NORTH LEEDS [ANTERN DELTA UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL GRADUATION On May 3lst, the Delta United Church Sunday School graduation ceremonies were conducted during the regular morning worship service. This service was under the direction of Mrs. Cheryl Battams, Staff Associate for the lilgin/Portland Charge, who delivered an inspiring message on "What do you do when God seems far away?" 27 students were in attendance to receive their graduation certificates. Seven of these students also received the perfect attendance award which is given to those who have attended 30 out of 35 instructional Sundays. This commendable feat was performed by Nichole Crisp, Melissa Henderson, Amy Mustard, Jacinda Stearry, Julie Willows, Jules and Ellen White. Sherron White thanked various people who had helped the Sunday School by providing substitute teaching, musical direction and others. Special thanks are extended to William Morris, junior Division Teacher, who is leaving our full time staff this year after a five year term. The annual Sunday School picnic fillowed the serv1ce. 1986â€"87 Staff: Lorna Pearson, Superintendant Emeritus; Sherron White, Superintendant; llona l’rench, Kindergarten; Nancy Ross, Kindergarten; Miss Melanie Willows, Kindergarten; Frances French, Primary; William Morris, Junior; Miss Cassandra Stearry, junior; Debbie Willows, Intermediate; Florence Pratt, Supply Teacher; Maureen Henderson, Supply Pianist. The Township of Bastar and South Burgess is holding a Red‘ Cross Swimming Program during the summer. Program â€" June 29 to July 21. in Delta July 28 to August 21 in Portland. Registration will be held on the first day of the program at each location. YOUR COUNCIL AT WORK Bastard & South Burgess What a pleasant duty Council had on Saturday afternoon, June 13, as the ribbon was cut by Reeve Ostrom to officially open the new comfort station at Beverley Lake Township Park. Delta is fortunate indeed to have such a beautiful park on its doorsteps. Council toured the park and saw the many improvements, among them new docks, new septic system and the many pieces of equipment necessary to maintain such a large facility. Park Superintendent Bud Donald and his wife Pat, provided refreshments which were well received and much appreciated. It was a lovely day in a beautiful park that is a credit to the Township. The recreation programming starts at Beverley Park on June 30th and runs until Sept. 6th. Suzanne Green is in charge of this programme and will be offering organized sports, overnight campâ€"outs, major walks, arts and crafts. Swimming will be offered under the direction of Julia Gibson, assisted by her sister Jennifer Gibson. Both these girls are well qualified for the positions. Programs will begin in Delta June 29th to July 24th, and in Portland, July 27th to August 21, 1987. Still talking about Delta Park, we are glad to know that two girls who will be working on the gate house will be attending a Hospitality Workshop at Charleston Lake Provincial Park. A petition from telephone users was presented, requesting a larger free calling area. This was received and forwarded to C.R.T.C. The new dump hours seem to meet the needs of the Township residents, businesses and summer residents. We've even had compliments! With these cheerful notes we'll end our June news. Have a happy, safe, summer! DELTA UCW The Delta UCW held their monthly meeting at the home of Dione Kirby. Pres. Irma Chant welcomed everyone and read a poem entitled "Thanksgiving on a Summer Day". She led the devotion. Roll call was answered from members stating that 20 hospital and 15 home visits were made. The secretary and treasurer's reports were read and accepted. It was decided that at the September meeting we Would bring in our envelopes for the Bakeless Bake Sale. Other business was attended to, then Hilda Cardiff took charge of the program. "We have to affirm for everything in this world that is living" â€" was her subject. It was an Indian story which took place in a city northeast of Georgian Bay. Hilda closed the program with a reading "Green Grass of Home". A missionary letter from Mrs. Willard's grandson was read. He and his wife are living in Equador. Irma then closed the meeting with a prayer. Dione Kirby served a tasty lunch. Our next meeting will be at Millie Sweet's home in September. Have a good summer!! FRED MAGE Plumbing & Heating R.R.2.Porfland.0nt NEW INSTALLATIONS RENOVATIONS & SERVICE PUMPS 8. WATER CONDITIONING SELLING ALL GRADES OF: Carpet & Vinyl Quarry Tile Ceramic Tile e... at REASONABLE PRICES Cal l Anytime 387-3235 Ask for FREE Estimate DELTA W.I. Our June potluck luncheon meeting was held in Shirley Wilson's home. We welcomed Mabel Davison and Evelyn McMullen as our guests. The Rollâ€"Call "Name a favorite teacher and why" was responded to readily as most easily recalled their favorite teacher. Phyllis Tackaberry , Township Councillor, spoke on the government project PRIDE (program for renewal improvement, developement and economical revitalization) reminding us that Jan. 31/88 is the deadline for applying for this help in upgrading our village. We were pleased to have Mrs. Tackaberry with us and to learn of this aid. Florence Molony and Shirley Wilson will attend the first "finding" meeting in order to,1earn what other organizations plan to do. Our Woman's Institute and Phillipsville's are jointly displaying crafts at the Delta Fair. Nellie French and Eileen Jacques will collect and arrange the items for Delta. For a change, Shirley Wilson had us do a craft item instead of the usual teaâ€"cup prize at each meeting. This craft was, enjoyed by all and we all appreciated the preliminary work done by Shirley; we can truthfully state "it smelled". The next bus trip to Brockville is June 25th; this monthly trip on the fourth Thursday is sponsored by our Delta Woman's Institute. Join us ladies for another interesting yearâ€" for information, phone Florence Molony, 928â€"2801. F; r "if -' :r _ ' v ' . I / l CROSBY FLEAMARKET EVERY SATURDAY JUNE 27 - SEPTEMBER 5 More than fleas! A - ART B - BAKING C - CRAFTS AND SEW To Z INSTALLAT N AND REPAIRS we: Satisfaction Guaranteed