We lest to sympathise with In. Drum'mowll'arllhnt thew of be: brother, Ir. T. Johnston. Mrs. T. 0 Brown isviaiting frleub at Lyn. FredM. Kelly,10. P. R. operator st Stittsville, is visiting at his hone, accompanied by his wile. A number of our young people in- tend taking in Delta. and Lyudburst fairs. BLUE‘. MILLS More“, Sept. 24 .--G. M. Bates ..nd stall‘ are threshing here this week and lust. Messrs. White 81 Dillnbough have concluded to move their engine to a more convenient place, and Mr. Arm Sin-11111111, who has the contract, begins work this week Mr. (‘has Wing's cheese seemed Deiby shire's speciel,11nd a lst, 2nd and yflrd of the society's Uniomille Fair. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs M. M. Pyke, Ottawa, Miss Lizzie Lcith, S'Jflle) s Bay; , Misses Ilsttic Cornell end Edith Purvis, Lyn. _-4.>~_.__.___ T( )LE DU. -â€" llATl' 11311111 "51- 1t ill-A large num- 1.ei from here lnive attended Crossley prizes at I end llontor's sci vices at Smith’ s F.11lls ' \Vhllnu loud of our young people were going’, down to Smith's Fallsto i 'rur (1:11:17 11nd lluntcr lust Sunday ATHENS AND ngmgmmuq LOCAL! 'ght they 11 ct with an uccidcnt very '1 1':- Jonah/3,‘ \vl hich 111i1'ht have tinned out 'J'.".l.‘1llbl~. They wole ubout half way '.h:-.'1:'.'-.'ln-ntho d1'iv1'1',who was not sit; ding to his business, allowed the 11'. . 31s to walk oil :1 st: up bunk nour n brilz -;:1 thereby upsetting the whole loud. "lhe 11-11111 run auuy with the van/gov. bottom side up, but they were Hr. '.11 caught Attir this it would be i111‘ 1h1 touinstor to mind the “cu-cud ol' tho girls. "Ni-"11‘ h 11.‘. 1b..‘ ~<¢»---1----- £"i PST I11 RV ll l E Ht'pt "l' lln Iluy "'.".‘.'-l.' .- “ " i11'i‘_.-' hit" .1111.‘ r,‘ 111113.101: 1'7 ‘bug: we blukcn. ‘1Y1 royru‘. 1‘1;-rl~~p:1r1111'1- 0f Tln'nnus'. loylc 1. hr.- .:>1:1 1111 f0: Michigan. 1X: wish him ht:1ltl1.w0.1lth 11nd hap- _':i:1"':~:< 'n his 111111 hoinc l" :::t:- 1 villi h; 1:1 lost one of hcr most 1:11-1' _v inn" l:uli1'~1n tho person of i’ ' .-.'1l1 Frltminc, who was nuu' ..'“, lilol'lon. Tln' bride nln'l lil'illQSllllild lool-n'd vhul'nnng, ili'i'sscd in light gray. [lost-Ill: lh1yl1' assisted the groom (.‘ongrntul: nuns :11'0 1-xtendcd. A. n" .-'11b:1 from hero 11Wd thc 'inwton f.1ir. 1llli.1\‘.. visiting! lric ~111ls in kingston iniss dunic \lcllonull, of Newl101',0 is thi guest cl ‘\ll.‘ . (Jco. Fleming. Visiiri's -. Miss A. (\‘ulmon Smith‘ s ‘hulls ,' llllubcl Hurray, Mr. illi's. dell ; "r i 1 '.Qlll'HZ - li'.‘ Timlin and duughtcr, FRUl'QT 0F YUNGE- 11111111.,“ Sept. 2i. - trump odgtd 111 the (‘-‘llllliOthl school house 'nc uni-flit. lust week, 11nd befoulod t'hc “011W. ".t.'1.-,f""la.e 111g gicunc's'. "-1 this township. 4 Bln: Mountain is being searched at Illutul'rh ‘..‘uic did n10 n10 more good I than ull otlu'riemndies, in fact l cou- Ping‘ ill. (‘ll' biqlll‘ ‘ lilCl' UUllN and pill‘ Lrit.‘ p, Uzunc is 1:11 rcc on account of being bought in this $l.‘.'-"i 11nd $150 pol I11: Flt-l that ltuliuns will be 1'11 3-1 '1" ' to 11 olh on tho Joni-s‘ pond, 'u '1111' 111w do not talu- to the water Jory kindly ‘\lr. i'h'nion (lib-‘on 11nd Mr. Pool vn'nl. to ‘\‘und ll :1y lust wcck and were 1 rew:.'.'1l=-:l with n line catch of lish. l'vlr.'.T-..:s-1n is a luckv lishcrnnm. M iii 1-111 l‘o'~v1ll. of (‘1-"1intov1n, 111' ‘1.15,, .1..:l.i:.rhel.1,<1 montll, lost three 0" alu: :hlc ".wu 11:11:11.‘:111110 mysterious (llmRP. Thcsc litli; l11- things of {:11 pun). ..'.lli. 1. 1‘ '1')’. who has ‘1.0011 in lhn .' ingraiton h') :ilul foi treatment, ‘kii'II ‘ lltl1‘1""ll" “(ll “Emmi-Pd “ml 0f this photo gravurc cut adorns the top ofl his mun} hiendr. will ‘on glad, 11s ho is I dodg er u lino young mun 11nd highly csteemedI by all who know him â€"â€"1~--~@0 ill-2E LEY‘$ BA 1‘- l"1111'.~n', Sept. 'l.‘. ll. Russell Saturday from n trip ‘nlls and the Toronto fair. Mrs. W. ll. Ralph pinned awsy 1uondny,llth inst, alter s long illness v'th consumption The community (llt't'plg' sympathize with the alllicted husbeu'". and family in their sud bcmvement. During the storm last Saturdsy t the hams and coutents owned by Ir. Josh lllill was struck by lightning and burned. Dr. W. J. Christic,of Brockvillc, is practising with Dr. Bowen. The government dredge "Ridenu" arrived hack Wednesday from Kings- ton Hills and will ï¬nish the jobcf (‘NEW Ll" here. C. C. gGilbcrt 1s building pmitery for his brcs. Alene umber sttsnded the fair s' this week. millinlip has sold bis tinclwp toStscsy Brea, e! Wer- will‘. We‘ X s wintiw re- l l “:1 Llwlhrcslnng i“ rnulcstuto secuiitv. 1h 1h": while. wrcstling,l ‘.11: the lilth inst. to l“! oil (hay,I I i F'rc: mun has 1"et111ned 11h!’ W I ‘\lrs.Nu.~.1h. I to be appointml and 11 ful‘ 1. 'ttondnnce I is requested. Kingston ; l Jas.‘\"lu1tin, (.‘ushcn Iportci, to new subscril 1111's, 1:1: balance l I$4OO in consulting Doctors, ladle“ and boneI Dixons and ell 01110.1 treatments but ii l l -'1.'<'~.' 111-11.- l'airs will soonI Lynill 21-bit. “ml Mr!‘ ‘all grades of ï¬rst-class flour, feed, ieturned home lssthanhorts, etc. 10 N"3““ l attention of formers to his combination lvents nu Icon by Our Knight cfthe i l l I l I ' :ncc and the 2 30 class will be trotted l I... G. W. DsUlalrwasin Athens yester- day and puichssvd about ï¬fty pounds of ginseng root from Felix Rogers, who gsthelwd it in t is vicinity. It is an article of export from this country to China where it is hi3 lily valued as a medicine. Here it is ‘scold, when dried, at $4 per pound. The prize list of the Unionville fair apears in this issue. Prize winners will please examine some sud it‘ they claim any errors or ommissions they will please notify the seen tsry of 11:1: no before Mondsy, Oct. lst, at which time thebinpd will meet to close up the business of the fair. .‘hief Constable Brown arrested 11 young man named Jesse Thomas yrs- tei'dsy charged with stealing 11 watch, valued at $12.50, from W111. Stead- men, and brought him before Justice Wight. The prisoner was found guilty and committed for trial. The Chief escorted him to jail yesterday. With :d yachts. thou seem'st alive Wl th o-ulc some whshme dive. sell. some row.“ me someslnl Aloud-1&0“ beauteous gmw a.†'l‘ oi"t Mmtch tchless wcrandgreoc o 111w wrltcneurthand ndsln To Him who nts the lilies Mr Thai. cu w. Who bade thy ,caryh hl uproar, Thy silvery waters flow. hoax may thy charms. 0h. nestling lake! ttrsct the youn¢,1beold. Thy choicest blessings hanks» ‘Blessings unchto wt hguld. Len e Union Jack en high Bntui'lgcntch the breeze. And tllars and Stripes. beneetb one sky, Proolslm eternal pence. Long may th‘ Athenian to thy shrine, is annual visit make. Beneath thy shied bowers recline And laud his hurloctou Luke. Lon‘ may the tourist come and go o breath thy )brnclnp alr, Till all the lnnd th mer ts know. Thy priceless b casings share. 100.11 SUMMARY.“ While everybody is talking 11f the salmon ï¬shing at Charleston, we are pleased to be in 11. position to slate that the season for black buss is not yet over. As a result ol 11 duy' s ï¬sli~ inf,I last week, with the companionship and pilotuge of Mr. R. D. Judson, we enriched the editorial table with 11 tine sample ol buss and other pun~lis‘1. TIES BBIEPLY WRITTEN UP. The annivcisinu'y services in connec- tion with St. Paula’ Presbyterian church will be hold 011 Sunday, 14111 ()ct. Ten will be sei'v1 011 the fol- lowing Monday eveniiit, when ad- dresses by various speakers, inter- persed with choice musical selections, will be given. A11 interesting time. is expected. Pcncil.â€"Local Announcements Dolled Bight Down. Get u view of the new full Goods at Beach's. A good one horse waggon. 3 spring- for sale cheap-mat A. James’. williionville fair directors meet on Monday, Oct lst,11t lO 11 m. A full attendance is expected.“ \Ve are plcused to announce that $10000 Innate money i0 loan on Mr. Jasper C Elbtlll inn-1 decidcd to Allllll' to JO!“ giie one of his popular concerts ut (‘Awr EY opp. Reporter otiicc, Athens Lyndlnnet on Friday evcning,tho lust Mr. Walter dny of the fuir. lie‘ will have present riscnts A. l1. 11 number of distinguished artists, wood niclchunts, among Whom Wlll be Bliss Maude upon us today Addie-1n lroin the eltututlouury d0» pnrtmnnt of Mcllzll College, M1111- tr1-11l;l"rof. Strecter, violinist, of lil'uscllanr Falls, N. Y. ; a number of excellent vocalists 11nd lirstcluss orchestra. Admi-sion, double, 400. Finn \lcs, boils and other ‘211111513 of the. blood are linbli- to brook out in the warm wonthel. ‘Pro out it by tnkiii" Hood S Snrsupui'illn. ‘The ‘1V.C.T. U ll. Reynol ls, who lt'p~ Ault. 1h (‘o. , ClOll and Brmkville, culled The annual incl-ting of the Bot-keep 01's Association of Lccds uud Uienville will bu hell m BIOCk\lll(‘, (2'1 :t'. ‘.‘tl, ‘cc- Iginnpg .1t 10. ill 11.111. ! ll. 2511; IREAR OP YONGE ls ESCOTT COUNCIL A special meeting, culled by tlu' rcevo, was held at the town hull, Friday evening, let inst, to trun- sar't. soun- business under the Ditches 11nd\Vnt1'-rcourses Act, 189 l. Moor bers ull proscnt By laws to appoint an engineer for the township and to provide for puymcnt of fecs to en: qinocr 11nd clerk for services under provisions of said Act were passed. ll J H.111n1lels,(‘.E.,Brockville, was appointed engineer. The followin" was omittedlromrepmt of l.t8h meet- ing' Albert Moultou wus appointed, by by-lnw, collector lor tho present year ut a sulury of $40. ll. l".. Consent, Clerk. will meet on ufbn'non :1t 7.30 o'clock lin afternoon) ut tho home ol bupt’ s of depui' tmcnts are place tot wile -1nembcr 0111'1.11'1.. ..l the ll!- 0i 1894 for ‘7 11 is still 1;;1e71.ll111l1 numbers containing the opening czh lI)â€" tors of ll)ub}11)I)IIlttl'HPi'lhi story, “A Terrible Secret," will be sent toall new subscribcm who desire them. Subscribe now. A lleuuirikal le l.‘ uri- ~-.l. \V. lenui- Ison liilfoul “Spent l11‘l:Wt‘t' -n ‘I!’ .200 11nd tiicd - 1"“ u‘>-~-- DELTA -- 0‘) .44"- got no benefit-.0111- box of Chase’s SATURDA1,§1-I1t A number ‘,f gentlemen and ludics wont lo Union- ville fair, witnessed the baloon neccn sion, and reported a gool time. Mrs.Al11nson ll-iken has moved to New York state to live with her son ‘Hie. will be missed much in the Metho- dist church. lsiael ll. ‘Stevens look :1 0.11' of cattle to ‘Unionville fair last week and 11111.". successful in taking prizes. W'c heard he sold two two your old cows ‘ for Sllll), 11nd one calf under l3 mouths for $30 to Mas. Jones 0i Biockville Chile Copeland returned home from boronto where ho was suc '.ossl'ul 1n passing the ‘Pharmacy examination Alex Stevens has engaged M1. Alcx l'erguson ol Cobourg as currisgo maker. Felix Bresoc is building u new burn. The teachers’ meeting at the Delhi public school Win-1 well attended lust. Thursday 11nd Friday William Johns- ton, M. AL, the lhspoclor, and Mi. l Hohston 'dcliverod addresses at the town hull. Mn. William Stewart children, of Water-town, are visiting at her parents’ place. Mntthew Densut and silver Samh,ofl3rock\1llc, are visiting their sider myself cured 11nd with :1. ‘33 cent Ibox at that l. yndhurst iuir expel- -tr-. 11. big cmwd to Witncs: the been bull mot-4r h lor theI championship of heed‘. ' "'ty betwo0n the Athens 11nd Westpo- reams, which will 111k1' place on tip. 1:1'1'111110011 of 'lhuisduy The 3 minute rucc ulso lakes phuo on 'lh'irsday. On Friday the?‘ outlinll trams ul Soelcys buy 11nd (humnmpn'.Junction will also decide which is champion The farmers’ l"rid11y.Bosides these, there will be libcrnl prizes for running, jumping, hurdle racing, etc Everybody goes to ' mrst to see the sperm “eiissued from this oflico Inst week, :1 nest little dodger [or Richard Halve-y, lyndhurst. A two columnI Mr Harvey, ulter n very suwessful season's business, returns thanks to his numerous customers for their very liberal patronage and an neunces that he is now lmtter pre- pared than evei to supply them with and her l1 is He calls especial _ ..'..fln-.-" . HARD ISLAND- ‘ friends corn and cob mill, which has given 841-11111)", Sept. 22. -Thc apple i universal satisfaction Hops cur- rent market prices in cash" or all kinds of gruin. Frankville fair, it fsvorcd with ï¬ne weather, will be the belt ever held. Besides the large exhibits alwuys to be found there, the president sssuies us that the farmers all over the district are p11 poring to make extrn large ex- hibits. The sports were too thoroughly sdvertlnd to need repetition hen. In udditiou to ell these, Sslnil's pavillion show and hlden Muses ecubiuaflon will beenthegmmdsthetwe dsyc of the fair. vczyubodym mt to Who chow at Union everybed was . They tcld their M when hens, which is the but adver- crop in this locality will this lesson be afew well have not below the usual average,a laden orchards, however, Almeron Robeson’; The experiment made by some of our former-l, with the object of ' their farms of the infective must: , rcmisss to be worthy of imltstieu. g'he plan consists of thoroughly work- ing the soil with a disc and iron barrow us soon as the is rc- mcved. Fields which have been thus our view, smonglt the be‘ of which is, 'lsstprcwsut ,1 "w' ' “ "“"""'""""'""“‘"~". ‘swipe-v- "mun-‘M .... m... m- w .w 1. . ... . _...._. ‘1-... 1.. “1......†~~W-w;~b - w-"wan-ch no 111111111 0111M Welt an With 111a we. messing. lug that bogus‘. pcrtunt, that we not only spook in language but thst we also think by the same means. He showed that lengtuge is conventional, and ex ° why it is called the mother e. He slid further, that language is sequin-ed through imitation by training, and that training consisted of practise and correction. Alter recess he took up the subject of reading and writing the sentence. Having shown the method of writing piscticed 1n Toronto schools, he adv-1 outed the sentence 01' analytic method of writing. In this, us in all his other work, he clearly demonstrated the reason for his method. Throughout the discussion he emphasized such prep- aration on the pert of the teacher us would lead to preper thinking, talking, and writing on the part of the pupil. In the ulternoon Mr. Houston briefly 1'e1icwed his morning's work, and after dealing further with reading and writing he took 11p the subject of 'c mposition. He said that much of the work contained in so-cslled grum- msrs belongs properly to composition He proceeded in the most 11d I minible manner to show his method of teaching composition. He showed in detail his plan of correcting exercises in composition. Here, as 11sewhcre, he said that the pupil should do the correction, and i111 I l l ENCOUNTERED A PIERCE GALE Inllovsen o Isle]! blouses low I. ll- lcntlr mulled In the lies-y Iso- Ibc (Inn-h, Ill. You.‘ Dough m and Twenty-levels In. Drew-oil. Su FIAICIBO, Sept. fl-‘l'bs bl. Brit- lsli ship Senegal ll st the bottom 0! lb. Psilllc somewhere ln lat. 80.17 u., long. 119. 06, for lt was about thst locellty that U. Ulsi-n, a seller on the schoonery Mary Bin-s, sew her rod light go out one stormy lllglll at see 'l he Seneg al wss bound for San Diogoto 'l ncoinu u 1111 loose sand for bhllnsl. She wus shnge iron ship of the lhtest design 11nd was considered one of the best in the Espllsl: marine ass-vies. The captain was 111-01 inpanied by his oung daughter sud lln crew consisted of 7 lulu. It was early ln \lsreli when the vessel sailed and the or ly tldmgs was when Cap taln Thompson, 111' [he schooner Mary C. Russ, wrote from bun Diego, s fewweeks ago, laying gthat ha ‘as in company with her on t o night of March 18 Olsen was on the deck of the schooner dming the whole of the: nig ht at sea and he “lye 111111 the storm thst tossed the little ship ltlmlll was the worst that he bud el- peuenced in the score of years that he had s; out on the (NI-19M] The Senegal, be says, w. .s lighted just as darkness was closing in l1: 111.1111; up against a freshenlug north- 11:1 pale. By midnight the gale was st its height. Olsen said he soon begun to watch for tln gleam of the S'enegelslig ht. It seemed in l1i111,1n his du-ad of n de 1th at sen, like 11 my of l10}11-.Somctilnea she missed the 11,1111 when his vessel rode the crest of a u .ve; but tne Senq, ml was then down in 1n.- nou 1,;11 of the sens. and the next mo 111-111 i1 would appear 'l'he dung er in- 1-: ~11! and every 1111111 hung, on for dear ll 1'. J st b1 fore dsylii5 'ht the red llg ht of the l 1 ship nI 1111111011 for the lalt time. The 1 1:: Igul rose on the elect oi n wave, as n lop: all more severe than its predecessors 1 1 111 down upon them. The red light :-: 1111011 then went out for an instant. ll I 1 ‘ieflletl for s moment, then was lost . l1 mother. In vain the crew oi the .11111101'wnlcl10d for it. It hltd gone out‘ ' 1 -'=\ -r n1 d with lt went tbe'lives of all 1 .' crl-w. \Vhen day broke about an hour ‘ -1'u'nrds the big ship W85 nowhere ill ‘1|. plying that the teacher's Work is to tind out the. method of enabling the pupil to do the correction, and imply- ing in addition that the teacher is to pursue this plun. EV ENINU Mbl'lTlNG. The public meeting was held in the town hull 1n which u huge nunibci of the citizens oi Delta and of the sur- iounding <011nt1y bud assembled to 0-111 joy the enlist-dinnent of high iitcniry 1,)(1'0ll2'l1130. The president, lnspc'.'t01 Johnston, occupied the chuir ic Urclicstrn of Delta kindly lent. their services to the inti-l'csis of the mot-ting 11nd gave sm'ernl highly musical and entertaining numbers which w:- 1'1- wm m ly appreciated. The chuirmun 1n :1 low briol~ 11nd suitable remurks introduccl l _ Mr. llouston, tho sprnkor of the cv 0111 l ‘)‘TAdd'A' Sl'l'l- ko““.“"““ RUOheBw" ex- ing. Mr. Houston took up with u“. l .ll.l'. 11101111111111 residence here yesterday. 11-11 lll to: n couple of weeks past. DEPTH OF AN EX-M.P. Lute Representative of Carleton- l'opnlnr I11 Political Circles. l The 1'1 ll.‘ nu l be: unill l l -1'. he A Pembroke lint-‘lav Sentenced. Plimumtl, OnL, Sept. 22-1110 three lirlson bn. there, Jot'ieph, Stephen and John, whose arrest on charges of being 1lio unlhors of numerous burglrrl00.whi1'l1 hum be 11 occurring in tho 111x11 n'ul 111-l1hborhood ‘or n long time past vvn 'e brought before Police Magistrate Mill lll ll for irnil. John, who is a young 1min of nlmu12'i,nnmnrried, plendedgullty .lw and S's-plum who are matried,pli.1dml 1.01 pill“! John was sentenced to s 11m- 0f fourteen veers in mnltentinvv 1...: Lends with leave st lcl brnld l ble ow or 0H‘! L. JOYNTM rtcr ofloe. '.crlh Angulte. . . lll' limit teachers the discusnon oi Tennvs 11's \ R , b R , . "Brook" and “Bugle Song’ :is works of .::, .0: WW‘! (‘M um M ‘ on“ a Pun-1‘ _ _ 111 183.. cud. cums to l5vtown with hm lllcrury urt. lie brought out the \url- “up,†MM fmmp, in 183'}, 1he period no- ous points of beauty contained in the m1 1,. 1,),- q“, culimencmnmit of the Rideau poem, as wcll us the 111011118 employcd to llo 1v 11s then ‘out six years of age, St'Clll'U this 0nd. The discussion : therefore lived 62 years in Ottawn evolved the artistic points by which the 1 flclully- TM fem“) WM Engllflb immortal pout shows how the scrious "1' ‘usher, the elder linvmg come to matters of “Lilo†may be interwoven A‘ “ ‘ “it 1" 1818' settling at RM“ “PM†with tllc grcutcsl. CllLLl‘llH. At tho end “11101111111101! for “"c JMw then of the meeting nil were convinced than 3.1.11119111 ‘ “mda' M1‘. Houston is 1111 English. sch-'.lui' ol~ :‘:; I‘i,IIILCZIH,‘:,II,L:,H“L?'grungesoguzgfrz the higliet order, us teachers 11nd u:1\',:1r111nr-11! lind in all served elevenyeeru citizens alike were delighted with the as councillor and alderman being sale‘ ted intellectual feast. l. y hi1 i flllIw ulIiermen in 1870 and 1871a 1 . . lll v u i1 1 Fndlw morning inspector Johnston ii: irli‘ '1‘ Ml‘: .‘ltgcilasler nppe 1rcd as can .~i outlined the plan ol promotlou cxnmur ,, , (:11 ,,,,. 1 ..mm .1“, in Carlwm h“, w“. stious for thc union of counties, after u: .111-1 1.1111111 and dul not set-l the suffm-w-s which it was resolved that this in: "1 'l'“ “'l'PIU-"l 1111111 137~1 Wile" he “ 'l‘ spectornte adopt the Uniform Promo "‘ “ ‘ “e mummed ‘0 "IMMM ( ““" lion Ex-nnimitions, and thul'. the trr-is I‘, I ‘i “mg mm‘ consecutiic parliament‘ . ‘ _ _ _ " 1 1111- 211st few wears decoised has spin! urcr of this 111spcctomtc be notihcd to llllll‘ h o his time in philanthropic 11nd pay the prop :1'tionute expenses for the l "l' "-6 WWI‘ lb“ imflflï¬ll 0f "1° 111' same. 11 111: :1 hospital and the home for the ngi d After discussion as to the Teachers’ 51H‘: IIlznl'IIgltlgglu; T121111‘: w 1,‘: I)†,MI Library, the following resolution was n11 :‘:‘; :11 11ml has bierA hug-11d‘ 1:2; 1b passed z That ï¬fty dollars of Institute ll 1 Ht“ "0 "f many ll ffim'l 1'11 f-lmll) funds be. uppr1'1priate-l for purchasing “"““ 1h.) were knownto l" s“~‘“‘l"!"°°5“‘l' additional librnry books, 11nd that Mr gamma!‘ M‘ Rochester WM A Lunserva Graham, M. A.. Mr. liinlrluter 11nd ln~ . lhe Free pr,“ editorially saysin "gm-,1 specter Johnston not as n committee to .llr. Rochester. “Wehnve lost 11 tried f0,- Splncting said 1,001“, [t was and husted personal friend, one most inti- further resolved that the subscription ‘:‘:,vazngfl dideeiilzdurzngb:“btt‘iig 2,1122: of hill" WM" ‘m til“ PM?’ of ‘moh fully sppnulnte the lose the public lms teacher oi‘ the inspectorato be sulliciontq nllslltlned by his departure from the midst ly supplemented by the. 'l‘re:u-111rer that "5 "10"" “Will! Who!" 11° l1" lhbmt'l 3° ouch tcucln-r only obtain thi- Education- :‘: “hiilwildrlmhe xii“7wilft' ‘:5 mules “j . 1) l "1|; I) i“ Joul'nul lor 01111 lea“ renders to ldarn shut Mr. Ilodlieste:uidi1il The following othcers W6") elected in the establishment of the F ree Pres» 1n for the cunning your : President, Mr. ' the yell‘ 1369 and llm friendship Wl-lcll \Vithcril , Vice-president, Mr. Dunn ; theii commenced between the deceased sud Sec.~‘l‘r1'nsur0r, Mr. Cook ; managing“ ilsgnoprielor has continued unabated and . . uti rolrcn ever since." committee, Misses J ones, Knowlton, and Mei-1W8. Manlly, Wilson, Rhodes; Librarian, Mr. Linklatcr. It was do- cidod thiit the next. meeting would be held in llannnol uc Mr liloustoul then took up some additional points in composition and showed that e<says should be written twice, 11nd in a book for that purpose. He afterwards dealt with grammar. Ho said that grn-nnnu' is s science, but not an nrt. He slso claimed, and with good reason, that it is the science of word~function in making statements, that it is the opposite of composition, and that it is one of the ï¬rst analytic 0r inductive sciences. Mr. Houston nll through his work emphasised for the pupil 8abundant practice, propel cor- rection 11nd discip nu- ilc said that 1n this we) cor: not h.1l.1i.'. mnld b1: built up. Inspector Johnston, in well chosen terms, showed the necenity of thorough knowledge on the pert of the Richer, in order to mire proper results. Thiswusthe most successful Insti tote meeting ever held 1n this luspee m“. “Mm ImIVIhLl Ipsnav, flqt “Mull-Ir. lw'alrshud lies cf Jsspsv, is vhitia. The deceased out in) Nth lust. between Dr. Glle's neeen went end ol' Athens. ableck cape mmlnl Finder will please I ‘Its M latter ls nu- s wcu-lnswu “mandatingml: '0-LHoMkOe,chll,llasa: “Geaflmsu~:los$cl;dhtc sayuistfleel's Wand 's lshsvedoucul managed. Ibsdasevercsttselol bemtnthcwhitcrmudnlterutflucvertbc Iver! tmmtopthcrsu'sunb, sndhsd ambl Hood's Bursa rllls proved to." he whet 1 ded. 'l'lie piresulwo “and. mud ’ with rheumwagsm “5.01% Hood s"">-"- Cures m unused by poison sud poor blood. l ulwuys keep Iced’: Bussparllls ln my house Fuse" when I need e scule. We also keep 's Pills on hand and think bl glilyo! tbcin.’ D1" KIIAN, St George, New Brunswick. Hood‘ o Mlle sre purely vegetnbw. and do Mm, psiuorgrlpe. Boldby all “drum TlIE-TlBLE BMW d8. 8 M. ll. GOINGW 8509M it!) ZN .1 u t u u c c E .. Q11 M-INNflmwmeBQQQO P Brecht/lilo ............. L n ............ ., ..... eley’ a xbee' s ....... 1 xFothtcn. 1 xElbe ...... Athens xSeperton ............. xl. ndhurst ............ 32 De tn ...... . ............ 5 ll) El in .................... 6 58 x orlnr ........... 8 05 xCrosby... . 6 l4 ll 2e 0 10 Newboro .......... “Flair stations are marked thus*x l 4 I t 5 6 6 a 1 51 oe 85 b is 8155283358353 Ibo- :09 11 u 1 51$ Westport ......... Horse Wanted. I wnnt lo buy n sound. blocky ninrc, built about four years ohl. l In. it. BL l hOIll), Athens l‘. 1). pony Notice. 1-“ T0 llnnt 1~tllut dosirnblo brick honsc, with 00d cellar und furnace, hitcly occnpicd by Ml‘. inch, 11ml situated on lloid strci-t. apply 1.11 ll. li. All!“ llll). Farm for Sale. The subscriber bliug loo old to crontiniu l'urming is desirous of illsposnng 11!’ his furnl. being lot No ll ln the lUlh conccssionol‘ lins- Lurd. "lhe f1: r111 i 1 in 21. good loc: tilly. only onc mill‘ from Kl'ltllllll chi-wise fui'lory lnis ftlr buildings :md well w.1ti-.rcd Apply on thc prclniei =1 1o \\'ll.l.l.\ Nl BELLAill). Plum Hollow l‘. U. A1111. Blah, [89l- Lime for Sale. Fii'sl1l11ssltonfrcvl while ll '."3 for mlc n1 the Athens llrii l1un1'â€l 1 ï¬le ‘1111': l l"J..‘ if; l' .'\l l.. A1hcns..lune."11h. 111111. Furniture Sale. ()ur loci-111 licnvv loss l11' “Tl r0 ndcrs it iln p1rulni'l) niccsear), in (11"‘il11 to llll'l'l 0111 obligations lhut our pri 11 nt lwgugi stoi' k o! fur nlturc in (lispufltrll of 11.1 onu- for cn-ih. as urn hound 11: sell 1hcgpmls.'llns H :1 rarc rhuln'c (or any mn:11-qu.rlug fulllilllri'. curly and inspect Ilia-slink. STEV l'thl llllt)h‘.. \lln he. MONEY TO LOAN to loan on r1111 csluln 111-1 urily n1 lovicsl ruins. \\. r'l. lll ELL, lt111"1ls:1.,-'1 ole. Olllu' ~ll11nl1nni lilock. llrockvilli. Uni. For Sale or Exchange. A desirable farm of about 200 :11'11'1 s, silunlcd onc mlli' 11nd 11 quarter cast of .-\1hens. w ill be sold or 1 x1:l1un1rcd fol farm of m m. r1 s. 'l his 1r0pcrty ls well wn' ri 1l lho soil is good and in s 001lst1ilc llf1llll11 anion nnd 11 nc. w house has ist boon ort'cmttd l‘ an belnspocted u! any time. Apply 1.111 tho fnrmor to l .f. Will [AM WOOF Athens. eking Rooms. h†The undcrsl 0d has c nod up dress milking rooms 01' cr l.’ éIllna iii‘ rm- cry. it; lulu 111.. Athens, where. asalsi- 1‘. cr llllliRhlt‘. r. she will be pro urcd to do nllk lids of ilrr'ss- mat. 111,15. lain sew ng and knitting ninchinc w o'rl' rlces to suit hard times. MRS EMMA STEVENS Athens Sept lOth 94.1 Dress-m :no Notice to Contractors Plans nnd speciï¬cations of the Brick Bulld- lng proposed to be crcotod b) rho lulled (‘onnticsoflmcds and tlremllln for use as n [louse of Industry. 11nd the outbuildings in connection therewith 11y b0 seen on and afichhm-sdny the “27111 Inst at the onlce of (l. A. Allen Architect. llrockvllle and at tho residence ofJ. n. Saunders. Rpm Athens. Tenders addressed to the umlimilgncd will b0 received unto 12 1n 'lhursdny 1hc 41h day of October next and must. be marked “Tender for construitlon of House of industry Build lugs sndbencccmpnnlrd by a (ertiflcd Hank (‘hcque for 8500 nnyablr in tho ordcr of 1hr underll ed. . chroue will be for-felted shonldt rt;- tenderlng refuse to sign the. contract. w en called 1111011 to do so. The lowest or any Tender not neccaer. rily accepted R. L. J1“ NT f.‘ h n of Building Pom. ., 1211.501 5W Brocktille Brockvlllc. 510111.16.th Mn. "WA. ,1 _ . , .__.._._.____.‘__4 llcters' List 1894. m Isalclpallty cl leer Tongs I Mt. 0110! hereby given. that l have trunc- mitt or delivered to the rsenii men tkmed In the third and fourth eccto one of ‘The Voter's Mats Act. ‘the replesveq nlrcd b!’ slid scelmns to he cc transmitted or delivered of the llst nude rsnant tcssld Act. of ell m the Inst revised Assessment Roll unlltvmhe en tlsd to vote "a"; nld unteipallty a1. lens tor e animating“ mbly and at g.‘ 5"“...ramh" magma" ‘:‘:: 1?». ‘more to examine all It. R. “MILWWW a“. Ila-iodine e 0-wa “1 u hm 1- lhc n- lore mud: sui- l1 r1 duct ions in prici' (‘all Y ‘HIE undersigned has n lurgi sum of ll]0lll‘Y l l These are the biggest, bestsad most mused. ‘use god-amid†q 'il' mom...» ‘ . Mgmpiea.1s)amu(ui11..... Tsaflstuplsossu M I and fancy Twispirdphli'zbï¬ r.‘ . .. .. . suimw I WM M Athens. They are new on view in the window of our we“ ye“: ‘loll invited to inspect them and see that the value lsjut cl mpreslltcd. Ask for one of our Premium Tickets bitlt your ï¬rst purchase. Mott 5 Robeson - The Grocers BE SURE TO CALL ON _ THOS BERNEY,- ATHENS FOR ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF Buggies, Road Carts, Democrat Wagons, Fancy Carriages. Mikados, Kensingtons, and Phaetone. I REPRESENT THE Carriage Company 0F BROCKVILLE And it 1s :1 well known fact their work is not excelled for its style, comfort or durability and the best of 111l~ p1 1019 to suit the limos. Any tip, 's not in stock can be ordered from the fuctmy on short notice. Also Agent for all the leading Agricultural Machinery of the day. Call and see me before placing an order for anvthing in the above lines. THOS. BBLRNE Y Canada. Alhcns, April 2i, 1894. Geld/0111012 Y 0/120a/zfa izoboy 52m.‘ 0f f/ze' [(zfesz‘ (2/1‘ (ll/01’ proper ï¬lms/z, fry A‘ (1.1:. [Joz/gall Headquarters in Warburton lior the 111:1:111l'nct11ring and sulc of Bee-Hives 8e Beekeepers’ Supplies _ I give special attention to the nninufncturing of combioundation in al its branches l cleanse by the latest process of ï¬ltering 1'11 order to take out- :1ll foreign unit-tor, which is essential in making ï¬rst class foundation made oni A. l. Booths latest. hum-0101]. Mncine wax taken in exchange for fo'uudution'- Orders tilled promptly. Address, WILLIAM YOUNG, ‘2m \VARBURTON, ONT. April 2, 18.94. 'm -‘ ..' .'; Vm'lcocele, Emissions, Nervous chllit , Seminal Weskueu. (JIM. Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural D schemes. Self Mm“, Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by ' TllllllW lllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllll "Wes can Deposit the Hens In Your Bent er wl to be pslc us sher you mic CURED under 1ml31‘3%35“" Sr! Abner, I'm n and Blood Mum have wrecked the llm sum m of l . and m lillsn'lud m1~n.lhe fnrm, the workshop the Hnn'lnv sohrdilflldm 05:: the "17:; alone-r.‘ have its vii time. lim a was, if you have beer indiecrnct, bnwnrn oi the (Item Wm», yon era grnwlnqp pmatnrelawealr and vvldrb'vth ml! Jon-1111.011 before too lute N0 MIE' USE INNOUT WRITTEN Cfllilzl‘. “comma. ' vsmcocsuz. EMISSION w.s.1".m.1.ms. w. s. Conn-is. of Ilnnw, speaks. wsconmiu "Ismail. A1 111mm bud nod en 10. 1 than became 50.. M3‘: {:9ko 1""! "mn- my" Exposure produced 00.15am“ m. 2:; and despondsnti nn 1.111111%, nursery 900:1 eyes m and blur; pimple-s on hoe; heirl .111; "11' ‘1". :"‘"l"’l’"".:“"‘.l2 n ' was e 1 spa-l t n n drcds of domrs without help, suicide when a friend mama's New Method it. lu two months l wuc cu i‘ years m, and never hurl nremruwmurm nndsll be . llo an.“ cram mumin'rmbscrs'ivhnugnliom." "'wbn' . IJ. ‘row. Seminal Weakness, luspotsncy Ill ' ‘ Vsrlcccele Cured. “Wlmlcrasnlkdbnlsnncdyblmlm littlebwne. Iwascurprlssl. Manual“. mtlmproveduse the lrct wont. Elihu-M mbsecmsmwlmdbapmgwmh ‘ll. ml m bright, MUM.‘ mement- Wï¬mhhdmnnyq-thu Mllrcsumnsudl'lre.Kmn-ly<mum W... -i . ....n._.~_._.__..... . __.._. .Aï¬v AND SYPHILIS CURED. :‘:-l MM n- mended 1111-1,