NORTH LEEDS LANTERN ELGIN UCW Thirty n1ne la<l1es of Izlgln l'nlted Church met together on June 91h at the \lpll’llCon Hotel, thalley's Locks where they celebrated the 5th dhanedeFy of the ll.C.W. After a lovely dinner l’resulenl Loree 5m1th presented a UCW l1fe membership pin to Mrs. Anna Charland who has been a former presxdent and 15 still very much appremated and active 1n the church l1fe. Mrs. l’hyllis Connell presented a similar pin to Mrs. Iidna Halladay who has been an act1ve member 01 the women's group slnce 191.5 when It was know as Women's Misslonnrv Somety, becoming the llCW in 1962. i. re. llalladay was honoured for long serwce. The [NW Will not be meetlng agln until September 8th . STUDIO PORTRAITS WEDDINGS INSTANT PASSPORT & IDENTIFICATION PHOTOS UIllu Photoguphy and Framing w 59". 01m.KOG-IEO (6|!) 159-5121 CUSTOM DO-lT-YOURSELF AND READY-MADE FRAMES RIDEAU LAKES UNION LIBRARY GIANT BOOK SALE July II. I987 Bank of Montreal Parking Lot Main Street. Elgin ElginandDistrict Cooperative Nmsery School On Wednesday, May 27/87, the children who attend both the junior and senior classes of the Elgin and District Cooperative Nursery School enjoyed a morning party to celebrate their "graduation", the final day of school until next September. Younger brothers and sisters, mothers and a couple of fathers joined the youngsters who received their certificates from their teacher, Mrs. Ruth Brown, then enjoyed a special treat of ice cream and cake. Special thanks to Gord Spenser of Beatrice Foods for donating the ice cream and chocolate milk, to Lori Gard for arranging for this donation, to Barb Neff for donating the cake, to Betty Hawkins for providing the video on dinosaurs, and to Barb Neff and Ruth Brown for organizing the party and cleaning up afterwards! The parents also wish to give special recognition and thanks to Ruth and Barb for all their loving care and attention to our children throughout the year. Nursery School begins again next September on Wednesday the 9th. You can register your child on Tuesday the 8th from 1:00 - 3:30 or during school hours on Wednesday the 9th. The Junior class (2 â€" 3‘/z’ yr olds) meets on Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.; the Senior class (372 - 4% yr olds) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:00 â€" 3:30 p.m. Classes are held in the basement of the United Church, Elgin. See you thenl Have a nice summer... III! STYUK RI TIE m FMIIJ Inns. 10:11] I... - 3:00 9.1. H. 9:“) I... - 5:1!) p... Thurs. 10: LI. - 5:00 p.l. Fri. I.I. - 5:00 p... Sat. 9:11! l.l. - 12 Icon Located In the 'Hoae-Video' Buildlng Main St.. EIgIn 359â€"5323 Mummy ScuooL. ï¬Ebleï¬nfloN will be held on I085 L 3:320“) SINIIRflJa- 44 #2!R.p¢rnm Members of the Senior class of the Elgin and District Cooperative Nursery School entertain at their Graduation party. OUR WIDE VARIETY OF PRODUCTS and SERVICES include a GIFTS * GROCERIES 1* BABY CLOTHES a: * HEARING AID, WATCH and CALCULATOR BATTERIES * : ORV CLEANING t and t 24 HOUR PHOTO-FINISHING SERVICES ¢ t LOTTO CENTRE FOR LOTTARIO and 6/49 * OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 359-5323 ***** ELGIN CHIP WAGON OPEN .JULY 1 HOURS MONDAY-WEDNESDAY ll :00AM-6 : 00PM THURSDAY-SATURDAY ll : GUAM-9 : 00PM SUNDAY 11:00AM-LI:00PM. ***** Hi! Mom. ’io-pa'm.