lantern also hopes to provide a forum for local concerns and invites letters or articles from the general public. Letters B/or articles must be signed on submission. STAFF P. Little‘â€"Ed.. D. Roantree‘â€"Ass. Ed.. S. Duncan‘-Sec.. M. Jackson? â€"Treas.. J.Keates‘-BiHing/Layout. M. Keith-Mailing. E. Albert-Del- J. Baker‘-Layâ€"out. B. Blackman‘ -Layout K. Scott. J. Monaghan. B. Scovil. [underlined - Directors - ‘-Lay- out) Deadline: The Lantern goes to press the last Tuesday of each month â€" the DEADLINE is always the Wednesday before that date. ALL advertising copy. artciles etc.. MUST be received BEFORE that date for inclusion. Phone Calls: We would appreciate ALL material be submitted by MAIL to North Leeds Lantern Box I36. Elgin. KOG IEO Advertising Content: While staff prepare ads for print. the content of the ad is the responsibility of the advertiser. False or misleading advertising should be drawn to the attention of the editor 8 the advertiser in question. No ads. or other information will be taken by phoneI Birth. Wedding. Graduation. Death notices. etc: - are not accepted as these fall Lindaâ€"r the jurisdiction of daily or weekly newspapers. This is the policy of the Board of Directors. Calender 8 Coming Events: Items submitted before the deadline will be included freeâ€"ofâ€"charge in these areas if requested. Information re included in Coming Events _b_gt may np_t include cost. ticket sellers. or be unduly long. It is the responsibility of organizations to inform the Lantern IN WRITING items to be included in the calendar. N.B. Weekly meetings will be listed each month under the day held. Less frequent meetings MUST be submitted monthly and will be entered under the specific date. It is the responsibility of the organization to inform the Lantern . in writing. of termination of any activity. e.g. weekly euchres. bingo's etc. Planning Calender: Advance planning can assist all local organizations. While space permits. the Advance Planning Calender will be included monthly. Entries are free-ofâ€"charge BUT must be submitted separately from current month's events. N.B. Commercial enterprises may lo_t_ use Calendar of Coming Events areas. Advertising Rates Classified minimum $2.00 Must be paid for in advance 15 page $35.00 Full pge-$60.00 Thankyou Notes minimum $4.00 Announcements etc. Min. $14.00 Payment of Accounts We request that all accounts be paid promptly to: NORTH LEEDS LANTERN Box l35. Elgin Ontario. KDG IEO If you are paying on behalf of an organization. PLEASE include name of ad account so that the correct credit can be given. GREMLINSI These little "fellows" are responsible for our "bloopers'. "typo's" and other "sins". We apologize in advance for these "mischief makers"....we ask you to remember that The Lantern is prepared by a group of dedicated but imperfect volunteers. Thank you. We will be happy to quote you on your advertising needs. Please submit ad copy. indicating approximate size and/or amount you wish to spend on your ad. We will then adjust size. if necessary. and bill you within Mguidelines. THE LANTERN RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST AD SIZES DEPENDING ON SPACE LIMITATIONS. -< Lei“: ‘

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