20 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN SEPTEMBER 1989 THE KITCHEN WITCH Heather McNally Portlandâ€"onâ€"theâ€"Rideau TOMATOES - Prime Time Rapture, to my way of thinking, is a thick sun-warm slice of Beefsteak tomato piled with squeaky mozzarella cheese, basil leaves and black sliced olives, sandwiched between slices of Kathy Bryden's fresh baked bread. Next would be a bowl of crunchy liquid Spanish salad or possibly mouthfuls of cherry tomatoes. GAZPACHO 4 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced 1 unpeeled cucumber, 1 sweet onion and 1 each red and green pepper, diced small and added to tomatoes Add: 1 cup stuffed olives, 5 cups Garden Cocktail, l or 2 cloves mashed garlic, 1/2 tsp. salt , freshly ground black pepper, 2. tbsp. salad oil, 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar. Stir to combine, cover and chill at least 6 hours. Serve in chilled soup bowls and garnish with parsley and croutons. (6 servings) MARINATED CHERRY TOMATOES 2 pints cherry tomatoes ‘A cup olive oil 2 tbsp. red wine vinegar 2. cloves mashed garlic ‘A tsp. salt and freshly ground pepper Pour boiling water over tomatoes. Leave 15 seconds. Drain and plunge into ice water. Drain and remove skins. Combine tomatoes with other ingredients. Chill at least 2 hours. Serve on lettuce and sprinkle with parsley. ‘ s‘ :‘O' 50.0 3‘ 3: ' isâ€, ' ' FRESH FRUIT, LOCALLY GROWN, MINIMALLY SPRAYED Chaflefslnck Ontario KOC 1C0 ' CALL FIRST 387-3579 .9 Paul or Evelyn « Gervan .0 ‘ I 0 in Cariezon Place Rem: 257-5733 A a J HENNESSY INCOME TAX and BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ' Personal ' Farm ' Business Full Tax Audit Representation Customized Cdmpuierlzed Bookkeeping “SERVICE IS OUR BUSHNESS; FEOPLE ABE OUR CONCERN†THE GANANOQUE RIVER WATERWAYS ASSOCIATION A meeting of the Association will be held Septenmer 30 at 2 p.m. at the Cutfield's on Red Horse Lake, North of Shawmere, Larose Bay Road, County Road 3. AGENDA SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS REGARDING: LAND DEVELOPMENT WATER QUALITY WATER LEVELS CATTAIL BOG ON THE RIVER Membership in the association is open to all, anyone protection of property and wildlife of any kind, the welfare of the waterway and the environment is cordially invited to attend and to join the association. House Building and Design Custom Construction Gen. Del . Portland 272-2491 interested in the, (613) 359-5082 RECORD YEAR IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CANADA'S #1 KILLER The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario announced record revenues for the year ended June 30, 1989. “We set targets for ambitious financial 1989," said the Foundation's Volunteer President, Doug Sheppard, "but we surpassed them, thanks to the outstanding efforts and enthusiasm of our volunteers." The Foundation, which supports 67% of all heart and stroke research in the Province of Ontario, earned revenues totalling $27.8 million, nearly a 20% increase over the previous year. "Since we're a volunteer organization, we have turned almost all of the money we raised back to heart and stroke research and education," explained Sheppard. The Foundation recently learned that its efforts to improve the odds against Canada's #1 killer are paying off. Less than three years ago, Canadians had a 50% chance of dying from heart (613) 387-3704 GARYLONG - unique, fall bearing "Heritage" variety â€" large, delicious, berries - unsprayed,ready to eat or freeze without washing J0 - available September through October - prepick or pick your own - Macs . - for conditions and availability Jonamacs & Courtlands - minimally sprayed, Alar Free, Safe to eat - pick your own or prepicked - Open every day except Friday, from 10-7 - Bring your own containers for credit - 10% Discount for seniors - Big Red Barn on the Back Street - I mile north of Seeley's Bay disease and stroke. Now the odds have improved to 43%, thanks in large part to the F oundation's research and education programs. "But we still have the unenviable #1 position," said Sheppard. “Heart disease and stroke continue to claim more lives each year than all other diseases combined. We've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go." Ray O'Neil, Area Co-ordinator for Lanark, Leeds and Grenville, said, "The volunteer network here, in my opinion, is second to none. The tremendous success is due to the dedication and hard work of everyone connected with the Foundation. It also goes without saying that as usual, the people in Lanark, Leeds and Grenville give with their heart and because of this, 'We're Winning'". The Heart and Foundation of Ontario non-profit, Stroke is a volunteer .organization that raises funds research and programs across to support education the province. LONG PAINTING Box 126 SEELEY’S BAY ONT. KOH 2N0 6 ’l v ‘O‘o. .’ . I" ‘6 W. ‘ ’ o ' 0 a '. ....o.. #6.. .30.. 500.“â€.o:. :30!“a.00