Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 25 Sep 1894, p. 3

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if you come quick , Only a few left A‘ Is can '5 /. I'll Gilli? i'illlll'llll Ill N .axt Morrison's Hot/cl BROOK‘! ILLI II-y.v.-' Admire our styles. Iluts for every- body. New Full and \Viutcr stock. Uur artist indicntrs thut unc and uwl urn woll suited. ()ur patrons all suy to. licndgcur for comfort. Bruin coolers, thought gtimulutora. 'I'hc lutost Silk, Alpihe and Derby Huts. Put n good roof on your hood. It won’t. cost much. 'I'ho hat givosu. liuiuh to tho man. You know it, is; no, and we have just tho color and aim: to 1 suit you. All timtt-s and whims autis- tied. Give ua a look in. CRAIG m cht to I). W. Downeys Rattan‘ and Mindor- “HOCKVILLE 3 STOCKS ()f Boots and Shocs to ‘1;: clcurcd out to nnikc room for i'inll {lo HIS.- AT Q Brorkvlllr’s Big One (‘ash PM“ Bargain Shor House D. W. DOWNEY “'1- hiu'o rrmowul tln- Mount and .Iohnzslon llnnkrupt Stork and thr Montrr-ui Bankrupt Mock from tho More lntrly urrupiwl by Mowut und Johnston Io our storl'. 1M King st. \li» Ill\\|‘ inoro Shoo! Iliun “in know “lilti to do with mnl now nfl'i-r you our own Mock nt Hank iupt prim-s ,2l,t!l0.tll worth of first-chins foot’ wrnr to b1‘ sucriiirml. .\0Â¥<-r bvforr hut-J thc )Illlvlit‘ brrn oerroil nuch n who», Ho ('opn' tnrly and occurc- All your lnont-y will buy. ho lnltlcr iuvrstnn-n' run you inuko. A lilih- lllt)llt‘)' vinl buy lulu of Shoo». Terms {Strictly (‘ash- il. W. DOWNEY ».u<?"-.‘ :rrzn ll! ri'mut'k's l’.\‘l"l'l'.l(.\>1'. 1380C“ VILLE Business Cottage snoummiT svecunv (‘commercial (Tau rs: Thorouqh TERMS REASONABLE Solid for Illustrutcd Putnloguc b3. , fore tItt‘.1(Illlg whcrc you will go. GAY &. MCCURI), Yrincipnln l ‘ii’ and ll, l um’.- tmour ARE FRIENDS O TIIE Former and Builder ‘hay have the bcst Assortmcn of Hardware, Tinwnrr, Pmnts, Oils, Vsrnishos, Unlcimincs, Glass, Silver- ware, Fishing Tackle, &c., in town, and prices to suit the times. The Osisy Chumsâ€"-bcst in tho markct- nlwaya in stock dnd st lowest pricos iluns and Ammunition of best quality mothcm. COAL OIL Boat Quality. Low Price liARliEY B1,()CK ATIIENQ ‘GUI-“II, “It.” ms mast-asp: IIUOI'II-Isi s l l Hawkins. Wltsc. Wm Davin. t purpcss, W W Miller, Goo 100,8 ArnoldbOo. Colt 3:4 draught, Jas W Wiitlo. Ju i -R Copcinnd, Lyndhulst, John Joyn North Augusta, Thos Miller, Loni y. Stollion 2: carriage, 1 and 2, John Forth h Sona. Stallion 3x4 carriage, Abrnln Coed, Eli Tonnant. Corrisgc 3x4 draught, John Mununura. Stal- lion draught, AJ Waits, E G Davis. Stallion, gen purpose, A J Waits, Brock Davis. Stallion curring; in har- ness, Abram COIli, Adam crbison. Stallion roadster, Ed Agnew, Wm Spence. Matched team for draught, Haber Yates, B Cadwcli, D C McUIary. Matched toam gen purpose, Geo R Johnson, Parker Jr. Bushfield, Jss McBratncy. Colt 3 yrs in harness, John Collins, Mot-den Lee, D L John- ston. Mstchcd tram carriage, (‘has Truosdcil, Ileber Young, R Lattimcr. Matchod team roudstcrs, Jonas Huger- man, Ilcnry Joynt. Carriage horse or muro, (number wrong), Geo N Young, John Collins. Roadster, S Y Bullis, John Webstrr, J t‘, Jackson. Foul of '94, carriage, M. \V'tiite's special, U60 Dudley. Gen purpose stallion, J F Wood, M. I’., special, A J Waits. Draught stallion, J F Wood M P spegiul, A J Wults. Carriage stallion, John Forth's sprcial, El Agnow. Curriugo team lli hands and ovor, Society's special, Jonas lingcrtnnu. ‘3nd and 3rd prizu nos. wrong. Colt 3 years in harness. (loinstock & \Vcln-iter special, Abrum (loud. Uolt '3 yours in harness, Coumlock dz \Vebstcr special, .Ylordcn but‘. Single carriage homo, \V ll Jones‘ upoviul, (number wrong). ' 3x4 gen AYRSIII RE (‘ATTLI'L Judges ll mrl U-» Sunl'lttl Council, Algonquin, Jo~cph Hudson, Lyn, ll ii Corncll, Lyn. Ilull Ll yrs und upwiirds, Jam Simp uonflinury Robinson. Ilull 2x3, ii (l Sturgi-on, Iiich Arnold, John F l’rrcivuli. Iiuli ix‘), Joshua (lilroy, E J liowuoni dz Son. llull culf of 'ill, lionty liohinsum, Jo-l Monro, Jus Sililliflfill. (low giving milk, l and ‘.2, liilroy, .‘l, Jun Simpson. l‘ Y‘ ‘2x3, Joshua (lilroy, lirnry ,{....u:mu, Jna Simpson. .lrwlniti licifrr 1x2, dummy. Llilioy, ileury liol-insr n, John lnicruon lb .Son. iloil'vl‘ calf of ".ll, llrnry llohiuson, .lus Simpson. iirrd of .‘liyinhiron, Joshmi l'iilroy. “ALLUWAYS. llull 3:43, \Vui Nvilson Son. ilull 1x2, \Vm Nodsun dz Sou. llull i.--.ili'of".li,l and 1-5, \Vm Nrilnou ill Son. (low giiing milk, l and ll‘, Wm Ncihuu .lz Sim. lloifcr ‘2x3, l and :2, \Vm Ncilson dz Sun. Il'rifcr ix‘), l und L‘, \Vm Noilson dz Son. lloilcr cull‘ "Jl, l null 23, \Vlu Nt-ilson d: lion. .5.- lb licrd of (lulluways, \Vm Xi'liflt"" Son. HOLSTEINS. .ludgcs l) d: l‘iâ€"~S N (lids, ilronn- hush, \V J Ilnrlow, iiyn, li N Stitmon, 'l'olcilo. Ilull ‘2x3, (.7 J (lilroy dz. Sun. Hull lx2, 'l'hos Duvison. Bull call‘ lfiill, Johnson A (ircrn, Thou Dawn-son Vow giving milk, l and 2, (I .l. (lilrc'; dtSon, Thus lhu'ifiou. Thus I)l\ViSUll. lit-il'cr 1x23, l Thus. Druinon, U J (iilroyu ti: Son. IIcifl-r rulf of ‘ill, l, U J \lilroy (h Son, 2 and. ll, Tho» Duvmon. .livr-l of llolstcim, (.7 J (lilroy dz Son. .mnsm'fl. liuil Ii yrs :uni upwards, (loo IV llurdinri'. llnll 1x2, (loo \V (Ian-dilu-r. Bull cu'foi lFll-l, lsrncl Stt-vl nu, 2 and .‘l, Goo \V (.lurdincr. (‘ow givingwilk, Israel Stcvons, 2 and ll, (loo W (lur- dinor. ii'ifrr ‘is-'i, lunch Sta-writ; iloil'cr 1x2, i and ".l, lino \V Iliudinor. llcifcr calf of ".l l, l, (loo \V Gar-liner, Isrucl Stow-us. IIcrd of p-moys, ll \V (lurdinur. DURHAM. Judges F J; (l ~(l A Purvis, Lyn, (loo ll (lids, (lrronbush, C I. \Vcbstcr. Brockvillr. Bull 3 yrs upwards, John Forth d' Sons. Bull 1x2, i and ‘2, John Forth Forth d Sons. (low giving milk, l and 2, John Forth 6L Suns llcifcr 2s3 John Foith k Sons. linifcr 1x2, John Forth tit Sons. lit-ifor calf "J-l. John Forth tlt Sons. lit-rd of l)ur~ hams, John Forth (it Sons. GRADES. Hull 2x3, (loo In“, Inn-ac Kirkland Bull lx‘..’, Thus Unison, Block Davis. Bull calf 12194, Samuel Moore, Ismt-l Stovcns,1saac Kirkland. (low giving milk. Thus Davison, It. Arnold 62 Co, C J (lilroy Jr Son, Jas Simpson. Ileifer 2x3, Wm Nrilnon tit Son, John Forth dz Sous, C J (lilroy ii Son Israel Stevens. Heifer 1:2, l,John Forth A Sons, 2 und 3, Thou. Davinon, 4, Wm Neilsondz Son. licilcr c lf of 1894, 'I'hos Davison, John Forth A Sons, John F Percival, lI 'I‘ Robinson. Fat ox or cow, John Forth b Sons. Herd of grade cattle, Thos. Darison. LIlCmIIZI SNBIP. Jud s-Uco Hutton, Easton's Cor‘ ners, .J Sufl'ell, Sqmrton, R Tacks- bcrry, Rockspring. Ram, l, John lmcrson A Son, 2 and and 3, Jchn Forth A Sons. Ram, shcavling,Johu lmerson A 8m, John Forth A Soon. Lamb ot' '94, l, 2, 3,- Jchn Immn A Sou. Ewes I ralssd t . smsull nus. ' J u --Wl Ounosll, Growl-Mb, Iovi urcb, Addivcn, Abrua Bolton, Grcsnbusb. Boar 1 ycarandovcr,1and 9, O J Gilroy b Son, 8, Stanley WM. Boar pig of 1894, 1, 9, 3, C J Gilrc h80n. Sow overlycar, 1, 2, 8, O Gilroy t Son. Sow pig (11894, 1, 9, 3, C J Gilrcy h Son. YOIKIIIIII. ~Boar 1 and over, 0 J Gilroy A Son, O A ineaid. Boar pig of 189‘, O A Kincnid, B F Blanchor, (.l J Gil- roy h Sou. Sow over l your, 1 und 3, C. A. Kincaid, J F. Percival. Sow pig of 1894, lsnd 2, O J Gilmy h Son, 3, B I" Bluncher. CB MIR WI! ITIS. Boar pig of 1894, G A Kincaid. Sow ovorl yr., C A Kincaid. Sow pig '94, C A Kincaid. DISCRETIONAIY ‘WINK. Boar 1 your, Tamworth, Johnson A Green. Boar i ig ‘94, Tamworth, Thus Duvison. Sow pig '94, Tamworth, l and 2, Thus Davisou. POULTRY. Judges~Chaa Lechy, Frunkville, A W Garrett, Brockvillc, J ll Barlow, Delta. Cochins, bull‘, land 2, II L Kerr. Cochins, partridge, Geo Brown, R E Foster. Cochins, white, R E Foster. Brahma. Pootrns dark, H L Kerr, R E Footer. Brahma Pootms light, II i. Kerr, R E Foster. Black Spanish, it I‘) Foster. (lame, H L Kerr. R E Foster. Golden Polunds, I-i E Foster. Silver Polands, l and 2, H. L. Kcrr. Houdnnu, i and 2, R E Foster. W'hito I."ghorns, R F. Foster, Wnltcr Durling. BIOWII Imghorns, R I‘) Fostcr, Wultor Din-ling. lilorkings,culorud, land " ll l'l Fostrr. Hamburg, black, ii. E’ um, unavgbc. ' J I B Bolssss, Atbsss' nu‘; ~13,“than stcu. Inckvilln. Wdtl! , Gsc . Butter 19 lbs. in prints, Waltcr John- son. Buttlr, cock, Obss A Budd Buttsr rolls or paints, Chas R Taplla, Abci but‘, Chsl A Rudd. Factory. cbcssn, whitc, Rich E Oorncll. Ribs factory, Munscli Blown, libs factory, O J Gilrcy, Glen Bucll (my. Flo- tovv cheese, colomd, Wm sndsrsou, Farmer's Choice ‘notary, J W Wiltso, Farmers’ Choice factory, Munscll Brown, Elbe factory. Honey in comb, W D Livin ton, Fred L Moore, Wai G Lon. oncy in jar or can, O L Gardiner, Wm G Loo, W D Living~ ston. Honey, granulated, W D Liv- ingston, O L Gardiner, Wm G Loo. Iloncy,bost display, F L Moore, W G Loo. Hivc of working bees, W G Loo, Fred L Mooro. Apiarian appli- antes. Pied L Moore, W D Living- ston. Bread, two loaves, B G Booth, Abel Scott, Mrs R Dullit-ld. Display of bread, cakes, B O Booth. Maple sugar, S Y Brown, Jus W “'iltsc, Wm Pennock. Maple molasses, Wm Pennock, Mrs John Pulmer, W D Livingston. Vinegar, Wm (l Lee, T U Brown, Jus W Wiltsc. Iisrd soup, C A Kincaid, Mrs John Palmer, (J A Kincaid. Soft soap, Wm Pennock, Chas A Rudd, J H Baird. ' SPECIALS. Butter, 5 lbs., Barr's, II B Brown. Cheese, 3 white, Dcrbyshiro's, Isl prizv, Munscii Brown, Elbe factory; d0., Davis’, 2nd prize, C‘ J Gilroy, Glen Buell factory; do., Bissrll's, 3rd prize, John Loverin, lrocnbush fuc- tory. Butter, 10 ibs., Culbcrt's, II B Brown. Butter, 5 lbs, I)0wncy’s, Chas A Rudd. Iluttor, 5 lbs, Dr. Hortonb, ii B Brown. Honey in comb, (lilmour's, O L (bu-diner. Foster. fllztniburg, golden spungled, Cheese, 3 white, (lluflhi, (p; J (lilroy. t) “I l and R hi Foster. Hamburg, silvrr Spangled, It hi Foster, H l. Kurr. lmngslmns, II l. Kcrr, \antcr Darling. Plymouth Rocks, barred, ii l. lit-rt‘, It hi Fwtcr. Plymouth llucks, whito, ll It‘ Foster. Bantams, ii. l'i Foster, W'In Hillis. silvoz', ii L Kurt‘, I.“ l. Mou'c. undottcs, goldun, ll i. Kerr. duties, white, (.lco Brown. Chicks of 1594, ll I. Kerr, ll. h’ Fostrr. Tur- key, bronze, I‘) J. Rowsum th Son. (loosi- any vuricty, \Vm B Bolton, Frud l. Moorc. Ilurks, Rom-n, Ii I. Keir, FIHI l. hiooro Ducks, Aylcs- busy, It l‘) Hmtcr. Ducks, Pekin, l and 2, R E mum. DISCRETIONARY. illiuorirus, Wultcr Darling. mum. Judged-Ii linrvcy, Lyndhurst, J \Vy- W yan- “.l Humilton, Lyn, Thou Eyre, North S Y Brown, Annie E $60". Abel; , Augusta. Wheat, fall, S Y Brown, \Vin Peu- JR! W ‘Niltsc, number ‘"0118. Abel tivntor, (Ico P McNish. nook, Jim \V Wiltsc. thut, spring, \Nm Pcnnork, S Y Brown, I J Sullcll. llurlcy, six rowed, \Vni Pen- nock, Abcl Scott, S Y Brown. Barley two rowed, S Y Brown, Wm Pennock. Ilyo, JltS \V \Viltsc, \Vm Pennock. . Putts, largo, Wm Pennock, S Y Brown, .‘1 .t licilcr 3th,; and ‘.3,- llrown. Pous, snmll, Wm Pen- .iock, S Y ilrown, Abel Scott. Outs, White, \Vm Pcnuock, Abel Scott, S Y Ilruvrn. (hits, black, Wm Pcnnock. Buckvvhcat, W IIillis. Timothy seed, \V Pr-nnock. Indian corn,whitc, Jns \V Wiltsc, S Y Brown, Abol Scott. in-liuu corn, yellow, Abel Scott, Israel Stovcuw, S Y Brown. Indian corn, popping, S Y Brown, J II Baird, Mort Wiltsc. Indian corn, sweat, Gun P Mutt, (Jule Broil, it Arnold. Bonus, largo, "i Y Brown, W'm Hiliis, Jaw \V “'ilbir. "cans, small, Abel Scott, ‘Wm liillis, ii Arnold. DISFRI'ITIONARY. (fol-n, Smuinuco, Judges report samples excellent but. give no num- burs. ._ l. ROOT-‘i. Judgenrwiffin S'nfl'ord, Lyn, E \V Smith, (lmonbush, Scluh IIuWIts, Ad~ (liltul'l. Potstocs, Early Rose, Jns W Wiltae, S Y Brown, John Rappcll. Potatoes, Early Ohio, Jns \V Wilton, S Y Ilmwn, I'IJ ilowsom Jr Son. Pota- tors, Bounty oi‘ IIv'bron, Wm Hillis, Benson wl‘c~.~'rins, Jus ~W \Viltse. I‘otutm-s,(.lrown Juwcl, Anson Man~ hard, John Rsppcli. Potuturs, (.llniks No l, Wm Hillis, S Y Brown. Pota~ tot-s, Rural New Yorker, Geo Brown. Potatoes, any other kind, Henry Rob- inson, Phil Brown, Iienry Robinson- ilwrrots, white, John Forth dz Sons, J H Bnird, W Miller Carrots, yellow, J ll Baird. Mangolds, long red, John Forth A Sons, Isincl Stevens, J H Baird. Mangolds, Globe, S Y Brown, Goo P Mott. Turnips, white, E J. Rowsom ASon, I-rscl Stevens, E S Earl. anni .yoilow, Mort Wilb, Wm Hillis, II Baird. Collection ot' flcld roots, Stuart's special, John Forth b Sons, Morrison's spacial, J II Boird, Glcn'bcwb spcdll, Mort Wilt‘. , "011'- Jud Edward Buddick, Bloch villo, ohc B Inland, Athrus. A ccck',RlohAnold,Oso who ms Awh- lambs '94, John Imcrscu t Son, Jobs oar, 0 Jobs 1m A low, 3, Jcha h ‘ . Im \Vyundottcs, | Ionian Moore, Addison. I Dozen doughnuts, Athens Reporter, S Y Brown. DOMESTIC )IANUFAIT'TURES. . Judges l to l'l--Mrs J (I Blanchard, (lrconhush, Mrs J II Bnird, Lyn, Miss Cot-ton stockings, Rich Arnold, Abcl Scott, Annie E Scott. \Voolcn stockings, S Y Brown, \Vm Pennock, Rich Arnold. Woolen socks, S Y Brown, Jss \V \Viltse, Abel Scott. Cotton socks, Abel Scott, Wm Pen- nock. Jan \V \Viltsc. Mittens, gents, E J Suffcll, S Y Brown, Jm-i \V Wiltso. M.ttens, ladies, Mrs A Man- hard, .liich Arnold, Abel Scott. Rug carpet, Abel Scott, 'Wiu IIillis, Annie E Scott. Woolen carpet, Wm Pon- nock, John Mackie. Union carprt, ‘Wm Ponnock, .las W Wiltso, E Davis. Flannel, woolcn, colored and pressed, Scott. Flcnnol, woolen, not pressed, Scott. Flannel, cotton and wool, S Y Brown, IVni Penuock, Wm IIillisd Knitting yum, white or dyed, S Yl Brown, \Vm Pcnnock, Jas W Wiltso. Judges ll to und~Mrs John Mc' Brittney, Grccnbush, Mrs Wm Ennis, Frankvillo, Mrs Rich Kerr, (ilroenbush. , Blankets, twillcd, dis , Jas P Mott. illnnkuts, woolen, not milled, Wm. Pen- nock, Abel Scott. Blankets, cotton and wool, Wm Pcnnock, Jus \V Wiltso, Wm Hillis. Home blankets, SY Brown, Air-l Scott, John Mackie. Uni n cover’ lct, John Mackic, S Y Brown, Annie hi Scott. Counter-pane fine quilted, Wm Pcnnock, John Singleton, Wm liillis. (lountorpsnu, knitted, Annie E Scott, Gm Brown, Abel SCOtt. Counterpane, knotted, John Singleton, Colo Bm. Abel Scott. Quilt, patched or picccd, Wm Pennock, E J Suflbll, S Y Brown. Quilt, silk, Mrs T Spry, Phil Brown. Quilt, crocheted, H. B Brown, J R McNish, J W Wiltno. Quilt, crazy, Mrs T Spry, Mrs John Palmer, Phil Brown. Home made flannel shirt, Wm Pennock, S Y Brown, Annie E Scott. Floor mat. in yarn, S Y Brown, le Bannock, Abel Scott. Floor mat in rug, S Y Brown, Abel Scott. Log cabin quilt, dis, Annie Scott. ‘Fancy ~‘knitting, dis, Annie E Scott. LADIEB' wonx. Judges l. to 16»Miss t) Tinkess, Urccnbush; Mrs J B Barry, New Dublin, Miss Maggio Johnston, Frank- vilic. Pillow slums, J olm Singleton, E J Sufiell, Mm. Aims Lawson. Tidy crocheted in cotton, M n. R. Dutlicld, 'Abel Scott, Samuel Moore. Tidy in wool, Mrs Thcs Spry, Phil Brown, Mrs C O Slack. Tidy on stair linen, John Singleton, Abcl Scott, Chss A Rudd. Sofs pillow, Mrs Alma Inw- son, number wrong, Mrs C O Slack. Worked all pcrs, Mrs A Mouhard, E J Buhll, rs Wm Mott. Embroidery in silk, Mrs Aim Lawson, EJ Sufloll, Mrs B Duflold. Embroidery, cotton or linen, John Singleton, Iii-s T Spry, II B Brown. Emlnoldcrcd crswcls. Mrs R Duflcld, Mrs Wm Mott, Mrs A Lawson.- Embroidery on Java canvas, John Singleton, E J stlln wool work, Black, John Sigma. Berlin work, Mrs. O O Slack. Ocll. clsvs'chat work, Ilvs Alma Lawson, Absl . I m4 a "ito' m‘ w'“_-...-. Pbll'kcws. . Fancy nssrlls Mao's loath work. , MW; I!" Braiding on liusa, In‘ Jothslnsr. Picks,“ so ding, In John Palmer. Ans an luo'ncwal. Judgss~0 G Inlan, Brockvllis, Miq Barths E chflrlu, Athens. Oil painting, Abram Goad, B W Invcrin, Mrs l do, lowers and fruit. It Barlow, Its. OOBllck; do, lgurss, Norris Wsst- lake, R Barlow. Ora anlng, T0 Brown, Abram , R Barlow. Watercolor, iandscaps, Abram Ocsd, R Barlow; do., any subject, Abra-m Goad, R Barlow. Pencil dnwing, lbnwapc, Abram Ooad, R Barlow; do, any subject, Abram 00nd, R Bar- low, T C Brown. Ooll. of live bii'ds, Jas W Wiltss, S Y Blown, Rich Kerr. Beat singing bird, Jas W Wiltsc, S Y Brown. Coll. of painting, special, R Barlow, Abram Ooad, Mrs m Mott. Coll. of house plants sud flowers, Montreal and Toronto Banks’ special, Rich E Cornell, Mru P Blanchard. Pointing on glass, A W Hayes’ special, Mrs Wm Mott. Painting on velvl-t, Brockvillc Timon special, Abram Goad. CARRIAGEK AND LEATHER. J udgvs-Wm Stcacy, North Augusta ; John McBrutney, Grocnbnsh. Plvusure sleigh 2 seats, Colo Bros. Covered carriagr, Colo Bron, Henry IBoyd, (l J (lilwy. Open carriage, Colo Bros , Henry Boyd. Single cutter, Cole Bros. Phaeton, Cole Bros. Bob aleighs, Uole Bros, Henry Boyd. Market wagon, Cole Bros.‘ Benj Hudson. Lumber wagon, Cole Bros, Benj Boyd, U J tlilroy. Mika- do, dis, Colo Bros’. Harness, lumber, W R Acton, U J Uilroy, numbrr l wrong. Harness, carriage, W R l Acton, A II. Brown. S Buddy. Hur- noss, single, I und ‘J, W R Acton. TOOLS, I)! runmzzrrs, ilzc. .ludgcsâ€"-A Parry Bisscli, ville, Lori Monro‘), Addison. l Plough, sod, l and 2, II B Brown. i Plough, stubble, i and ‘2, II I! Brown. l Plough, gcn puquc, ll ll Brown. Harrowa, puir, II ll Bro-vii. Iltrso hoo, (l P McNish, II B Brown, R. (2- ,Sturgoon. ‘Wheel cultivu'or, II B i Brown. Stoves, collection, H B ‘Brown. I'lo-lcr, (i P McNish. Fun- ning mill, U J Gill-0y. Root cuttcr, G P McNish. Corn planter, H B Brown. Milk ucrutor, II A Evcttts. IIorso ruko, ii ll Brown. Sliuvoi plow, dis, U P McNish. Sugar ill‘t‘li castings, dis, (loo P McNinh. Mowing nmchino, ii Brown. Self hinder, (lot-mitt Brrs, II. B Brown. Broadcast seeder, H B Brown. Brock- DISCRETIONAItY. Sulky Plow, H B Brown, Randell l burrow, II. B Brown. Two horse cul_ Roof lnddor and fire escape, \Vm Hickey. Coll. of honey cans, II A Evei'ttu. , LOCAL P RAGRAPHS l Mr. and Mrs. F. \vVilliuntq left A thens yesterday for (louvcrncur for a \isit with relatives. A Strange Mllcw. ~‘Several bear stories hnvo nrr'ived i hero from Warburtou this full in which altogether eight. beam lldV'o liguri-d. The latest appears in the (lannnoquc Journal and indicates that it is. uri-tty nearly time for tho write-r to "swour off." The Journal says: We u" in | receipt of the following from “in. l Lloyd, dutod (.lhn'locton, i "Whilu camping out in. Mcth'mdy's Point. I Wm awakened one night by l the cold uu'l touching out for n lllIfi-t i robe to put over us my hand encoun . ‘ i ad something wooly, and on sitti l I suw m cub boar lying acrr Ferris’ breast. I. gave the alarm, and we all jumqnsd up, but during the ox- l citcmeut tho boar escaped." E mublc it Mbllll- l The usually quiet little hamlet of lGrecuhush has of lstc been obtaining l an unenviable notoriety for social and domestic infolicitics. Saturdayfi; Re. .corder gives the roault of the latest lditficulty as follows: Tm. mignmw hadsn exciting time this morning sottiing the disputes between Mrs. Forsythe sud tho Wing family of Grecnbush. Mrs. Forsythc laid two charges agsinst May Ann Wing. Ono of using insulting languago, tho other of assault. The defendant plosdcd guilty to both, sud on the former charge was fined $5.40, and the other 96.2 ,including costs. Two charges wcrc referred by thcsslnccom lainsnt against Frederick Wing. IIc paid 85.10 for assaulting Mrs Wing's son Wilbert, and 914.10 for pointing a PIS/it at him. “twill. The Ridmu Record contains weakly contribution of a high-class character from the pen of one signing himself "A ” Last wank in speaking tho ts that have secured Smith's Falls its ty and commercial dis. tinctlcn,“ rsslti ulcncf altar l7th int. i‘: of mow d A ns will be “Minds s to serviccs on mlthafifltbctw X It now looks as if Goo. Taylor, M. P., and J. lmkic Wilson, the Patron loader, would gcta doto find Icrs r- sonsl and political discussion. ' r. Wilscu’s speech at Sioglctonb Corners is ro liedto b Mr. Taylor inlsst week s' Gansnoque Journal, and the roply containa a challenge for Mr. Wilson to meet him at some point in Leeds Co. and discuss all matters of uifleroncc between them. Each party to the controversy is to have a half- hour in turn; time limit, about fivc hours. Mr. Wilson will probablyac- ccpt the challenge. It will be s gloat meeting and from the tooc of Mr. Tcylorb letter it looks as if be intends that it shall be u fight to u finish without gloves. UM Iacta. In Jan., 1892, my son was taken with Kidney disease. Though atten- ded by threc physicians, and change of climate he grew worse and by '93 had fallen from 195 lbu. to 95 lbs. In 10 days from starting to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills we were ublc to move him homo. In 4 months he gained 50 lbs. and was fully restored to health bv the use of'uiu modicinc.| Jno. S. IIustings, 23 St. Paul st., Montreal. losoluttcn c! ndolcnco. Auniscs, Sept. 18, 1894. Mu. AND MRS. H. S. Morrsrr. DEAR FRIENDS,-â€"Wh6r0as it has pleased Almighty God, tho great Llcomctriciun of the Universe, to tukc unto himsollyour only beloved daught- er, Ethrl, wv, tho oiiicers and mom burs of Addison LodgckNo. 358 A. O. l U. W’, desire to place on record and tender "to you and your sot-rowing com‘ pnnion our heartfelt sympathy in this tho hour of your sud bereavement. Maj! you look to Him who alone can comfort and sustain, and that bycaud» byc you may meet and greet your loved Ono where parting is no more. Yours in C. II. R, Signed in bchulf oi’ Lodge, , t3. Y. Rsowu. M. W. CLARENCE HAWKS, Recorder. ~ Halitobn Crops. A correspondent writing from Dol- orninc undcr date of Sept. l3, says: The weather throughout Manitobais lino and the harvesting is completed, and threshing will bc completed by the middle of next week. Tho crop has been u light one. Tho wheat did not grow more than ‘20 inches high and will not uvcrugo more than l2 bushels pcr acre ovcr the province. The quali- ty m good goncmlly, but in some ram cases there is n little smut. The prices arr. low, elevator men only psy- ing for wheat. from 330. to 400. ()ats were a very light crop in most sections, bcing sown Into and very little rain fell during the whole summer. Al Ncpuwa. and Salisbury, where they were lmilod out last your, they havo ll largo crop this ycar. 'I'hey had rains in Juno cud July, and their crops will average aboutiit) bushels, hut many in other sccctio \will only luv about six bushels pcr acm\ Oats u. quotud at l5c. mt Op.‘ mm. "Thu particulars of s mmarkablo euro‘. of omisumptiou, after the patient had reachod the last stugrs, related in tho article published in tho Reporter lust week under the heading “An Open Imttrr from a Prominent Phyaicinn," has must-d mncv comment. It is woll known that play-minus, ss a rule, arc averse to speaking Words of praise for an advertised medicine, however meri- torious it may be, and when. one of them casts this pmjudicc ssido and give-s in plain unvsmiahcd langusgo the particular} of a coca ‘that must take rank among thc moot remarkable in the practice of medicine, it is not only u. noteworthy triumph for tho modi- cino in question, but also reflects credit on tho physician, who has cast 'de his proft-ssionnl pmjudiccu and ts the result of his use oi tho modi- cinc for tho benefit of sufi'en'ug human- ity. In the articles published from time to time, voucbod for by reliable newspapers, the piiblic have had tho strc tsvidcncc that Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peopls is u inedi- cine cf remarkable moi-it, and now to these is added on thc authority of a well known pbynlcisn, over his signa- turs, the particulars of a cure of con- sum tion through the timnly use cf Dr. illiauvs famous Pink Pills. It cannot bc too widely known that a rsaicdy hssbceutomsl that will can this hitherto deadly and unccnqusrad discass,andifau cfcarrssdsrs bsvc notrcadtheart' to ‘which we nt'cr wowculdadvisctbssatolcck u lsct wcck'slssuoudglwcita can! pun s-l. bolas. rslatsd any so" of "1an u m ls s time ~ w-v-www' ii m ., .”-t QcOIctlcscov-lasw .“ 7m. .........~t sv- \stscafh’ bsr. sbstwas Lu grant daugsr and rctb sbc and tbs driver ot the carriage signalled to bar to stay back. Thou Ml. Edgar hesitatsd. but evidently misundcrslcod the signal to moan to cons shad, and made the fatal sts The trollcy man upon seeing her dl everything to stop the car, but was too cluss to the untortnuutc woman. The ro- malus wcrs mu. to hsr boms yesterday. AT THE END OF HER TITHEH- Iontrsal Ioslctv Clrclca blocked by the Arrsst of 0n. ol Thclr Bombers. Ionian, Sept. 17.-A decldcd scu~ sssicu has been c- nsml in local soolcty circle-a by tho uewa which soon guiusd currvuciy that a we! known lady nsmsd Chi-evil c, who had been a romlnent charsctcruronud many o! the utcls {or soveral wars. had been arrsstrd on a char of obudn'n; goids without paying fut t cm. The new‘ canned consternation among many local swelhl, who hsvc been on "loudly terms with tho lady in ques- tlon. ‘l'hs accused belong-i to cns of the lead- ing French-Usumlian families ln tho ro- vlucc. Iler gruud father. during his Iifs‘ tluw, w“ n promimmt politician and hcr father occupies n high position in tho civil service: It wma while tho family was stopping forcpeilod at a loading hutsl that the yot'iug huly commenced to loud n ay life. For srvcisl years chc had bean ulng the rolllnln of all the leading hotels and his: cvonpudcu have bum the tslk of , the iunmtcm Tho young iudy lived in lilo i grundoet mylc, ordering the most aspen- iuvc UOUUHUt-sl from lending local establish- l manta. When one howl became too hot | for ln-r, she would quickly mskc lit-k‘ exit and tnkc up bur abode at another. She bccamc no reckless rrccntly, in fact, and ln-r conduct piovultcd such s lot of com- ment, that. tho proprietor requested her to icivc. Lust week she took her dcpurturc and wont to Longueile. Brfuru she left. the hotel the had n costly robe mudc at l well known mllitnry eniubliuhmeut. She received it belorc she lrlt the hotel and has ln-cu wearing ll. Hinru but did not. pay l for lb Finding that aha had loft the ‘hotel and hu-l givcu no ciuc as to hcr whereabouts, s Warrant mm procured for her arrest. l A Brutul Asmul: it lth s5 Hatchet, Wis'nson, Ont, omit. l7.â€"-.\llohucl Uavunuugh, u wl'll known character hero, wimli'.illcftliiu {until-y and “no living nlono in an ohl shinny '..u nlznont killed by llcnjnmin Bruckn. former resident, who is Well known n .1": police. Brooks and his wnu twin-net‘. - “.lr; zity otter a yrurs' absoncu and art'nmfl'i to occupy t'aviumugh's ltollnc. When he clinic to ' thchoum Luminaugh refused to admit him. Brooks procurrd n hatchet, broke intu the hounc uud smocked. qunnsugb, giving him ivv-‘lzty bud cuts. Cnvaucugh escaped to the sirect wheru ho fell down. l ile was tllxcovcrod and sent to the hUlleil, l As noon no (.‘nvutmugu left the house | Blocks tm'nv-d upon llivi wife and but for the dimly lll'IlVNi of the pulicc would have killrd her. Shc was scnt to the hospital Mull)’ ninuliml with a knife. Brook» was It'lilnnzlt-d one week to swsit tho outcome of (.‘iivulmngh n injuries. 'l'hc doctors any he lun-i one chance 1n ton to rroovcr. Lord Abrrlleon's Aldo chc. (eliklllflti, s pt. 17.--Capt. Kluderslay, Adm}. to his Excellency Lord Aberdeen, was man-ind on Saturday in St. Mutthcw'c Epircupsl church to Mica Jenn Brown, s w. althy American lad}. but for some time punt u n-cident of Utiswvi. It was lutsndcd tluttihe wedding should be private, tut the fact leaked out, with the result that the church wss crowded to the doors. The hrldc will gin-n away by Lord Abcrdcen mu! Uupt. Erskine acted as groomsinan. lmdy l nrg'orio uclcd ns maid in waiting and I l . Archie (Iortion sud his cousin ‘I W89‘ flze cen-muny was erformed by iii: . J. F. (lardncr, of Sout wsrk, £08., nit/ism! by Rev. Messrs. Williams and Norrir, o! St. Muttln-u's church. . i.._.__._.-.m_. _. .-._.___W__ _ t. rt mnrry Totally Destroyed. UKRBIIMJI, Out... Sept. 11-’ic Marsh hill creuun-ry, situated about flvc mllcs from Iii-rs and owned hy Tomliuson Bron, l has been deutroyed by fire. About sixty t ,tubqnf mun-r together with the entirs ‘ l ll XIII “an iti-tl, Imus cstlm ilod it about I ‘3,000 It..'4'll’t"ll for $1.700; cause of llrs l UllklltYWI. l It h g of Mimi ltumvorlng. S.“ Funxr'si' i, S‘ pt. l7.â€"~'I‘ho skim" Ocesnc who-n mriwd yentcrduy brings ncws that t .~ KM,‘ .1 Shun c utinncs to mlliu lyTU_ll“‘ 'nuuhl‘ l‘t'('tl\‘L y Mid ll now uh!» n- M.“ .mnuu; urn-inc in his sputum-n w. -_ ,\ \.. -: 5.! . . . fl m r H o n , o'ebnhi -\ ;|'-_, i,’ nu l .-- . l ilt'ii rml. ll _ ‘ll ~.\~ Lli- ‘l t lwrx l .. l. tl i’... stlnli ‘l I i ll Ill" S :tul ht .14» -| n s v". E. ll. Dennison o! Olean, N.'Y., Stat. Tmnnrsr of the Select Knights, now In conu-nilou at Buffalo, commit-kt‘! sulclds thrr» on Friday night. It ls bollsvod thlt ho was unlisted by a doll" ‘0008.13008- plan-.0, n- h 1- >-III'WII to hsvs ambush‘ the funds ul =le onlor. For rcpalrl g mirrors accidentally scratched clean tbs bars portion of tho glass by rubbing It gently wttk he cot- ton. takingcorstorcmovcanytracasol duct and ll this cloanlug ls not W." With spotn Q otaknlfscutupcntbc blokdsnctbsr cltbodlvss'lul - ‘(vii-i . t an n . ‘mu I _ . . o 'w M. -». .11.- ...:.l:1;:" ’ {m clan.‘ 4 vfigv, . . .» v You Gan Gct A good strikin Clock, wal- nut or oak case, or-- $8.50 A Silver Waltham Watch, warranted, for- $10.00 A good plated Hair Pin. for- 20c. At Wm Cozitcs & Son Corrct; fitting of spectacles our Specialty. “.1. Papers Wall Papers \Vc. shall be pleased to have a call from intending purchas- ers. Our Verv Largo Stock makes selection easy. A nice stock of Opaque Window Shadcs and Rollers. J. Greene 8t Cc, mommwns .mrnqrs'ncuzs Corner King 8t Bluell St, ' Brockville. m. wnm a. cc. Merchant Tailors. Horn lust put. into stock all tho Intcst. novcl~ tics in Sprlnirfloods, consisting of li".:¢3ll Borges. English and ranch Worsted, Fhi’..l,'" Trouscr- ‘villii'chl' hcvlols and Vcnctlsn Overcoming! thny nro soiling nt ti rodu prlros to cosh cuctomcrzi. diva them a coll Ill; trouble to show and sco for yoursolf. . Also a compluta lluc of Gents’ Fur- nlshlngs. M. WEII'ITE ck CO a Opposite the Isrkct IIROCKVIIJJI‘. ONTARIO WKNTEE i ‘0' Tl“ 100,000'nncoit AND our sxms menus 01;; rnrcs as m snoutvms TAIIIIY. "1

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