â€"_.___WM~AA. HELP US...TO HELP YOU... FOCUS ON: C A N C E R Every April, the Canadian Cancer Society begins its drive for funds. Yet, every month throughout the year, the Society assists with every aspect relating to cancer: from the onâ€"going care and support of cancer patients and their families; the costly development of treatment and procedures which offer hope, and in many cases cure; to the funding of scientists working on some of the most complex research projects seeking solutions to the disease. The Cancer Society has made great strides in the treatment and cure of a variety of forms of the disease. When we hear of a loved one, friend or neighbour being diagnosed as having "cancer" we naturally are concerned. But today, more so than at any other time, we also realize the fantastic Chances the patient has of being "cured" through the exceptional work in the field. Cancer patients today have more than hope going for them....In many cases, through the various treatment available, they will lead. fairly normal lives, reaching old age with enough vim and vigour to complain about the weather, the government and taxes....just as we all do! No longer is the diagnosis of cancer a death sentence! More and more, we hear of the successes...those who have "beaten" the disease. We still have a long way to go...Cancer is not like measles, having a variety of forms and methods of attacking the body. Until each of these variations of the disease has been conquered, the work of the Cancer Society must go on. Until each patient has received the best in treatment and care, the Society's work must continue. Cancer Can Be Beaten....and we are now in the winning seat. With your help and support, we may accomplish this goal faster. Please, .give generously when, your Cancer Campaign volunteer calls....your money may provide that little bit of treatment which can provide relief to a patient .....or it may buy that necessary piece of equipmnet needed in that breakâ€"through research project! We really do need you more than ever... Don't let YOU down! JOIN us IN THE FIGHT! HELP US....HELP YOU... CANADIAN CANCER SOCETY drivers In the Lyndhursn and Seeley's Bay areas. If you can Scott at 273â€"2184. NORTH LEEDS LANTERN 21 59 5W/ SOCIETE CANADIENNE DU CANCER 7 Q DRIVERS NEEDED The Cancer needs Elgin, Portland Society Delta, help call Gloria GIVE GENEROUSLY ESTIMATED NEW CANCER CASES - 1987 Newfoundland ‘ .140 Prrnce Edwardlsla'id i310 NovaScotra 1; HO Nev. Brunsuin , .2. ‘0 Quebec , .1 t‘tlU Ontario 3e ‘00 Manitoba .1 700 Saskatchewan .: 1‘0 Alberta V C00 BrrtrShCOlumnra 1y git}: NO'tnwestTerrItOrres 70 Yukon JO Tcta’ torCL-Irmda Trill! RESEARCH 8 FELLOWSHIP AWARDS 1986â€"87 PROVlNCE TOT/XI . BrttlstiColurnbra $253050 Alberta 2.236.981 Saskatchewan 153 565 Manitoba 1.161 931 Ontario 113.780.7113 Quebec 4.466.834 New Brunswrck 20.08:? Nova Scotra 1 15.294 New10undland 131.130 Nationalprograms 2.018.361 TOTAL 26.6 1 3.134 7 Expenditures During the Socrety's prevrous TISCBI year. these were the expenditures for some programs ' $216000 tor cancer dressrngs 0 $720000 tor colostomy supplies 0 $231.000tor parn-relrevrng medication ° $195000 tor rehabllltatron sen/Ices ° 331492.000 tor transporting people to and from treatment centres In total. the Socretv Spent 5.7224800 to help more than 37.670 people last year. At least 40.000 volunteers were rnvolved 2n provrdrng these servrces WHAT YOU GIVE HELPS PROVIDE TREATMENT, SERVICE 8 SUPPORT LIFESTYLES Not so long ago, many of us would have laughed if we had been told that what we ate, what we did and how we lived could affect our health! Many cultures throughout the world have been more closely in tune with this philosophy than those of us in the so-called advanced western world. Only now, do we recognize the fact that what we eat, how we live and what we do does affect our overall health. We now know that following certain types of diet can have very detrimental effects on our bodies. We know that smoking, or being subjected to a smoke filled atmosphere can be hazardous to our health. We know that that glorious sun tan, while once a sign of a trip south, oft times the "in thing" can create To LOCAL CANCER PATIENTS some very problems for "overâ€"expose". It may seem that almost everything you do, from dangerous those who drinking coffee to insulating your home can be dangerous! The fact of the matter is, n. t everything causes cancer....but we have to be aware of the change in our life style over the years. People take medication, eat synthetic foods, and probably do almost every - thing with more concentration than earlier days. We also must realize that the diagnosis of cancer has become more efficient. May be Aunt Martha didn't die of pneumonia thirty years ago, when she was only 46 years old. It could be that she would be diagnosed as having some form of cancer today. %_wï¬ . ..__,_ _ Likewise, poor old Uncle Bill, who barely lived 6 months after being told he had cancer just a few years ago may have lived to a ripe old age if the treatment available today had been available then. The point is, not everything causes cancer...but we should be aware of those things which contribute to its development. Life style definitely does affect our bodies... and how well they function and last! Through the work of the Cancer Society, great strides have been made into the possible causes of the disease. Likewise, the society has developed suggestions for changing habits which can contribute to the development of cancer. You only have one body... Why not take good care lofï¬?! Through local Doctor's Offices, Social Agencies, Drug Stores, and even Township Offices, you can obtain pamphlets relating to all forms of cancer, information on detrimental life style habits along with excellent suggestions on how to Change for a healthier life. Smokers can obtain information on ways to help them "chuck" the habit and also have a doctor supported "Quit Smoking" program set up to meet their individual needs. All of this information is produced by the Cancer Society in their educational program funded by your donations. Please give generously when your Cancer Society Campaign Volunteer visits... Remember...we are trying to help M make your body last longer! W, . _ _