YOUR COUNCIL AT WORK - BASTARD AND SOUTH BURGESS Believe us, this column has been well named. Your Council has been at work. So far 185 motions have been passed in 1992. Some are housekeeping items, some pertain to a particular or isolated incident, some are not very relevant without an accompanying explanation. In addition to regular meetings, Council has had several special meetings and various committees are also chalking up an impressive list of hours. -This does not include the many hours spent by Council members on a specific committee to research material and work on establishingguidelines to present to Council as a whole. Which brings us to a query We have had regarding publishing complete Council minutes. To publish all these reports and minutes would extra pages North Leeds Lantern! Therefore the Public Relations -Committee (your authors!) extracts the . items which are of interest to the general public of the whole Township and reports on these for your information. As stated in the last in the North Leeds Lantern column, detailed minutes and all committee reports are available for perusal at the Municipal Office. (Note - minutes must be adopted as circulated before becoming public information). ' Published in this issue of the North Leeds Lantern is a notice of' dates and times of Council and Committee meetings for 1992. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Also, note the advertisement for members for two other committees. If you feel you can help, let us know. A Dog Licensing Byâ€" Law has been passed. [This follows ‘the form accepted in many other places. stricter requirements for a Kennel License are specified. Most fees are _the same as 7 PreViQE§1Yr 'or‘ with. 3; require a few ' modest increase (except the fee for replacing a lost tag â€" raised to .50 from .25 - cost finally caught up with us!). Complaints of dogs running at large are increasing, this problem had to be addressed while at the same time allowing each owner to enjoy his/her animal(s). Park Superintendent, Bud Donald, reported a good year with a profit, despite the recession. Cottage occupancy was up 7.4% with offset slight decreases in some other areas. Paid attendance was down, attributed directly to the fact that visitors are increasingly taking advantage of the privilege of free admission for "walk-in" day use of the park. There was no decrease in campers to the park. Numerous activities took place, such as family reunions, picnics, charitable fund raising events (bake sales, barbecue dinners). Beverley Elementary School hosted the Junior Olympics cross country run with over 200 participants. The park sponsored several entertainment events including live bands and teen dances which proved popular for the whole community. The park also sponsored a very successful horseshoe tournament over Labour Day Weekend. This is one of the most popular events and attracts participants from the United States as well as Canada. Hay rides, giant campfires and wiener and marshmallow roasts were other activities. Over 1000 participants from infants to elderly seniors enjoyed hay rides through the park during the annual Maple Syrup Festival and the park was available at that time for model aeroplane flying demonstrations. For the third year the park participated in a Work Orientation Workshop Program sponsored by the Leeds and Grenville Board of Education. One student spent 6 Weeks working in the park as a learning experience with all costs being paid by the board. The park benefitted from the program with the extra help available to do work projects that would have not otherwise been accomplished. The 20. year old flai1_ mower MARCH I991 NORTH LEEDS LANTERN 5 TOWNSHIP OF BASTARD & SOUTH BURGESS was replaced With a new rotary finishing mower, five cottage roofs were reâ€"shingled and, of course, the two new picnic shelters (50% grant from Ministry of Tourism and Recreation) are ready for the coming season. The plans for the above mentioned pavilions have been requested by the Delta Agricultural Society and Council made a motion to donate these for the use of this group. In other business, the Canteen Contract for the Park was renewed, the Road Widening Agreement was passed and made a Byâ€" Law, a status report f r<3n1 M<:N¢ae 1e y Engineering re: the Daytown Road was received, April 6 was designated a Tartan Day and Council requested the LACAC Committee to make recommendations re: designation of the Delta Community Hall. The Waste Management Committee has been very active with meetings arid irivi.tir1g presentations to Council to decide how the best management may be achieved at the least cost. Councillor Jane McCabe attended a meeting in Kitley Township to discuss a joint Waste Hazard Day - yes, we’re still working on it! The j Oirit B11i]_dilig Committee met and some changes were made. An entrance permit now must be obtained before the building permit is issued and the fee for a permit $6 per $1,000., with the minimum remaining at $25. At the same time, information gathering has commenced with the goal of passing a new property standards By- Law to replace the present ineffective and outdated document. Work continues on the amendment to the Official Plan (more m e e t i n g s a n d discussions!) Council also passed a resolution to hold public meetings in both Delta and Portland to answer any questions about the budget when it is set. For those of you who may have forgotten, the public meetings re: the Official Plan were held in November, 1991. Many suggestions were received at that time, notification was in the North Leeds Lantern, as well as being mentioned in this column. ’The LiEnvironmentall 9 conservation committees annual report was received. This committee was actively involved in 8 pr<3g1:amrnes : 1) Establishing and monitoring bluebird trails 2) Trees and forest program 3) Roadside litter program 4) Recycling Week a(:t:iv it ie 5 5 ) Recycling, 6) Toxic Waste Disposal 7) Delta Park Nature Trail 8) Ministry of Environment self help program (assisting in water sampling to monitor water quality). This committee reports that it is the intention to continue to be involved with all these programs in 1992. Do you know of a very involved senior citizen who is deserving of recognition. If so, nominate him/her for the Ontario Senior Achievement Awards. Name and list of achievements should be received at the Municipal Office by March 13, 1992. The Waste Management Committee are spending long hours reviewing our recycling programme for the most cost efficient methods. Therefore, don’t be alarmed if you see changes, eg. cardboard or metals being stockpiled. This is saving money and saving space at the site. BEAR WITH US! While on the topic of waste disposal, please note the change of fee for disposing of white metals, appliances, furniture etc. Due to the cost to the Township of removing these from the site, it was necessary to raise the fee to $10.00 per item. This is effective immediately â€" a notice appears in this issue of the North Leeds Lantern. This is a big year for Canada - a 125th. Birthday! All Committees of Council are being notified to e n c o u r a g e participation. Do you have any ideas for this special event - perhaps you belong to an organization that may wish to use this special birthday theme for your activities. "Let us together make Canada Day 1992 a resounding success" (quote from Ontario Canada Day Committee). Spring is fast approaching "Top 0’ the Morning", Sunny Days and Sweet Syrup 'til next report.