12 stem/"3‘ 8 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN i / \â€" 14“ ' REAR OF LEEDS AND LANSDOWNE RECREATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING The regular meeting was held at the Township Office on Monday, January 25, T988 with seven members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The slate of members for this year follows: Bruce Bryan, Chairman Betty Sly, Secretary/Press Reporter, Allan Roantree, Doug Ewart, Carole Johnston,doan Tye and Chuck Galway. SeeTey's Bay Centennial Park Committee reported the following members for T988: Karen Hudson, Dave Hudson, Mike Stanford, Mary Peppard, Barbara Donaldson,Jane Billings, Peter Roantree, Diane Leadbeater, and Peggy Sweet. The Kendrick's Park Committee reported the following members for T988: Ken Dobing, Jim Wing Jr., Bill Hood, Roy Thomas and Jake Eyzenga. The Recreational Committee will again apply for the Park Maintenance Grant. The T988 budget was carefully reviewed and a proposal sent to Council. The Volunteers Night will be held October 24, T988 and Doug Ewart kindly offered to be convener. SeeTey's Bay Centennial Park and Kendrick's Park Committees will be asked to send reports of their prOposed budgets for l988 Bruce Bryan agreed to Took for someone to oversee the Summer Swim Program. Appreciation was shown to Chuck Galway for his dedication and hard work as Chairman for the past year. Meeting adjourned at 9.30. HAM SUPPER Sponsored by Rideau Chapter #234 O.E.S, SeeTey's Bay Wednesday March 9/88 5-7.30 p.m. SeeTey's Bay United Church Adults $5.00- Children under TO $ 2.50 Take outs avaflable 49¢?) a? % SBELEYS BAY UCW The February meeting was held as usual in the C.E. room of the church - with 14 members present. Hostess for the FISCHER’S evening ’CUURNEYA Joyce Simpson, opened with a welcome for all and best wishes to our new president Dorothy Heep, for a sucessful Ironworks year. All recited the (SOperton) "Purpose" of the UCW. - o Gates ° Railing .° Security The devotional was taken by Myrtle Simpson - with the topic Love - a thoughtful theme for our meeting as RR# 3, ELGIN, ONT. there are so many ways for Christians to express love .Screens in our o .B_u3.iness Secretary & - ' ASPHALT 8 CEDAR SH N Treasurers reports were Accessone T G I GLES given and approved. a Lamps AR 8 RAVEL Sincere thanks was given STEEL all members who helped 0 Garden E with the dinner the UCW Furnlthe I AVESTROUGH; catered and worked hard etc METAL FLASHING to make it a successful event. Coming Events World Day of Prayer service will be held March 4 at 7 p.m. at Pinegrove church: Everyone welcome, please come out and make this service one to remember as "special". Plans are going ahead for the celebration of the 40th A†custom made. REPAIRS TO BARN ROOFS Free Estimates G. Fischer 928-2783 * FREE ESTIMATES * * FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE t on NEW & REâ€"ROOFING ’ “ Voun BEST Combination 06 QUALITV 8 PRICE. Wedding anniversary of Myrtle and Bob Simpson. Presbyterial meeting will be held Feb. 23, at 9 A.M. ~ â€" r. -. at 5,8,5, CONTRACTOR Our next meeting - March - will be especially interesting Box '15 PORTLAND, ONTARIO KOG' \VO to women. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Peter Morrin of K.G.H. and also Mrs. Harris - a kidney receipient. Make this known amoung your neighbours and friends. We invite everyone. Program Taken by Freda Davies. Her subject was "Food - Add Justice to your shopping list." The book by this name, is an excellent guide for re-shaping our shopping habits. Freda pointed out so many examples of our thoughtless buying - we are not intentionally greedy - but we don't become informed of what is going on amid the powerful big business people. For example it is sad for us to learn that the many people who work hardest 0 i t t - to harvest our products 387-3720 t : # FREE ESTTMATES 25 YEARS EXPERTENCE \N New HOMES RENOVATmMs Roomne \NSULA‘HON IAcKme S\D\NG’ Gary H. Sly Bookkeeping 8: Tax Service R.R.2 Seeley's Bay KOH 2N0 we buy and pay higl’. prices for â€" they are the ones who are not getting any fairness or justice for their work - just the opposite. There is so much to this subject for us to learn and it would be time well spent to try to inform ourselves with what really gces on that is bringing about want and injustice to many. There are Ways - they sound t SAND t GRAVEL a LIMESTONE 8 Sweet’s Watever you need, call . . . small â€" but are worth while a â€" we can begin to lock, learn, ' _ ‘ . I read directions â€" compare A Dwuswn of G. Tackaberry 8. Sons Construction Co. Ltd. fancy packaging and instant Immediate delivery of: with not so instant! A good “m†. CRUSHED GRAVEL subject and very well s WASHED SAND presented. Meeting Closed : FILL - followed by a social time. . LIMESTONE EQUIPMENT RENTALS Ralph Sweet - Manager Junction of Hwy 1 5 & 32 . Saturday Until NOON ., V V v