. ¢/)00@¢000.= ï¬lo Ehoatem NORTHLEEDSLANTERN Jusr MAKE My REASONABLE OFFER AND LINDSAY wiLL ACCEPT * - nearly all items can be paid next June (6 months no interest) ND Kï¬t/MEh/‘fi or take twelve months with no interest. V.C.R - T.V. - Microwaves priced to save on the pocket book We still have a good selection of V.C.R.'s and Colour T.V.'s Phillips and Quasar in stock r 66 Dr†. P the greatest selection in the industry. A k ' 50 La -Z-boy Chairs Bed Sofas and Modulars 500ApmANc E s WideS lection of Dining Room, Living RoomBedroom H E DE . « ' " and Kitchen Sets. M i C R 0‘5 ’ I ('0! Get your La-Z-Boys chairs now while we still havtF Smiths Falls 10 - 6:00 Mon to Wednesday and Saturday Elgi n 9:00 - 6:00 Monday to Tuesday and Saturday 9:00-9:00 Thursday and 10 - 9:00 Thursday and Fï¬day Fï¬day l7