18 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Marg Hendrick The numbers of Starlings The number of Snow is a regular at the Those Who “more for increased in the North in Buntings was lower than Myer's feeder. mformatmn. on the 1986â€"87 yielding an 1985â€"86 in all regions. Harrison has also had Ontario Bled . Feeder overall increase for the Numbers for 1986-87 were an aberrant Evening survey (OBITS) W1“ have same time period in the only about half of the Grosbeak feeding on his been 1“formed Of the province. House Sparrows long term avearage for sunflower seeds. It .18 Changes takmg pleee numbers declined to an the province." canary yellow, becoming thls year' The Long all time low. A cause for This month (Nov.) has paler towards the tall- Pomt Observatory W111 the decline is not been interesting as far There appears to be. no “now Cooperate, W‘Fh readily apparent and as feeders are black or white markings Cornell UniverSity in warrants further concerned. In a in the plumage,. House taking the OBSF Coneept attention, roundabout way Lila Finches also viSit this to a“ of North Amemfa' Among blackbirds, the Williams was responsible busy feeder as well as The new survey’ PeOJeet numbers have remained for an number of excited Margaret Keith's in FESdEF Wateh’ ShOUId fairly constant over the people adding a new Seeley's Bay- ‘ allow Us to track years. Crackle numbers bird to their life list, Mollie and Dick Ussher largereeeele movements Of were higher in the North when she mentioned that of Delta, had a Northern our wmtermg blrde and and Central regions an unusual looking Cardinal at their feeding to see ,how our resume compared to the numbers hummingbird was at her station, and Stewart fâ€. Wlte these ,, Of in 1985â€"86. Brown-headed sister's feeder in Wright, also of Delta, ,nmghbourmg ,reglone _' Cowbirds generally were Battersea. It sounded all has a pair of cardinals “lat netwnhetendmg’ found in lower numbers the more interesting at his. . “PS month 5 eelumn WI“ than in the previous because the date was john and E151e Goodman dlscuss m general terms year. The distribution of Oct. 31! Among others, had Evening Grosbeaks the resuhs Of the 1986787 the Cardinal remained the North Leeds at their feeder and 2 wmter survey’ Whleh more or less confined to Birdwatchers went to Darkâ€"eyed juncos fed only concerned feeders the Southern part of the investigate. They were with the grosbeaks at observed throughout province. Evening amazed to discover that our place. ontano' Grosbeaks increased at the bird was a beautiful Janis Hendrick watched a A5 far as the OBFS was feeders as compared with Rufous Hummingbird, a Pileated Woodpecker as it Concerned our area wee the previous winter, but species that should not worked on an old stub Considered to be a. pan were still about 25% be here at all! One can near Morton; on Oct. 30 Of the central reglen Of below the long term only surmise that strong Rene Waterfield saw an ontane' In all Of average. wind currents blew it off Eastern Meadowlark; Ontario a total of 499 Purple Finch numbers course, or that due to Katherine Williams feeders were eurveyed' increased in both the some mixâ€"up in its sighted a Horned Grebe of these 267 feedeee were Southern and Central migratory instinct it took Oct. 31 and the same m the central reglen' 1 regions in comparison to the wrong direction. All day a Common Snipe fed have Chosen “excerpte the previous year. House the more amazing the in Clifford Smith‘s yard. from the Eleventh Finches continued to bird is apparently in A Great Blue Heron Was Annual Repo.†1986437 Of increase in numbers at good health, and is still spotted near Elgin Nov. “7’3 Dee}? m order. to feeders in all regions of visiting the Bennett 11 and NOV- 12 a common ewe you a general ldee the province. As the feeder in Battersea at Loon and a Roughâ€"legged Of the resume Of the breeding population the time of writing, HaWk were seen in the euevey'. grows, the OBFS should which is Nov. 13!! ViCinitY 0f Portland- Motifmne . DOV“ provide an important Another unusual bird, In closing, a Snowy 0W1 {emdmed pmmamly e means of assessing the the Redâ€"bellied was reported by: Don {led “the 509Ԡover northern range of this Woodpecker has been NiChOHS- It Was seen me entlre.peovmee.’ Mlle species. visiting Colin and near Hwy 15 and the Eggzeetfyeeeai?_1Â¥imeelg:it1i, American Goldfinches Eleanor Cope's feeder in road tO Forfar- recordedm1985_86 9’ appeared at feeders in Westport since Sept. l4. Even though the coldeg Genera“ the O ul'ations greater numbers than in This species, which weather has _ arrlve of Hat: asdp Down the winter of 1985â€"86 in superficially resembles a there are still many w d ky h y all regions. Pine Siskins Northern Flicker, is birds to be seen. Please 00 pee ere eve dramatically increased in described by Helen Call 359â€"5178 WIth your rememeï¬ eager Stab? numbers with new high Quilliam in the sightings. Merry (gee te em y peeled count levels for the supplement to her book, Christmas to all'of you 81::k_cappggyecmckadeegs entire province. Redpoll "History of The Birds lof and ' were the most regular numbers also increased Ontario'l, as being l'a GOOD BIRDING- Visitors with 95.7 and over the previous year rare irregular spring 91.6 percent of feeders but could not match the and fall tranSient; .very Visited respectively. spectacular winters of rare irregular Wi'nter White_breasted Nuthatches 1977â€"78 or 1981â€"82. and summer reSident. I decreased in all regions American Tree Sparrows, A second Redâ€"bellied compared with the Song Sparrows and Woodpecker has been previous season with Whiteâ€"throated Sparrows frequenting Claire Myer's numbers about 10% lower were all recorded in feeder in Portland Since than the 10 year their usual low numbers. the latter . part of average. Red_breasted Darkâ€"eyed juncos October! Harrison Peters, Nuthaiches Increased in decreased in numbers also of Portland, both the North and except in the Central reported that this Central regions. region where numbers species appeared in his increased. yard twice. 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