Where you arc sure to get the Latest. I. J. "EDI o. HUTCHESON 11 oo. t} E0. Now Fall Mantle- Just received and ptit into stock, all directly imported fr0tn Germany, and designed and made by one of the best manufacturers iti the world. All sites in Ladies and a assortment in Children’s. Over twenty-ï¬ve styles to choose frptn. We shall be glad to have von call and see this range. Mantle Oloihs We have also received a. large importation of Mantle Cloths in a variety of fashionable makes to supply our well known mantle-making dep'irtmetit. Our facilities for making perfect fitting and stylish garments are most satia- factory, both to ourselves and our customers. Uur cutter, Miss FLINT, is st fer post, ready to till all orders on short notice. New Dress Good- New Ceshmores, new Sergei-1, new Covert Cloths, new fancy Pluids, new Uhoviots~eil new and fresh, 11nd at lower prices than eVor. We are pleased to have you come. and see us at. any time, wish t0 buy or not. Telephone 149. 6E0. G. l'lllTill'lESllN 8!. 00. whether you \Tflvfl'xï¬of :waeotrsrasisvswimo: Wim'fliï¬iï¬ï¬t L‘ \ \* .vX-f \1. \ .. vx'm'ï¬ t. *‘N “.51†‘YT... “A Penny $Cl1Wd 2'5 (z Penny Earned†w a Kit-‘Q 1'. mayor 2N v is an old btit trite saving and was never bettcr illustrated than zit McLaughlin’s Bargain House. some’ our \.\..\..\l\ \' \ *“I.\ \ \ \L-‘\ \.\..'\‘lt§§f..\1 ¢\‘ w ~Â¥Zt§ Here. wc. s11vt: you not 1111.,r pontiics but dollars. 11L‘.- cording to thc uni-cunt purclmscd, but 11 saving neverthe- less. Our full stock in"... nearly till arrivcd 11nd is crowdint,r its for room. \Vc will continuo for at short time longer to Slaughter ztll remnants :uid bl't'iktfli lots of sczisonztblo goods without rt-gzirtl to the cost. whim: this pztrtitil list. ol wet-iv- ‘ \. \ .\\ \ _SFI-.A l..\ l.\ .' “ litflltl)“SLl\’t't‘Sn for this .3. ‘Children's ‘Shoes Dress Goods in bi'okt-n lots. illith'OOl and union, regular price :5‘ or 3,0(2. ()nly150 yd.‘ t Men's Suits 1"‘1. ctioict: lot of Solid lt%;1tlici‘ & . i‘ . .. ._ ._ ‘ULV'UOI . HM!) to good stock. tlic. 500 Wtfilt' suits, worth ' 1 .' . o5, 2 and $10 Ekind .it (July $6.00 llztlf-prict: 256 Fionnolettos The. licztvy. soft ln lit.:.i\ y \vinttir kind. just thc ‘thing quality. pcrft-ttt. in for children's wcur, a lit :iud finish. worth; worth 8c, $8.1;1tjust (July 50 yd'; (Jilly $5,00il11ll‘ pricc. 50° J. H. McLaughlin lilo» §{‘}\.§?“;a1\1§\ .‘Za-.Xl\‘1\ \.\ \..1\~‘\.».\Z\.\ \ \ \L\ \ \‘.~"\e'\“ A Mods thereon-ts ‘ Better Shoes ln childrcii's si/.1:.s n thc dollzti' lei-uh“ 9f.\ ‘.‘\ \ \ \ \ . \ .\ \ \ A .cs.w;urA-usrm=muw \ . HUFHC'l'lES PROFESSION/k L (‘A lillb'. Duo-M-B. CORNELL. l likii'inci'svillo .lliodgc HUELL .‘i'l'liltil'i'l'. lilttlt'h' Vllflï¬tll Y , i“? H 1 h o. l t t PHYHIl'IAN'. Ht'RHEl)‘ KI .\(‘l'l)l (‘liltil'lh ‘ Dr. iitanley S. Cornell l .. A- (J. U. W . l " ‘l ' f H 1 '. ‘ ‘1 ‘l Itimilli in I 1.. . .. _ t ll‘ 1,,‘ , 1 tHlԤl mid irti lttistliyaoft it 1 _ MAIN BlithlSi, . A'll. .1 .11» Bricetliixrv. limit/tens or Winner‘. Office Hays: tlm afternoons of Titosur l l . 1 .muratlaya 11nd Suturing: 7 i GI 0. G. F. i I 1.1’:4 Hull. ('l‘llll'ill lllut-k, .\l1iin Ht , Athens; V [H [Tillll'i \\' l'lllt't ).\i l‘: J. I‘. Harte, M.D., QM. Hl'llflltiiliv R AFC-Oi'idiltilf. lt‘ollo etQtieen'sl niver-sttyl. son. ()iil. Motto: tiof l‘ yï¬lrllthtl :ititl Pill? """5 . tection. . oppositetiuinhlcl oust‘. 1 HE‘). ll. LANHIIUN, t‘. t‘. 1 It. iil'lltlil'llt'l‘ l"ll~1l.ll. lteenrtler. I. 0.1‘. d'titirl tilt-u Hut-ll, No. 87$, lutle '(‘lillt'lll , ATlll-IIIPi Hrtler of Fl)l"'.<ll'|Ԥ.lll4‘t‘l in llinwi flu l. tilt-n he nntttrn‘. tooth amt ituell,nu :ln'l 11ml lth Friday in encli ttionth.;1t “\th q 7 Jill viFllltil'lt'rlquys“virtittlfl. 1 \V. .l. ANIIEHSUN. C. It. (‘.JelilliltUY. li.‘1-l. Dr. r. n. Kcyle if 1 Addison Lodge A. 0. U. W. ‘Diseases of tho Emails“. N%~~ls‘intlln'l'“lp;nl- t NO 358 Atlhï¬ oflce “f I" ‘tonnflllth m ' ' ulur conitutinit'atinn "n scut'ind and “ROL'G H‘ ‘ T 1,. hoot‘ My fourt Tutwlnyofeneh month. in Temperance momsmi. tollm- ° i‘ 1 ' tout. Kim! 111 .Atl‘.1~»on. Alltiurtiiffiotivisitinil " l p. m. l06 l‘~l"\- Ibrctl'tren welt-0mm]. u l s. v. unnersr. M. w. CLARENCE IIAW'KH, Rec. Addison (‘uttncil ‘To. l'iti t'tintitiluri (lrtlcrof sit-e ‘3nd nntl llli Mou- tht- "i't'ttililt- li1ill..\tltli. [\itt rind‘ Pro- l'lmsctt Friends m1" may ~i of l‘l1f'l|lll(llllll .1 l'lfYflli'IA-‘H Friendship. Graduate ltoyn Member 1f t'o lo Unt. (ltl cc: Mn ti st.. .\ thvns. Dr. R. J. Read l'll'NGEON lllENTl-‘l'r M ATN ST. '“hr irosorviitton of t tloiitalltliacescs Mfectinn the. oral rialt . . “pd... administered for extract tug. flu I. A. Evertte, ,’ IRTIUL HOLTCITOIL' P33028221‘. ‘Money tnloan on easy Ufllm in Parish i'lï¬rit. Athens. . i l EY TO LOAN We have inst rut t ions to place v1 lame. sum of trivMe funtls tit current rules of interest on ‘lrnt mnrmge on lm rnvntl farms. Terms to Bfo'n a FYMQT. . Mill borrowers. Ami y to a ltllS. sonttitrons, m. onto ' lllthWlliï¬Ohi c visits-it lhTtiAi-xgtilntiy 0°"!le by Prim"- ""Mm" 5" i thrrlctern to. Brockvilic. Fran . ~'.(";'"l";‘. it '1' terms. l M ()N ._ ...___--,___._. __.__,._._ _. . y Comstmlt "lock. (‘nttrt llottiw Avt~..1 Bmtvmt loan on Real Estate Security. xiii?’ tiiiws. 1'). K. FRASER. m__m’~._ N â€" 1 McLAUGHLIN’S IIARBBI SHOP c..._.___._..-_. -â€" w Wood, Webster, l ltcwart nanumls. In. thtXJKVIIAJ AND ATIIIN: M . rvn tn Athena u ny- woxmwhdri'lil-d" of every week. In.’ terms. . .. 0m. R.Waatrrn.l\.lt. . A. mart. m‘ .... 0-“ _...... _ . g “W -_.-_- ‘Bio ‘Dov Gooos House BROOKVILLE'S Headquarters for Stylish Millinery Millincry orders now receive prompt attention. livery nevcity in the Millincry line now in stock. mug-H. ._ .- m...- ~.,.._ .. .. 11111 111‘ 1110111111 ____ no...“ THE MIKADO RULES THE SEA Illa I'loot llnc Virtually Obtalncd Peacoc- nlon of the 0n" of Pcchllll~0hlnn Ilia, New Ito (‘onipdlcd to Ask for Terms Irons Japan. Lounos, Sept. 2l.â€"â€"'l‘hc correspondent of the Central News at. Tien-Tcin tele- graph. further detsiia of the naval bottle oi! the mouth of the Yalu river as follcwa: The work of transferring troops and stores from the Chinese transports to the shore was proceetlin rapidly when the Japanese fleet was aig ited Admiral Tin signalled to his fleet to weigh anchor an fortn in line of battle. In obedience to this order the fleet was formed in a single line with the exception of the cruiser ‘ Kwangdfsi 3nd Kwang-Titig and four tor- ‘ patio boats, which were termed in a second i Piles of New Fall Goods now re- ceived in every department. Bar- gains for everybody. \l “'e will take pleasure lll Show- ing you through our new stock of lill't'SS Goods, and our beautiful assortment of novelties in Dress 'rl'ltllililtllfrl. Kill SLOVES. (lur assortment of Ladies’ fine French Kid Gloves is now the most complete. we littve ever shown Ask to itco them. Ask to see the celebrated HEALTH BRAND UNDERWEAR Cull and have 1'. look through our assortment of Ladies‘ German perfect-fitting Mantles. for laulit-s untl Children. . iievel to linve been ue at the mouth of the river. The Japan- eac fleet advanced st full speed while the Chinese columns were forming in line until they came within range, when the warships formed in line of battle, niue of them in the first column and three gun- boats end ï¬ve torpedo boats in the second column. The firing at the outset of the engagement was of an indifferent order, but the Japanese were creeping gradually closer to the Chinese ships and their guit- ners were improving their aim by practice. The Chinese barbette ship Ting-Yueti was the ï¬rst to suï¬er any severe injury, a Japanese shell bursting in her buttery. A ceaseless caniioiiade was kept up on both sides for an hour and a half, when the Japanese ship Saikio was rendered help- less, and, according to the assertion of a Chinese, sank soon afterwards. Two 0f the big guns of the battle ship (lhï¬terletl were disabled, but. she continued to use her smaller guns. The vessels of both fleets worked very easily under steam and the Japanese were constantly inanuiuvriug, but the Chinese held their origitisl posi- tion. Suddenly two Japanese cruisers, be- tlio Altitsusliiinn and .. . endeavored to break the Chinese lluiy were folloWetl by three tor- pedo ironic. As the Japanese ships ud- vaiiccil ut full speed the Chinese ships Ching'Yttoti and (JhaoYung backed fitll speed aateru to avoid e disaster. The Japanese torpedo boats tired, but their projectiles were stopped by 116918. The guns of the other Chinese shipr. were quick ' ly trained on the Japanese cruisers and Noothct' (Larsct gives the szuut: general satisfaction :is ‘the (fCltil)t'(th(l i). 81 A. Kid Fitting, lzirgs ticw assortment. illi size» "11d qualities. just rcccivcd. ROBERT WRIGHT do CO’Y. Dunhztm Block. Opp. Court House Avenue ‘l Wore Almost Sure You'll not find a. bctitzr assorted stock of Black Dress Good: in .Jic town than we zirt: tit present showing and positively cer- tain no better value. These goods arc selected with grout. and whatever your wants may bc yourc ailmost sure to ï¬nd it hcrc. \Vc. don't try to ï¬nd how common :i material we can sell at 21 low price. but our aim is to scll thc best class of goods for flS littlc money as possible. itvtts a. ritttnstm Mllllnory OpeninSF-dvltts. Wham-11v will show ncw Mtllincry Goods for Fall wcar~â€"\Veducsdc.y, "16th, and following days. Visitors are. welcome. Jlllllnrry Parlors over Lewis I‘ Palleraon’8, M5 King 88. F’.- utti'ï¬ 'l'i'l l1. Ill‘) LL. OPENING _ A1‘â€"~ _.._- ._-. l MIIITJINER GnAND BROCKVILLE uiussoiv. sm: 21111 AID "LLOWIIO DAYI A cordial invitation ia catcodrll. to body to call and inspect. the lineal. displcy of Trimmed Milli and Hillilic'ry Trimming. [[88 YOUNG, who ia char-‘r, ll be of Bmkvillc and vieinl lnd'sbow tbs‘ tb Winter Iaallca will ba toads on tbat tlay. A tl cf lead » Imllmlbbbclnhndhï¬ch “Mantle Department, andlarcalytcacqtallcttbn- “mum-ï¬rm . lsr to that of the t‘l1ti11-‘.1’i~;1it¢. , first three hours of the soggy-vent the to "1m $1,, Mica flaunt two ataatacvc ken to convoy na oi'nanoool they retired after s short time, also help- less. The Chinese say they were sunk. The tlhitigl'ueu was several times pierced by shells. The Clino Yung ran ashore while retreating anti became n tar‘ get. for the Japanese puns iintil she was set on fire. 'l‘ e Chlrithien was in a terrible pllglit. A shell burst through her dock; and she slowly foundered, while flames burst from all parts of her. The TsiYucii withdrew from the first into the second column. The Chinese torpedo bouts vainly attempted to put the Japan- ese tm the defensive, but the Japanese ro- untineti the aggressortt throughout, ni- thuugh tWo or three attempts were made to break the Chinese line. but were rw pulsed. The cruiser Young-Wei went ashore stern foremost and 1m":- n. fete simi» After the firing was intermittent. The cnptmn of the cruiser Ching'Yuen fought bravely when his ship was little better than a wallowing wreck, until the cruiser was sunk by e torpedo and her crew engulfed. The scenes at this point are described as n pulling. Many guns on both aides were icebleti, the battered ships roiled heavily and their steam pumps were kept constantly at work to keep them afloat. During the lani. hour of the battle some 0f the ,Cliitiesc ships tau out of ammunition cud some of the Japan» one ships threatened to founder. At dusk inc Japanese ships moved slowly south- ward in double line. it scenic impossible that the surviving Chinese ships can be repaired before winter. The Central News has received from Tokio additional details of the naval ï¬ght an follows: When the Japanese sighted the Chinese fleet the latter ships were steaming toward the Yalu river, in which direction they proceeded, appearing indisposed to fight. The Japanese chased thorn for an hour when the (‘hi 'ode, getting within range. drew the fire of the Chinese flagship. A running tight of two hours duration preceded the main engagement in the bay, during which the transports eute'ro’ "77: Yalti river safely. The Chronicle says the .aneucin we now virtually iti command of the see and will be for a considerable time. if the war continues at the present rate it cannot belong before China will he reduced to the necessity of asking terms. A North L'lay Merchant. Drovvlntl. Nunru BAY, Ont, Sept 21.â€"~Mr. W. C i Csvorhill, geflral merchant. of this town, accompanied by an Indian guide. while on his way to Lake Tainsgtimlnguein a canoe by way of Trout Lake, Pine Lake, Luke Tallon, Mattawa river and the Ottawa river. was drowned in Lake Talloti. The Indian guide got ashore and reported the cad occurrence. -- ‘thl fldve an Investigation. “CHRIAL, Sept. ltd-The Monti-cal city council has at last decided to meet the general demand of the eitlaena for an ln~ ‘to! gation into the workings of the police dep merit and hove appointed r. commit- tee from the members of council to hold an investigation. All parties having charges against the police will be asked to conic forward. " - I'lro ll Jordon. Josms, Ont, t. ï¬lm-The residence of Solomon Overhc t, Jordan station. was totally destroyed by lrc, the inctnbcra of the faintly maple‘ only with their llvca. inicalargc ctitn of tactic waaalco burned. Ir. Overbolt. after lcavl g lth roots. not being able to cvttcr it to. heal ca :utagbnq and cents“, ‘I, ; lncarcd for l. . Mica hm hr 0am.- Bran-nan. 84., Sept. ll.--A New York llrraofvallrcad contractors arc a and“ nca to Yamomh, Reva latitlatcmkcntbc loath lbovc lull- 'Il Oc-pany'a ralb'cal he. 1M '° W 1.1:...“ n- susrsvils.“ W {Ti l A i ~r~ 1" “Ft viral. 1 y .1-...~.~'-w-t»~. ‘a 131 Athens: Leeds County, Ontario, Tuesday}, ' Séptember' 95, $94,, ~' THE METHODBT CONFERENCE! Wtatlvca he. the lcvcral 00.- Icre to Various llonrdc. Losses, Bopt. 24.-At the Methodist Conference 0n Saturday the various cull- fercttcea rcptntcd their representatives to the Various boards: Toronto Conference-Bu raunnation board. Rev. Dr. German, . J. Bishop, Dr. Wiiltnott, Dr. Ogden, Hon. H. L. Levering; Sunday school board, Bcv. J. E. lAneelcy, J. '1‘. llcorc; Epwortli baguc, N. W. Howell. London Conference-Sn riutcntlcnt'l fund, Rev. W. H. lchuuog and Ir. J. F. Ferguson; bookrooui, Rev. J. IMmyd and J. H. lioltnea; Sunday schools, ReV. W. J. Ford and Mr. A. P. Powell; Ep- wortu League, llev. J. W.§Antila, ILA. Niagara l'uiifsrutiue-- u rlntendcuti ftiiid. Rev. W. Kcttlewell, . Mills, Dr. Robertson; book atitl publishing house, Dr. W. Henderson uiitl J. Wakeï¬eld, Messrs. J. (flbwn and ll. P. Moore; Sun- day school. Rev. l)r. Woodaworth, J. 8. Deacon; Epwm'th League, W. ti. Smith. Bay of Qtiinie Conference-Stiprriuteii dent's fund, Rev. S. J. Sliorey, 'l‘. H. Campbell, Mr. J-ihu iitill; bookrootn, hev. W. J. Croihera, W. it. Young and Mr. R. W. Clarke; Sabbath schools, Rev. E. R. Baker, W. Johnson; Epwortli Longing Rev. t‘. \V. \Vntel. Montreal Conference-3upeiintcndeiit'a fund, Rev. J. E. l'itcber and Vt’. E. Lamb- icy; bookruom, W. Jackson, J. E Mavcty, Luytneii Dr. Luella. W. '1‘. Tees; Sabbath schools, J. B. Saunders, M. F. Myers; EpWorth League, l'lt'. (ii'iflitb. Manitoba and Northwest Cot feronce- Superintendnnts fund, Rev. A. »V. Rea-1; book niid publishing, b. 1L Purse. s, M. ll. Finidliouse. British Columbia (_‘Ollf6l‘ï¬ll06â€"-Slllldlly school board. itev. R. Maitland, hi. E. Udeltim; Epit'orth League, liev. ii. W. flail. Nova Sootia Conferoncc-â€"l'laateru book room. Revs. l)r. Hearts and J. titrotlinrd, Ur. ll. Woodbeig, ii. J. Sweet, tiiid J. it‘. (indium-,Sundnvschool board, liev. Dr. Johnston and llr. \t'oodbtiry; l'jpworth League, Prof. W. \\'. Andrews. Newfoundland Conference -â€" Superin- tendent's fund, Rev. llr. Milligan, lion. J. J. itogi-rson ; Sunday school committee and lthw-iith Length, it v. W. Swan and W. Martin; book committee, ltev. T. W. Atkin- 111111, Hon. J. J. Rowan-1111i, (_‘. P. Ayl'e. New “Tiliislt't'lt'h' .tud Prince Edward is< hind (fullfm'etim'ulitmk committee, Rev. T. Marshall and J. Stool, J. Clarke, hick, J. i.. iiinck, W. it], Dawson, Sebbntl: school, Rev. Di‘. Chapman, Mr. M. Lemont, lilpwurtii League, itev. J. Reed. 'l‘l1c111.1!.t.erot Japnn missions was re- ferred tc 1. cuttitn'ittea which is to moot in Toronto on \Yt'tlltuutltly next at 2 o'clock. liev. James \l'ootlaivortli was elected as anporintemh-ntut' tiiltieltillfl in the North- weatnnd British Columbia. ' DEATH lNi A FlRE. The lltitt House. of I'ort Stanley. Burned to the lit'otintl. Pour STANLEY, Ont, Sept. 24.~â€"The llatt house mun/ht lire yesterday. The firequickly sprout throughout the house, the inmate-t 11f \vliit'lt n'l t ~11'sprd iii their night t-lotliea Wlilt the exception of the porter, it young bid untried John llinneliy, of ilt-truit. lie uppcsru to have linen stif- f-wtit ti Willi slt1t~l(U,ll1 the trtiuk of the hotly 1‘. nu found wmppcd in the blankets of his bed. Tin: lll't' noun spit-ad to the barns and 11111111.», aiul two homes were burned te- fore the; could be l‘t-st:llt‘(l. Alexander litown's 111v.- barn, otl the north, nutl M. i’.=1_\11e'.~1 frame l1<1tt<e,t.\ii the south side of the hotel, Weft‘? also litll'llt'ti to tlte‘grouttd. Au :tiqu-st will be litiltl by Coroner (ins-iii, lli Ht. 'i'liottim. Illanppeurrtt lrtmi .lltmti'eul .\lt),\’l'ltEAl., Sept. 2-i.-~~A small sized sen‘ Hilton hits been cutiwtl ntiiotigst n litlttilltti n1 lending business people by the mys- torniua tlianppnnrutice of i‘). A. Benjamin, n well-known bill-fillflrtfl intin and social f;t\"\t'itt‘.. A. couple of weeks ago Mr. Benjamin left 11o n business trip to Que- bec. whence lie \vctit. to New York. There he met with his brother With wlioiti lie dined on tho lltlt, ttiitl then left for the station to return to \lontreul. i-linca then not ti word has teen hunt-ti of luim, and his whereabouts i~ ti t-otiiploto mystery. ilts friends QPXlIOClllll; liitn back in Montreal nud hearing nothing about ltim became alarmed, and hive put the case in the liutitls of the detectives. liis friends rlaitn there is no rennin why he should elite town as they any he \vntt doing well. Highway Robbery ‘Soar Cit-thinn- i'tttfilAM, (inn, Sept. 24. -â€" While a farmer named ilovina “as returning home to hie. Flu-tn iu Raleigh, he was stopped by two tttriowtl 1111-11 \\'liocliokutl him into iii- seiitzibtlityund robbed liitti of $l4 and uornopruvisious. ()11 regaining his sense. he returned to (‘lintliittn and ltiitl infur- iiinlioti which resulted iti tlie arrest. 0f Josue Freonmn, acoustit 11f the Freeman hrulheraumv 111 the penitentiary for the murder oi‘ Yolirnuian Rankin, over a year ago. The police ut'u tilt-r the other mun, Quid to be Duncan Vincent, Abraham the“ Discharged. liltitttrros. (tut. 24.~-Al)t't\lll\ttl \Veil, tlie nllegol etnliezzlor of Cincinnati, was brought belore the t'otitity jutire on rinturdcy and t-li.ii~,;ed with stealing $2,222 from Mrs. lloltfftt'tl in t.‘inrin'1at1 on October ‘J7. (‘roivn Alto-met’ t.‘rern.t~ mid lie had no H'itlottCe to offer. M the private prosecutor hail received licr money back Ind refused to come here to testify. Well was discharged, and left for the west yesterday accompanied by his wife. ‘U. c .. ii» tit. A Contatnptlhlo Trick. Hoar-ant, Sent. 2l.~.-\ private letter received frtmi'Rtunc in the city states that somebody has played a scandalous joke on the Roman authorities by so 1tling a forged cablcgrani from (‘.atimla announcing death of Cardinal Taaolicrcau. cardinal was well known in service was held to hla mlmtiry at which the Pope was present. Ric li lnesc also cent hla condolence to (Jan .tla hen the truth became knovru. llavc Int-tor, amt IIIrllln' Horned. les. Oil's, 503d. Qt-‘Flre broke- out ydltertlay at menu-t, a village al-nui four miles coiitli of he". co-mnuing a stave lid hoop mill nw-ictt by sml l1 liftli. Ind n home occupied by Juc. Son-y. l-‘ut Iitll Ill Invrd. Liam in latitnuttd . u, , with ‘43,000 llllflftt~i‘“, “wc-w ..._.~ Powers‘ llocly I'mvml. Wilma. 3d». M-llte 1M1,- ..t 1' Powers who 'M drown'tl by Ilw n: - 1 of a boat containing lil'tt-ett 1 .. nomad "ICC" I lint. clan-l1; yl'l. .. lb. ‘Misti’- flvof two mi on lo it. 1 i ‘ ear, was brand a" r .\ 11...~ .-. “flay. Which» tr '-' Wanna», Ont. f ‘ 1mm [v ,.'. “ . Hz. t:â€"-t.,-.t 1 ' "t ‘;l$ __ i "35"“ > tiiionu from the track and piled up n . nutty arrived .0...’ saw-W ww ~ ‘11111111111111 Three loll Killed in nu Aeeidcnticar THE TRAIN STRUCK A COW. Thirteen Oars Wore liltcbcd a“ Pile‘ I!’ ll o Confocal loco. Beside the ‘Incl-‘Ibo Ialloccl. lire- Ilan and Irate-u In†the We!†insular, Out. Sept. lit-On Saturday a special fret lit train, in charge of Con- ductor Fred. uaacll, ran over a cow when coining ucar Preset-ville. The on inc was thrown over on its aide, burying neath it Robert Johnston, the engineer, Nicholas Haloiiay. the ï¬reman, and George Greene~ bury, a brakemati. There were 13 cars on the train and every one of them was in a to an heap. Seine of the cars wentcver ndjoining field. The ill fated special waa composed of thirteen tar-4 and a van in charge of Con- ductor Russell and left for Lindsay at 2.10 Saturday morning. The accident occur- red at e crossing about s ntile and a half south of l-‘raserville and watt caused by a tow lying on the track. As soon aa they struck the animal the engine turned aide- wriys 011 the truck and the l3 cars piled up iii n confused muss on to i of her. Engin- eer Johnston, Fireman 3 aloney and Brake- mitn (ireenabury were found lying together half undernenth the boiler. All three were terribly scolded. it was nearly lloutl before the unfortun etc mutt were gotten out of the wreck. hialuttey Was still alive when taken out, but tiled a few moluelltH after. lie spoke a few \vortlit, ulttl said "tiood bye" to (Jutl- ductor lttia eH before expiring. Johnston foitnerly lli'rti in l'ort Hope, but has resided for some years here, and was elected deputy reeve of the town lest municipal election. lie was a member of Durham Lodge 1. t). t) iii, and leaves a u ife 11nd two children. Malone)‘ is a son of Mr. John Malone}, Pi rt. Hope, and was ltt')l'ti nutl brought up there, but his lit-nit quarters were at Lind-way. A father. umber, sister 'tlltl l1t'o'l1et' (who live in the United States) mourn his loss. His on the lil\t)tl train. liotlt were ‘Willi. known null. esteemed among llit-ir friends. and l‘:l' t‘l",ll_ilt\)’€.~l of the road as right good felloit'n. tit-eetisbtiry lived in iliiu town. lt'iuga tire flying 1'... l1 iii‘ inust over Lind In)’ and the to“ 11 is 111ml: in; the loss of three good citizens. i'1111;iuccr Robert Johnston has been 11. member of our town council for two yente mill last year was elected deputy reeve _ ilCt'lll-llltltltlll. liu Wan a innit of fine I)l't‘I'-.'tif'f‘, ugooii speaker ntitl possessed of ttgrmt tleni of tungttetistii. iiii-i name has more thntt once been men tinned as ninyur :oi' Wit-'1. A iittlo inure than two years ago Mr. Johnston was terribly sctiided in it railway accident and vvas not able to work for some mouths. ln religion Mr. Johnston was a Methodist and iti politics a Conservative. Fireman Maloney will be buried in Port lin 1e, lirnkeman (ireeusbury in Stouffvilie en- Engiuetnan Johnston in Keene. t 1 TO BE HANGED DEC- 14. Joseph Truaikcy, the Murderer of Con- stable ‘Lindsay. floutcnced. Witmson, Sept. ‘bf-Joseph Truskey, \s' " "rue found guilty of the murder of Tint-Sole Lindsay of Tilbury Centre on 11.11,t if last, was sentenced on Saturday to be hanged in Sandwich Jail on December l4. In pronouncing sentence Mr. Justice Robertson told the ptisoner that he could hold out no hope of executive clemency, and that he had better lose no time in pre- mring himself for tho fate that awaits ini. This is the ï¬rst instance in which Mr. Justice Robertson has sentenced a prisoner to death and he followed the fashion of otiierjudges of late in not donning the black cap. When Truekey was scorched before be- ing; conveyed to the cells there were found on his portion over two plugs of tobacco and a sharp steel instrument. The discovery staggered the jailer and his assistants The prisoner hsd evidently been tampered with ii. the afternoon, and these articles conveyed to him. Ac True key nearly killed himself when arrested, and tta he has several times since been heard to express his determination to defeat justice, the steel _itistrinneiit mull have been given him for no other purpose than that of self'deatructicn. 'i'ruskey's victim was William Lindsay. a constable of the courtly. Utl account of tltu brutal killing of a homo the prisoner was obliged to pay a fine of 860. It. was Constable Lindsay who laid the charge. lip to the time of the murder,» the prisoner entertained a feeling of spite against Lindsay. The prisoner time and time again made threats against the life of the eonstnble. Trusltey came out of a hotel nt Comber on the evening of May 3, and Fired three shota :t Lindsay, who was about 20 feet cwsy. Trueky then fit-ti from the acme of the crime to his home,tonr mile: sway. The next day when the constables went to arrest him, he made for the woods, and when aur- roundcd he fired a shot at his own breast with the came revolver which killed Lind» any. H..+.- . Nearly a I'atal Accident. Tonos'vo, Sept. 24 --What was nearly a horribl~ net-idem occurred on Saturday when a motor anti trailer jumped the track on the Gerrard a'rnet bridge, and nearly went over. The motor, No. 878, l'l charge of Motorman llavia, with trailer 179 attached. was going east. nt a fact tirtn down ‘grade. When tiny got. about 80 feet on the bridge they jumped the track and struck the alight. iron tailin t the aide. Only the weight of the trai r kept the motor ear from going clean over. Aa it waalt lino ion feet over the Iltlo, ‘than were onfy three passengers in the motor car, and they. with Notnrauin Davis and L. nnean, another alt-act rail- way man, wh was beside him, mapcd unhnrt, The distance from the level of the bridge to the ground below la 40 feet. t Ir. Newaavnc Aeqclttcd. BUIIAIA, N.Y., SO . M.~â€"Tlic grand jury on Saturday fall tc ï¬nd a true bill agalaat Iarclay Newcomer, the Toronto t ‘writsrrgh: wlichac can was pream- flhl'lll NI l1 a, er, Lillie ï¬annlgaa, crc and" contract. lacpctor dc Barr; la very inch aaaoyctl my! tbs catcc-c cf the aaac. a. ttbal . 30.1‘ ii. engineer, was stabbt-tl in Lou- don Friday morning and seriously in‘ jurctl. Twenty young men were more or less I am Tories or A wuic the Important Ivonlc la a In Words Iol' I"! M.’ Debut-s “00.000,†Moll of ‘beat _ 'l'bcbccltb of the Ourlcaplli I090!“ tobccritieal. The Montreal police lnvaatlgeu a†ed co Friday. ’ It is that water will bl Mints the new canal neat Mu. '1‘chch Legislature will be ï¬lls‘ together for buaiacaa October i5. If. D'Altou lcCctlb spoil... PM!“ picnic at Cmmorc on harday. The corner-atone of a new Public calico! was laid in Hamilton on Thursday. Lord Aberdeen and suite will reach Winnipeg next Wednesday evening. John Rhodes, a tramp was killed by a G. T. R. train at Collin a Bay cu Friday. Dr. McDonald, M. P., hac been reocmiu ated by the Liberals of East Huron. 1t la said $3,000,000 worth of treasure was captured by the Japa at Ping-Yang. The elections in Victoria. Australia, have resulted in the defeat of the Government A new bridge over the Maitland river ct Wroxeter was opened for traflic on Thurs- day. Anew “12,000 feet high has been discovere in Alaska in the cast of Mt. St.“Eliaa. The late Lint-Col. Moflatt was buried in London on Friday with full Masonic honors. ilurglars broke into the restaurant at the U. ‘i'. R. depot at Kingston on Friday nioruinc. Lord and Lady Braseey are on their way to their 50,000-ncre colony iii the Cana- dian Northwest. The British shi J Senegal has been lost with all hands, 2 in number, in the Pa- cific ocean. Lily Sullivan, a Winnipeg woman, hut: disappeared and is believed to have coin- niitted suicide. The sorcreign grand lodge of the inde- pendent llt'dcr of Uddfcllovnt have decided to admit \vutn n. The Lexington hotel in {.fiiicitgo, valued st $1,000,000. has recently been sold £111: taxes for 156.410.’.73, A convr-uwtt of the Liberulo cf West Ontario ‘will be held at Stotiffvillc cu Thursday. Sept. ‘.57. ,Nvgtitnttivhu are in progress below" (it-r1111. l-Luninntl and Russia relative ‘.o up. (fl-111111.11 :1‘ pitlietm wnr. Lord. "1.. Earl llllll'eritrs eldest son. i:- snitl to be engiged lo Miss Grace Wilson, 11 wesitltv New York uii'l. .\ verdict of wilful murder has l)t~t*ll re’ turned :tguinet 'i'rusk tun slayer of Coti- stuble Lindsay of than} i‘. Lord. Bft'trltitly, tho eminent liritish tmvni 311541.121“: believes that Chins will be whips‘ pm‘. Tm present war. Jill-111.21 'v'nllrtnce, ti Hamilton contractor, lltttl 11 luttl t'uil Friday from a building he is putting up in that city". Ail ‘tho unitiblitig bounce of Chicago tire alleged to have been effectively closed by an order 11f .‘inynr Hopkins. \\'itl1 tin. .Z'liuperor of Cliitiatni :i patron u lied Crone Society has been organised at Toltio by he indies of the court. W. if. ifaverhiil, a general merchant, of North Buy, was drowned while owning Luke Tallon on Wednesday night. The town of Leroy, Minn, was partially destroyed by a cyclone Frida evening. Three people were killed at Mo utyrc. The Liberals of East Hui-outlive “Titii'r imonsly nominated Dr. Macdonnltl, iii to contest the next Dominion election The Hamilton 1?: (itio'tph itatiin't {that}. Company hum temporarily withdrawn their request for n bonus from ‘tho til-‘1;. The lloniiuioii Government \vu'l win-1m; c commission to report on the q. .tinn of better harboring facilities fur Montreal. The Supreme Council of the Zliitl degree Ancient and Acre} tett Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, will meet in buffalo in 189-5. An allintit'e for election purposes is ‘spoken of in \ianitobn between the Pa trons of industry and the Prohibition- iflts. Wallace Temple, the 233w“ old sou of injured. at Akron, llhiu, on Wednesday night by tho falling of r. large wooden platform. Rufus Page, n getter“? merchant of limi- foi'tl, N. S “no killed 1;". the ititcrcolutzial Railway while walkiup on. the track on Thursday. Yellow fever has been discovered on board the British bartpie ijttnilmitg, whit-l.- nrrivetl at (iaivoston, N (‘.. from littvauc on Tutmtiav. the Patrons 11f East llruce met ttt con Vottlloli at. Wuilterton uu '1'hurml11y, but deferred selecting e Dottiiniun candid-4e until a later date. Mr Joseph (.‘t-epsuu, t-isyor of Ste. Anne des Plulnes, Que“ died on Wednesday from injuries rrceivotl in n lump clpltmio't a few days ago. lir. John E. Tut'ubull. innpm.. miniou Government buildingn maritime provinces, died Halifax, aged 7G your. A despatcli from Lincoln, l).'i‘._, Frye o posse of farmers lynched Perry (‘ct-1., a horse thief. fio had half n dozen lioraeti in his possession when caught. The Canadian named Hill, who died 1r) Tunbritlge Wells, Eng, the other day, is anitl to have been Hon. P.(.‘. ilili, who was once Premier of Nova Scotltt. Daniel Mullnne, aged i7, the son of V711- lilun Mnllutie, of Brooklyn, was linden-tr killed Wednesday night by catching lit? ‘i t-f u live wire in a restaurant. ‘if I'll“ llio I! ,1?“ Oil wiltln‘; \ puty of briganda captured n (lrtelt ‘Judge and proctirenr tie rot a few tiny-v Rt: -, but were afterwards attacked and e!- termitistcti. Both ofl'iciala were killed l" e tight. The Canadian Electrical Association eon. eluded itc convvntlon tn Montreal Thurs day after rlccting K. J. Dunltlh of Tofoli- to President and chooelug on," aa the next place of meeting, ' A Reform convention will be held It Fergus on Thursday. Oct. 11, for the par- pme'of nominating a can idatc lo rcpt-r soul the Centre Riding o Wollhigton in the Dominion Parliament .\lr. R. V. 8. Pal-er, the young litig- liatynan who had becn'lylng for some time at the General Hospital with a broken. sack, wr "hnraday taken to Montreal, to lie tranat' ed thence to England. Mr. James lulullan, ll‘. for North Wallis tutullv. Win. lulock, ll’. for h'nrtlt tnk, antl l'h'. llaodonoltl, ‘.1’. for Incl Huron. 1. l2} mlt'rvaa apubltc limit it Shelb'itna on Friday mull“, Sept‘ ‘l iii m‘ “'ruau 'Icatlangcrcuc cctvllflra My due lc tlcplctatl or rc blcctl It 'alceld lettu- allow to mtiaac, as mama 01â€me 1| l‘ labia to utter, c M Wm; M It t