Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 4 Sep 1894, p. 2

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“0v ‘luu “a f p! _ breach eu d t roe-duct “vent-email. i er ul'du‘ or‘! M. d Moment: without written ll’ OLAOXIQOI'II Illl Ill lu . utll forbl nnnd (2b 0d full tlyl. ' w A ndvontmueote,,ineuured by u mtect uclid uouuureil ill lime to the inch. CHAPTER I. BRIDE AID BIIDIGIOOI In“. Firelight ‘tolling on loft velvet carpet, where whit. lily bud! truil elon Mil!" ground, on chair. of white~ linh wood that glitters like 'ivory, wtbdpulfy eeete of blue sutiu: on blue and 't panelled wulle -, on u wonderfully curv oukeu ceil- ing ; on sweeping druperlee of blue “tin end white luce ; on linlf n dozen lovely picturee ; on uii open piano ; end lult of all, on the hanilm-me, eng fuse of e girl who etmdl before it-lueu latherou. The mouth ie Augunt-the day the ‘29th w Mm Catheron bus good moon to remem- ber itto the lat dny of hor life. llut, whrther the August eon bluoe, or the, .lcnuury winds howl, the rent rooms of (.‘uthnron Ho ole are ever chilly. So on the uhitetiled worth of the blue drawing- rooin tine summer ovuning u coal fire flicker: and falle, and the mietrceu of Cutlieron Royals stands before it, a. an ry llueli burning deep red on either dunk c ieels, un angry frown contracting her straight bluck , brews. 'l'hc miutrouu of Cctheron Royall,» the biggest, oldest, qurcreet, groundnut. place in "ll sunny Cheshire“ ~lhe slim, dark girl of nineteen, for three year: punt the bride- olect of \‘ir Victor Cuthonm, baronct, the lull’. of his Saxon ruco and name, the lord of all these eunnv acres, this noblc Norniun lilo, the iimiling vil loge of (luthoron below. Tho inuetor of a. etutel in the liighluiidii, u \illu on the Arno, u cm of n cottage lll tho Isle of \Viglit. “A darling of tlir; gods," young, handsome, healthy: null been oi all, with twenty thou- uund u your. She in hie bridaleiort. In bur dark way ehe in very handsome. .‘i'hc is to bu married to Sir Victor i-uzly iii the iirxt month, ia'ii". dlm i: us much in Iovu with him ue it is M. all poneible to be A fun" lute niircly. .~."~i yet while lhu August night shuts do»? while. the wind whistles in the trees, while the long fingers of Hie olm, jfl'll outside the Window, tap in n izhoelly ivuy on LlH' pane, :md Mlllull, her handsome lipii cot in a tight, ‘igid llll". :llu: ll! \ r-rv durli ui. ull iimes. llcr cousin - [rotor tolls hcr, lauglnngly, aha iii an ILIIBU' f but to-duy I be in to think it. hue bred ' louietliing infinite y wom~u traitor and n interning-1 when m one of her silent rages. Eh»: lmc jot-blatk hair, undbig, brilliant, lipiiiieli c'vm. film in fipnninli. lit-r dead ‘mother ‘.vm u Guuiilinn, and that mother hat left bur ll-Z‘? bpuuich mime. licr beautiful, pneumonia i'ipunieh eyes. her hot, pussiouuto Spuuuih heart. lo Old (futile Inez was burn ; and when in llCl“ tent}: your hor Eng- lish luihcz‘ followed his Wile to the. int-x (‘cove homo ti;- Catlin-run rrigu llllflf‘, u littli1,impuriuul hot-tempered .Morisvo iiincess cvcr since. Mic did not coma ulono. A bi boy of tnelve, with u shock hue-"i of billfi'bllbb'k hair, two wild, ('littering black eyes, and a. (liubolicully hum mine luau, cunio With lilil‘. It. were her only brother cuun, an imp in‘ curiiute from hie crudln. lie did not remniu long. To the iliiiipockublc roliof of ilio neighbor-howl ‘For around, he hud vanished Lb suddenly m: be had come, and for yours wuu noon no \iiui'G. A Moorish Prince“! and luvcr'e favorite nume for liar, and it fits woll. There in u curtain bsirlmric liplondul‘ nbout her as she Blundc hit-i 1': inllie lircligbt, in her trailing purple ail‘: .1 the amen of rubies and line gold iliul bums on her bosom, in the yollow, perfumy rune in ll"! hair, looking etutcly, and bountiful, and droud- out of icinper. v3..e-. .7!‘ ..J fi ., -‘0lilg,ltlllt'iif\n1l.! hour». is its still ac u l tomb Ulltfiiilw 11*‘) henvy putter. ‘4mm: bllb glues. That. um. cinder: in the polished grate, are the only ‘oflfldl to be heard. A clock on the mantel striker‘ neveu. She lieu not stirred for :n-uriy :ui hum, liur. Rllfl‘ looks up now, ill'l' blurb l‘_','l‘.‘>l lull ul puunion' "It! anger, plurmonitc inquiucncv. " Seven "' iilio uztyr, 1o 1-. mipprvured our! voice z “ and lic nhoidd Intu- lit'i'n bore . ‘41X. limb ll’ lie nboui'l duly mu‘! wliul. ii he d. on hot come ut all‘. blie can ran-Am still no limgvr Slw u alkii m rosin the room, and rh: wul'iui mi onlv .‘r'punilib W1 men do. Mir ill-nu s buck one of tlu- windowmurtuine. und Irene out. m1.‘ lbw might. 'I'ho crushed SW'PUlllPSI. of the PM“ \then roach iloute up lo her in tlw wet Ill‘! Inutnc. Nothing to be econ but tho vague 1...". I! j‘, --i the trees, nothing to lm hourd Iml, coughing of the wind, nothing 1r. be l‘ I‘. but the fut and ntili fultor (all. in "I II-t ruin. nhe lute lhe curtain full, and returns to the fire. HIVIIl he clue def > me I" the whicperu i0 ‘ ‘Jihmelf. “‘I‘.'\ll he urn ntny uwuy ." 'l here are tv'io pictures bringing over the nuiiicl- idle looks up at them u ebe ueku the question. Una is the uweet, patient ‘fur:- ofc women of thirty: the other, the ‘ "willing! lice of n fair-liuirod, blhnycd, gooil-limkiuglml. It ll n very lcaeunt Face ; the. blue eyee look et. you no Nightly, mlrimkly. the bo lb month llcoeweet- emperoi. cud lung in‘ thet you emile beck Purl fiiII in love with him ut lliht. Itil ' dugivirilmgund hie lute anther. ice nevi Untheron ll in in Wu an extraordinary young adv-(1mm urn-let hue lung use docided that. They, .mul: heve been more convinced of it than czr, Field the huve eeeu :er turn now to I. y ‘utheron'li prn-tna'tm uppunl to it cloud in impassioned worda. l “0n hie kneee, b out.“ dying bud, by : your dying common , e vowed to love eed cbcrilh me ulwuyv-ee he did tben. Int .blm tuke cure bow be mile: with tbue vow I Bet him fuke eunl" She llfte one bend (on which rublee lid . diuncnde leek) My”, tbeu lt'pe. ‘ Over the lweep of the em, tho r“ tbe rein, oomee sooth-r eceud-u ecu bubeeelletenl for, Manual“ delve. Tkeee M‘ ‘u rising, and the ' .hu ruin-beam on >\.. E fwe, moet fumlllur of All.” park in Devon, ismuor and “but.h_v" . iznwo, ltoyn n, to I the light fell of the ' I life uvertnd face. beurt, “It teem " Sir out of thedurkneeenndruln. up k the old tim~tble ueed lo be ber- fevcrlui morning-mu," be llunced ut. the mother'e picture, “end euinmer end wiutnr e fire ulwuyu burned here, el ucw. And you, Ines, cure lulu, with you m She more. over to tke mantel. It ll very low; ebe leuuu one um upon it, lock: eteudily et him, and at luet. “I Inn led Sir Victor Cntherou cuu re- member t. eold timee, cm etill recall lile mother, he: u elight re left for Cutheron Royals, end um hum y greteful for bin recollection of hi1 y ooueiu. From hil conduct of lete lt wu hurdly to linve been expected." “It in coming," think. Sir Victor, with an inwerd ; "cud, 0 Lord! whet u row it. in going to be. When Inez chute her ll up in that. tight line, and In her biz-k eyec in tbnt unpleeeuut wuy, know to my colt, it menus ‘war to the knife.’ I'll be routed with dreadful eleu hter, end Ines'e motto in ever, ‘Woe to t e conqueror i’ Well, here goee I“ He look. up at her, e. good~humored smile on his good-lookin face. “Huinbl ' grate ul for my recollection of you! M y r eur Inez, I don"t know what you mean. Al for my ubecncw” "A; for your absence,” ehe iuterrupte, “you were to have been here, if your mem- . ory will nerve you, on the firet of June. It is now the clone of August. Every day ol' ' that absence hue been an udded inlu t to mo. Even now you would not have been hero if I had not. written you a. letter ou 'T duro not neglect~~uent a. command you K are not disobey. You are here to-uight becuule you dure not ltay away.“ Some of the bold blood of the stern old ‘Saxon race from which he sprung ie in his wins still. Ho lookl at. her full, etill smil. . ing. te. " You use llut then you he re Inex. “ Dare not l" 3 strong language, z have rm excitable tort of nature, and were . ' over inclined to hyperbole; audit in u ludy'u : cl“! nizndii horn, flushed, angry, unputiciii, . ’ privclcgc to talk. "And u man’! to not. But I begin to : think Sir Victor (.‘utheron ie something lee: than u men. The Catherpu blood hue bred muny un outlaw, muuy bitter, ‘bud men, coward I" than full: buc , locks at the fire again, un luu lJi. “. caning me!” “Meunio, you.’ “Strong anguuge once more-~you moi-t ~ your prerogative royally, my handsome couuin. ‘From whom did you inherit that two~cdged tongue of yours, Inez, I Wonder! Your (.Taetiliun mother, uurcly ; the women . of our houue were never uhmwu. And even you, my dour, rue-y go it little too fur. Will you drop vitu ration uni} expluin? ll. ll well we shou d underutimd euch other lull ." II; has rown pole, though he spake quietly, nu hie blue eyee loam dungci» ouely. He ie ulwuyl quie when moat Imm- i . I 1 l : I . I I l . I . l1. m mu wurinetv' “14min. And we iihnll understand ouch l: other before we part-“be very sure of that. ‘ You. shall learn what I have inherited from my {'uetilinn mother. You uhull leuru whether you are to play fuel. cud loose with me at your sovereign will. Doc: your excel‘ I lent memory utill serve you, or must. I tell ygm whet day the twenty-third of Septem- r iii to be 1'" He lookl up at her, etill pole, that. emile . on his lips, that gleam in l'lll eyee. “My memory eerveu mc , unewen coolly; "it wu to we been our wedding day." Wu to hevc been. As he Ipeuke the , words coldly, almost cruelly, M elm loolu ,' in his lace, the lust truce of color leaves her : own. The hot fire die: out of her e ct, on awful terror coincl in ite luce. ith all her heart, ell heretren th,a e loves the mun the so iiitierly re aroac u. elm cur. 00k bee upon no time in which her lo w for biin in not. Ahrl r cw, it wee to have been I She tomato ghastly that he npriugu tn hie feel. in ulurm. “Good heeveu, Ines I you’re not going to faint, are you! Don't. I Here, tuke my chair, and ior pity’: eeke don't look like thut. (‘in e. wrotch, u brute-~whnt wue it I said.‘ Do Ii‘: down." I I I I l l I l l He hell a fin‘! up, his eye: fluhin , 1 l I f‘. l f J-l 2;‘, l i ‘1 lfigiiis l r ‘ill ‘i f ll E‘ ii l3‘ s 3i = e ll tuneflmd u ehe epeeke“ her beude etill etretc t. "O Victor come!“ a aye; “let the end forgotten. Hy dnrling, But. be ekrlnku uwuy u thou loft hmdl touch him, and pueheu hei- oil‘. “Let me go I" he uriee “don't touch me, Ines! It cun never be. You don't know what you ink I" Ho etende confrontin her now, e u heruelf, with eyeu ulig t. She recoill like one who hue recieved u blow. “Can never be?” the repeeu. "Con never bel" lie untwerl. “I em what you hove celled me, Iueit u truitor end e coward. I etmd bere perjund before God, and you, und my dad mother. It can never be. I cm never merry you. I urn merried ulreudy!“ The blow hue fellcnmtbe horrible, brutal blow. She “and: lookiu at him ~~~ehe burdly eeeniu to compi-eheo . There ll u puuee» the fireligbtl flickerl, they hear the ruin lahlng the windows, the lou hing of the gnle in the treee. Then Victor ,utheron , buretl forth.- " I don't elk Jill}; a I cu to forgive meevit iii t. all thut. Il meke no excuee ; the eed ie done. I met her, and I loved her. She he! been my wife for sixteen inonthn, und-â€"-there it u Ion. Inez, don't look at me like thut! I um u ecoundrel, I know, but.~" He brenke dowufitlie eight of her face immune him. He turn: away, hie licurt beating horribly thick. How long the hutly pause that follow: leete he never kuowe~ a century, counting by what he uu~ dergoee, Once, during that pause, he eecl her tired eyes tum slowly to his mother'l picturemhe hoe.“ low, strungeleoundiiiq words drop from hcr lipe z “Hoeworo byyour dying bed, and m how ho kcepe his oath!” 'I'liuii the life iliul. seems to have died from her face ilumcs buclz. Without. epeuk- ing to him, without looking ut him, she turns to leave the room. 0n the threnhold the puuue and loolia buck. “A wife and a eon," ehu says, elowly and distinctly. “Sir Victor (‘albumin fetch them home ; I eliull be glad to sec them.” CHAPTER II. wrrs no mun. In u very genteel lud ing~hourie. in. the | very genteel noighborhom. of Russell square, rfcctly,” he ‘ lteeeml to he!‘ : surly in the afternoon of u September day, ll. young girl etzmda impatiently awaiting the ri-iurr. of Sir Victor ‘Catheron. Thin girl is his Wife. It is c bright, minny duy~nu sunny, at least, iia u London day over can make up itu mind to be-Aund M the yellow, electing rays pour iu through the muslin curtains full on face and figure, you may search and find no lluw in either. It in r. very lovely face, u vcry graceful, though petite figure. She ice blonds of the bloudmit ‘t'pe, liar hair iii like t )lll} rold, and, WOIH Cl'illl to relate, no Ycl an‘ "t'aeh; no Golden Fluid, has ever touched its shining abundance. Her oyce are blue‘: than the September liky over the Russell St uuro chimney-pots; her none in neither ui uiline nor Grecian, but it. is very nice; her orcheed is low, her mouth uml ‘..lllll “moincla for the ode." The little figure ie deliciously rouni ed and ripe: in twenty ears from now elie may be u heavy British matron, with u yard and u. half wide wuetemat. eighteen your: old she ll, in one word, perfection. lIcr dreee is perfection aleo. u white Indie muslin, a. marvel of delicate embroidery and exquisite texture, and rt reat deal of Valencicnnee trimming. She ll! a pearl and turquoise star fastening her luce collar, pearl and tun uoie drope in her mm, end e half dozen a imnond rings on her plump, boneless fin cre. A blue ri )- bon knots up the loose ye ow hair, and you mu ' search the big city from end to cud, and find nothing fmrcr, fresher, sweeter She ween g than Ethel, Lady Untheron. If ever u gentleman und . fair und lufllcient excuse for the folly n low mnrriusc, eurely Sir Victor (Tittbcrr) , hue it. in this fairy wife »-for It is u "low ' mmingc" of tho moet lioiunun type. He :hue token ha:- in hie erme. Inthc . deyl that are gone he lute been very fond, Mfiil A little afraid of. hie gipey couein. muet be told, now that hll mommtury un er in gone. i: ufruid etill~horribl afraid if the trill’: l cud poaeonor, hi. eyes had fallen ‘m ‘hm y ' " .‘ lovely blonde fnceâ€"-thut woultli of shining t'llall leventeen month: ago, unintcring idly along the summer tends, looking bath-ally M. the summer eon, thinking dreun'ly that this time next. year his freedom would be over, and hit counin Inez his lawful owner , heir, Mid for Ill timewu e, for eternity“ ll the acorn, cll the defiuuce bu: died ‘ out of her voice when the upeukn uguin. The great, eoleinn cyee trunufix him with e look he cannot meet. "Wee tohevo been,” eln matte, in u f Ethel . ecu-t of whl ; "wee to have been. Victor, doee t t menu it never ll to be Y" He turne ewuy, ubuu'ie renter-no, four in m holde chun- with one hand, the olingl other ue though it held her luet hope in life. “Toke time,” elie euvt, in the eeuie elow, whieperlu; way. “I cue wult. I have welted eo long, whut doee e few mlnutoe the beck of the 2 to the :' pluce~~thet molt popular rind molt vulgar ' . of ull Englilk weterln plume; and thel more mutter new? But think well before : cu -there le more et mks then you know of. Hy whole future life bun‘! cu your wet-do. A wean’: llfe. Reve you ever thought wbet that lmpliea! ‘Wu to have been,’ you I“ Doee that meen it near is to be t” Btlllnereply. Beholdethelieiek oftbe lebeirJiie bee “end, u criminal bdon " whileyeu think.” ebe plea, ll eweetvelee, "let inerecelltbe I I him fate woe fixed. Tho urk image of Inca . an hie wife fndod out. of his mind, never to return more. The eurthly uume of thin dazzling divin- it-y in yiellow ringlete and pink muelin woe , e.r urettei-llobb I g [)0be t might hove dianchunted a j leee mpturoue edorer~it fell werlee: or: er Victor (hthemn'e lnfntuute cur. It wee ut Morgue this meeting took l (Ibeehire hero-ct bud loo ed ‘uet once at the peach-bloom hoe, the lue cyee of laughing light, the bluebln,‘l diapliug, eeveutneu-yeer-old fm, end lcu in love ut once und (or ever. , He wuee impeteoue young men, e very eelleli uultuble young mun, with when, ell hle life, to wish wee to hev'e. He , bedbeeu spelled ‘ e do“ nether from 1 eemutu, l Ell If} ‘ .i -. uuallo ed put him eagerly. . '“YP ‘ of Hid duele of lil h life If my other Pom ever uet yet. ured in her ample life, the Itory wu finished eud done with, the book rend cud put uwuy. He took her to Bwltnrlnnd, to Germany, G to Southern France, keeping well out of t we. of other tourietl, und ten mouths fol owed-ten month! of such ex ulniic, blieu, u rarely ful e to morte mun. Uunlloyed, did I my‘. Well, not ulte, elnce eurth and heuveu are two di ercut plucee. In the dead of pele Southern nighte, with the ehiue of the moon on hie wife’a lovely lice lug fucei in the hot, brilliant moontide; in the uweet, green gloeming-Juez (..‘uth- eron'e black e 'ee came menncingly before him-â€"tlic one itter drop in his cup. All his life he had been a little ufruid of her. He wue mmethlug more than n little afraid of her my They returned. The commodioue lodg- ings in Ruuell Square awaited him, and 24:: Victor “went in" for domestic felicity in the pariah of Bloomsbury, “on the z met." Very much “on the quiet“~-oo t cutre goin , no opera, no vinitors, and big (‘up- tuin uok Erroll, of the Second (lreuudiern, his only guont. Four months of th'ic sort of thing, and then-~nnd then there we: a. eon. Lying in her lucmlraped, ntiircovored bed, looking at baby's int little, funny little fuce, Ethel, Lady (.lutlieron, began to think. She had time to think in hen-quiet and eolitude. Monthly nurses and huubundsbe- lug in the vei' nature of things antagonis- tic, and nurse aeingmigning ioteiitutc nip-ru- nciit, the husband was lmiiizilwd. And luuly Uuthuron grew hot and indignant that ilie heir of (Lutheran lloyubi should lime in be boru in London lmlgingu, m' l the mistress of UutImr-m llnyulu live ulllll. up like u uuii, or a fuir llouuinond lll u bower. "You have. no l‘(‘lltll\.llllli liiing but your i'oinin, Vu'lor." P-vllt.‘ siiiil to iiiiii, more cold- lythan nhu hm‘. nvrr spoken in her life. “Am you muctm‘ iii your own house, or is 5hr ‘.' Ari: vim “fruiil of llll't Mina liltlll'.‘l" on, who writrs you such loiih'letturulwliiuhl llC‘~'l‘I' coo), tliut you (lure not lulu.- Your u ife homo i" I lli: liud told he." :iomv-tliiriig of that nllwr story iiovceeui'ily~l.m IUlilérff‘ i-nqiwrmmit to his cousin, Inez. the blue ugly truth of lain own ii‘c.'iuh~3.i"2. Thu eoupboilor'c (laughter wus more ll of ii-‘uiltliuii tho buronvt. liviitli- us .. wua, shu would lll\\’t‘ tlcqpisi-il him ilioroiugi.» ly liud BllU known 'Lllt‘ truth. V “This socrocy lute luslril long enough," Lady (‘uihcron calf r. resolute-looking exprosaioii crossing‘, bur prvtly, soft- cut. mouth. “Tho limo has co ‘.11. when 'vnfi must speak. Don't. make W; think voii urn nsliunicd of mo, or ufruid of her. Tuko mo homo ~~it ia my riglii; ac- knowledge your non it iii his. ‘vill'fl thorn was only I, it did not. no much mutter-it is different. now." .Slio iifio-l one of biibyki ilnti'i-fhunds, rind kism-d ll. And Sir Victor, his fuuo hidden in thi- shadow of tho mirtunui, his voice husky, mudc answer z "You are right, Ethel 'YOII ulwuyu urc. Au com: un you both .:un trawl, viy wife and child elm!‘ some ‘name with inc to (Intlmrun Royals." .liivt lllrfi'n ‘wet-1m lot/er, as tho August days won: 'mdiuiz, some ilm.‘ luat wilt-r from l:i~.~.'., -"~u..uui.uling liin return. His hour had :~ '1 '.= look the iicvl morning train, and o ‘with to meet the. wmnuu he feared uni“. mu". ‘wronged. I Q i w 0 The uftemrmn mm drops lower. If Sir Victor rclurmi from Flu-shire t-o day, Lady Cutlioron known he will bu hero in u few minutrs. She lookod lit lici' '.-‘r.i.cli a little wonrily. The days n‘? very long mid lonely without him. Liml'" up again, her cvce alight. A hansmn Exec dashed up to that ' door, and it is bur husband who leupn out. llnlf u minuto and he ll! lli the room, and uho in clasped in bis urine. "My darling 1" he excluirm, and you need onl hour tho two Words to toll how ruptur- oue y ho loves his wife. “lmt. mo look at you. Uh l as pair. us evrr, I soc. Never mind I Cheshire air, sunshine, groan fielda, and new milk llmll bring buck your roar-e. And, your eon and heir, my ludy, how in he ‘l’ He bonds over tho rett baaninct, With that ubeurd interim looliv nil very [lifVl' futhorli regard thc nrnt blowing, rind his mustache tickles buliy'n iniim'onl. nose. > '1',“ A llusli comes into her lime. She lucid "At. lust I Uh, Victor, when do we l‘Tari'imi-rcivI if you uieublu. the better." lle luyu rilT. rathern forced laugh. Her fuce clouds u little. "And ‘our cousin? W'ul ehc vol" eugry I" e ie melted, wistfully ; “very mucli riled l" "Well- yer-mutually, I um afraid ehe wen both. We moat make the beet. of that, bowuver. To tell the truth; I had only one interview with her, and that Io Krticnlu-ly unpleeeuct. e nature, that le no!!! morning. Pr. than we Mort to-inorrow? l‘lljnst drop n. line to Iimlltoep ‘ him." He eutehee ‘hold nf hi: wifc‘e writing‘ fable to whe it near. lly come. clumsi- neelhiu foot teheeic one of its npiilery cluwl, und th e cmnh It ‘n plee over. Any I”. the writing crws, Syin open uud muttering the contenm ls".- un . wule. nemoh ebmk‘e baby’: In. we, linby be- to cry,~und the new nude mitmmn lliel her an l’! aide. "I my ‘ Sir Victor crime. ehly, and ten sic-- (jolly S.,.,,,,.,|,,,,_.é 4,“, , sci-mod to be fading :iwuy. I I I I I I I | I . I . I . I I I medicines. . getting worse. . thing is wrong. ' I ytbe eeu'lver- Ir. Bette turnediu t direction, when be told that be tbutduy neten oldfricnd Ilene-I- mam welt meet remerknble cue. fo (ll-id, ullndedtcielilkldufloby, rmuuyyeure prietor oueof'tbe - Moi" lfldlh‘ Napuuee, but now u reddeotof Toronto, uml proprietor of oneof the Queen" Uity'e newest and lineal’: hoetelrieu, the Uruud Union Hotel, opposite the Union lIflPOb. The World wue impielaod with the etuiy Mr. Bette told, end determined to in- terview Mr. Boby and accuie the pur- ticulure of hiu uuac for publication Mr. Boby fr'ooly gives his testimony to the good done Iiiin by Ur. Williuins' Pink ‘ills. A law yenia ago rheumatism with iis attendant. legion of aches and pains fastened upon hini, and lie was forced to retiio tiom buciuesn. “For mouths," said Mr. 'rloby, “I suffered and could tind no relief i'roin doctors or The discusu wus alwuye worse in tho spring and full, and Ia t. your I Wins ulmost crippled with puiu. From my knee to my shoulder shot pains wuicl: felt like redhot. needles. I I l l I I I I I .- hunted for cover. Thou all my limbs would be affected at I once. the OLhrr, tried to Ull'tl um but. did no good. '1 he rhuuinu-iaui soeinod to be Ari l liud ti'iid uliuout everything the doctors could suggest, 1 thought l would try u little pioncribing Hull u dozen doctors, one after I I I I . on my own account and purchased ill supply 0f1’ink Plllll. The good cilooui I I worn coon purcuptibln, and .l procured u second supply, gour- l ‘22:1; curt-d of u muluily six doc- uli's vault; not put. an 0nd to. nil-l before thouo wore I have rI-covorod my appetite, iicvui' i'olt. butler in my lilo, and l give Di‘. \Villiuinli' Pink Pills credit- for lion. zilliocuto us l uni. this trunul'oriuu-l My with, too, in just us Wurili un i A sulflu'or for yimi'u , ulic has oxperiencod to the full the good ' of .Dl‘. Williumu' invaluable reinody, and recommends "From wluit. ti'oublo was your wifo Built-rim},r l" asked th" reporter. "\Vi-ll, it to ull women.” lcuii't ,justlull you that," said Mini Soby. “l do not know, and l don't think rilm did. liiill flu‘. Woliil‘ l. flint)’ iu'fi sick, WU'Ak .iiid dispiiiiod, llilYl‘ no appetite: and Them ii-l at. work‘, but. nomu 'l'liul wuxljuat tin‘: “my with my Will‘. Slii- Willi u. dispcpsiu, lllWUl‘ in lurfvct health, and when slio suw tho cliungo tho Pink Pills niudo in mo .sliu tried them. 'l'liu iiiui'vi-lous iiiipruvoiiiuiit \vu-ii jiiiil us niurkod in her cusu u". in my own, and Sim up, id that the dislwpulu and nick limidsiches lllU'L‘ vuniclwd. She, an \vuII {i=1 myself, semis to huw. regained youth, and l have not the slightest hesitation iii pronouncing the remmly min of ilu- most. valuable discoveries of tho century. hire‘ nio and they will be cOiiViniicil." Those nil-'fl or“ e poultivo cure for ull troublvu missing from a vitiatrd condi- iio lactivr ilismriu unstmii. Hold by all denim-H oi‘ by mail, from lll'. \Villiuiiiii' .‘llhlli'llil' i.'t>iiip:iiiy, Bmcltt'ilX', tin-1., or H» liiii-ct'l'ly, .'. Y., at 5C‘ cunts u box, or ‘Pix boxes for $1.330. Thom :ii'o iiuuioipiis iliiitutioun and aulntitutioue uguiiirt public is (‘.:UIUOHUII. 4-} Lo’. tlu: doub era cull and ' lt’.~i just tlii- same With . . (‘Cll'i~ - Muff. martyr to .1 : l I childbirth, title. l town bouneuud wboiever elee hie fancy uiuy select. He le eke euppoeed tohuet up new lubelrlbern. do Duet cf the collectlugund ect e0 our euhetttute in ineklu' eertuln pemuebeulle on certelu ludivldqilu. Lent lrldny, ee we were reed! to ride over to lane leek on buelneee, OoIouel Jim Teylor of fled Creek muck eeut ue lu word to etcp hie Kicker end be bulged to ue. The Colonel doee that lull thing about cuoe in three mouthe, end we ride out there. eheot bin out of tile ebucty end argue litm lute good uuture egelu. We lnetructed the hem editor juet how to proceed, and rode ewe], expecting him to bring mutter: to the ueunl eucceeeful cllmn. Upon our return we found him mining, end we- bed to go ever to Red ka end bombard the Col- onel hull e day before we could rout him out cud get the pertlculnre, lie dndu't much to tell. He had forti- tled liliueelf in the ehuuty, expecting ue to come out in person, mid an aoou nu the hone editor appeared the Colonel wulked out on liiiu and riiu him into u ravine after {our or flve shots. Our man hnd two guns, but didn't even stop to drew. He hail taken along 100 extra cartridgee, but flung them away In his flight and left hie home ut tlie mouth of the ravine mi he The Colonel eayu he 1 could have dropped him with any ehot, but eeeing how scared he we: be did not shoot to kill. It in needle“ to nay that the“ thing: make ue tired. The ideu of ./\{ a‘ bllfi l", IMYT'rI mu um lNTO ii iuviivu. I the home editor of u great family weekly like tho Kicker being driven into the bush to Iivo on route end roost in trees without huving tired n single shot. in defense of hie reputation suddenn our heart to the very We d0'-r:.’?;- stipulate that one of our . i-iervivi, n‘: a. salary of $6 to $7 poi‘ week, must or. around nhootinq the inbub- i ituiita of this Tarrizory full of holes on the eliglituut provocation, but. in instances like I ilu. alove he should realize that honor it 5 at emkcâ€"-iioi only his own, but cure. Ho will not return, of course. He will even can-v away to some froth field the two nix-shooters we fitted him out with. it our agricultural editor was a horsy mun we should promote him cud raise hi. cal- l vgwi that liur wliolo rye-tom lzi built ury l" "t lea“ ‘I per “Mk but he rune °“' I tirely to the productions of the coil. “'0 , abull have to got u now home editor, and , We hereby announce the position open to > comer“ for the next four weeks. i It iii absolutely iiuceusary that the mun ' who fills tho pneitiou should have boon . tested and made the discovery lhutliis legs i won't run away mm him unless ho gets in : from of u tunic or also; stampede..- Hell munt. be reasonably quick oil tho draw, g shoot right. and left. liuiidod, and have the; lion of tho blood or .i slmtmrod nervous “mm!” t“ ‘ll“ll'II<IIiY*ll l‘- billiII'I‘ fl“!!! "5 . (lend sumo mm‘. i on io llrc n. shot, Hi‘? Ii) inking or. . I ‘in may never bu culled i .1. iiowl . mun we filillll prorizlc i'ni~ n-iimrguucieu. which tin: ‘ Not. llel ‘ti-(l.~'§~.'r,dnomluy foronoon ofl lust week we receivod it telephone rummage l from Pine llill to the effect that e. ctriingi-r § claiming to be u cousin of our: lied been l . arrested there with a. Star Ilunclz mule un- ‘ derlilin mid fliecroivd would wait z we came over to have a look at liiiv. Itclicl'ovcry kind, on humor ofj animals, cured in 30 minutes \Voolford's Sanitary Lotion. outed by J P. Lamb. English .‘lpuvin innimunt removes all hurd, soft or 1.'l‘.lll)lISf'fl Lumps and g _ -‘ made mullinpcd we mmldnt lay itnp (..‘urbu, Splints, Ring Bonn. Sweeney, _' “gaunt him. Swollen . Huvc $30 by’ lllmnislmi from ‘.un'iiirs, Blood Spuvin, Htiilvs, i'lpmiiis. Soro and I'lirout, l'ouighu, etc. use of one Iron-filo. ‘Wurruntcd by IJ. P. Lamb. go Y" l The murmur ' llnm'nlris»: until g We I rode over after dinner and found the 2min J)’ l calmly pufl'ing uwey rd u coriicob pipe. lie . Warn l . take us live mlnutrr. boldly announced h‘: “whip, but ltdldn't satisfy him that. he l 5 was cumin to aouieuuc also-~someone far- ‘ thcr east or went. lie seemed to be some‘ i I faster. (‘i-mm in A llAY.â€"-, ldoutli Anwricnn Illmuinutic (.‘urc for i Rhounmtismund Neurnlgiu radically cures in l to ii duye. lte action upon the system is romurlzublu and mystcr iouii. It removes at onco the cacao and the diseaso iiumndiutely disappears. The first dose greatly bencfite, 7b cents. Warranted by J. P. 4b. Robcccn ‘Vilkinson,of Brmfivulley, 1nd, says: “I Imd been in'u distressed condition for three yearn from vousneee, Weeknese of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until myl health was gone. of South Amer-inn Nor-vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would adviser every weakly person to use this "uluable und lovely remedy." A‘ trial bottle will convince you. Warrunfod bv J- P. Inmb. W- ‘I'teo thwntlou tn Itluelekh. Wumno'ros, Aug. 27. - Secretary Gmhvnu aid Int nl ht that tic M'e bed been rewind from Billielotdu, but that he “peeled full deeputeheu Tb‘ Secretary any \h-dny. who evene to expreeeliut opinion of the ‘mutton, pale-rein‘ to await the receipt cl ultelnl emit-en. ... ._.__....- H-m._...._.c. . I_‘.._~ thee-metremeem-eetytw. I bought. one bottle l I I i i l I I I Nor» I I I I wlini. pntzlod UVt'l' tho mistake he hadj Ho bud come West. he nuid, with the intention of settling down lu conic lowu and rvanlur'lly roncliing L'ougrcan I and national fmue, and bud taken the mule that be might. get over tho ground the lls didn't cure to give his real ‘ name nor the ndtlresn of hi! relatives. It was i'uther u surs'isc to liim that here» . steal-iii; was looked upon an a capital of- fomic out. here, but. If that wan the cuntom he didn't look for any exception in hie favor When we left lie lllltl he would call upon us nut dey and lubiicribe for the l Kicker in cm the crowd chungrd ltemiud, but lizlf im hour later the coroner liltd hizn down on his hock». Via have no relatives ln the Wear, and any cigilence committee having fhlnge read} 'cr buiiuosu need go to no delay ‘our exocrine on our ac. count. M. Qvuo. __..._V._._ __. -_-.... M.‘ A Few Yours Hence. "Ah, Maud Weather-wax," exclelined the young mun, weeping bitterly, "you never would have dared to talk to mo in the name manner you have if l had A winter tn ill-fend mel Cowardl" â€"Indlnuupolie Jour- nul. HIS RETURN HON‘. Dfnlflod and Orderly, Ilut Why DI‘ II. LIIM the (he In myli'tut? "I know u mun." aye Ir. Jemee W. Scott, "who recently went lioine from e club function et u eeendiilouely lute hour, or, lf you pleete, It nu equally mnduloue ly early hour. He bed e wholeeotne regard for hie better hull, I0 he entered the boute very dl'ulfledly. hung up lile hut In ite proper pluce'end mounted the etetmy to hie epertment with exemplery preeleleu. Be etruek e match eeflly, lighted the ‘I end w- exceedingly eeetloue about die eobhgeedinptenh'hiemeute intent lull oMertklt lit wile ebould kenuc w m to meek kin Int My. Ike . be "ducted M with “it putleuhmy wkteb te net tom lute el em M tee neeu Nu In“. JD“ Cull nil one week .¢ 7 3.1. "mute-m. " eeeeeum lute. vv Met . V - -. - ' um em. Auntie. ll cburwnouunv neunmunn 1m H. H. Oossifl G Bro. (tmmeeor to .I. L. UM) Fruit @332 Commission Merchant AND RETAIL ONTARIO Two (2) STORIBMTKLIPHOII 244a d Nib W u OLE QAIJQ 13110 CIKVILLE overruns IN SEASON LYN AGRICUIl-TURAL WOREé . ... {WW Ploughs and plough points at very lowest prices and old metal want ed at Highest Market price. USE LARDIN E MACHINE OIL The (‘Iiiuiipion (lold fill-.(lul (lil, which iruiinol. be Excelled. iMoCGLL’S (JYLINDER OIL HAS NH l‘lQlTAl.. MANUFACTURED BY chColl Bros. I§C0., Toronto Ask your Dealer for “Lardine” and beware of imitations. For sale by all leudingdoulorn in the country lluvc a good stuck oi guanine Will bi: [)I‘(Zpill'i"(l to sell tho sumo at moderate prices, and will at :ill time» bu prepared to pay the highest market price for wool in cash or trade. all~wool Yarn and Cloth, Lyn. April lT. 1894 MD... ....._ . .______ - ,_ - _ You Need Flesh. When you are without healthy flesh you are weak somewhere, or else your food docs not nourish you. , Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, finds weak spots, cures them, and stores up latent strength in solid flesh to ward ofi' disease. Phys-i» a'ans, the world over endorse it scorris umursrou cures (:0 h, c ,d 141118‘ and Wasting Diseases, u‘ ’ ° ‘i Weuk Prepared by Scott l Bewne. Bellevme. All Dmulete, 50 cent. led Ol- "-_- -__,,,,__, -. .._.. ...__, “ Mexican Fly Oin. :nent ” ONLY REMEDY KNOWN FOR THE TEXAS HORN FLY Hold in Tube, Kc’, llallherrele, and Bunch, by The Samuel Rogers Oil Co. Ottawa ‘ and. Brookvtlloe 5!- Quototlevie m u the um. v

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