Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 7 May 1895, p. 4

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B. l'lllflfllll & 80H mum suim IIIDEITIKEIB I. EIIALIEIS with"... Ont. mflnlma LETTERS FRO! OUR 82A?! 01' OOBBEBPOflDENIB. About 0! News and My. Personal Intent‘enoo.â€"-A Lin! 0! Ivory thin: won lined on. W] IAN lc'l‘o \v N . Suction, May tinâ€"vow furnich on: busily engaged in sccding operations and ammo have ncurly lililrllictl. Everybody is busy with gardening and house cleaning. I The Tuesday inth pruycr mining will be held in thc school house. new llttl.))' girl at bumucl L‘m'cy's. â€"--â€"â€".':'.ao-v» .37 i l‘l.1‘l'()\V N. nae-mu, Mary t3...» Mr. M. lIill'cr- man and wife of \x‘.-.\i‘...»m poser-d throu’rii our town. e My. The wetsr in the looks “I very low st present. â€"â€"â€"---â€"~-â€"-. we: mu. Horton. Hey 6.â€"~0ur lumen on busy witl 'ln-ir needing. Mr. on“ Mr.» Jss. Waver- stsrtfor Ashton mic uleton Plano to-dsy to mske cheeee for the sauna. Mr. Dillehough has got *out a large qugtutity of ties for the B. Jr W. end in now sawing shingles. The fence ot the reor of the school house grounds has been repaired. When the rest of it is built it will be It great improvement, as your other cor- respondent writes, but the question is, when will it be done? h Mr. I'. M. Monroe aged 92 years and rs. Monroe 87 ere proboth the old- est persons in this vicinity, if not in the county. In March last they had bcen married 68 years. They tire both uble to go around among their neigh- bors and Mr. Monroe recently walked mori- than a. half mile to see some of his friends. ‘oo GREEN BUSH Moxmv, May (5 v- Farmers are busy with their seeding. Mrs. Levi Stone who. with her two children, has been visiting her father, Mr. llobt. Council, during the past winter, started for her home in Tacoma. Wash, last Thursday. She .waa-i accompanied us far as Carleton Place by Mrs. (.‘onnell, who intends visuing some rclutives at that place. 'llu-lioue‘c of Mr. Uco. liullgdun. iibout ii mile not of here, had it iizirrowcsuipciron, being burned on 'l'ucsduy lust. Ti 3 fire wits caused a by some spurts aligning on tho mol'. \\ ith tln- prompt ussistzinco of some. of thc nughhors, thc llumcs wcrc cx- tmguishcd in turn: to sum the house. Mos:'i':s..\'. Slit-u, J. (Lu. .I. hav- nneglv, and Wm. (low drowning: while i‘pcziring llxll. Min: l‘l. ‘t‘ox is (llt‘r‘fi maling on Wexlord rtvcning. Hora/col is doing tohrzilily \Hll under *vlJl'l'L‘lllitllCL‘ of Miss U'i‘it'lll Ft 3' road that \Viii. l'iood will tuiic to Violet-if :l pzirtnir itllt'l' "it-ai'iiug. ‘-..'i.~ttor.<: . w,» in. l"li.w«l,.:\l. ' 'i‘l. l: J. It. l.‘l't't~'t’..'-’; t'illlll.‘ iii”. imiilcl‘. (Him; iilm listlxc)‘. M. ‘ii-izlin l‘lood. l on hlE:ZS(:.~. 4' j_ .u. {min 1", .‘li‘l‘ in], «opportunity (Jilin-d by {liciinc \vmtlicr lg; gcttnig in tliiii' grams. Mr. H. (hian of (Jug-cu: l siUtfl' Elly. liiiig.si4.>ii. is li‘.‘lill.‘ Uli his in cation. Miss lilln at Mr. ii. 3.1 Mr. ii. 1.1 building; in; .islduuvn to in: W'lit-ii «lone, \\t-(\piifl. to Am; .‘i Ft: hoarding; liuusc. A lilClill M» lit'lti liy wine of our young, *1 Worn-«la l':i:i. l.i‘t i‘iuturr wry tltll‘flllliil r" rill. . Wells til~ plncc. lmiw. {T I,'\. tiliic loliiraw culiwmion u-lil here last Friday. the windings: lulu; led by hliSS \lufianii ninl liii"l:~'t‘ll. ’l‘ll“ .‘ucciniizs Wort: vi-i'} cntlnmustii: Illiil ivucl: goud Wits done. The pupils itt our school vii-w wry one); inst .l.“i‘it.lll:,'. it Bring Arbor lht). ‘..l(l succogdcd i .. ,‘cttiiig thc who'd and grounds olivine... which malice zi (lel‘ldf‘tl nppcumncc for thc iii-(tor. 'l'hc ,‘mople: who pourcd into Delta. on Tnceduy, l’ullh April. from llll thv sLiirt‘ocuilmg villiigis to ln-ur MISS ‘ ‘ . "."".‘.'L groutly disul‘ipointcd, it'd slit: ‘ r'i:‘i"‘ ‘vrcr magiiizcnicnt, \\‘2l 4 no. 31' '3); FUN“. blown. Slay l;."'*“ iur ucniul l'i'ii'nil, Mr. Thflpt‘, hos laid by tlic pill busi now tli‘\(.~ll*.\ his spam momcnts to lltll‘lifillllllrt' mid mill drawing. lie .«mys thc suit spring winds Wil'I give the naturul color to those pelt: lnCcs, cqual to his ci-lcbrutcd pills. filorawx ~\us lvi“ll in :wiw business for making stump strum-hm. ;;"..i>.i:.‘ Hitllil‘ pill-s HIIIl frog holoe rm hi9 new fr. m. “t‘t'elzmrn 11%; John "ipi-In'c. lzl'ut' Chnrh‘nlfm, rut. ’ayf” tired musk rut sic - ' any; that John ill) v "ugh don't know how ‘x; small A I‘al like llinl gmhl ~..~.v Uncle Tom and Ilcni'y passed through llt‘l'tf on 'l'liurmlnv, bin}. ‘lml. all route for Jinn-town. rl‘hcy my their ploy is lml‘nl to limit if thcy only bad P. clown. T L. Fl is pr-cpiring to cuter wedlock and will erect a coitngout Fly creek. Joe. Bolgor is at ('liclmr‘il Villa and is r. lousy man on his pretty farm. J. Dixie is plush-ring with morlur the homer. of Messrs. P. and J. Flood. Combination pie serum in nlmmt over on this stir-ct. Misses Noun and lmlcr uctvd us epoan for Wm. Unrtis’ hobo. Visitors : Betis, Cnmc, Mooney, Km- nm and McClutchy; also Minn" Hustle, Donny, Hevngnrd, and Wisc- men. The correspondent of the Front of Yong! enquires concerning the possible mutual-titer 4'0" twenty gum-tn in MOIan sud rt-fers us to Mr. J. Knvunngh. Sold gentlemen being ymntly at the Turkish bath: in “out- reel, requests me to do his journalis- tic work , hence, i any that the VEHOI‘ obloknlght of the quill must hereby leer- thot we no com-ode“ over one hundred (“sets at our hotels in fits-m sud give them the very best Wt. Amelia male om ten may being!» an incubator IN- _ helmenlnsdmifll “dined-riot." themferthe {\a [Himmlkseih .. h nose nod 33mm n .2. Lin shim liblll hnn llt‘ :‘»..'|\l| INN} Hull]; Ilia-1 norm}! fliil‘. All “Ll “h c ‘ lrup fit" of his. thumpi- May clear oflfiw. outbo- “l'fl‘” l urd “ho littr~ bccn litlll:~'i-» ' € tor inn-rmcnt on 'l'hursdziy lust. . Wills is ruinutnuf llll'l- lch illnms of Mrs. Alex. Blanch- zin invalid for the lilhl :-.i\ yours. has tulicn u serious turn and Hillttll hope H cntertuinod of hit i-..covciy. bin: has the synipiithy of thc cntil‘e conniiuuity in her {sullen mg. Mr. A. l.. 'l'iultcsrs loft lust Sutur- dzi} for Now York where he intends to spa ml the suinmi-r'. + int» int-mums of Mrs. Walla-r. whose mud: n ironic \vns liliziibctli Kerr. \u-ii l'lllllglll to thc faintly burying- ;_'i'-iund on tlic form of Richard licri' llcv. Johnathanliti’i‘, brotlicr of dc» ccuncvl, accompanied the rcinizius to lli".n:i;\‘ii‘i: \\llL‘I‘t' in: has join-.4 othci' llil.‘llil1\‘l‘~ of the family. in ‘l-‘i'u ‘GOD l’l.l'\l HULLH‘H'. .‘lfilVll \3, May li. rW‘Ia-utiir ‘ Warn] .tinl dry _ d'. Tur- lli'diu‘l" Amid .ti’ mic. hundrvi'. in the :sur and :y‘iyh'iy in ll!" Hllittlf“. 'l‘lu' l“.“.". lust Mai and \Hil lib :i more of grin-z: in n wry i‘cw - :ll't‘ lf'élb'll‘r; and )Il‘."":!llt’ l'iiliiorn liuvc filoiiiiiv has gone to l.)|ll'll('¢j "llll.l.“ I'iljillpll' “ti "3 Lina gum.- in i'iitKlUl .. }.t~ it‘l'l IT in :t fin-tony. .\l:.~. ll;t'il('l.'l\'HlIll war in ill“ « li:1:i~1 uh lll" list «lay :3: 3' 2r” .\li. Janna» lilll‘llr~ lli‘l‘4 pni'clizitsz‘i': l .l llll is n. hunt in having things l.i: is it genial frin-nd to llli .uiil un l'IxIIt‘l'll'llt'f".l and u ch-vrr limp»), his (limits will bu t.'l(}'\\llf’ll with Hill'L‘L‘hS. *1: in with findings of «harp rrgrr't ( .‘ll \vc lmxc to :tnnmincc the almth of tln- infant child of Mr. :iml Mrs, Ziliil .lucks n of l._\nill;umt, formcrly of this plm-c. its rcrnziim wcro laid at rout in tln- burying ground lici'o today. 'l‘lu- parents inuc tlic hcnrtfcll, nym- puthy of Mir who": cmuinuiiv in tncir said ltl‘l‘f‘l‘fl'f’ltit'ilfi. l 3 d; ‘i -. iii-xx illit"\lill|;1liltl‘llllll‘. .‘tlll li‘:lil\', :ilnl 1|.» i|‘l' lwiii-‘(i-h l ’liltfhlll'l‘, “r- i...» .VlL'EN'i'Ql‘ll WILZ i"- )losiriv, Muy (twilic r<:.="1‘.'::it.~i of our toun lil‘:' highly plcm-ci' aim the ,in'.\' n:inn i;:"an to pin.) of tllt‘ prin- l (‘lplil struts. (i. ll. lu'cdcr ‘t\f'l‘li’. was in town this «line board of liculth has, nftcr Si-IllHl\'llt‘lll't’llllllfll, (ll'('llli(l to crcct n linihlllitz lelxilll mcr the Mill pond,‘ ulnigli \vill bc usml us it public bath. and will cslu-ciully bc upon to fermion: i-vci'y Saturday pm. coinph twl mil be under thc :il-lc llllllllltjt-lnf‘llt of Mr. lh-uuinont for 45.n- gcutlmnu-n's dcpdrtnmnl. and tho luihm .pizirti-rs will bc directed by our Miss Judy llucldcy of lloston. All young mun uill bc clmrgcd 2.3 cts. ninl old nun .10 Ms. Prices range. according to the quantity of soap and wutcr that will be consumed lll cleansing those clusws. The purple of Fairfax, War- lmrton and Door luck are invited to a good wash in this sanntorium. Quite a few of our citizens are afraid that thclinth will be quite obnoxious to pissculture. because the rhfuvmte WMOFR that will come from the both may poison the young fish. Mosmv. May (la-Mrs. M. Louder spent Sunday last with Mrs. M. Anglim. I Mr. F. Davis is recuperating on the l inlmy breezes of Fly (‘rcck for a. few dsys. Uncle T om‘s Usbin won‘t be able to reach (‘aintown till shout September. We are credibly informed thet our old end much esteemed friend Jock the Ripper is about to move not! llowlin Hollow. hf; i. Cantos secured the for us. i t‘s potent . The monufschfl'or bu sound 1 good. reliehle. «upon scan: in It. The i Westport is U hove o W- lsrthlssumnsrâ€"sndwhy not cool. Atheusl , -‘ For less pint. slohostins cousin poles. vehicle-end well pep-r. goto G. . Bach's. ‘ Mr. John R. Reid, of Ottawu, u- rived in Athens loot week in the interests of the Sun Life. On entering this educational centre from the out the traveler is confronted with s placard requesting him to “pay his tool.” ' Mr. Cstlwell's mill at Lornberdy was idle for three weeks, owing to the spring fmhet, but is now doing a rush- ing business. Dyspepsia. seldom causes death, but permits its victims to live on mis-ry. Hood's Sareepurille cums dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Salmon. bass and bullpouis are all in evidence this week. The spring has been very unfavorable for good salmon fishing and few, if any, large catches have been made. Owing tonu incomplete revision of the proof-sheets of the sermon pub. lislwd on our suppleinentury page this week, several errors appear then-in, none of which, however, materially affect the sense. *Gruverobbem stole a body from Portsmouth it short time ago. The tha it. was discovered and such a vigor ous scorch institutrd to recover the corpse that it was returned to the C'Hll- eterv. Every cfl'ort is still being made 0 discm er the guilty parties. " Mrs. Joseph Thompson and son Herold lcuvo Alhcns on 'l'hursduy next for Belfast, lrclnnd, sailing from New York on Saturday. They will be gut‘flbfi of i-clutivcs of M r. Thompson in Belfast and during their contemplated five months’ absence Will visit points of interest in Scotland and England. G Mott ilc liobcson, grocers, Athens, 211‘” this wcck showing 'ono of the largest displays of crockery and gloss" wurc to be found in :my shop in thi- county. 'I‘lic licportvi' droppcd in on then: on Momhty morning and wow eur- . nu , reolter, was here this ingtomsnaosdsteundert auspices of some lees! orseniutio' n. The ladies Anxiliuy to the Brookville Genersl Hospital will meat It the residence of Mrs. H. 11. Ar. nold, Reid st. Wednesde stterncon at 8 o‘clock. A full stten ones is re- quested. At the recent exams at Queen's University Miss Mabel Bellamy, a pupil of Athens high school, wrote on firstâ€"year work in English, French, and Latin, sud was successful in the twu former subjects. Dr. Creeggen of Delta has assigned to Mr. Umer Brown for the benefit of his creditors. who meet on May 7th to adjust matters. It is a rare cc. currenoe for a. professional gentlemen to make on assignment. J tist reccivcd~nnothor lot of fine bedroom suites which I am offering at very low prices and have added to my large stock of parlor suites a very fine line of mg suites. Stock complete in every liner-T. G. Srnvsss, Furniture Dealer and Uudertnkcr, Athens, Out. There will hen special meeting in ’the Salvation Army Barracks on Wednesday evening, 8th May, led by Captain Cameron of Brockville. All are invited to be present. An in terosting time is expectedâ€"«CLARA STATA, Captain. +A ielcgruin was received at the post office last night announcing the Idcuth of Mr. W. llurkctt of Smith's Frills, who formerly resided in this village.~»-\Vestport Mirror. Many rczidcrs of tho lleportcr, and especially those composng the Reporter's hunt ling party oi‘lrltlll, will ri-incmbcr tho grninl Billy llurkctt who drove the bllig'.‘ from \Vcatport to lledford thtion. “is peculiar matnnur and probably on June llth. The route will likely he on: Grand Trunk out! Censds Atlantic. The Out-do Medical Boolet. he PMImd, 'il-h cation M o physlclsn, several 0 of grave nsture h-lug mode. The evidence will be taken bnfore e court composed of three members of the Dis- cipline Committee of the Medics! Bo- eiety and M. M. Brown, County Crown Attorney, will not as I prosecutor. The "playing" of traveling troupes by local societies hes not, so fur as we have hem able to learn, proved I pay- ing investment. As a rule, these con- tracts stipulate that the players receiye $35 and from 50 to 75 per cent of the gross receipts above that amount, the . society paying for the hall, the printing, and doing the neeesmry bill-posting. The troupe takes absolutely no risk-w the contract contains no allowances for bad weather or bad I'OaflSâ€"~llfltl if any loss results it must be met out of the funds of the society. The average re; ceipts from an entertainment in Athens total about $40, so it will be readily seen that there is considoruble room for losing money on such contracts. Of course, it is with no de- sit-u to make moucv that the societies engage those entertainers; it is with the altogether pruiseworthy intention to provide the public, with good, whole- some entertainment which could not, pcrhups, otherwise be soonrcd, but wh-ithor the lll‘t.)8|ll.‘(:llt’u profit and loss are properly adjusted is it mutter that will probably rcccivo more considcra tion in the future thun it has in the past. Liberal Prises. 'l‘hosc of our readers who are of it lilorui'y turn of mind will appreciate that libcrul oller [nude olscwhcrc in this isweby the Dr. \Villiims Modicino' l (.‘o , of lil‘~Cl(\‘ll n, (hit, \vlm announce it active of prizes amounting to $300 VHS“d l” 5“" ll"? ml“ (ll‘l'llll’ “9‘ ""“ll "5 cxcontric 88 “1’8 made the othcrwiso . . .- .' . . .' .. for the best short. htm n a. sub- tlw I'vci'llnnt taste shown in the rich-c tion of the lni'gt: (-vliiliit. if you «pics- . limi our nindgnicnt. cull and Eco for you wolves. Athens Mechanic's Institute. 'l‘hc annual rum-ting of tho nit-inborn Mm-lntiih-‘s liiHlllHlt‘ was hold ‘1" llit‘ (5 3|? llll.‘ library mums (Ill Monng cronâ€" Muy lot. at S p in., llov. \Vm. l l l l l I l l l lug, , . . . . . . ‘tt’rii'ht tho ircsnlont in thc choir and l l“ , l Mr. ( . I‘aluumzm noting its strci‘t-lnl‘y. . . l llic :innnitl :‘cp’irt “'HS rcud bv the l r I " {sw'wmi'y :15 ioliuws: Annual rop’u‘t llm‘ the ycur 1891.3 up to May lst, l Infill}. I ; itrzi‘liiM‘s. li'dnil on llllll'l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 1-") U8 . .‘lieiiilit-rs’ ll'cS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '35 l5 ‘ lx-gislzitivi- grant, for wintry . . ‘25 , l‘ min o'ln-r sourcr s . . . . . . . . . U‘.) l l l l I _. H7 35!.“ l‘..\’l'l‘lNI)lTl ill-:5. ' night nnd hunting . . . . . . . . . . . {in Bulzu'ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llvtiiks (not fiction) lion PHIL“). , . . . . . . . .. l . ? ,‘llugn‘rtllu‘i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . l M l<cltll:liiu iux i 5 $5 0' l7 3:) 00 no 437 i on s 41 llulnucc on lnmd . . . . . $188 .57 KTOi‘K AND ASRETTH. $900 00 32 00 so 02 lloolrs, . l’urniturc Cash on lmud.... .. .. W71 "2 Llulllld'l‘ll’fl, 6w. L ilcnt . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... .9530 00 No. of mciniwre on May lst, '95. . . .56 No. oi vol'it in Library. . . . . . . . . 1,424 No. of vol}: purchased in ’94 . . . . . . ll? No. of vol’s invucd in 1894 . . . . . . Lilli (in motion the “port- of Sccrclni‘y mid Lilirnriun was adopted. Election of other-rs for currcnt ycur was then pi-ocoodol with, resulting as follows : Prouidcnt. . . . . . . . llrw. Wm. \Vright - Vice pros. . .. . . . . . . .J. ll. Mills l Sccrctury . . . . . . . . . . . . (lco. Sherman I 'l'rcmmrcr .‘ . . . . . . . . . . (loo. \V. llcncll Librarian , . . . . . . . . . . . (leo. Sliurinnn numerous. iii-1" .l. (hum-run, llov. J. M. lluqur und Mr-ssrs. ll. Lovorin, I l‘. Alguirc, ll. ll. Arnold, .l. }' lunnb, dove-[ill Thompson, M. A. Events and \V. H. Parish. M'm'rons. \V. (3. Parish and l. (.3. Alguirc. . flu motion '11". .l. J. Carneron, J. l H. Mills nod (loo. .‘llmrtnen were up pinintml A committoo for purclmw of new books for library for 189.5. A bill amounting to $3.47 for light log and hosting the library room was prom-nted by the librnrian and on mo- tion ordered to be paid. On motion a vote of thanks was tcndcrcd to Misses licrthn Lovcrin and Jennie Hartwell for their services as solicitors of membership for lost your and a request made that they continue to not in a like capacity for the present year. Mam. Arnold, Beech end Sherman were nppolnted A committee to get up a new cotelogue of books in the lib- nary. ()n motion, the libra loud to gotta insure . of .500 an the libnwy. Them but no fmthes busier- the meeting wudm‘mgnt to o t l | l p The hull; m'lmi'.‘ " i . U. n was outlier- long and monotonous journey twenty milcs socni likc it short and pleasant drive. ()n Tuesday cvcning lost “in Honor .ludirc McDonald delivered it most ln< tercsting nnd instructive lccturc on "A trip from the Atlantic. to the Pacific, to it fin: itinlicucc in the Lecture mom of Christ church. The trip was tlirOugli Camidiun tcrritory and must have given the audience new and enlarged ideas of the cxtcnt and importance of this Canada of ours. The lccturo wus illustrutcd by ll. choicc assortment of curios procured by His llonor on his trip. Ellie l‘llnim‘ llcxl emu-:Ircil to an audience bclow the nu mgr: in lililnlmm in the high school on Monday owning. 'l‘hi‘ cntcrtuinmcnt w m woll u~l\ i-rtiscd and gin-n undcr populur illl‘l‘llt'l‘lfi, that. ol' the (.‘Imscn Fricinh‘, and was. Wcll worthy of :l more :rncml putmnngc. Mist-i llcxt's posinqu in (lrcck costumc wcrc 1|. H'W‘liillvlll to lllrlhy. and in cuch puntuiu hill‘ :i‘s‘u'mid tln- fouling sought to lm comm ml tin-1,», ch-urlv nmnilosl. lli-r clnvuliunziry numbch were well zcccivcu. Au or clicetiui consisting of Mr. Kincaid, Mr. llolbrook nnd tho Messrs. Comp.» lui» nishcd good music. Mr. Win. A Wells, the tulcntcd piunist all] i \'1.)lf:lll‘~ll. of Ilrooltvillc, wus highly «:stcvmcd by the nudicncw, his cvory nnmlicr lining hem-tin cncorml. 4 Booth of cm. I. Berber. I The death of Mr. llurhcr, "which 1 occurred at his rcsulcncc a. short- dis- tuncc cth of this villugc maimed another of the rcspcctcd Cltth‘lm of this district. llorn in lrelund he, when yet :1 young,’ lad, cmigrutcd with his pur- cnts to this coinitv and settled u uhort distance from Luke l‘lloidu w‘.:;ir: JD spent the groatcr portion of his Life. About six years ago, in order to give his children the advantages of tho exircllent schoolii of Athens, hr- bought the old l’hilip Wing form from llornce Brown and hits silica resided thcrc. Naturally of rt strong and robust cormtitutiou, he worked hard and accumulated a snug Competency, on which no doubt he expected to en- yoy a. long and comfortable old age, but u couple of years ago a. complica- tion ofdisceses act in. which bellied the will of the best physicians, and on Saturday, April 21th. he passed peacefully away in the 67th year of his ago. In politics Mr. llurbcr was is strong Censor-veto? and in religion an earnest Methodist. lie leaves it wife and seven children to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate husband end father. The funeral which tool: place from the femin residence to the Methodist church on Monday. let inst, wee largely attended. Welter lus.‘ Uncle Tom‘s cou- show. Walker'n Brod. collosnl mammoth Pavillion Uncle Tom‘s Cabin show will give one complete performnnce of this world-famed drums in Athens on Hot. urdsy, May lltli, commencing st 8 pl". 'l‘his comlsmy should not be con- founded with other uncalled Unc'le Tom companies, which havmépupursd prises mitfc'l in (he chronic-Lilli)“, The amount olli-rvd bclimc, the lurgcst cvcr uaardcil in .t c ‘iupo‘ition .of this kin-l it. ‘17.i:i:nl:t, mnl tiny purl lof it will be u lll-f'l'vll iccoi’npvnSc for at story of ill" lcnglli mum-d. \Vc will i3, \l't‘. llu glad to hrur t‘-:ii. :uiV,’ ol'our rculi-M‘ Book to the Old Church. Mr. l‘luxton, who for a timc mush; cd in conducting tho illi‘t‘blllgfi ln-ld in the i',’.: xrcciinqlnr'w, was prior to his (34)li\‘i‘i‘ii:'. lo \lr. lloriicl'u any of thinking, a pro‘intioncr for thc minin- ti'y of tho Mcthodist. t'hnrch. l‘or ever a your ho had d-‘votml :ill hint-11cc- git-s to advancing lllt‘ new “insc, but gl'niluztlly lii’cutnin; coinint’: . that lie: was pursuing n “rung; course he lust wcs-k sought advice from n Methodist ministcr With it view to accruing i‘ciu utntcmont umong the prob ,_:I‘.1'l‘8 H:- was rci'crrcd to the L'lntii'linzn of his Ilia-trill and was informed that. n strict adherence to the H'Iillll't‘lnt‘llbtl of U in. fi-icnco find the prizcticcs of probation- Iliu‘c sutrccirlwl in capturing on- of u, l cm would best fit his: uppcol for finer- ulnlr‘ COil‘hlt-ration llt‘ piillifi. . is now pursuing. l 1 Cheese Market. "lic first nil-cling of Brotzkvillo chm-so liczu'd WM on Thursday lust with it good :Ilt‘ winners of mim- mcn uud linye-rs. 'i‘lic nth-ring wus lurgcfor-opioid: .ln), tululling l‘i'll boxi-S. (luly 7o. “‘1!‘L‘.<1ll‘01't'(l it)? whim um! 71 for (-ulurcil 'Jl‘lll' Cltlili' stood attl? for white 1‘4 for colorcd. Not u single box not ~o‘d [\ftrr tlu- if llcci'ctni'y (lilroy’e :mnnul rvpurt, thi- x‘li-ction of of (llllU""‘?1 wuss piowwli-l with and resulted follows: Picaiilcnt~~Mujor lit-«humid, Lune downo. First \‘icc-pi‘oeiilci-tm-Anihcw flirty, Morton. Second \iccpl'csidont â€". John i‘ll wurds, Auguslu. Scc'y'l‘reus.â€"-C. J. llm-Il. lll'lzl null mliiplion ([lil roy, I‘llllltt'll'fly Allorucc Brown, Athens ;‘ '1‘. ll. l’crcivul, l’lum Hollow. Slhlf‘filllfln.‘“Ii. (l. Murphy, l'llgin. It wue unnounccd that tln: Triton on the B. dc \V. would be the some as Inst ycur, lflfi ccnfs from liyn mnl Stanley's and if) cents from points west of the 0 places to Moutrcel. {OP COMFORTABLE CATTLE CHAlN. Humane uml Hump 1“- for' E I ill 3 In The mctlmd sin-Wu l‘l'lla\\ of inflolllllfl Mitlu- l: «pilfc common in iii". imrns of (lllll') men \vlicrc \vondvn or iroi. munchiom rm- hut in than H.- in (lllllllffltl if“ "10“! Ml lofm'f'vry. climpor or humnnn method of cutth- fintunlnsr can be, pruvidt‘tl. [for the nch no cuslly fitting h-mlu-i strap with In light iron ring wnumu-utlv Mint-bod ls Worn tullillllllouslf. A light cont" 3 feet long hm- A ring M one cud which sllllv loosely on it round sinuohlon of smooth huvlwuul about 8 inches in mm. 'Mvth'ilng 'l'hzs i. tho linc. lic' .000 to 8. lbs. out «bombastic records or Nona-n oxen which at six years ofnce weighed 4,]!!! to 4,388 lb. ” own, In of great linpo of Moon. us It enables them to turn to profitable wouut their “downer” cows and "Home males. The beef is or good quality. but there in e larger proportion of bone mm 01!.) than in the British breeds of beef cattle. They are heavy outer-n, and require an abundance of nutritious food. The strongest claim to public {over made in behnlf of this brood is on the ground of its hardiness end freedom from all tuberculous mint. In Normandy groin. numbers of these cattle err-kept in thriving condition without shelter, winter and summer, throughout the your. The hrdritnot of Norman cattle com- prises the departments of Euro. Calvodos, Muncho and “run. its origin In lost in the mist of ages. An cvldcnce of it. great antiquity is the fuct that In the Beycux tapestry. wrought in the eleventh wutury under the (lircclinn of Matilda, the quccn of William thc Conqncror, the cuiilc rcprcscntcd are fairly good portraits of Norman cnttlo Ml-lic)’ nru sccn fo-dny. (ircnt can» has been tukcn to prewrvo the purity of the raw. and to this curl n licr‘dlooli was cstubllsln-d in infill, and in :-.llil nmlntuiucd. it is entitled the “ih-rdliook d'lslgny ct du llossln." and is ('tllll‘ll nnd llllllllril cd under the ohnrgc of n mnnnlsdmn I‘li'rii‘tl for three yours by lln' finch'tc i,‘i“Ai,zricultim~. This consists ofcltthtcvn incinbcrs of the society, us- in-.‘. bythrw vctcrinziriuns, and cvr-ry nniiiml nine: undcrtgo a rigid inspcction lh‘lul‘l' ii cnn hc udmlttul in registry. ’llm importation of n lrccding lnird of ,\i,-j'l|.‘.'|ll Htlfli‘ is on c\cnt which inny 1 .-..t - m be of sonic iniportunco to Amor- 1 u.i ll\L'..'.u1l{ lntcrusfs. This lnnd of i’; v; nnd zilwlndunt fowl nuitcrinl \vould - :2) li«- Iln‘ \i‘ry pliico for (lit->1- grous Trill tliv‘ir imnn-nw wiruicity for n... ,. aiu :iii.‘ f-it'ugc into milk nnd if ting: suslnin tho clnirns inndo 'T i i... and prmc in be mlnph-d to l'nll- . lllt i" of mi] lbllil cllinnic, flu-y can 1. full in lll‘ n \‘iilurililc acquisition. FF rzi‘l. ’l he Poultry frieze. .\',- il|‘lll~lilll l‘FlH cniptlnd rho 1)U(‘li(‘fi-l of ,5 '.“‘.’|'.‘l‘ nnnibcr of victims in thin conn- 1 i‘...::i tho iiiiillry wrnzc. More money l.(i.~ lwvn \Yi‘lr'll‘ll, nriuully thrown away. pix-lizib‘iy. on chilmrnlc null unprnctlcnl ] goulii'v houscs than «in (lily of tlic othcr i .:‘:‘<!'.. :~ minim-toil with 1l\'llll|1.!1'urfdnll l .-'i-.liini-nt. Wu :ii'o riot lrt favor of I4,| : new 1““ ruin; poultry cultnrc it) llil‘ \\'li')l“‘.'|ll‘_ full We tlzz lli‘lll'Vf‘ llml i,..:; iwl inz'i r mlmi: should hc {uflv alum in mi .ili‘l‘dtlylxt‘l'l in 11v. ultry llnll Hwy “,5... LM 3; it :it n pinlit rntlicr than an n 1.. . u. ~=f >|’i1'(i'~\l'lll Ilint lhcy may .wcure tili ,.. Emis'v to in. nu. was. .,, . .. mm. \‘lt‘llll‘lN are up in arms of llu' JVTHYlNlHllh of n iii-W ~;.;,a 1‘. it in [in-\ldcd flint m‘cry A1l1.'l'=~li.lll curry t'iliill,‘:l! iccdurlng .im. .iitly ninl \nyu-t to prm'i-nt mi- niil'u from lit-:it’r'r. \Vlfilh- .mnnwd' fhc envnzlu i" of xlic l‘ilil. vinih-m' prob-Min :i frnm' 1h“ . wi'liwn, ulln-rs tIliji'CL '_.v in lllli alum it Would be ll) in tho lll':ll"l"v. ‘ .llli‘ . I ll 1. -><l;.’i \1.“!"11 I‘l’l'“ t imi‘ Li. ('< :irv pimp-v .izi-il from cuttings 3y ciniiingln-t )4...” \‘ilHill to slx or 'lglilAltlt‘li lwlirs nirl plowing ln nmht, ~i.h 1min: ti‘iiiuplnnl .‘ifii-r “no or rm) (‘iii'rnnt cutiiovu do hcttor lulu-n in Anglo! tlmn in spring. ‘ s’t‘ll l’s' Imprinliig Hu- lll'ltl. l‘rol‘. 'l'lwmi» Hunt l‘til‘lfi‘l‘lly>1|)'r»ll‘f\i win-rc cnlu‘rs nl’c mind for tinir'.‘ pnrpow it in llIJ-..‘~‘ll)l(', by judicious training, nit: fut-«ling, to gn-Mly incl-misc ilzcir \.Il'n- for nll lniprmi-nwnts in ilniry cows Hills licgln with the calf, nnd tln» that )‘nlll‘. in aids is in pi‘kurc fln- l!i'.~.f. pmrihls :il‘t'. L'Co mic has yr! llxml on [he l‘mh'l. row for all purl-ours coiiiliincil, Nor (“lift it lu- ~:iii lllill lln-rt‘ is nny lN‘Hl dairy now. “In dolrymnn clnmsm Jim-eye. mmihi-r Hui-rut rt‘yrl, nnothcr Ayn-minis uml llvi'Hll li'm. uml nil fortho sumo purpose; uml Hill on lit'l' will my that his choice is but mu n ill (llbf‘llxN' without cud lill‘ flue l‘ulllls l)‘ Li. r-imrin~ llrl‘ d. No pivrmn mm m} “hit-h l‘ tlic host cow for imy oilicr tlml h-inwlf, and in lnipi‘mlng his Mock flu iiuncrof innivc cows cnn do no hcttol llmnfur-1,.uixctluclicsl of Ilil-vc :nid lhci yl‘ugul‘r tho. l)l’.\l tlnnrnllul'lu'wl bull in of ‘lll'll llrl‘t'tl n9: lic nuu' Lint-5'. 'l‘ln 3;.;i.i~ri\-i-iiicrit of his hcrd u‘il lwuin right “ills this ship, and nmy i'a ccnlnuont in. him: we lic. ~lnys in the iuix‘lncsas. 'l‘hcn it not lllllf‘ll d rum-r of lln- m‘cmgc (lull'y nuin ircllllt“ to u point “xi-«um ho furtlicl inniroxcincnr ls pois~ll>l--. \l'hnn we Wild in mull who thinks ln' ('mnwl mnku lllrl herd nn)‘ lu-lh-r thmr it ulrwuly is, We nn pr. Hy ruru to how u mun u ho is thifi'll‘l) l on the hull truck, for if imprmmncnl ‘ docs not, mntlnuc, ri~trunn-.\~'luii will In vi-ry opt to set ln.»l“nrmcrs’ Volvo. l . I Flnlshlng f‘ntilr- fur Marla-t. Finishing fl"h1‘t"s('r quickly for nmrkcl ls highly important in Hun-n, nurl ncwt Inurv so tlmn now win-n the continuance of present high pi-lccs run only lw could-c lured If is n lmM f:l\’urlthl(\llnunl 11w". hire, to tattoo and m-‘l not only Ml tin-oi tun-u that will nuikc prlmc hm f, but all furrow mws. light lle'll or loan ntccrv and nnydctir-rlptlon of ncut cattle (but (am no loom-r bu kcpt M n profit. As II row, the mom-r or former ls «rim. of such nlm'k the better. lllrh pmtuwmul heavy fouling with com n seed or Hunts-d (crushml or minntll. who!“ but", Ml mml or corn lm'ul, will put them not”! In immhlo «nullttou in ls surprisingly .lmrt Minn. ilcgln with a small quantity when cattle am not mod to grain. In- emelng the allowance nlmdny until they are inking all they mu out without up- purent detriment. It "a": In 1 lower "row Flt. no” running on clover em nlmrulnrly [m from alumni. any-- the. American Air- flcnltnrlst. If e wlml-pnml sholfcl' l- glmn the new: at fun-owing time, with pknty of clear water at all times, tin-u mm during the glowing «mum will out emu-och on the torn mr'u tlmo further up" to trrluote the pasture mmhmuily to keep the chm-r thrmy. in the lim- loll for“ on “love? lmy. tumlm hurts and o mm min. lam, rang me should be kept. M they are the but none and milieu. and MM mt he bred to fine W. N Met lug melee. The mother will“, {dilemma starts-ulna also Melina".th mayb- ln , with the least on” “In. .3- ‘g...m.m_..... AMA-Mowâ€"v‘m less- AW non-s. Mich [KM-um. mud-astute Mm cub. .â€". Copeland, 9W). Lyndhursl. The blotter mules ths end-of Ill the principal business turn of Lyehunt end s few from outeide parties. The Barrier once‘is pmpsred to compete wit city 0600s on this [clo- of work both in quality and price. Hood’s agree » A mugs Failed soverqu In the leok‘lunoheo AI Sangeniile. Molne. W... " C. 1. Hood 5: 00., Lowell. Mam: "Gentlemen-I feel that I cannot. say tux-mg? in favor of Hood's Susapurilln. lur ii ; I have been troubled with scroln‘. l. in i::‘J i. snd throat. Several kluds u! inuficlziv. ‘.‘.I.. I tried did not do me fll'.) goml, and fill'“: 1 monced to take Hood‘s Sursnpm iiin i‘n'. .- lsrge bunches ontmy nech so am; ll. .. l , Sufi?“ 4 gory: .70 00 S rt“ ~ lht' not bear the slightest touch. Wl‘mn l P‘ . t : ;‘.:' one bottle 01 this mcilil'le flu" Swim"? 1 gone, and before I had fitiisiicl the 5 -~ v ‘ -‘ bunches bad entirely dlsnppcarcd." TL, ATWUOD. Sangcrvmc. Mnizie. N. B. if you decide to take it mi": 5 l’llla do not be luduccil to lmy .i..}. - \:-\I' ‘.i' .’ Hood's Pills cum ('HLxllpzil‘ \ "7 ii in; the ‘, L‘i‘l:l.“.iili.‘ Brillirillif iii . Rooms to Rent. Calves For Bole. “Wm .. 3.3%.... " *-,....._.._..- .WW so To Lyndhurst Tin Shop YOUR Roofing Eavetroughmg and Cheese Factory Supplies Good Work and Low Prices to everybody. lC. B. TALLMAN LYNDHURBT. April 9th, use. B‘OR ’ WANTED 150 FARMERS To use the following Standard Agricultural Implements: Frost & ‘Nood's mingle Apron Binder. Mowers. , Rakes. our. llmi‘: celebrated Plo Ive. illoulthnrd Scott Company‘s Seeders. Cultiva- v tors. Elli-Illa sud Disc Herr-owe with steel been: nod bearings: they being the uni ()nnudmn firm in their line that was await-(ff or). n medal of Ibo World's Exhibition. (.‘M- ruugo. mm. * Alec (mo and two-horsc Cultivators. lloud Wernpcrs. ulc- Corn Two large rooms with outside emit-s to each. For sale by sniniblo for she is or ofllcce. on 2nd fist of the Greene Block. .V Mn sh, Athcns. Apply to Mltn‘. GREENE, Elglu at. Athens, April 1.3, '3’). U. For Sale or to Rent. A village lot in (‘lmricaton with honor. shop Inul burn. A suitable plum for a grocery store. it is within about 5 rods of the bout livery at the dock. ihc season. [SHAAL‘ RUBEHON. Athens. Seed Potatoes 1 huvo ncholce lot. of Hood l’oimocs for solo. lllfl price. A mcricun \\'omlor.nnd Napoleon. grown from imported l'rices nwuy below lhat “Skull bv trawl. inchullnir the famous Frocnmn. 50““. in“ agents. Apply curly M supply is limttcd FRED "A Y 1C3, near Hhcldon‘e School. Fcb. l“, 'M. 3m nu in “NE The subscrllwr, having loosed Ibo blacksmith shop of tho lute Willlnm hung. in new pre. pared to do all kinds of blacksmithlng and general Job work. Horgg’ghoeing a Specialty. The WWI-working Department wlll be in charge of Willard Asulunc. Mid orders will be taken for .. All Kinds of Light and Heavy Carriages Particular attention puld to rcpnlrlnu nil kinda of farm implements. Soliciting a share of public pm rmmue. S. H. MOBRATNEY Athens. Mu) .‘Ih. '03:. . R. W. TACKABERRY'S Ladlee' and Genls’ Tailoring C Parlor Inth low sod Pint-Glu- 6m When you come to llrockvllle come sud see us. Our prices on right. Kmo Sr. Bnocxvmu: \Vould ecll ltl (l burxniu or run! for Athens l’. 0. BEDMOND, “2 H Miles North of Athens. Is this PLAIN ENOUGH? All goods sold at our store are wer- renied to be just as represented. If you buy anything which don‘t prove so, bring it back end to will refund If you find you could have bought the some thing any place else. for less money, come in end we will ; make a. rebate equal to the difl'erence. 'J.K. 3 A complete stock of Silverware, Watches, (llocks, Jewelry, Stationery, always on hand. I All kinds of repairing on shortest notice by skillcd workmen only. Scientific correction of the sight our specl lty. At Wm Coatos db Son JEWELEM & BPTIDIAIS Telephone 2 l 7. 222 King 82., Brockville. *â€" _._._..____._.__. THE “OLD RELIABLE" Tailoring Establishment A, ll. (mussels. Prop. The undersigned boss to [she this op unl- ty of thanking his many friends or fit fAVOTI.MfI wouldpdmw attention to the t that he hoe added to his stock of Cloths a fine line of I . GEN TS’ OUTFITTING Consisth ct Shirts, Cotton. 1'“. Cups. omits. Having had long cXpGrloIfO' In business. gentlemen entrusting him with their union (III :1 up.) having {them executed in nut-clus- y o. m. stock is now com lete‘ for the ensuing snoo- wlth all the latest veltlosrlnclndh' mwmmmm snowman-mm“ the host mnnufivcturen. loweat cub prices. ll \‘m Gentlemen our run olue who ours truly, re. ' A. ll. CHASISLI. MAIN or- unless. PA~ A mu order sollcllod. oonllnlly invited to inspect “bred before pnrchnslrm also

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