10 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN PORTLAND U.C.W. President Betty Bond welcomed everyone with an inspirational thought. BUILIIRS COMPLETE BUILDING ELECTRICAL a PLUMBING Reports of various committees were given. SERVICE Kingsmn PreSbyterY Fully Licenced Resource Centre Fair will be held Sept. 23rd and 24th. Since june is Senior Citizens Month, Claire Mills and Elsie Hill centered their devotional on that theme, opening Ennis James: Fred James Box ll. Portland. Ont. KOG lVO phone: 272-2‘lBI or 272-3263 0“ NEW HOMES cat ADDITImStOOCDTTAGEStOO 0"GUSTOM KITCHENSOOORENOVATIDNS 0‘ with a reading u-BATHROOMSHCBROUNO WORK.†"Birthdays". An article .uSEPTICINSTALLATIONScu LEGION HONOURS LADIES on Senior Citizens was CALLL’SFDRFREEEST1MAIES! Rideau Lakes Branch No read by Els1e. 231 (Portland) held their Claire introduced the h I _ Annual Ladies guest speaker Mary . AppreCiation Night on Sutcliffe, who told of her 1 june 13th. 50 members, three weeks in Mexico 1 ladies and guests with Elder Hostel, which enjoyed a turkey dinner is an organization catered by the A.C.W. primarily interested in Our special guests education and travel for included Comrade Mary Seniors. It began . Battams from Gananoque, operation in Canada in . the Zone 62 Ladies 1980 and is associated I h h AuXIliary Commander, with Experimental Living 8 c Rev. and Mrs. Harry Organization. Following ° Seeley and Rev. Paul five days of lectures on o o o Kompass. the Mexican culture in ,_ . _ . Following dinner Mexico City, Mary spent Wat‘ercot‘d'homngCanadaL‘m'ted President joe Raison, a week in the home of a Thales “Othmg more PreCIOUS 15M" a constant extended a cordlal medium professional supply of good quality water. Over the years, Water welcome and expressed family in Pueblo before Conditioning Canada Limited has built a strong his pleasure at the fine rejoining the group. Her reputation on its capacny t9,pr°Vide large and turn‘out. He praised the account of that week was 2:5:gjï¬gepgglï¬gzzofcondmoned Water to our Ladies Auxiliary for both informative and " I their support and entertaining. We supply the QTOWIHQ demands 0f hospitals. cooperation and remarked The next meeting W111 be schools,factories,hotels,restaurantsandlaboratories that thev are the Sept. 15th at 7:30_ forcommercialandindustrialwatersofteners, carbon backbone 6f the branch and sand filtersand deionizers. In everysectorofthe and that he didn't know CHASE FARM EQUIPMENT economy. we've become instrumental in ensuring R-R- 2' 599k)" 53)“ 0mm" KOH 2N0 that today's important water needs are met. FESTIVITIES SPONSORED BY PORTLAND & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & OTHER PARTICIPATING COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS FRIDAY JULY 24‘ 12:00 noon PORTLAND VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S EVENTS, COMMUNITY HALL GROUNDS 8:00 p.m. STREET DANCE, COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY JULY 25‘ how we could manage (613)387_3186 readings at Newfoundland humour and Wit. K H d RR. 2, Portland ‘ } ompass were ca e Owner ‘ upon for a few word 5 . Sales & Serwce PETER CHASE and congratulated the branch for the fine A general meeting was held on june 4th. A new into the branch. A fish derby will be Wlthom them. He my gamer: comnmouma CANADA LTD. Comrade Mary Battams, liach expressed their $23ng figdgiorgfejéedth: * SUMMER FESTIVAL '87 V member, Ron Dillon, was held on july 18th. Check concluded with a few ’ ROV- Sedey and Rev. .-,-- s; 'Busflfloc FRED MAGEE PLUMBING&HEATING 7 l l pleasure at being invited branch. initiated and welcomed the posters for details. Comrades Linton MC con V 1 16 a n d Joe 11 00 7:00 - 10:00 awn . FARMER' S BREAKFAST, PORTLAND UNITED CHURCH ' : . . - lo :00 .m. SIDEWALK SALE Raison attend d th am D V e I e FEATURING: marrow cm:ch woman ' s BAKE ssts Annual lone Memorial LOCAL ARTS a CRAFTS Se rVice at L rst o LEEDS CHINA PAINTERS y n u n FARMERS MARKET, Murmurs ] u ne 7t h . SENIOR' S GARAGE SALE DISPLAY OF ANTIQUE 8v CLASSIC MAHOGANY BOATS, GOVERNMENT DOCK 12:00 noon FIREMEN'S PARADE A resolution was passed to increase our donation to the Senior Citizen ‘ 1:00 p.m. FIREMEN'S HORSESHOE comm-[rum HotiSing to $500. comm-n HALL GROUNDS A planning meeting to 2:00 p.m. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Bmco, comm-n: HALL draw up Our program for 8:00 p.m. FIREHEN'S DANCE, COMMUNITY HALL 1987â€"99 will be held on - CONCERT AT mu. 1m coun'r June 25th after which we FEATURING: RIDEAU WELCOME cum CHOIR look forward to the T“ “EU-0" “EARS summer break. The next general meeting will be SUNDAYIULY held on Sept. 3rd. SERVICE, mm. ANGLICAN CHURCH SERVICE, poa'rumn mum) CHURCH Ham's OPEN HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT : . . 3m RIDEAU LAKE ASSOCIATION REGATTA PAUL'S BARBER SHOP : . . FIRDIEN'S srm BARBEQUE, COMMUNITY HALL FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE REGATTA PLEASE TELEPHONE 272-2316 Open Daily-8:30 a.m. to 6 p.rn. Fri. Night tith p.m. Closed Sundays